Chifley College Mt Druitt Campus

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Chifley College Mt Druitt Campus

Chifley College – Mt Druitt Campus

Low SES School Communities National Partnership

2011 Evaluation Report

Chifley College – Mt Druitt Campus Low SES School Communities National Partnership 2011 Annual Evaluation Report — Page 1 of 39 Chifley College – Mt Druitt Campus

Table of contents

*Hyperlinks will take you to the form fields in this report. All fields to be completed are shaded grey. For assistance accessing this form by screen reader or for other access issues only, please email [email protected].

School Data


The focus of the annual evaluation Planning the annual evaluation What is the scope of the Evaluation Report?

School context


Progress toward targets and strategies

Changes in schools’ systems and practices as a result of participation in the Low SES School Communities National Partnership

Optional section: Sharing Partnership Achievements

Appendix one: Example to support completion of Progress toward targets and strategies

Chifley College – Mt Druitt Campus Low SES School Communities National Partnership 2011 Annual Evaluation Report — Page 2 of 39 School Data

The following is a report prepared as a result of an evaluation atSchool Name: Chifley College – Mt Druitt Campusfromstart date: 20.11.10 toend date: 29.09.11

School Code: 8459 Region: Western Sydney

 Annual school evaluation team members Name Position Catherine Anderson Principal Donna Loughran Deputy Principal (NP) VoulaFacas Deputy Principal Kylie Adams Deputy Principal (Rel.) Zoe Van Stolk HT English Ronald Eroksson HT Mathematics Kerry Doyle HT TAS Karen Attard HT Welfare Mirja Sharif HT Science Ian Parker HT HSIE (Rel.)

 Report authors: names and positions Name Position Catherine Anderson Principal Donna Loughran Deputy Principal (NP) VoulaFacas Deputy Principal Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

I endorse the contents of this report.

A copy of this report has been lodged with the School Education Director with responsibility for this school.

Principal: Catherine Anderson Introduction

Schools participating in the Low SES School Communities National Partnership are required to undertake an annual evaluation and report on the effectiveness of the strategies. Evaluation is an agent of change based on evidence that has been systematically collected and interpreted. It can be used to plan, monitor and improve activities, make judgements about their impact and the allocation of resources. Evaluation is an integral and essential part of all education programs and supports a culture of continuous improvement and critical review1. The2011 EvaluationReport template is provided to assist schools in reporting information, and will inform revisions to the school plan and ways in which schools will allocate National Partnership funds for the coming year.

The focus of the annual evaluation The annual evaluation should focus on reporting progress and achievement on the key targets and strategies in the School Plan, to inform decisions about future actions. This includes the revision of targets (where required), the continuation or cessation of current strategies, and whether new strategies need to be developed/implemented. Theannual evaluation should address the following questions:  What did we say we wouldachieve?  How well did we do it? How effective were our strategies?  Where to next? Future directions?

Planning the annual evaluation The annual evaluation should be led by the school principal and involve participation of and consultation with key stakeholders. Schools should allocate National Partnership resources to support the annual evaluation process and could include this as an accountability strategy (Reform 5) in their school plans.

What is the scope of the 2011 Evaluation Report? The annual evaluation will build upon the extensive work already undertaken for the Situational Analysis, and focus on changes and progress over the last twelve months. It should contain information about:  those aspects of the school context that have changed since the Situational Analysis was prepared (this section of the Report only requires completion where the context has changed)  a summary of the methodology used by the school to gather information  evidence of progress towards targets and the effectiveness of Partnership strategies undertaken to achieve thetargets  revised targets (where appropriate) and future strategies  changes in the school systems and practices as a result of participation in the Partnership.

1NSW Department of Education and Training, Evaluation Policy, School context

Insert description of school context from the current School Plan or Annual School Report. (Only complete this section if the school context has changed from that provided in the Situational Analysis.)

No change from previously submitted Situational Analysis 2010.


Outline the methodology used by the school evaluation team toconduct theannual evaluation. At Chifley College Mount Druitt Campus, the School Evaluation Team used a variety of methods to conduct the annual evaluation including:  Surveys  Analysis of student achievement data, including detailed NAPLAN analysis using SMART  Analysis of policies and programs, plans, budgets, assessment information, program evaluations and other documents seen by the school as informing the review  Classroom observation  Data collected from core faculties by DP - Leading & Learning NP on a range of areas including the use of technology, the employment of particular teaching and learning strategies, the NAPLAN Mandatory Task program, and the type and frequency of parental contact.  Interviews conducted with members of the school community, including the following: — members of staff — students — parents and family members — community members Progress towards targets and strategies from the School Plan

For assistance in completing this table please refer to the example provided in Appendix one.Use as many rows as required. How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target 100% of Basic (progress made) Total Maths SLSO attending for specific Increase Progress made towards target, Revise strategy & students at high of 30 maths help attendance attendance increased but not to describe risk have studen by a further anticipated level. access to ts. Incorporating technology 50% to have Describe new/revised support and Total 50 students strategy: appropriate increa Reading improvement programs attending on Continue with existing programs se of a regular strategies and include: 15%. basis in 2012 Greater promotion Still Certificates mainly Special presenters being used for home work and asses sment.

