Section C - Scheme of Reservation and Delegation

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Section C - Scheme of Reservation and Delegation



February 2012

Approved by : NIFRS Board 28th Feb 2012 Section Page

A Powers reserved to the Board 3

B Decisions/ Duties delegated to Committees 7

C Scheme of Delegation from Accounting Officer memorandum 10

D Scheme of Delegation derived from codes of Conduct and Accountability 13

E Scheme of Delegation from Standing Orders 17

F Scheme of Delegation from Standing Financial Instructions 20

G Scheme of Delegation to Executive Directors 32




REF RESERVED TO / DECISIONS RESERVED TO THE BOARD DELEGATED TO General Enabling Provision NA THE BOARD The Board may determine any matter, for which it has delegated or statutory authority, it wishes in full session within its statutory powers. Regulations and Control NA THE BOARD 1. Approve Standing Orders (SOs), a schedule of matters reserved to the Board and Standing Financial Instructions for the regulation of its proceedings and business. 2. Suspend Standing Orders. 3. Vary or amend the Standing Orders. 4. Ratify any urgent decisions taken by the Chairman and Chief Fire Officer in public session in accordance with Standing Orders 5. Approve a scheme of delegation of powers from the Board to committees. 6. Require and receive the declaration of Board members’ interests that may conflict with those of NIFRS and determining the extent to which the member may remain involved with the matter under consideration. 7. Require and receive the declaration of officers’ interests that may conflict with those of NIFRS. 8. Approve arrangements for dealing with complaints. 9. Adopt the organisation structures, processes and procedures to facilitate the discharge of business by NIFRS and to agree modifications thereto. 10. Receive reports from committees including those that NIFRS is required by DHSSPS or other regulation to establish and to take appropriate action on. 11. Approve the recommendations of NIFRS’ committees. 12. Establish terms of reference and reporting arrangements of all committees and sub-committees that are established by the Board. 13. Authorise use of the seal. 14. Ratify or otherwise instances of failure to comply with Standing Orders brought to the Chief Fire

4 REF RESERVED TO / DECISIONS RESERVED TO THE BOARD DELEGATED TO Officer’s attention in accordance with SO 15. Discipline members of the Board who are in breach of statutory requirements or SOs.

Appointments/ Dismissal NA THE BOARD 1. Appoint the Vice Chairman of the Board. 2. Appoint and dismiss committees (and individual members) that are directly accountable to the Board. 3. Confirm appointment of members of any committee of NIFRS as representatives on outside bodies. 4. Approve proposals of the Remuneration Committee regarding directors and senior employees and those of the Chief Fire Officer for staff not covered by the Remuneration Committee.

Strategy, Plans and Budgets NA THE BOARD 1. Define the strategic aims and objectives of NIFRS. 2. Approve NIFRS’ policies and procedures for the management of risk. 3. Approve Outline and Final Business Cases for Capital Investment in accordance with MSFM limits. 4. Approve budgets. 5. Approve annually NIFRS’ proposed organisational Business Plans proposals. 6. Ratify proposals for acquisition, disposal or change of use of land and/or buildings. 7. Approve PFI proposals. 8. Approve the opening of bank accounts and NIFRS banking arrangements. 9. Approve proposals on individual contracts above £50,000 per annum. 10. Approve proposals in individual cases for the write off of losses or making of special payments above the limits of delegation to the Chief Fire Officer and Director of Finance & Performance Management & Performance Management (for losses and special payments) previously approved by the Board. 11. Ratify agreed compensation payments which have been sanctioned by the DHSSPS and that are above the limits of delegation to the Chief Fire Officer. 12. Approve proposals for action on litigation against or on behalf of NIFRS which have been sanctioned by the DHSSPS.

5 REF RESERVED TO / DECISIONS RESERVED TO THE BOARD DELEGATED TO Policy Determination THE BOARD 1. Approve management policies including personnel policies incorporating the arrangements for the appointment, removal and remuneration of staff.

2. Policies so adopted shall be listed and appended to this document by the Board Secretary.

Audit THE BOARD 1. Receive of the annual management letter received from the external auditor and agreement of proposed action, taking account of the advice, where appropriate, of the Audit Committee. 2. Receive an annual report from the Internal Auditor and agree action on recommendations where appropriate of the Audit Committee.

