Global Climate Change Affects Everyone on the Earth. the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
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Global climate change affects everyone on We will minimize our carbon footprint the Earth. The Intergovernmental Panel on when presenting the show, using as little Climate Change (IPCC) warns that our fuel as possible while traveling, and we will window of opportunity to cut our offset our emissions. greenhouse gas emissions to a level low enough to stop the global warming trend In addition to live performances, we will over the next 100 years is about to close. post the show on the internet so it can be seen by people across the U.S. and beyond. A one-woman musical show Although many people worldwide have We will encourage an online forum for about global climate change been working to reduce greenhouse gas feedback and to facilitate the sharing of emissions, they are still on the rise. With all ideas and information beyond the viewing “The Climate Monologues” brings to life the good information we’ve had for years of the show. now, we are still not doing what needs to be onstage the stories of real people in the done to reduce these greenhouse gas U.S. and around the world affected by emissions – carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, Contact us at: climate change and people working to methane and others – nearly enough to stop solve the climate crisis. Their stories are the devastating effects on the Earth in the Irthlingz communicated through their own words coming years – more frequent and severe POB 969, Eastsound, WA 98245 and through original songs that storms, floods, droughts, forest fires, the Phone: (360) 376-5773 complement the stories. spread of diseases and destructive insects. Email: [email protected] Web: These sound like the pestilences described in “The Climate Monologues” is about: the Bible. Still, we are not yet acting to prevent them. People, Passion, Ideas Why? Vision & Values Facing our fears and rising This show takes audiences, in a above them compassionate way, on a journey around Inspiration, courage and the world and into ourselves and our keeping our humanity and society to find out. It provides both sense of humor in the face of catharsis and inspiration to help us reach the needed emissions targets in the next few critical challenges years. Irthlingz Arts-Based Environmental Education “The Climate Monologues” Sharon Abreu
Since its founding in 2002, Irthlingz has pursued Performances will begin in New York and Sharon Abreu is executive director of Irthlingz its mission to engage, educate and inspire Washington State beginning in the spring of Arts-Based Environmental Education, a tax- people to become stewards of the Earth. Projects 2010. exempt nonprofit based in Washington State. have included environmental musical shows such as the Penguins on Thin Ice climate change The show is not political. It doesn’t promote any Sharon began combining music and environ- musical revue, which was performed by students piece of legislation, political candidate or party, mental education in 1993 after joining New from New York’s High School for Environmental and won't jeopardize any organization's not-for- York’s Hudson River Sloop Clearwater while Studies at the United Nations for the U.N. profit status. studying voice in New York City. She educated Commission on Sustainable Development in herself about climate change, attending a 2007, for which the students received a standing Global climate change is a social, health, symposium at the American Museum of Natural ovation. We have brought our music to the World environmental, economic, and ethical issue that History and training to be a speaker with the Summit on Sustainable Development in South concerns all people. The purpose of the show is Green House Network of Portland, OR. Sharon Africa and U.N. World Environment Day. to bring people in the U.S. and around the world has been singing and speaking about climate closer together and inspire people to take action change for schools, businesses and community There are links to the songs from Penguins on on climate change in their own lives. groups since 1999. She is on the roster of the Thin Ice at EcoSpeakers speakers’ bureau. The songs in The Climate Monologues will be By presenting stories of real people and different from these songs, but these provide a highlighting the human element in dealing with Sharon has served as a delegate to the U.N. sample of our work. the very real challenge of climate change, it Commission on Sustainable Development since becomes clear how much we are connected to she was hired to sing at the U.N. in 1998. Her Testimonials are available at: each other and to this challenge. It will be a song Change in the Climate has been featured serious show, but also uplifting and inspiring, on Air America’s EcoTalk and WBAI’s with a healthy dose of humor. EcoLogic. She performed the song at a special planning meeting for the New York Metro Region The show will run 60-70 minutes. After the show, Input to the New York State Greenhouse Gas there will be an opportunity for feedback and Action Plan. She has sung for U.N. World discussion about the show and the issue of Environment Day and for 2004 Nobel Peace climate change. Prize winner Wangari Maathai.
Single engagement performances or a series of Sharon's bio: performances can be scheduled. Technical requirements will be minimal. There _bio.htm may be some projections involved if there is access to a projector, and audio will be needed Sharon in performance: Contact: for the pre-recorded musical accompaniment. html - Speaker-Performer, EcoSpeakers Irthlingz speakers’ bureau POB 969, Eastsound, WA 98245, USA - The Phone: (360) 376-5773 Cheap Energy Store (“shop ghoul”) (in 2 parts) Email: [email protected] Web: – classical voice excerpts