Improved social Sound (target achieved) Over Attendance Coordinators positioned in Further Target achieved. Continue to Maintain strategy (no and emotional 600 each faculty increase increase the number of students description) wellbeing and record number of receiving support. skills for life for ed Attendance phone calls twice a week to students Describe new/revised every student interve parents for 3 consecutive day absences receiving strategy: ntions by Year Advisor. individualise Click here to enter with d help by a text. individ Return from suspension behaviour further 10% ual modification programs studen Increase ts Individual student’s behaviour & learning attendance needs monitored. Prevention strategies across by a further implemented. all 2.5% years. Parent contact via letters, phone calls & How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target interviews. 34% were Individual, small group and year on two programs on: or Anti-bullying , Cyber bullying, Conflict more resolution, Mental health, Studying occasi ons Reduction in Sound (target achieved) Truan Case Management by Faculty Reduce Reduction in partial truancy Maintain strategy (no partial truancy cy Attendance Coordinators and Year partial achieved, further reductions description) decre Advisors truancy by a achievable. ased further 22 % Describe new/revised by Faculty truancy plans developed. to a total strategy: a total reduction of Click here to enter of Consistency in consequences across 50% text. 28% all faculties.

Development of the GOTCHA! Program.

‘Hunt and gather’ roster with consistent consequences.

Fortnightly attendance bulletin emailed to all staff How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target

Increase Basic (progress made) 33 DP NP delivered the Team Leadership Increase Most projects are in their Revise strategy & opportunities for staff for School Improvement Workshops – staff fledgling stages and require describe staff to develop involv rebadged as FLAME participation further monitoring and support to leadership ed in the ensure sustainability. Describe new/revised inaspir DP NP provided support to project FLAME strategy: ational managers program by Most projects adopted were Continue with the progra 10 new staff small faculty based events, most FLAME workshops but m Release time was given to allow members. project managers are encourage existing FLAM project planning, running and encouraged to expand their participants to become E evaluation of improvement projects All new current project or commence workshop presenters (Futur participants new project in identified area. e of FLAME to Ensure improvements Leade be mentored projects are rs and by 2011 established and Aspiri FLAME sustainable beyond ng participants the NP years Mento rs in Expand Educa number of tion) presenters/w and orkshop led 29 facilitators to school include 5 improv FLAME ement participants project from 2011 s in 2011 How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target Increase Basic (progress made) - Acqu -HTs & DPs model iRIS Increase use Progress made towards target; Revise strategy & opportunities for isitio -Creation of observational forms which of iRIS to all however, not to the anticipated describe staff to develop nand can be used via iRIS faculties. level. quality teaching confi -Reminder demonstrations held in Describe new/revised gurat Thurs Morning PL workshops 75% of all strategy: -iRIS coaching crews created to buddy staff ion DP NP to create new teachers with one another to accessing of 2 coordinated plan of evaluate specific teaching and learning iRIS iRIS evaluation of student strategies regularly for units engagement using reflection - All iRIS staff train Create bank DP Assessment to ed in of 30 sample review and develop the quality authentic assessment setti teaching of across all faculties 10 basic ng Develop resources up teaching skills and programs in and preparation of new uplo Australian Curriculum adin Develop g of authentic Participate in the trial iRIS assessment the Australian across all Curriculum History in - 24 faculties Year 7. staff mem bers acro ss 7 facul ties have cond ucte d class obse rvati onus How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target ing iRIS

Develop new Basic (progress made) - EAR - New Professional Practice Policy - All staff to Progress made towards target Maintain strategy (no system to s written and endorsed follow new for executive members (EARs); description) implement a fair proc - EARs folders and calendar created TARs however, limited progress was and consistent procedures made with the development of Describe new/revised edur - Processes monitored by DP NP TARS and es in 2012 new system for staff (TARs). strategy: EARS program follo Click here to enter wed text. by all exec utive mem bers