NA THE BOARD Annual Reports and Accounts 1. Receipt and approval of NIFRS Annual Report and Annual Accounts.

NA THE BOARD Monitoring 1. Receive such reports as the Board sees fit from committees in respect of their exercise of powers delegated. 2. Continuous appraisal of the affairs of NIFRS by means of the provision to the Board as the Board may require from directors, committees, and officers of NIFRS as set out in management policy statements and MSFM. 3. Receive reports from Director of Finance & Performance Management on financial performance against budget and from Director of Planning and Corporate Affairs, reports on the progress of NIFRS Business Planning objectives and targets.




REF COMMITTEE DECISIONS/DUTIES DELEGATED BY THE BOARD TO COMMITTEES The Committee will: Standing AUDIT & RISK Orders COMMITTEE 1. Advise the Board on internal and external audit services; Sc. 11 2. The Committee shall review the establishment and maintenance of an effective system of integrated governance, risk management and internal control, across the whole of the organisation’s activities that supports the achievement of the organisation’s objectives; 3. Monitor compliance with Standing Orders, Scheme of Delegation and Standing Financial Instructions; 4. Review schedules of losses and compensations and making recommendations to the Board. 5. Review the annual financial statements and management letter prior to submission to the Board. 6. Review on a regular basis Fraud Policies and Fraud Register. 7. Monitor progress against audit recommendations.

The Committee will: Standing REMUNERATION Orders COMMITTEE 1. Advise the Board about appropriate remuneration and terms of service for the Chief Fire Officer, other Sc. 11 Executive Directors and other senior employees including:  All aspects of salary in accordance with NJC and other guidelines (including any performance related elements/bonuses);  Provisions for other benefits, including pensions and cars;  Make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration and terms of service of executive directors and senior employees to ensure they are fairly rewarded for their individual contribution to NIFRS - having proper regard to NIFRS’ circumstances and performance and to the provisions of any national arrangements for such staff;  Proper calculation and scrutiny of termination payments taking account of such national guidance as is appropriate advise on and oversee appropriate contractual arrangements for such staff; 2. The Committee shall report in writing to the Board the basis for its recommendations. 3. Approval of all pay increases and ‘pay remit’ documents prior to submission to DHSSPS 4. Approval of all Job Evaluations prior to submission to DHSSPS.

8 REF COMMITTEE DECISIONS/DUTIES DELEGATED BY THE BOARD TO COMMITTEES To consider reports and make recommendations on all aspects of operational service delivery and Standing SERVICE DELIVERY AND performance including Orders PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE  All Corporate, Business and Operational plans Sc. 11  All Operational Policies and Procedures  Monitoring of Performance against KPIs  Operational Planning and Operational Assurance  Health and Safety Compliance  Monitoring of performance of the Regional Control Centre

To Consider all HR Matters including Workforce Planning, Development and all general matters relating to Standing HUMAN RESOURCES strategy, policy, pay and conditions of Service including; Orders COMMITTEE  HR Strategy, Policy and Procedures Sc. 11  Training and Development  Workforce Planning  Equality and Diversity issues including statutory reports  Performance appraisal and employee development  Occupational Health and Employee Welfare

To advise and provide additional assurances to the Board on its financial affairs including; Standing FINANCE COMMITTEE Orders  Financial Planning, Performance and Governance  Budgets and Budgetary Control Sc. 11  Scrutiny and oversight of Capital Investment and Economic Appraisals  Performance and Achievements  Corporate Policy and Development  Procurement Policy and Contracts  Estates Issues/ Asset Management




CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Accountable through DHSSPS Accounting Officer to Parliament / NI Assembly for stewardship of NIFRS resources

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Ensure the NIFRS Accounts are prepared under principles and in a format directed by the DHSSPS. Accounts must disclose a true and fair view of NIFRS’ income and expenditure and its state of affairs. Sign the accounts on behalf of the Board.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Sign a statement in the accounts outlining responsibilities as the Accountable Officer. Sign a statement in the accounts outlining responsibilities in respect of Internal Control.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Ensure effective management systems that safeguard public funds and assist the NIFRS Chairman to implement requirements of corporate governance including ensuring managers:  have a clear view of their objectives and the means to assess achievements in relation to those objectives  be assigned well defined responsibilities for making best use of resources  have the information, training and access to the expert advice they need to exercise their responsibilities effectively.

