E N G L I S H G R a M M a R - T E N S E S (English-English)

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E N G L I S H G R a M M a R - T E N S E S (English-English)

E n g l i s h G r a m m a r - T e n s e s (English-English)

Exercise 1. Make questions so that the word printed like this is the answer to your question.

1. She can drive a car ______2. He opened the door with a key. ______3. I have received a letter from him. ______4. Mary has invited Arthur. ______5. Mary invited Arthur. ______6. She may go to the cinema tonight. ______7. He put his car in the garage. ______8. She has swept the floor with a brush. ______9. We went out with some friends. ______10. You can borrow the car. ______11. I'll send the letter to you. ______12. We talked to him on the phone. ______13. Arthur will go there tomorrow. ______14. He hit the boy with a stick. ______15. She will hear from them soon. ______16. You may have an apple. ______18. He plays football fairly well. ______19. I caught the fish with my net. ______20. I often go to church on Sundays.______21. This teacher is about forty. ______22. Sheila will enjoy the trip. ______23. Tom has asked us to come. ______24. She is old and ugly and fat. ______25. The cat is black and white. ______26. I gave him $100. ______27. We ran to the station to catch the bus. ______28. She bought the red dress. ______29. They spent all their money on sweets.______30. We woke sleepily this morning. ______31. She visits her mother twice a week.______32. We have found your pen. ______33. They went to Paris by car. ______34. He used the green phone. ______35. The children need shoes. ______

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences:

Arthur ( not,post )...... 1....the cards yet. Sorry, I can't see you tonight. We ( have ).....23...a 1. ______party. Listen, our daughters ( fight ) ...... 2...... again. 23. ______2. ______Yesterday you ( promise ) ...24....that you I ( not, see ) ....3...since he (get) ....4.....that job. ( have ) ....25..... dinner with us. 3. ______4. ______24. ______He sometimes ( go ) ...... 5.....fishing. 25. ______5. ______I (not,see) .....26.....him since 1992. Mary and Arthur (become) ...6 ....friends for 3 weeks 26. ______ago. He sometimes (go) ....27 ...fishing with his dad, 6. ______before Mary and Bruce ( be ) ...7.....friends for three weeks. he (die) .....28...... 7. ______27. ______Arthur (fall)...8....in love with Mary two weeks ago. 28. ______8. ______Arthur (live) ....29 ...with Mrs Harrison but he Arthur ( live ) ...9.....with Mrs Harrison for 2 years. (not,love) ...30.....her. 9.______29. ______Arthur ( not,tell )....10....Mary yet that he ( love ) ... 30. ______...... 11 ...... her...... (you,take) ...31...a bath or a shower every day ? 10. ______31. ______11.______The London train (arrive,just) )..32 ...at platform 6. My friend ( live ) .....12...... in Eindhoven till 1986. 32. ______He then ( move ) ...... 13.....to Amsterdam. The train to Bath (leave) ...33...10 minutes ago. So he ( live ) ...14...there for quite some time now. 33. ______12.______Fifteen minutes ago he (repair) ...34...his bike. 13. ______34. ______14. ______When she (be)....35...young, she (be) ...36...a pretty Yesterday I accidentally ( drop ) ...... 15.... my watch. girl. It ( not, run )...... 16....properly since then. 35. ______15. ______36. ______16. ______I (meet) ...37....him in France last summer since ... ( you,realize ) ...17...that you ( stand ) ...18... then he (visit) ....38 ....me several times. on my foot. 37. ______17. ______38. ______18. ______A plane (crash) ....39...... yesterday, they (still,loo- Fred ( be ) ...19 ....late for our meeting because he k) ...40... for survivors ( miss ) .....20 ...... the train. 39. ______19 ______40. ______20. ______What (you,think) ...41...he (do) ...42..when you (tell) When I ( go ) ...21... to see him, he ( be ) ..22...... 43. .. him the truth tomorrow ? in hospital for three days. 41. ______21. ______42. ______22. ______43. ______

Exercise 3 Here are my answers, you make the questions (write complete sentences):

1. ______He is playing football. 2. ______Yes, he does. 3. ______We do. 4. ______They have. 5. ______No, she didn't 6. ______I met Mary 7. ______I ‘ve bought a new coat. 8. ______I paid $100.