All faculties Basic (progress made) - -Creation of faculty review committee - All Progress made towards target Revise strategy & running reviews Revie managed by the DP NP recommen particularly in the structure of the describe to develop ws -Creation of online/pen & paper dations review; however, not to the shared condu student surveys, online staff surveys made in anticipated level in impacting Describe new/revised understanding cted in and analysis forms to guide reflection review are classroom practice strategy: of current all imbedded DP NP to use iRIS to practices and faculti in faculty analyse student future directions es at manageme engagement in the all nt plans classroom and provide levels staff support to adapt – - HT practice to improve review systems in student outcomes. analys place is across all forms faculties submit How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target ted by all HTs identif ying major trends and makin g recom mend ations All faculties Sound (target achieved) - All DP NP to assist in the organisation of - All faculties To align the planning process Maintain strategy (no running facul the end of year planning conference run an with the development of the description) conferences to ties annual School Plan evaluation, plan for future ran HT organises conference focused on planning NAPLAN results and allow for Describe new/revised success as a end the PLPs of the staff, school priority conference more effective achievement of strategy: team develop of areas and regional priorities at the end faculty targets. Click here to enter faculty action year of Term 3 text. plans and plan targets. ning conf eren ce at the end of 2010 - 3 facul ties have held the 2011 plan ning How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target conf eren ce this year - 2fac ultie s have sche dule d their conf eren ces for Ter m 4

Improved Basic (progress made) YEAR Regular marking of student work Reading Increased marking and analysis Implement new performance by 7 comprehensi resulted in a closer strategy & describe students in Readi Explicit pre and post testing of basic on: understanding of where external ng: reading and comprehension skills Increase individual students are operating Describe new/revised NAPLAN reading at and how they best learn. strategy: examination. Signifi Increased feedback to students and fluency Enabled staff to set future cant parents (student self-monitoring on directions, to reflect on their NAPLAN Mandatory Reading in Year 7 reducti self-tracking spread sheets) Increase practice and set tasks at an Tasks (NMT) to be - Reduce the on in range of appropriate and explicit level. shared across school, percentage of Bands Marking and tracking of student vocabulary supervised by HT students in band 4 for reading, (2010) 4 and achievement enabled by additional External testing occurred only 14 KLAs and reported to How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target to 19% or less by 5, staff members. Engage weeks into intervention and DP NP 2011. indicat students in revealed average reading - Reduce the percentage of ed in Assessment FOR learning, rather than meaning of achievement below national Professional Learning students in band 5 increa assessment of learning - where this text average provided to all staff - for reading (2010) sed has occurred student engagement has Case study example of to 26% or less by numb Explicitly In class assessments post, what data means in 2011. increased. - Increase the er of teach external examination, indicate a classroom percentage of studen Each core faculty designed NAPLAN students to slight but steady and consistent students achieving ts in Mandatory Tasks. connect, increase in reading In class reading band 6 from (2010) band predict, comprehension across all to 30% by 2011. program with a reading - Increase the 6. Staff marked pre and post-tests in the question and student ability levels teacher percentage of areas of spelling, language monitor for students achieving Band conventions, reading comprehension, meaning Home reading band 7 2010) to 16% 4 writing and numeracy. program by 2011. reduc Sharing of - Increase the percentage of ed teaching Library program students achieving from strategies bands 8 & 9 (2010) 28% which LADDER (Little to 9% by 2011. to address the Activities Designed to Reading in Year 9: 22% focus areas. Dramatic Enhance - Reduce the (not Results) classes in percentage of target Create a Year 7 & 8 to target students in band 5 of for reading (2010) best practice specific literacy and to 23% by 2011. 19%) kit of model numeracy skills - Increase the scaffolds, percentage of Band tasks, word students achieving 5 band 6 (2010) to banks, check 27% by 2011. reduc lists, marking - Increase the ed guidelines percentage of from for each students achieving 45%to band 7 (2010) to KLA, model 23% by 2011. 37% annotating - Increase the not reading percentage of target passage - students achieving of focusing on band 8 (2010) to 26% 27% by 2011. the - Increase the specialisatio percentage of Excee n, gradual students achieving ded How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target bands 9 & 10 (2010) project release of to 20% by 2011. ed support target 'Have a go!', of Timed in Band class writing 6 under increa pressure se from 21% to 33% (a further 3% than project ed 30%)

Band 7 increa se of project ed16 % not achiev ed, only 7%.

Band 8 – 0%

Band 9 – 1% How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target

YEAR 9 in Readi ng:

Signifi cant reducti on in Band 5 and except ional increa se in Band 6.

Band 5 reduc ed from 36% to 29% (not target of 23%)

Excee ded project ed target of Band How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target 6 increa se from 33% to 41% (a further 14% than project ed 27%)

Band 7 increa se of project ed 23% not achiev ed, only 21%.