CHAIRMAN Implement requirements of corporate governance.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Achieve value for money from the resources available to NIFRS and avoid waste and extravagance in the organisation's activities. Follow through the implementation of any recommendations affecting good practice as set out on reports from the Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO).

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER  Operational responsibility for effective and sound financial management and information.  Primary duty to see that DFPM discharges this function.


CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Ensuring that expenditure by NIFRS complies with Parliamentary / NI Assembly and DHSSPS requirements.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Chief Fire Officer, supported by all Executive Directors, to ensure appropriate advice is given to the Board on all matters of probity, regularity, prudent and economical administration, efficiency and effectiveness.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER If the Chief Fire Officer considers the Board or Chairman is doing something that might infringe probity or regularity, he/she should set this out in writing to the Chairman and the Board. If the matter is unresolved, he/she should ask the Audit & Risk Committee to inquire and if necessary the DHSSPS.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER If the Board is contemplating a course of action that raises an issue not of formal propriety or regularity but affects the Chief Fire Officer’s responsibility for value for money, the Chief Fire Officer should draw the relevant factors to the attention of the Board. If the outcome is that you are overruled it is normally sufficient to ensure that your advice and the overruling of it are clearly apparent from the papers. Exceptionally, the Chief Fire Officer should inform the DHSSPS. In such cases, the Chief Fire Officer should as a member of the Board vote against the course of action rather than merely abstain from voting.





BOARD Approve procedure for declaration of hospitality and sponsorship.

BOARD Ensure proper and widely publicised procedures for voicing complaints, concerns about misadministration, breaches of Code of Conduct, and other ethical concerns.

ALL BOARD MEMBERS Subscribe to Code of Conduct and Best Practice Board members share corporate responsibility for all decisions of the Board. BOARD Chair and non-executive members are responsible for monitoring the executive management of the CHAIR AND ALL BOARD organisation and are responsible to the Minister for the discharge of those responsibilities. MEMBERS The Board has six key functions for which it is held accountable by the DHSSPS on behalf of the BOARD Minister:

1. to ensure effective financial stewardship through value for money, financial control and financial planning and strategy; 2. to ensure that high standards of corporate governance and personal behaviour are maintained in the conduct of the business of the whole organisation; 3. to appoint, appraise and remunerate senior executives; 4. to ratify the strategic direction of the organisation within the overall policies and priorities of the NI Executive and the DHSSPS, define its annual and longer term objectives and agree plans to achieve them; 5. to oversee the delivery of planned results by monitoring performance against objectives and ensuring corrective action is taken when necessary; 6. to ensure effective dialogue between the organisation and the local community on its plans and performance and that these are responsive to the community's needs.

It is the Board’s duty to: BOARD 1. act within statutory financial and other constraints; 2. be clear what decisions and information are appropriate to the Board and draw up Standing Orders, a

14 REF DELEGATED TO AUTHORITIES/DUTIES DELEGATED schedule of decisions reserved to the Board and Standing Financial Instructions to reflect these, 3. ensure that management arrangements are in place to enable responsibility to be clearly delegated to Executive Directors for the main programmes of action and for performance against programmes to be monitored and Executive Directors held to account; 4. establish performance and quality measures that maintain the effective use of resources and provide value for money; 5. specify its requirements in organising and presenting financial and other information succinctly and efficiently to ensure the Board can fully undertake its responsibilities; 6. establish Audit and Remuneration Committees on the basis of formally agreed terms of reference that set out the membership of the sub-committee, the limit to their powers, and the arrangements for reporting back to the main Board.

