Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Interdisciplinary Degree in Social Work &
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Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Interdisciplinary Degree in Social Work & Social Science, 1988. Social Science Concentration: Psychology Dissertation Title: “Disaffection in Marriage: Its Perceived Process and Attributions” Chair: Joseph Veroff, Ph.D. M.S.W. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Social Work, 1977. Specialization: Interpersonal Practice with Children and Families, 1977. B.A. Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, Social Work & Psychology, 1975.
2011-Date Professor & Dr. Renato LaRocca Endowed Chair in Oncology Social Work, University of Louisville, Kent School of Social Work, Louisville, KY. 2002-2011 Professor, Boston College, Graduate School of Social Work, Chestnut Hill, MA. 2005-2011 Chair, Health and Mental Health Field of Practice, Boston College, Graduate School of Social Work, Chestnut Hill, MA. 2008 Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy. 1994-2002 Associate Professor, Boston College, Graduate School of Social Work, Chestnut Hill, MA. 1990-1994 Assistant Professor, Boston College, Graduate School of Social Work, Chestnut Hill, MA 1989-1990 NICHD Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, School of Social Work, Ann Arbor, MI 1977-1980 Instructor, Concordia College, Department of Social Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI.
2012 Quality of Life in Cancer Care Award, Association of Oncology Social Work/American Cancer Society 2012 Susan G. Koman Visiting Professor, University of Maryland
Association of Oncology Social Work/Millennium, “Testing the Fidelity and Feasibility of Distress Screening Implementation in Routine Clinical Care with Cancer Patients,” $32,000 (Principal Investigator) National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC-Australia), “Coping Together: A Randomised Controlled Trial of a Self-directed Coping Skills Intervention for Patients with Cancer and their Partners,” $718,022, 2011-2014. (Chief Investigator) NIH/NCI, “Development of an Interdisciplinary Oncology Palliative Care Curriculum,” $1,564,459, 2010- 2015 (Faculty) University Research Expense Grant, “Reducing Health Disparities in Palliative Care: A Pilot Study of a Community-based Interdisciplinary Palliative Intervention,” $2,000, 2010-11.
University Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring Grant (with Rosanna DeMarco), “Development of Social Work/Nursing Course on Poverty, Health Disparities, and Interdisciplinary Palliative Care,” $4000, Summer, 2010. American Cancer Society Doctoral Training Grant (Student: Phil Higgins), $40,000, 2010-13. Fulbright, US-Italy Commission, Research Scholar Award, “Coping among Adult Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers in Northern Italy: An Investigation of Social and Cultural Factors and a Psychosocial Intervention,” Spring, 2008.
PUBLICATIONS Lambert, S., Girgis, A., Turner, J., McElduff, P., Kayser, K. & Vallentine, P. (2012). A pilot randomized controlled trial of the feasibility of a self-directed coping skills intervention for couples facing prostate cancer: Rationale and design, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 10, 119-129. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-10-119.
Regan, T, Lambert, S., Girgis, A, Kelly, B., Kayser, K. & Turner, J. (2012). Do couple-based interventions make a difference for couples affected by cancer?: A systematic review, Biomedical Cancer, 12:279, doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-279
Kayser, K., Acquati, C., & Tran, T.V. (2012). No patients left behind: A Systematic Review of the Cultural Equivalence of Distress Screening Instruments, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 30(6), 679- 693.
Lombe, M., Newransky, C., & Kayser, K. (2012). Effects of Participating in Self-Help Group on Social Inclusion: Perceptions from Vulnerable Women in South India, Journal of Sociology and Social Work, 39(2), 141-159.
Bodenmann, G., Meuwly, N., & Kayser, K. (2011). Two conceptualizations of dyadic coping and their potential for predicting relationship quality and individual well-being. European Psychologist, 16, 255-266.
Kayser, K., Feldman, B.N., Borstelmann, & Daniels, A. (2010.) The effects of a randomized couple-based intervention on the quality of life of breast cancer patients and their partners Journal of Social Work Research, 34(1), 20-32.
Kayser, K., Lombe, M., Newransky, C, Tower, G., & Raj, P.M. (2010). Microcredit self-help groups for widowed and abandoned women in South India: Do they help? Journal of Social Service Research, 36(1), 12-23.
Kayser, K. (2010). Couple Therapy. In J.R. Brandell (Ed.), Theory and practice in clinical social work (2nd ed., pp 259-288), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kayser, K. (Executive Producer & Writer) (2011). Empowered Voices: Widows of Tamil Nadu, India. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College Films.
Kayser, K. (Executive Producer & Writer) (2010). In the Wake of Tsunami: Loss, Hope, and Resilience in South India. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College Films.