Band 8 – 9%

Band 9 – 0%

Band 10 – 1% How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target Improve Basic (progress made) YEAR Fortnightly spelling tests delivered Progress made towards target; Implement new performance by 7 in using NAPLAN style pre and post however, not to the anticipated strategy & describe students in Spellin testing. Increase the level. Describe new/revised external g percentage strategy: NAPLAN  Word lists designed and embedded of students All students surveyed indicated Fortnightly NAPLAN achieving examination: Increa in units of work (relevant and in a positive preference in: Mandatory Tasks sed expected - NAPLANstyle spelling tests (NMT) data to be Spelling in Year 7: context) achiev growth in (pre and post). shared across school, - Reduce the  Students familiarised with NAPLAN NAPLAN percentage of ement Look/ Cover/ Write/ Check supervised by HT style questions, spelling - students in band 4 in practice time KLAs and reported to (2010) to 10% or spellin between DP NP Tests designed to build vocabulary less by 2011. g Years 7 and - Spelling as HW - Reduce the 9 above the percentage of bands Increase word lists students in band 5 – 11% minimum from a minimum 15 to (2010) to 18% or standard in a possible 30 words less by 2011. Reduc 2012. per fortnight. - Increase the percentage of e students achieving Band Extend beyond topic band 6 (2010) to 4 to word lists to include 23% by 2011. 10% higher order - Increase the not vocabulary to promote percentage of students achieving achiev both improvements in band 7 (2010) to ed spelling as well as 29% by 2011. (21%) broaden student - Increase the vocabulary. percentage of students achieving Projec bands 8 & 9 (2010) t Band to 20% 5 of 18% Spelling in Year 9: - Reduce the almost percentage of achiev students in band 5 ed (2010) to 14% or (20%) less by 2011. - Increase the percentage of Surpa students achieving ssed band 6 (2010) to project 27% by 2011. - Increase the ion in Band How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target percentage of 6 students achieving (achie band 7 (2010) to 23% by 2011. ved - Increase the 24% / percentage of project students achieving ed band 8 (2010) to 27% 23%) (9) Increase the percentage of Increa students achieving se bands 9-10 (2010) to 20% Band 7to 29% not achiev ed (22%)

Increa se Band 8 & 9 to (20%) not achiev ed.

YEAR 9 in Spellin How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target g:

Did not achiev e reducti on in band 5 to project ed 14%, remai ned consta nt for 3 years at 24%

Band 6 increa sed from 19 to 22%, but did not achiev e project ed 27%

Excee ded How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target project ed target of Band 7 increa se from 19% to 24% (a further 1% than project ed 23%)

Improve Limited (little or no progress) YEAR Literacy team provided whole school Increase the Progress made towards target; Implement new performance by 7 in professional learning in scaffolds. percentage however, not to the anticipated strategy & describe students in Writin of students level. external g: Explicit scaffolding of persuasive achieving Describe new/revised NAPLAN writing text types expected External testing occurred only 14 strategy: examination: Did growth in weeks into intervention and Writing in Year 7: not Colour coded posters displayed in NAPLAN revealed average achievement Fortnightly NAPLAN - Reduce the attain every classroom to support students Writing below national average Mandatory Tasks percentage of project and staff between (NMT) to be shared students in band 4 ed Years 7 and In class assessments post, across school, for writing, writing (2010) to 19% or 19% In class joint construction of exposition 9 above the external examination, indicate a supervised by HT less by 2011. in and discussion texts – low ability minimum slight but steady and consistent KLAs and reported to - Reduce the Band classes maintain joint construction, standard in increase in writing across all DP NP percentage of 4 phased out support for higher and 2012. student ability levels students in band 5 for writing (2010) (25%) mixed ability classes Stage 4 focus to 26% or less by Portfolios – aim to increase (implement on trial 2011. Did Fortnightly testing of independent student and parental awareness classes Term 4 2011 – - Increase the not writing – NAPLAN style stimulus task. of expected and higher levels of Y8) to applyNAPLAN percentage of attain writing style grid to re-drafting How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target students achieving project Improved feedback via assessment and polishing of written band 6 from (2010) ed tasks based on rigorous review of set Increase student quality and pieces (one piece per to 30% by 2011. 26% tasks, checklists, rubrics and criteria. pride in writing unit of work minimum) - Increase the in percentage of students achieving Band Multi levels of tasks band 7 2010) to 16% 5 (e.g. lower ability by 2011. (33%) students aim to - Increase the produce ‘polished percentage of students achieving Did paragraphs’ – higher bands 8 & 9 (2010) not ability – aim to to 9% by 2011. attain produce ‘polished project essays’ Writing in Year 9: ed - Reduce the percentage of increa Publishing of portfolios students in band 5 se to (copy of writing for writing (2010) 30% samples to be sent to 23% by 2011. in home - Increase the percentage of Band students achieving 6 Achievement in writing band 6 (2010) to (22%) samples / portfolios to 27% by 2011. be reference in school - Increase the percentage of Did report outcomes and students achieving not comment bank band 7 (2010) to attain 23% by 2011. project - Increase the percentage of ed Marking criteria for students achieving 16% writing tasks as per band 8 (2010) to in NAPLAN criteria to 27% by 2011. Band increase awareness of - Increase the 7 level of vocabulary, percentage of students achieving (11%) spelling, language bands 9 & 10 (2010) conventions etc. to 20% by 2011. Almos required t attaine d project ed Band How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target 8 of 9% (7%)