It is the Chairman's role to: CHAIRMAN 1. provide leadership to the Board; 2. enable all Board members to make a full contribution to the Board's affairs and ensure that the Board acts as a team; 3. ensure that key and appropriate issues are discussed by the Board in a timely manner, 4. ensure the Board has adequate support and is provided efficiently with all the necessary data on which to base informed decisions; 5. lead Non-Executive Board members through a formally-appointed Remuneration Committee of the main Board on the appointment, appraisal and remuneration of the Chief Fire Officer and (with the latter) other Executive Directors; 6. appoint Non-Executive Board members to an Audit & Risk Management Committee of the main Board; 7. advise the Minister on the performance of Non-Executive Board members.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER The Chief Fire Officer is accountable to the Chairman and Non-Executive members of the Board for ensuring that its decisions are implemented, that the organisation works effectively, in accordance with Government policy and public service values and for the maintenance of proper financial stewardship. The Chief Fire Officer should be allowed full scope, within clearly defined delegated powers, for action in fulfilling the decisions of the Board. The other duties of the Chief Fire Officer as Accountable Officer are laid out in the Accountable Officer


Non-Executive Directors are appointed by the DHSSPS Public Appointments Unit to bring independent BOARD judgement to bear on issues of strategy, performance, key appointments and accountability through the MEMBERS DHSSPS to the Minister and to the local community. Declaration of conflict of interests. ALL BOARD MEMBERS AND DIRECTORS NIFRS Board must comply with legislation and guidance issued by the DHSSPS on behalf of the BOARD Minister, respect agreements entered into by themselves or on their behalf and establish terms and conditions of service that are fair to the staff and represent good value for taxpayers' money.





Standing CHAIRMAN Final authority in interpretation of Standing Orders (SOs).

Orders BOARD Appointment of Vice Chairman

CHAIRMAN Call meetings.

CHAIRMAN Chair all Board meetings and associated responsibilities.

CHAIRMAN Give final ruling in questions of order, relevancy and regularity of meetings.

CHAIRMAN Having a second or casting vote

BOARD Suspension of Standing Orders

AUDIT & RISK Audit Committee to review every decision to suspend Standing Orders (power to suspend Standing Orders COMMITTEE is reserved to the Board)

BOARD Variation or amendment of Standing Orders

BOARD Formal delegation of powers to sub committees or joint committees and approval of their constitution and terms of reference.

CHAIRMAN & CHIEF The powers which the Board has retained to itself within these Standing Orders may in emergency be FIRE OFFICER exercised by the Chair and Chief Fire Officer after having agreed the course of action with at least two other Board Members.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER The Chief Fire Officer shall prepare a Scheme of Delegation identifying his/her proposals that shall be considered and approved by the Board, subject to any amendment agreed during the discussion. Disclosure of non-compliance with Standing Orders to the Chief Fire Officer as soon as possible. ALL

BOARD Declare relevant and material interests.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Maintain Register(s) of Interests.


Standing ALL STAFF Comply with all guidance contained with in NIFRS Staff Code of Conduct and other relevant standards of Orders public life. ALL STAFF Disclose relationship between self and candidate for staff appointment and withdraw from any appointment process.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Keep seal in safe place and maintain a register of sealing.

CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Approve and sign all documents which will be necessary in legal proceedings.






2 ALL MEMBERS OF THE BOARD  Responsible for security of NIFRS property, avoiding loss, exercising economy and efficiency in using AND EMPLOYEES resources and conforming to Standing Orders, Financial Instructions and financial procedures.  Have a duty to disclose any significant/material non-compliance with these Standing Financial Instructions to the Director of Finance & Performance Management as soon as possible. CHIEF FIRE OFFICER 2  To ensure all Board members, officers and employees, present and future, are notified of and understand Standing Financial Instructions  Ensure that any contractor or employee of a contractor who is empowered by NIFRS to commit NIFRS to expenditure or who is authorised to obtain income are made aware of these instructions and their requirement to comply.  Responsible as the Accountable Officer to ensure financial targets and obligations are met and have overall responsibility for the System of Internal Control.

2 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER &  Accountable for financial control but will, as far as possible, delegate their detailed responsibilities. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE &  Responsible for: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT a) Implementing NIFRS financial policies and co-ordinating corrective action; b) Maintaining an effective system of financial control including ensuring detailed financial procedures and systems are prepared and documented; c) Ensuring that sufficient records are maintained to explain NIFRS’ transactions and financial position; d) Providing financial advice to members of Board and staff; e) Maintaining such accounts, certificates etc as are required for NIFRS to carry out its statutory duties.