Exercise 4 Write this dialogue : 1. John: how long / know / we / each other ? ______2. Jill: I / know / you / since / we / go / to secondary school ______3. John: When / you / for the /first time / me / notice ? ______4. Jill: You / with some friends / notice / I / you / when / talk. ______5. John: You / any / have / boyfriends / before / become / I / your boyfriend ? ______6. Jill: Not / I / tell / that / you /go. ______7. John: Be / in love / I / for a long time / with you / already . ______8. Jill: Be / that true / ? / But / you / see / with a girl / I / last night . ______9. John: My cousin Rachel. Since Wednesday / stay / she / with us. ______10. Jill: I believe you, but don't think I'm jealous. ______

Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the verb : 1. be She .....a widow since 1. ______die her husband ...... last Easter ______2. see / never I .....that man before, 2. ______meet I ...... him an hour ago. ______3. listen I ...... to the radio for two hours yesterday. 3. ______4. tell Who .....you that silly story ? 4. ______5. live I ...... in Eindhoven all my life, 5. ______be but my wife ...... born in Son ______6. inherit I ...... that car when my 6. ______die father (die) ...... ______have and I ...... it ever since ______7. spend Where .....you ....your holidays last year ? 7. ______spend I .. ...my holidays in many places, but ______never/ spend I ...... my holidays in Ireland yet. ______8 just / buy I ...... a new house, 8 ______live I ...... in my old one for 10 years. ______9. try Sue ...... to open this bottle for half an hour, 9. ______have but so far she ...... no success. ______10. write Shakespeare ...... his best plays between 1601 10. ______stop and 1605 . He ...... writing in 1611, ______go when he ...... back to Stratford where ______bury he ...... in 1616. ______translate Many of his plays ...... into other languages. ______11. just / write Kingsley Amis ...... a new book; 11. ______write he...... his first novels in the 50s and ______write he ...... a good many books since then. His works ______read .....by lots of students during the last twenty years ______12. forget Yesterday I ...... my diary, but today 12. ______not / for ...... to bring it. ______13 never / write I ....my homework in my diary so that I can always13. ______forget tell my teacher that I ....to do my homework. ______14. learn When ...you, ...... about the news? 14. ______hear I ...... it on the radio this morning. ______15. not / broadcast Last week's Dahl story ...... on TV because 15. ______die someone ...... ______16. read .....you ....all the stories? No, I 16. ______read ...... a few last yea. ______17. make ...... you) .....many mistakes so far ? Yes, I always 17. ______make ...... mistakes when doing English sentences. ______18. fix That is because the English ...... their grammatical 18. ______not / change rules in the 18th century and they ...... since ______19. develop The language itself ...... over the years but the 19. ______remain rules and the spelling ...... static. ______20. give Ever since I ...... a canoe for my birthday, 20. ______think I ...... about paddling across the Channel. ______21. play I ...... football since I 21. ______be ...... 5 years old, but ______never / play I ...... tennis before. ______22. try I ...... to do these wretched sentences for quite a 22. ______haunt long time now; English tenses ...... me ever ______begin since I ...... studying the language. ______

Exercise 6. Put in the right order and give the correct form of the verb.

1. ? - you - the question - understand - I - you - ask - a minute ago. ______2. He - not - recently - write - me. ______3. No mistakes - he - make - so far. ______4. Where - you - be - yesterday. ______5. Last night - ? - watch - you - that film. ______6. For several weeks - I - not - meet - him. ______7. Tomorrow - be - he - seventeen. ______8. He - return - the book - we - him - give - ? - last - month ______9. How long - each other - they - know - ? ______10. Where - buy - they - that - hat - ugly - the day before yesterday. ______11. The queen - our town - in - visit - 1988. ______12. Tell - he - you - the bad news - ? - already. ______13. You - do - ? - now - this exercise. ______14. What - you - do - ? - last night - he - come in - when. ______15. In Holland - live - I - all my life. ______

Exercise 7. Give the correct form of the verb ( denk ook aan de passive ).