Did not achiev e reducti on in band 5 to project ed 23%, (45% Band 5)

Positiv e level of attain ment in Band 6 - 25% How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target

(almos t attaine d project ed 27% of Band 6) Improve Basic (progress made) YEAR English faculty staff trained in Increase the Progress made towards target; Implement new performance by 7 in ’Prioritising Grammar’ – percentage however, not to the anticipated strategy & describe students in Gram implementation of explicit grammar of students level. external mar & focus in class. achieving Describe new/revised NAPLAN Punct expected strategy: examination: uation: Term 4- focus on a sequenced and growth in Fortnightly NAPLAN staged approach to language NAPLAN Mandatory Tasks Grammar and Reduc conventions that makes a link between grammar (NMT) to be shared punctuation in tion in home study and school learning. and across school, Year 7: Band punctuation supervised by HT - Reduce the percentage of 4 to Writing program & Rapid Writing After between KLAs and reported to students in band 4 19% Reading programs – writing criteria Years 7 and DP NP for grammar and (not checklists for students explicitly taught 9 in 2012. punctuation (2010) achiev and monitored / tracked for correct Fortnightly HW tasks to 19% or less by 2011. ed32 punctuation use every lesson. are explicitly taught - Reduce the %) first in class and percentage of Reduc assessed each students in band 5 tion in fortnight via HW for grammar and punctuation (2010) Band booklet. to 26% or less by 5 to 2011. 26% - HW sequence of units - Increase the (not available to parents percentage of achiev and students on web students achieving band 6 from (2010) ed29 page, as well as to 30% by 2011. %)Incr outlined in student - Increase the ease literacy contracts. percentage of in students achieving Band How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target band 7 2010) to 16% 6 30% HW task - teacher, by 2011. - (not student and parent - Increase the percentage of achiev tracking students achieving ed27 bands 8 & 9 (2010) %) New enrolments to to 9% by 2011. Band sign literacy contracts Grammar and 7 and receive booklets punctuation in increa at interview Year 9: se to - Reduce the 16% - percentage of students in band 5 (not for grammar and achiev punctuation (2010) ed7%) to 23% by 2011. Band - Increase the 8 and percentage of students achieving 9 band 6 (2/010) to increa 27% by 2011. se to - Increase the 9% percentage of students achieving (not band 7 (2010) to achiev 23% by 2011. ed 3% - Increase the and percentage of students achieving 2%) band 8 (2010) to 27% by 2011. - Increase the percentage of students achieving bands 9 & 10 (2010) to 20% by 2011. How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target

Year 9 in Gram mar & Punct uation:

Reduc tion in Band 5 to 23% (not achiev ed- 45%)I ncreas e in Band 6 27% (not achiev ed- 21%) Band 7 increa se to 23% achiev ed Band How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target 8 increa se to 27% (not achiev ed- 10%) Band 9 and 10 increa se to 20% (not achiev ed1% and 0%)