2 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE &  Approval of all financial procedures. Performance Mgt  Advice on interpretation or application of SFIs.


DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & Ensure all staff are made aware of NIFRS policy on the acceptance of gifts and other benefits in kind by CORPORATE AFFAIRS staff


Raise the matter at the Board meeting where Audit Committee considers there is evidence of ultra vires 3 CHAIR transactions or improper acts.

3 AUDIT & RISK MGT  Provide independent and objective view on internal control and probity. COMMITTEE  Ensure cost-effective External Audit.

3 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER  Ensure an effective Internal Audit Service, for which he/she is accountable, is provided (and involve the /DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & Audit& Risk Committee in the selection process when/if an internal audit service provider is changed.) PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT  Decide at what stage to involve police in cases of misappropriation and other irregularities not involving fraud or corruption.  Monitor and ensure compliance with DHSSPS Directions on fraud and corruption 3 HEAD OF INTERNAL AUDIT  Review, appraise and report in accordance with Audit Manual and best practice.


4 BOARD Approve and monitor risk management programme.

4 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER /  Decide whether NIFRS will self-insure for some or all of the risks (where discretion is allowed). DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & Decisions to self-insure should be reviewed annually by the Board. CORPORATE AFFAIRS  Consider whether any insurance claim can be made.  Develop a Risk Management Policy and maintain a Risk Register.  ensure that the Board is informed of the nature and extent of the risks that arise as a result of the requirement for NIFRS to self insure. The DPCA will draw up formal documented procedures for the management of any claims arising from third parties and payments in respect of losses that will not be


reimbursed.  Ensure documented procedures cover management of claims.


1. Compile and submit to the Board a NIFRS Business Plan which takes into account financial targets and 5 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER forecast limits of available resources. The NIFRS Business Plan will contain:  a statement of the significant assumptions on which the plan is based;  details of major changes in workload, delivery of services or resources required to achieve the plan.

2. Identify and implement cost improvements and income generation activities.

3. Submit monitoring returns as appropriate.

5 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & 1. Submit budgets to the Board for approval. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 2. Must not exceed the budgetary total or virement limits set by the Board and DHSSPS 3. Devise and maintain systems of budgetary control. 4. Delegate budget to budget holders 5. Monitor performance against budget; submit to the Board financial estimates and forecasts. 6. Ensure adequate training is delivered on an on going basis to budget holders.

5 BUDGET HOLDERS / Ensure that DIRECTORS a) no overspend or reduction of income that cannot be met from virement is incurred without and prior consent of the DFPM and approval of Board and DHSSPS; b) approved budget is not used for any other than specified purpose subject to rules of virement; c) no permanent employees are appointed without the approval of the CFO other than those provided for within available resources and manpower establishment.



6 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER  As the Accountable Officer, ensure that regular reports are provided to the Board detailing actual and forecast income.  Income systems, including system design, prompt banking, review and approval of fees and charges, debt recovery arrangements, design and control of receipts, provision of adequate facilities and systems for employees whose duties include collecting or holding cash.


7 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & Preparation of Annual Accounts and Reports. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT


8 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & Management of Banking Arrangements, including provision of banking services, operation of accounts, PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT preparation of instructions and list of cheque signatories.

8 ALL EMPLOYEES Duty to inform DFPM of money due from transactions which they initiate/deal with.


9 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER  Overall responsibility for fixed assets.  Security arrangements and custody of keys  Where a criminal offence is suspected, CFO must inform the PSNI.


9 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER, Responsibility for security of NIFRS assets including notifying discrepancies to DFPM, and reporting EXECUTIVE MEMBERS AND losses in accordance with NIFRS and DHSSPS procedures. ALL STAFF

9 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE &  Maintenance of asset registers PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT  Approve procedures for reconciling balances on fixed assets accounts in ledgers against balances on fixed asset registers.  Approval of fixed asset control procedures  Notify Board, DHSSPS and External Auditor of losses caused by theft, arson, neglect of duty or gross carelessness (unless trivial).