1. publish The report which _____ yesterday, 1. ______write ______by a commission of wise men. ______2. destroy The beautiful cathedral that ______in the 2. ______restore last war, ______at last. ______3. offer So far she ______several jobs, but she 3. ______not / accept (not,accept)______any. ______4. write Books ______ever since people 4. ______teach ______how to write and read. ______5 have to / invest In the next decade a lot of money _____ in 5. ______be to / reduce our railway system if pollution ______. ______6. tie up After the bank clerks ______by the robbers, 6. ______put gags ______in their mouths. ______7. cook How long _____ this meat ______? 7. ______be It ______as tough as leather. ______8. not / recover As our best player ____ yet from his injuries, 8. ______ask you _____to replace him in next ______week's performance. 9. say How long ____you ______9. ______wait you ______at the bus stop yesterday ? ______10. rob After that bank ______twice last month, 10. ______take proper security measures ______at last. ______11. rumour Last week it ______that 11. ______release Nelson Mandela ______soon ______. ______12. send Recently a Bill ______to Parliament to privatise 12. ______all national industries. 13. be Business profits ____never ______so high since 13. ______the recession in the eighties when small hit businesses ______hard. ______14. have to / To reduce the present unemployment-rate new jobs create ______by the government so that people, who 14. ______be ___ without a job for a while can make a living again. ______15. tell Over the past few months you ______again and 15. ______again how to tackle English Grammar. 16. bomb London ______heavily during the war 16. ______restore but the damage ______by now. ______17. live You ______here all your life but 17. ______be London ______my dwelling place in the sixties. ______18. know You ______me since September but 18. ______be born you ______in the eighties. ______19. build New houses ______everywhere because 19. ______increase the population ______over the past few years. ______20. take After the plane ______off, the passengers 20. ______reassure ______that everything was ok. ______21. deliver Yesterday a letter ____at the police station saying 21. ______place that the bomb ______by the IRA. ______22. engage She ______to him for 5 years when he 22. ______break ______off their relationship. ______23. see / not As the man ______by his friends for some time, 23. ______report he ______missing and ______organise a search party ______. ______24. notify The police ______of the crime 24. ______commit that ______there yesterday. ______25 raise Interest rates ______so sharply by the Bank of 25. ______England recently, that many home owners face ______with the possibility of bankruptcy. ______26. keep / not Why ____he ___under surveillance since 26. ______acquit he ______at last week's trial ? ______27. detainAt the moment the police ______a man 27. ______help who ______them with their inquiries. ______28. kill The men, who ______in a car crash yesterday 28. ______follow ______by the Security Forces because ______suspect they ______of planning an attack. ______Exercise 8. 1. EXAMPLE: HAVE KNOWN We (know) _____each other for 6 weeks, MET we first (meet) ____ in September. 2. Only two people (approach) ___the gate now, ______it isn't worth (lower)____the portcullis. ______3. When we (visit) ___last night, ______they (just,return) ____from their walk. ______4. Part of the wall (rebuild) ______after ______it (destroy) ______by the invaders. ______5. When we (arrive)______at the zoo ______last night, the giraffes (just,feed) ______6. It (rain) ___ only very lightly, ______it isn't worth (open) _____my umbrella. ______7. How long (you, be) ____ here at this school ? ______8. He (live) ______in London but he ______(move)__ to Eindhoven a couple of weeks ago. ______9. When John (arrive) ___ at school he noticed ______that the lessons (start,already) . ______10. I (live) _____ in Veldhoven for six years now. ______11. This animal (die) ______in the Ice Age. ______12. The police horse (lose)______.an eye ______before it (retire)___ yesterday. ______13. I (not,see) ____him the day before yesterday ______. 14. The distance London - New York (can/cover)___in 4 hours.______15. This hand grenade (find) ___ by Mr Westley last week ______16. So far 5 people (rescue) ___ by the fire-brigade. ______17. The number of babies (rise) __.sharply since last year.______18. I told him that I (think) ______he (be) ____ very foolish to say such a thing. ______19. While Arthur ( write ) a letter, ______Mr Steele (come ) in. ______20. He (ask ) Arthur why he ( not send ) the letters yet.______21. What time ( arrive ) your brother ? ______He ( not arrive ) yet. ______think he ( arrive ) in an hour. ______22. How long ( you/ have ) this car ? ______23. ( usually / you / get ) such big presents ? ______24. Mr Jones ( be ) our president from 1960 till 1978. ______Since then Mr Walsh ( be ) our president. ______25. After the robbers ( leave ) , the manager ______26. (ring ) up the police again ______. 27. Before she ( become ) his wife, she ______( always / live ) alone. ______28. He ( study ) French in Paris. ______He ( live ) there since 1989 ______. 29. She ( tell ) me yesterday that ______she ( not finish ) that book yet. ______30. When we ( buy ) this house, ______it ( be ) empty for two years ______. Exercise 9. ( you / have ) 1. ______How long ...1.... this car ? ( buy ) 2. ______When we ...2.... this house, ( be ) 3. ______it ...3... empty for two years. ( tell ) 4. ______She ....4.... me yesterday ( not finish ) 5. ______that she ....5.... that book yet. ( write ) 6. ______While Arthur ....6.... a letter, ( come ) 7. ______Mr Steele ....7.... in. ( ask ) 8. ______He ....8.... Arthur ( not send ) 9. ______why he ....9.... the letters yet. ( be ) 10. ______Mr Jones ...10... our president from 1960 till 1978. ( be ) 11. ______Since then Mr Walsh ....11.... our president. ( usually / get ) 12. ______...... 12 ...... you .....such big presents ? ( arrive ) 13, ______What time ...... 13.... your brother ....? ( not arrive ) 14. ______He ...... 14..... yet. ( arrive ) 15. ______I think he ....15..... in an hour. ( have ) 16. ______You can't talk to her now, she ....16.... a bath. ( become ) 17. ______Before she .....17...... his wife, ( always / live ) 18. ______she ...... 18..... alone. ( not help ) 19. ______If you ...... 19...... me now , ( never talk ) 20. ______I .....20...... to you again. ( study ) 21. ______He .....21...... French in Paris. ( live ) 22. ______He .....22..... there since 1989. ( leave ) 23. ______After the robbers ...... 23...... , ( ring ) 24. ______the manager .....24..... up the police again.

