OM SAI NATH ! Dear Sai devotees, I Shyamal Barooah from Kuwait would like to share more experiences and miracles had with me during my recent visit to India from 23 rd March to 22 nd April. As I mentioned in my earlier articles that we visited Shirdi and had Baba’s Darshan on 24 th March and 25 th March, we reached Guwahati on 26 th March. This time I was planning to have a health check up as well as I have some kind of allergy, so wanted to consult a doctor. At this time my left eye was infected and I was having little dizziness. I never had this kind of dizziness in my life and was little worried. Consulted eye doctor and within 3-4 days the eye was getting cured with bless of Sai Baba! Then wanted to consult skin care doctor for allergy and was some negative thought was coming in my mind all the time.I really don’t know why it was happening! The day we decided to consult doctor I was praying our Sai Nath to save me from all calamities on the way while driving myself. One of my cousin advised me to go and see Skin care Centre at Bhanga Garha,Guwahati. As soon as we reached that clinic, saw a HUGE poster of “Sai Baba” written at the bottom “SAB KA MALIK EK ”…was hung on the clinic wall! It was just miracle for me and we were overjoyed to be welcomed by our “Sai Nath”.I got relief and thought Baba will look after me. I realized that if you really want to see Baba and remember him always…you can see him everywhere! He will be near by you! The test report was OK as allergy level in blood is too high which can be controlled by medicine and exercise as per doctor! As I have taken medicines my head dizziness was started increasing! I was frightened a lot! Then everybody asked me not to have allergy tablets which cause more dizziness and also I have consulted other doctor about it. Which he told me the same. As soon as I left allergy medicine I felt better but still the dizziness was there. We were supposed to go to my native place Jorhat (305 kms from Guwahati) where my mother lives alone. We stayed there for 12 days and after we celebrate our festival ‘Ronagli Bihu” decided to go back to Guwahati (my wife’s place) and then back to Kuwait. But, during these days I was not well and same dizziness was there continuously. Day by Day I was more depressed and frightened….didn’t know what was happening to me! I was just praying to Shirdi Sai Baba day and night… regularly I read “Sai Satcharitra” one chapter every night before going to bed.I had started doing Yoga,Pranayam….watching Swami Ram Dev baba…went to newly constructed(in progress) Shirdi Sai temple in Guwahati, six mile VIP road. Ultimately, I had decided to go and see a neurological doctor and get it checked up thoroughly before leaving to Kuwait. On 18 th April before I went to GNRC (Guwahati Neurological Research Centre) hospital, I went to Sai Baba’s temple and felt on his holy feet to save me from any disaster as my both daughters are small now….lots of things were in my mind! I have consulted the doctor and he asked me to go through brain MRI and neck X – Ray! It was Sunday and I was alone in the MRI room and I asked my wife to look after both daughters at home. Usually, I keep Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba’s photos in my wallet. For the first time I was inside the MRI testing machine and kept praying Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba together to save me! The testing was for at least 15 minutes. Finally, it was finished and came out from the room…..with my curiosity I asked the “scanning man” inside the computer room that if any dangerous thing there? He assured me not to worry! I was really so happy to know that my half of the tension vanished. The X ray report says that there was a slight spondylitis started as per the x-ray taken guy! I thanked Baba immediately! Still my mind was not clear as the complete report was not ready and doctor will see the report next day ie; on Monday 19 th April. Next day, again I went to Sai Baba’s temple and prayed him by lighting Diya and incent sticks before proceeding to Hospital to get the report and to consult doctor. After observing my report doctor told me not to worry and everything is alright in the brain/ head, only due to slight spondylitis I am having this dizziness and head ache. He gave me medicine and asked me to leave for Kuwait without any tension!

I really don’t know how to explain this experience……while driving I was just keep thanking both Shirdi and Sathya Sai baba several times from my bottom of my heart and with overjoyed my tears came out! OM SAI NATH, OM SAI RAM…….SAI NATH MAHARAJ KI JAI HO……I realized that Baba is always with us! Only thing is that you should have full faith and devotion towards him……He’ll be with you! If I have done anything wrong or any sins in this life or my past life I pray again to Baba to have mercy on me and save me from all calamities! We all reached Kuwait safely and I’m improving day by day with the blessings of Sai Nath and Sathya Sai Baba! Still I pray HIM to cure me permanently!

I would also like to mention one incident that on the way from Guwahati to Jorhat on 5 th April we have consulted our family astrologer Mr. Ambika Bora, Nowgaon. Who had told me that a Rahu Dosha impact was going on for which I should be suffering from nerve problem and it will strike on head too, which I have been suffering! So, he advised me to give food to a beggar on Saturday. After we reached Jorhat the next Saturday we prepared varieties of foods to give to a beggar as per his instruction. That day from 12 pm onward till 1:30 pm I was searching for a beggar in the street with my car chanting from one end to another. Nowdays, its difficult to get a beggar even! I was tired and disappointed a lot and lastly only one hope! Remember SAI NATH! I was waiting inside the car in front of a railway crossing to get it clear and ask Baba to help me out! As railway crossing cleared I just went few metres ahead I heard street dogs were burking too much in front of a shop and suddenly my eyes turned up towards to shop for my curiosity… a result I saw a beggar was begging the shop keeper……I just stop the car and asked him “would like to have food ?” He said “yes” then I asked him to come inside my car and explained him about my intension. “OH MY LORD SAI……I will never be able to explain you” Thank you Sai Nath! That’s how he helps his devotees………Om Sai Ram !

I always pray both Sai Baba and offer Naivaidya in the morning! Baba, please keep blessing us and see us every time, everywhere! I pray Baba always to cure from this spondylitis (dizziness, head ache) soon and I’m sure he will cure me! Dear devotees! Please pray for me too!

Thank you Om Sai Namoh Namah !

Shyamal Barooah Kuwait