STAFF APPOINTMENTS & PAYMENT OF STAFF BOARD  Establish a Remuneration & Terms of Service Committee

Advise the Board on and make recommendations on the remuneration and terms of service of the CFO, 10 REMUNERATION COMMITEE other officer members and senior employees to ensure they are fairly rewarded having proper regard to NIFRS’ circumstances and any national agreements; Monitor and evaluate the performance of individual senior executives;  Advise on and oversee appropriate contractual arrangements for such staff, including proper calculation and scrutiny of termination payments.  Report in writing to the Board its advice and its bases about remuneration and terms of service of Executive Directors and staff.  Re-grading in accordance with NJC and other guidance.

10 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER  The Chief Fire Officer shall nominate officers with delegated authority to enter into contracts of employment, regarding staff, agency staff or temporary staff service contracts.

25 SFI REF DELEGATED TO AUTHORITIES/DUTIES DELEGATED Ensure that all employees are issued with a Contract of Employment in a form approved by the Board and 10 CFO / DIRECTOR OF HR which complies with employment legislation; and Deal with variations to, or termination of, contracts of employment.

10 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & Payroll: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT a) specifying timetables for submission of properly authorised time records and other notifications; b) final determination of pay and allowances; c) making payments on agreed dates; d) agreeing method of payment; e) issuing instructions.

Ensure that the chosen method for payroll processing is supported by appropriate (contracted) terms and conditions, adequate internal controls and audit review procedures and that suitable arrangements are made for the collection of payroll deductions and payment of these to appropriate bodies.

TENDERING ARRANGEMENTS 11 BOARD  All PFI proposals must be agreed by the Board and DHSSPS.

11 CHAIR / CHIEF FIRE OFFICER/ Capital investment programme: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & a) ensure that there is adequate appraisal and approval process for determining capital expenditure PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT priorities and the effect that each has on plans b) responsible for the management of capital schemes and for ensuring that they are delivered on time and within cost; c) ensure that capital investment is not undertaken without availability of resources to finance all revenue consequences; d) ensure that a business case is produced for each proposal. 11 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER  Determine, and set out, level of delegation of non-pay expenditure to budget managers, including a list of managers authorised to place requisitions, the maximum level of each requisition and the system for authorisation above that level.

26 SFI REF DELEGATED TO AUTHORITIES/DUTIES DELEGATED  Issue manager responsible for any capital scheme with authority to commit expenditure, authority to proceed to tender and approval to accept a successful tender.  Issue a scheme of delegation for capital investment management.  The Chief Fire Officer shall demonstrate that the use of private finance represents value for money and genuinely transfers risk to the private sector.  The Chief Fire Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that best value for money can be demonstrated for all services provided on an in-house basis.  The Chief Fire Officer shall nominate an officer who shall oversee and manage each contract on behalf of NIFRS.  No tender or quotation shall be accepted which will commit expenditure in excess of that which has been allocated by NIFRS and which is not in accordance with these Instructions.  The Chief Fire Officer or his nominated officer should evaluate the quotation and select the quote which gives the best value for money.  Authorise who may use and be issued with official orders.  Waive formal tendering procedures.  Report waivers of tendering procedures to the Board  Will appoint a manager to maintain a list of approved firms.  Issue procedures for management of contracts involving stage payments.

11 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING &  Identify persons authorised to requisition and accept goods from all suppliers. CORPORATE AFFAIRS  Tendering and contract procedure  Responsible for the receipt, endorsement and safe custody of tenders received.  Shall maintain a register to show each set of competitive tender invitations dispatched  Shall ensure that appropriate checks are carried out as to the technical and financial capability of those firms that are invited to tender or quote.


 Where one tender is received will assess for value for money and fair price.

11 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER/  Set out procedures on the seeking of professional advice regarding the supply of goods and services. DIRECTOR OF PLANNING &  In choosing the item to be supplied (or the service to be performed) shall always obtain the best value CORPORATE AFFAIRS/ for money for NIFRS. In so doing, the advice of COPE shall be sought.  Comply with extant guidance from DHSSPS on procurement and Single Tender Actions (STAs)

11 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & Shall be responsible for the prompt payment of accounts and claims. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT

11 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING &  Advise the Board regarding the setting of thresholds above which quotations (competitive or otherwise) CORPORATE AFFAIRS/ or formal tenders must be obtained; and, once approved, the thresholds should be incorporated in DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & standing orders and regularly reviewed; PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT  Prepare procedural instructions [where not already provided in the Scheme of Delegation or procedure notes for budget holders] on the obtaining of goods, works and services incorporating the thresholds;

11 APPROPRIATE EXECUTIVE Make a written case to support the need for a prepayment to the Director of Finance & Performance DIRECTOR Management.