Limited (little or no progress) Use of NAPLAN style questions in Improve Little progress has been made Revise strategy & Numeracy Year 7 improv ‘Clicker quizzes’ providing immediate performance towards target. describe Improve ed the feedback to students on their progress. by students performance by followi This mandatory tasks program which in external Describe new/revised students in ng involved designing basic numeracy NAPLAN strategy: external amoun skills quizzes which then could be examination: Fortnightly NAPLAN NAPLAN ts com accessed by all staff. Results centrally Mandatory Tasks examination: pared collated and analysed by HT and CRT. Year 7 in (NMT) to be shared, Recommendation for future teaching Numeracy: supervised by HT KLAs to Year 7 in strategies provided to staff. and reported to DP NP 2010 Numeracy: Band 4 – results Class set of student laptops were used 15% or less LADDER (Little Activities Designed to Dramatic Band 4 – 14% : to engage in several interactive, self- Band 5 – Enhance Results) or less marking, excel worksheets 40% or less Bands classes in Year 7 & 8 to Band 5 – 41% concentrating on basic concepts using Band 6 – target specific literacy or less 4 & 5 a lot of visual concepts. 25% or more and numeracy skills Band 6 24% or down Band 7 – 10 more 5% % or more Laptops to be used but Band 7 10 % or Band Bands 8 and timetabled more How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target more 6 up 9 – 10% or equitably across all Bands 8,9 11% 3% more Stage 4 Maths classes. or more Band Year 9 in Worksheets shared using 7 up DER laptops (emailed to Year 9 in Numeracy: 2% year 9 and 10 students Numeracy: Bands as homework, revision or 8 & 9 Band 5 – classwork) Band 5 – 10% up 1% 10% or less or less Band 6- Book that is specifically Band 6- 30%or 30%or less for NAPLAN activities. Year 9 less Band 7 – deteri Band 7 – 30% or more Spread sheet developed 27% or more orated Band 8 – for each student, identifying their progress Band 8 – 20% the 20% or more followi in reaching minimum or more Bands 9 and standards. Bands 9,10 – ng 10 – 10% or 13% or more amoun more Regular meetings with ts HT and teachers to compa discuss progress. red to 2010: Core teachers to meet and discuss strategies that are working and Bands share data regarding 5 & 6 student bands up 11% Band 7 down 4% Band 8 down 55% Bands 9 & 10 down 3% How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target

Improve and Basic (progress made) New Employment of Business Manager Develop and Progress made towards target; Revise strategy & strengthen admini implement however, not to the anticipated describe school strativ systems to level. accountability e ensure Describe new/revised proces sustainability strategy: ses of new develo processes To ensure ped and sustainability Business and procedures Manager to create imple School Systems mente Handbook describing d to procedures for all new ensur organisation e processes staffin g and Train all executive in budge new finance tary procedures. requir ement Staff PL in hazard s are identification and accura hazard / near miss te reporting

New asset trackin g syste m How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target imple mente d (Asset Traq) to improv e accura cy of stockt aking items under $1000

Introd uction of new Archiv e syste m (Smar tSoft Schoo l) to ensur e efficie nt storag e and dispos al of school data

Revis How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target ed OHS proce dures in place and commi ttee proces ses establi shed

Publicise events Basic (progress made) Positiv Positive news stories about student Increase Vital for communication with Revise strategy & e success to be generated and reported positive community describe Newsl upon to local community news stories Increase school morale etter in local Describe new/revised article Primary school sent information about media to one Positive school promotion strategy: s student success of past students to per fortnight Purchase space in the increa publish in their newsletter media sed Increase Newsletters distributed to all feeder communicati Invite press to school Camp primary schools and local high school on with Send positive news us community article weekly- prior to web New web page to be live with a current through event page calendar- updated weekly website develo Publish calendar with ped press releases to media Schoo l Continue with webpa newsletter- increase How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target ge distribution to local under residents constr uction- Email newsletter to all new parents format

Instruc tions and templa tes for press releas es given to all HT’s Development of Basic (progress made) Parent Organisation of resources in advance Target Increase ATSI results to be in Revise strategy & literacy and evenin of evening as well as access from specific line with state and school describe numeracy g held home parents to averages resources for at attend Describe new/revised Senior family support Liaise with Senior Campus to improve information strategy: campu s advertisement of open evenings evenings Resources to be published on new Literac Increase the website y number of resourc Indigenous Increase profile of es on parents AEO and Aboriginal school attending, Homework centre to websit and or have engage the community e a specific NAPLA workshop N for them evenin g held in 2010, in 2011 How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target parent evenin g held to hand out results

Compu ting sessio n held by Lizzie Chase in late August Parent s were given informa tion to attend worksh ops held at Senior Colleg e for all parents within the college in Term 2. How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target HT Parent Limited (little or no progress) Small Increased Parent Contact via email, Improve and Vital for communication with Revise strategy & Liaison to increa phone sustain community describe create and ses to relationships foster specifi Parent Forums held with Increase school morale Describe new/revised relationships c community strategy: with community events Information evenings held re: NAPLAN via Positive school promotion HT TAS to create and e.g. community foster relationships year Parent surveys area with community as assem manager (HT Area Manager of blies TAS) Community Partnerships of the 3 new school plan with succe support from ssful Community Teacher parent forum Encourage community s held members to participate includi in school events e.g. ng an Homework Centre, Aborig Sista Speak, Parent inal Forums Comm unity Forum – 6 parent s on avera ge in attend ance.

