Subject: Music Focus: Introduction to Gigajam and Instrument Length of Lesson : 45 Min

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Subject: Music Focus: Introduction to Gigajam and Instrument Length of Lesson : 45 Min

Alexandra Howes S3531271

Lesson Plan

Date: 5th May, 2009 Term/Lesson: Term 2/ Lesson 2 - 4 Year Level: Year 7. (10 pupils)

Subject: Music Focus: Introduction to Gigajam and Instrument Length of Lesson: 45 min

CLASS : Year 7

Pre-planning Considerations

Topic Analysis:

This lesson will be an introduction to the program Gigajam and Instrument. Each student is previous lesson would have chosen a principal instrument that they will be studying throughout the term.  The key concepts of this lesson will involve private study using the drums/ bass guitar/ keyboard/ guitar and lap top computer.  This lesson will involve a large amount of time to set up sound and computers and to ensure that they are working properly.

Literacy and Learner Considerations:

This lesson involves students working individually on their instruments. There will also be some group work, discussions and activities. Due to this please take note of the following considerations.

 Class Discussions – Throughout the lesson there are some class discussions. Need to consider the speaking and listening levels of the students. Some students may note be comfortable with class discussions. Kinaesthetic Learners and Visual learners will also need other activities to cater for individual learning styles.

 This lesson involves students working closely with musical instruments and computers. As students will be playing school instruments and equipment in almost every lesson, it is important they consider and are careful of the health and safety requirements. In previous lesson students presented Health and Safety issues that could occur in the classroom. Due to this, they should be aware of the requirements.

 Please consider that some of the students may have previous knowledge of the topics being covered in this lesson. The theory and elements of music may have been taught previously to some students. Due to gigajam being a program that students are able to move ahead as they feel, this should cater for these students. Rationale and Outcomes

Aim: The students will be able to: INTRODUCTORY AND LESSON 1.

Guitar Students Bass Guitar Students  Understand the layout of the program gigajam.  Understand the layout of the program gigajam.  Understand the layout of the guitar.  Understand the layout of the bass guitar.  Be able to play two chords. A5 and G5.  Understand and be able to count quarter notes  Understand chord shapes.  Understand root bass notes  Identify the plectrum and how to use it.  Understand the bass notes A and G played on  Be able to count whole notes. both open and fretted strings.  Understand the concept of common time.  Play a rock groove  Develop co-ordination of both hands in the playing rock chords.  Identify and understand repeat signs. Keyboard Students Drum Students  Understand the layout of the program gigajam.  Understand the layout of the program gigajam.  Be familiar with the layout of the keyboard and be  Count quarter notes able to play and identify a number of notes on the  Understand and develop three way co- keyboard. ordination  Recognise the Musical stave and begin to identify  Play a rock groove. different note positions on the stave.  Be able to count whole notes, half notes and quarter notes.  Be able to play chords A and G major as triads.

Learning Out comes: This exercise covers 4 of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards.

Creating and Making :  Generation of ideas for original works in response to stimulus material  Use of combinations of elements of music to communicate performance aims.  Selection of appropriate techniques to communicate particular stylistic characteristics of musical works.  Documentation of rehearsal and performance techniques they used to develop a performance for a specific purpose. Exploring and reflecting .  Reflection on different approaches to presenting a music work to a particular audience.  Awareness of the structural and expressive characteristics of selected works, expressed in the language appropriate to the music style, tradition or genre  Awareness of features of music works (heard of performed) that place the work in a particular culture, tradition or style.

Assessment of Outcomes: Assessment of outcomes will occur by:  Assessment will take place by observation by teacher.

Classroom Management Considerations: Classroom Expectations and Consequences will be discussed throughout this lesson. From this 5 expectations will be determined and used to manage the class.  Class management throughout activities could become a concern. Ensure that each activity and exercise flows and that not too much time is spent of each. Once groups have finished the task move onto the next.  This lesson has been designed to be a fun and educational introduction to music. Allow students to have fun and express themselves. However consider that this might lead to some disruptions.  Students will be working closely with musical instruments and lap top computers. Ensure that all Health and Safety requirements have been considered by teacher and students.


Timing Teaching Points Resources/Assessment

8.45 – 8.50  Take classroom attendance Classroom attendance list 5 x Drum Kit 8.50 – 8.55  Discussion on classroom lesson. Each 4 x Keyboard student will go to their instrument and 6 x Guitar computer and load the Gigajam program. 1 x Bass Discuss with students again about the P.A Health and Safety considerations. Speakers Lap Top Computers  Students can practice on their instrument for 8.55 – 9.20 half and hour. Students must follow Lesson Same as above. 1 of Gigajam.  Teacher is to help students with any questions. Essential skills workbook: 9.20 – 9.28 Guitar  Students should begin filling out their Bass Guitar Essential skills workbook. Keyboard Drums

9.28 – 9.30  Have a final discussion on class and students can begin to pack up. Additional Preparation Details

Prerequisite Pupil Learning.

 This lesson is designed to be a continuation of, Health and Safety and the Electric Guitar, Bass, Keyboard and Drums.  Students might have some previous knowledge about this topic. Need to consider that some of the students may already understand this topic as they have learnt private instrumental music lessons.  This lesson and unit requires students to work individually on instruments and headphones.  This lesson caters for the kinaesthetic, visual and auditory learners. Students will be physically playing their instruments. They will be reading and listening from  Consideration needs to be given to students who can physically not play their instrument. If this is the case, change instrument to suit.

Space and Seating Arrangements.

Students will be playing instruments in this lesson. Floor plan is attached.

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