11 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE &  Be responsible for the prompt payment of all properly authorised accounts and claims; PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT  Be responsible for designing and maintaining a system of verification, recording and payment of all amounts payable;  A timetable and system for submission to the Director of Finance & Performance Management of accounts for payment; provision shall be made for the early submission of accounts subject to cash discounts or otherwise requiring early payment;  Instructions to employees regarding the handling and payment of accounts within the Finance Department;  Be responsible for ensuring that payment for goods and services is only made once the goods and services are received  Demonstrate that the use of private finance represents value for money and genuinely transfers significant risk to the private sector


 Approve proposed prepayment arrangements.  Ensure that Board members are aware of the Financial Framework (SFIs and MSFM) and ensure compliance  Certify professionally the costs and revenue consequences detailed in the business case for capital investment.  Issue procedures for the regular reporting of expenditure and commitment against authorised capital expenditure  Issue procedures governing financial management, including variation to contract, of capital investment projects and valuation for accounting purposes 11 DIRECTOR/ BUDGET HOLDER Ensure that all items due under a prepayment contract are received (and immediately inform DFPM if problems are encountered). 11 DIRECTORS Ensure that they comply fully with the guidance and limits specified by MSFM and by the Director of Finance & Performance Management and DHSSPS. 11 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER/ Ensure arrangements are in place for financial control and financial audit of building and engineering DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & contracts. CORPORATE AFFAIRS

PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS 12 BOARD  Approve write off of losses (within limits delegated by DHSSPS).

12 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE &  Prepare procedures for recording and accounting for losses, special payments and informing police in PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT cases of suspected Fraud or theft.  Notify DHSSPS of all Frauds and External Audit if significant.  Maintain losses and special payments register.

12 ALL STAFF Discovery or suspicion of loss of any kind must be reported immediately to either Head of Department or relevant Director. The Head of Department / relevant Director should then inform the CFO and DFPM.



13 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER  Delegate overall responsibility for control of stores (subject to DFPM responsibility for systems of control). Further delegation for day-to-day responsibility subject to such delegation being recorded.  Approve alternative arrangements where a complete system of stores control is not justified.

13 DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL  Responsible for systems of control over stores and receipt of goods. SERVICES  Agree stocktaking arrangements with HIA and DFPM  Responsible for control of stores.  Approve system for review of slow moving and obsolete items and for condemnation, disposal and replacement of all unserviceable items. and Report to DFPM any losses or write offs


14 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER Retention of document procedures in accordance with DHSSPS guidance.

14 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE &  Satisfy himself that new financial systems and amendments to current financial systems are developed PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT in a controlled manner and thoroughly tested prior to implementation. Where this is undertaken by another organisation, assurances of adequacy must be obtained from them prior to implementation.  Where computer systems have an impact on corporate financial systems satisfy himself that: a) systems acquisition, development and maintenance are in line with corporate policies; b) data assembled for processing by financial systems is adequate, accurate, complete and timely, and that a management rail exists; c) Finance staff have access to such data as appropriate;

 Responsible for accuracy and security of computerised financial data.

30 SFI REF DELEGATED TO AUTHORITIES/DUTIES DELEGATED 14 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE &  Ensure that contracts with other bodies for the provision of computer services for financial PERFORMANCE applications clearly define responsibility of all parties for security, privacy, accuracy, completeness MANAGEMENT/ and timeliness of data during processing, transmission and storage, and allow for audit review. ICT MANAGER  Seek periodic assurances from the provider that adequate controls are in operation.

14 ICT MANAGER  Ensure that risks to NIFRS from use of IT are identified and considered and that disaster recovery plans are in place.  Ensure that Computer Audit reviews are carried out as considered necessary

14 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & Publish and maintain a Scheme of Publication and put in place policies and procedures for dealing with CORPORATE AFFAIRS FOIs, Data Protection requests, and Whistleblowing.