6 new comm unity memb ers traine d in How well did we do it? How effective were our Where to next? Future directions? strategies? What did we Evide say we would nce of achieve? progr Strategies for next Progress towards target Target for Reason for maintaining or Target ess Key strategies to achieve the target year Select: next year revising target for next year towar Select: ds target merit selecti on

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. Changes in schools’ systems and practices as a result of participation in the Low SES School Communities National Partnership

Section 3 of the 2011 Evaluation Report requires reporting against specific targets and Partnership strategies. Section 4 is an opportunity to identify more broadly the changes occurring as a result of your school’s participation in the Partnership. What overall changes are occurring in school functioning – in learning and teaching practices, relationships, student engagement, networks?For example, you might be seeing changes in:  provision of leadership development opportunities appropriate to staff at differing career points (Reform 1)  teacher capacity to mentor and lead innovation or action research in classroom practice (Reform 1)  the quality and quantity of teacher professional learning plans (Reform 2)  differentiated mentoring programs for early career teachers and/or developing teacher leaders (Reform 2)  partnerships with other schools, universities or community organisations around student learning (Reform 3)  levels of student engagement in learning as a consequence of tailored mentoring programs (Reform 3)  staff confidence in use of student data to inform planning (Reform 4)  support for target groups including Aboriginal, ESL and refugee students, and students with disabilities (Reform 4)  school accountability processes including through use of the SituationalAnalysis (Reform 5)  processes to strengthen parent/family engagementin school life (Reform 6)  building pathways/transition points for students, including transition from preschool to school, or from alternative to mainstream schooling(Reform 6). Please identify and briefly explain below the key changes occurring as a consequence of the Partnership to date, and the Partnership reforms that the changes align with.  It is expected that the level of change will relate to length of time on the Partnership.  Schools should identify three to fourchanges.  Please be specific and where possible draw on evidence to substantiate the identified change. Change: Case Management (Reforms3 &4) The reduction of year advisors teaching load to implement case management systems has made small but significant improvements to our school attendance and student engagement. Case management is a program which aims to support the learning, social and emotional needs of all students. Case management utilises all available resources, including specific packages to provide targeted support for students. All student progress is tracked and interventions recorded on our school database. Support provided, where possible, is preventative with students being identified through informal and formal data. Individual students, as well as year groups will access support through a broad range of programs designed to re- educate and encourage students to take responsibility for their actions. Students who have been suspended will be supported by a team’s approach, which provides individualised and explicit strategies that will assist students to focus on their learning. Integral to case management is effective communication within the school and the wider community.

This National Partnerships program has strengthened the relationship between school and community through increased communication, improved processes and accountability. The school in partnership with parents are supporting students to become more engaged with their learning, achieve learning outcomes and connect with school as a positive place of well-being and success.

New links have been established with a range of external agencies and existing links were maintained. These links have provided students and sometimes their families with support both in and out of school. A substantial amount of the new links forged, have increased opportunities for Aboriginal students.

As a result of the case management program, all strategies and plans implemented are recorded centrally and all staff have access to this data to support students in the classroom.

Change: Improved Administrative Processes (Reforms 3 & 5) The employment of our Business Manager has led to the improvement of many of our school systems and operational arrangements. This has included the installation of AssetTraq (our new stocktaking system), the evaluation and updating of our OHS procedures, the introduction of the SmartSoft Archiving System, improved monitoring of our staffing arrangements(and the required paperwork) in addition to the professional learning provided to staff regarding finance management for faculties and new cash flow procedures for HTs. There is more accountability and these new processes allow for our school to be more responsive to issues as they arise and be quite strategic in our resource planning. Head teachers are becoming more empowered and knowledgeable of how finance is distributed and utilised across the school while deputies have been freed up to concentrate on supporting staff in teaching and learning and ensuring a supportive learning environment.

Change: Student Feedback & Achievement Analysis (Reform4) The additional staff provided to all core faculties to allow for increased feedback and marking to students has changed the way many teachers perceive their role in the classroom. The additional preparation time and professional learning provided has resulted in staff having an increased awareness of their responsibilities of “teachers of literacy and numeracy”. Also, teachers are more aware of how the basic literacy and numeracy skills of a studentcan greatly impact their learning experiences.

Many core faculty teachers feel they are using the Teaching and Learning Cycle more effectively. The student achievement data being collected and analysed by staff,is informing their program and determining the most appropriate teaching and learning activities. They are better able to tailor learning experiences and implement a range of strategies to best suit the students they teach.

Teachers were able to provide immediate feedback using the electronic individual response system (clickers), written feedback in books (overseen by HTs and Senior Executive), and instructional feedback on extended writing tasks using task rubrics and descriptive criteria was also provided. This enables students to view their achievement level and providing essential information for improvement.

It is clear from the feedback gathered, that teachers at CCMDC are more aware of the gaps which exist in our student’s learning and what they can do to support students to gain improved outcomes. Classroom environments have been improved to support and stimulate engagement in learning. Quality teaching resources have been developed, student’s achievement has been celebrated and student work shared. It is envisioned systems developed this year can be maintained to some extent, to ensure student feedback and achievement analysis remains a vital part of our teachers’ planning process.