Kayser, K & Acquati, C. Moderating Effects on the Dyadic Coping Outcomes of Breast Cancer Patients in a Couple-based Intervention, Paper presented at the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, October 20, 2011, Antalya, Turkey.
Lambert, SD., Girgis A., Turner, J., Kayser, K., Chambers, S., McComb, V., Lawsin, C., Britton, B., Valentine, P. Preliminary Findings of a Qualitative Evaluation of a Coping Skills Intervention for Couples facing Cancer: Insights into Preferences for Self-directed Learning. Symposium presentation International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) 13th World Congress. October 2011. Antalaya, Turkey Regan, T, Lambert, S, Girgis A, Kelly, B, Turner, Kayser, K What is the Evidence-base for Couple-based Interventions? A Systematic Review. Paper presented at International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, October 20, 2011, Antalya, Turkey.
Kayser, K., Newransky, C., & Lombe, M. (2010). The Widows Project in South India: Moving from Disaster Relief to a Sustainable Future. Paper presented at the International Conference on Development and Equity for a Global Society: Emerging Concerns for Social Work, Chennai, India, August 7.
Kayser, K., Cheung, P., & Rao, N. (2010). A Cross-cultural Analysis of Couples Coping with Breast Cancer in Hong Kong China, India, and the U.S. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland, June 29.
Kayser, K. (2010). The Effects of a Cognitive-behavioral Intervention on Dyadic Coping of Breast Cancer Patients and Their Partners. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, MA, June 5.
Kayser, K., Cigoli, V., Saita, E., & Acquati, C. (2010). Women’s Adaptation to Early Stage Breast Cancer: The Influence of Personality Traits and Interpersonal Closeness on the Style of Coping with Cancer, Paper presented at the Stress and Coping in Close Relationships: New Theoretical and Empirical Insights, Zurich, Switzerland, February 19.
Kayser, K., Costa, G., & Margola, D. (2010). Examining the Dyadic Coping Process through the Lens of Multiple Methods, Paper presented at the Stress and Coping in Close Relationships: New Theoretical and Empirical Insights, Zurich, Switzerland, February 19.
Acquati, C., Saita, E., Kayser, K., Zuliani, C., & Zanchi, D. (2013). Breast Cancer Pre-screening Anxiety: Identifying Psychological Vulnerability among Italian Women. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of American Psycho-Oncology Society, San Diego, CA, February 16-18.
Kayser, K., (2013). Cultural Equivalence of Distress Screening Instruments. Workshop presentation at 17th Annual Conference, Society for Social Work Research, SanDiego, CA, January 17.
Bekteshi, V. & Kayser, K. (2012). Coping with Acculturative Stress Among Latinas: Contextual Approach to Immigration Challenges. Bekteshi, V. & Kayser, K. (2012). The Relationship of Acculturative Stress and Psychological Distress Among Latina Immigrants: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Cuban-, Mexican- and Puerto-Rican- Born Women. Newransky, C., Kayser, K., & Lombe, M. (2012). The Development of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Widowed and Abandoned Women Through Self-Help Microcredit Groups: The Case of Rural South India. Bekteshi, V. & Kayser, K. (2012). When a Mother Has Cancer: Pathways to Relational Growth for Mothers and Daughters Coping with Cancer. Papers presented at the 16th Annual Conference, Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC, January 15, 2012. Kayser, K., Saita, E., Acquati, C. (2011). Women Coping with Breast Cancer: The Impact of Personality and Close Relationships on Coping Strategies, Society for Social Work Research, 15th Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, January 13, 2011. Lombe, M., Kayser, K., & Newransky, C. (2010) Effects of Participating in Self-Help Group on Social Inclusion: Perceptions from Vulnerable Women in South India. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Meeting, January 15, San Francisco, CA.
INVITED ADDRESSES, LECTURES, & WORKSHOPS “Conducting Health Research in Interdisciplinary Settings: Pathways, Pitfalls, and Pearls of Wisdom,” Workshop with C. Parry, S. Gehlert, E.A. Rohan, B. Zebrack, W. Reynolds, Society for Social Work Research, 15th Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, January 13, 2011.
“Survivorship Issues for Couples Coping with Cancer,” Invited Lecture, Cancer Survivorship for Clinicians Conference, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, November 6, 2010, Boston, MA.
“Equity in Health for an Inclusive Society,” Plenary Address, International Conference on Development and Equity for a Global Society: Emerging Concerns for Social Work. August 8, 2010, Chennai, India.
“Health Disparities in Palliative Care: A Community-based Interdisciplinary Intervention. Invited Lecture, Social Work Leadership in Palliative Care Pre-conference, Annual Conference of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, March 3, 2010, Boston, MA.