AREA RESPONSIBILITY SCOPE OF DELEGATION BASIS OF AUTHORITY Corporate and Business Plan Chief Fire Officer/ SO / MSFM / SFIs Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs Annual Accounts Director of Finance & SO / MSFM / SFIs Performance Management on behalf of the Board Annual Report Chief Fire Officer/ SO / MSFM / SFIs Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs Annual Accounts Certificates Chairman/ Chief Fire SO / MSFM / SFIs Officer Setting Annual Budget Chief Fire Officer / SO / MSFM / SFIs Director of Finance & Performance Management Budget Centre and Reporting Chief Fire Officer / Nominated Directors/ Budget Holders SO / MSFM / SFIs Director of Finance & responsible for devolved budgets Performance Management Business Cases Chair / Chief Fire Above £250k Board and DHSSPS approval SO / MSFM / SFIs Officer / Director of < £250k Chief Fire Officer / Director of Finance & Finance & Performance Management Performance Management


AREA RESPONSIBILITY SCOPE OF DELEGATION BASIS OF AUTHORITY Procurement of individual goods or services in Chief Fire Officer / Up to £2,000 DHSSPS/ MSFM / SFIs any one financial year Director of Planning & May be placed without seeking Corporate Affairs / quotation as per instructions outlined in Director of Finance & NIFRS procurement policy Performance Management >£2,000 - £30,000 4 formal written quotations supported by an appropriate Business case

> £30,000 Publicly advertised tender competition and supported by an appropriate Business case in accordance with OJEC if appropriate.

> £50,000 Board Approval

Single Tender Actions (STAs) Chief Fire Officer Approval to be sought from COPE prior to any STA being ratified by the Board.

34 AREA RESPONSIBILITY SCOPE OF DELEGATION BASIS OF AUTHORITY Request to advertise staff vacancies Chief Fire Officer / Director of Human Resources Replacement Posts Officers acting with delegated authority and MSFM / SFIs countersigned by the Director of Human Resources New Posts Chief Fire Officer within staffing ceilings MSFM / SFIs

Use of Consultants Chief Fire Officer All contracts requiring Use of Consultants DHSPPS / SFIs must be approved by the Chief Fire Officer & DHSSPS All contracts over £10,000 must have approval of the DHSSPS / Minister before going to tender Banking and Investment Arrangements Director of Finance & Nominated Financial Officers MSFM / SFIs Performance Management Losses and Special Payments CFO/ Director of All losses and Special Payments must be DHSSPS/ MSFM / SFIs Finance & notified to Chief Fire Officer and Director of Performance Mgt Finance and Performance Management  Up to £1,000 - DFPM  Above £1,000 – To be approved by DHSSPS and ratified by the Finance Committee/ Board

35 Compensation Payments CFO / Director of All losses and Special Payments must be MSFM/ SFIs Finance & notified to Chief Fire Officer and Director of Performance Mgt Finance and Performance Management Up to £1,000 – approved by DFPM Above £1,000 Payments to be authorised in advance by DHSSPS and ratified by the Finance Committee / Board Management of Land and Buildings Chief Fire Officer Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs / MSFM / Codes of Director of Finance & Performance Accountability / DHSSPS Management on behalf of Chief Fire Officer. Capital Manual All Assets valued over £5k must be recorded on the Fixed Asset Register in accordance with Capital Accounting Manual...

Disposal of Assets Chief Fire Officer Disposals of Assets on the Fixed Asset MSFM / Codes of Register must be notified to the DFPM. Accountability / DHSSPS Disposal of General Assets valued over £50k Capital Manual must be approved by the Board Disposal of all Land and Buildings must be approved by the Board.

Health & Safety Arrangements Chief Fire Officer Operational issues – Deputy Chief Fire Officer Health & Safety Standards – Director of Safety Services Estates – Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs AREA RESPONSIBILITY SCOPE OF DELEGATION BASIS OF AUTHORITY

36 Data Protection Chief Fire Officer  Data Protection Policy & Procedures – Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs  Financial System and Records – Director of Finance & Performance Management  IT Systems – ICT Manager Insurances Arrangements Chief Fire Officer Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs Sealing of Documents Chief Fire Officer Director of Planning & Corporate Affairs


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