Change: Culture of Self-Reflection & Evaluation (Reforms 1 & 2) The employment of a Deputy Principal – Leading & Learning (NP) allowed our school to change many of its performance management processes and aspirational programs. New programs such as Team Leadership for School Improvement (i.e. our FLAME (Future Leaders & Aspiring Mentors in Education Program), our updated EARs procedures, our newCurriculum Reviews, the annual faculty planning conferences and iRIS lesson observational system have all helped to create a school culture of self-reflection and evaluation.

The FLAME program has encouraged staff of a range of experience levels to analyse the development needs of the school, create and manage improvement projects and set up systems to ensure its sustainability.

Executive members have participated in a yearlong professional journey which involved regular meetings with a member of the Senior Executive Team to review systems, policies and process related to their role. This program will be extended to all staff in 2012, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to showcase their role to their immediate supervisor, articulate their achievements, set appropriate goals and be evaluated in a fair and professional manner.

The Curriculum Review processes have been introduced to encourage all staff to reflect on the work we do and its impact. Initially, it involves staff gathering satisfaction surveys from the students they teach, and thenHTs gather information from staff on faculty procedures, while the senior executive from all staff and lastly school wide feedback is collected from parents. This information has then been used to inform a range of things including teaching programs, extra- curricular events and improvements in faculty and school processes. This has been supported by all departments holding an annual planning conference to set appropriate targets, deliver specific professional learning and foster a collaborative approach to the faculty management plan.

In addition, the new iRIS observational system, the first unit introduced in Australia, has provided staff an opportunity to digitally record their lesson to self-evaluate or share with a colleague and/or supervisor. This innovative approach to improving quality teaching has encouragedmany staff to reflect on their practice to ensure the best outcomes for our students.

All these innovative processes have encouraged a culture of professional sharing, collaboration and most importantly of self-reflection and evaluation to make improvements in our practice. Optional section

Sharing your school’s Partnership achievements A major element of the Low SES School Communities National Partnership is sharing schools’ achievements so that all NSW schools can benefit. We warmly invite you to nominate below an effective strategy, program or initiative that is working well in your school that we can share with others. We will follow up with you once your nomination has been received.

Please provide a brief description of the strategy (two-three sentences) in the space below. An example of a strategy is provided below. Example: Our school has partnered with a university to provide tutoring support for Years 9 and 10 students in mathematics, with the aim of raising students’ learning outcomes. Formal evaluation is being undertaken to determine the effectiveness of the tutoring program, but informal teacher observations are that students are more engaged in class and there are higher rates of homework completion in both years. Student feedback and teacher observation also indicate that relationships with the university students are broadening students’ thinking about future education and career options.

I would like to nominate the following strategy/program/initiative to share with other schools.

The Curriculum Review processes which have been introduced to encourage all staff to gather satisfaction surveys from the students they teach using a range of online surveys, it also requires HTs to gather information from staff on faculty procedures, and the senior executive from all staff on the implementation of the national leadership standards. School wide feedback is collected from parents also. The data collected is analysed by the individual teacher, HT and Senior Executive. Resources were created which guide and support the process from the initial collection of data, through analysis to recommendations. The information has then been used to inform a range of things including teaching programs, extra-curricular events and improvements in faculty and school processes. Appendix one

Example to support completion of Report Section for: Progress towards targets and strategies from the School Plan How well did we do it? How effective were our strategies? Where to next? Future directions? What did we Progress Reason for say we would Evidence of towards Target for maintaining or Strategies for next year achieve? progress Key strategies to achieve the target target next year revising target Select: Target towards target Select: for next year Increase the Basic 45% of students in Implementation of the Focus on Reading Increase the Progress made Revise strategy & describe percentage of (progress Year 5 achieved 3-6 program across Stages 2 and 3. percentage towards target; Describe new/revised strategy: students made) expected growth  Lesson observations and teaching of students however, not to Continue with existing strategies and achieving or better in programs indicate reading is explicitly achieving the anticipated include: expected NAPLAN Reading taught daily in most classrooms in expected level. Collaboratively set milestones for growth in between Years 3 Stages 2 and 3. growth in students in reading for each NAPLAN and 5 in 2011. NAPLAN  A variety of comprehension strategies semester using the Focus on Reading Reading have been explicitly taught in every Reading Learning Sequences. between between classroom. Years 3 and 5 Years 3 and from 37% to  A variety of texts, including visual and 5 from 45% 60% in 2011. multi-modal texts, have been the basis to 60% in for reading programs in most 2011. classrooms.

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