Will Beckley Elementary School

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Will Beckley Elementary School

Will Beckley Elementary School

School Organizational Team

August 28, 2017

4:01pm - 5:03pm


 Call to Order at 4:05pm

 Members Present:

Shannon Brown (Principal)

Cheryle Trupp (Assistant Principal)

Nancy Crenshaw (Teacher)

Linda Goldstein (Support Staff)

Yalet De la Torre (Parent)

Fabiola Martinez (Parent)

Sara Kennedy (Teacher)

Sarahi Torres (Parent)

Marie Walsh from Las Vegas Rotary

Mary Nelson from Spread the Word

Andrea Dempsey from Arizona Charlies

 Members Absent:

Ben Parks from Los Vaqueros

 Learning Lab Garden for Science Class

Notify Los Vaqueros – help tamp down dirt and gravel to lay tiles

Tiles to be set in preparation for upcoming Harvest Festival

“Install and Beautify” a tall picket fence around our Learning Garden with gate

 Upcoming Changes for 2017-2018 school year

4 Initiatives 3P’s 1R Parent Involvement

Progressive Discipline – trait or behavior focus – roll into morning announcement

PLC Professional Learning - DATA - common assessment – how looks with RTI

RTI Response to Instruction

FLIGHT PLAN Kennedy and Brown

Will build more as we move through the year

Eagle Feathers – rewarded – identified for positive behavior

Substantial budget cut $25,000.00 at present, but may be more

Reduction in Force = possibility

Field Trips on a halt – Staff may use Go Fund Me or Donors Choose for $$$

Andrea Dempsey from Arizona Charlies $5,000.00 approved, pallet of paper $1,300.00 approved Placed “IN TRUST” to Beckley – accountability must go through CCSD

Parent Link – Voice Mail – Text: in both Spanish and English

 Kennedy presented information for upcoming SOT elections

Licensed Staff - Union will handle vote on September 7

Support Staff – September 11 – 14

Parent – PTA, PTO, or Principal will send out nomination forms because the Second Cup of Coffee would be too late

May have an informational meeting regarding nominations and voting

We have a much smaller chunk of time for voting this year

 Parent Classes – Race to Read

Five weeks of classes for parents

Teaches parents how to teach and support their children at home

First class begins on Tuesday, September 19

 Breakfast With Books followed by Second Cup of Coffee on Tuesday September 12

Training for parents following Second Cup of Coffee  Concern for upcoming Summer Slide

School lets out in May

Students will be off from May – August 2018

 Open Forum

Budget cuts = deficit state due to bargaining, retro-active pay, arbitration

Recreational 19% to Education Uncertain – would be per county for distribution of $$$

New schools funded with Bond Money

Fund Raisers Unsure of exact count for this year

FUN RUN or COLOR RUN: Health, Nutrition, Parent Involvement

Student Store will be open during the end of lunch

Department of Education Grant March-April Fruits and Vegetables

Will place Pea Gravel between Learning Garden Painted Tiles

Teachers may send approved letters to parents asking for Field Trip monetary donations

May have collection day for Reams of Paper or a Fund Raiser

Parent Volunteers – adjustments being made to regulation – must have fingerprints on file from CCSD school police, must sign document acknowledging expectations

 Meeting Norms

Norms will be through August and next year as well

Rest of the year meetings: September. October = New Members

 Attendance Norms and Expectations: voted and approved

Three Absences

Secretary will maintain an accurate count

 Construction Announcements

Crew – before start and before or after end time - Parking Enforcement

 Upcoming School Events

Breakfast with Books Tuesday, September 12

Second Cup of Coffee Tuesday, September 12 Race to Read Parent Training Tuesday, September 19

Fundraiser Kick-Off September 25

Fall Pictures September 26

 School Business

 Next Meeting scheduled for Monday, September 18, 2017 (4:00-5:00pm Library)

Meeting Norms

 Follow the agenda (format pre-approved by administration)

 Time will be designated at the end of the agenda for open forum issues. Should there be a need to bring up an issue, please ensure that you offer the problem along with a solution.

 Ensure that all members have the opportunity to contribute equally. The Kagan Structure of Talking Chips is a great way to ensure equal participation.

 Leave the negativity at the door. We are here to positively impact the lives of others.

 Treat others as you would like to be treated or you expect your students to act.

 Come prepared with the required materials needed to successfully participate in the meeting. The Beckley Calendar should be brought to all meetings.

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