Exercise 10 The central heating (not / yet / install) ...1... 1...... The bill (pay) ...2... tomorrow. 2...... 3... those postcards (write)... yet ? 3...... 4... the letter (send) .... yet ? Yes , it 4...... (send) ...5... yesterday ! 5...... Your letters (type) ...6... right now, sir ! 6...... The money (always / count) ...7... by Mr Steele. 7...... The books (put away) ...8... at this moment. 8...... 9... the robbers of the van Goghs (catch).... yet ? 9...... We hope the occasion (support) ...10... by as many old 10...... boys as possible. The changing rooms (completely / destroy) ...11.... 11...... by fire last year. The little boy (not / find) ...12... yet. 12...... Tickets (can / buy) ...13... at the box office. 13...... Coats (must / leave) ...14... in the cloak room. 14...... That dress (not / wear) ...15... yet. 15...... In the first week of February a record number of books 16...... (take) ...16... out. In winter more books (take) ...17... than in summer. 17...... After the bank (rob) ...18... , security measures 18...... (take) ...19... . 19...... Before the children (put) ...20.... to bed, a big bath 20...... (fill) ...21... and they (all / wash) ...22... thoroughly. 21...... 22......

Exercise 11 Write the correct forms of the passive and the tense

1. know If these facts ___last week, ______never/take the decision _____by the government. ______- ______2. publish The report which _____yesterday, ______write ____by a commission of wise men. ______3. destroy The beautiful cathedral that __ in the ______restore last war , _____ at last. ______4. offer So far she _____several jobs, ______not/accept but she ______any. ______5. write Books ______ever since ______teach people _____how to write and read. ______6. have to/invest In the next decade a lot of money ______be to/reduce in our railway system, if pollution ______7. behave If a criminal ____well, ______release he ______after a while. ______8. tie up After the bank clerks ___ by the robbers, ______put gags ______in their mouths. ______9. cook How long _____ this meat ____? ______be It ___as tough as leather. ______10. not/recover As our best player ______yet from his ______ask injuries, you _____ to replace him in next ______week's performance. 11. say How long _____you ______wait you ______at the bus stop yesterday ? ______12. rob After that bank _____twice last month, ______take proper security measures _____at last. ______13. rumour Last week it _____that ______soon/release Nelson Mandela ______. ______

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