Rules & Regulations For

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Rules & Regulations For

2013 Rules & Regulations for St. Benedict’s ALTAR SERVERS: Servers NEED to be practicing Catholics who attend Catholic Mass EACH and EVERY SUNDAY. Servers will be assigned to a team and also may serve Masses during the week if they attend St. Benedict’s School. All servers need to have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance/Confession, and Holy Communion. Servers should arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass in order to prepare and receive their assignments for Mass from their Team Leaders. Servers should always be neatly attired. Boys are to wear black shoes or black sneakers. Absolutely NO WHITE SNEAKERS and NO SHORTS ALLOWED! Trousers/ long pants ONLY! Collared shirts are preferred. Girls should NOT wear high heeled shoes. NO OPEN TOED SHOES and NO flip-flops. SHORTS or anything sleeveless is prohibited. Liturgical dress for boys is the Roman Cassock and for girls is the Alb and cincture. Make sure curtains are OPEN for ALL Masses on Saturday eve and Sunday when candles are used. Be sure to PUT OUT candles after every use. DO NOT let candles burn unattended in sacristy. TWO Servers are to move during the Psalm to light candles for the Gospel procession. Always wait for music before you move. TWO servers bring candles down the side isle at the beginning of the Offertory hymn. DO NOT WAIT! IMMEDIATLTY escort those with the gifts up the isle and wait for Priest to come to you.

During Mass servers should move to kneelers at the beginning of the “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Ring the bell ONE SHORT ring when the priest puts his hands over the bread and wine. THREE SHORT rings for when he raises the Host and THREE SHORT rings for when he raises the Chalice. Servers kneel again after the “Lamb of God.” DO NOT come to the Altar for Holy Communion until after the priest receives Communion. Servers RING BELL again with THREE short rings after Priest receives from Chalice. TWO servers than stand and get two Communion Plates and hold them under their chin to receive Communion and than follow priest/ministers to floor level for all others who are receiving communion.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN IN SO I KNOW YOU SERVED YOUR MASS. If you do not serve your weekend Masses your name will be removed from the server list. If you can not serve your assigned Mass, call you Team Leader or your ATL, if you can not reach anyone call our Captain Kevin Morley 718-792-2184 PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE RECTORY. NOTE: Serving funeral Masses is sometimes requested but is limited to servers in and above the 6th grade. The assignment of funeral servers during school time will depend on class schedule, academic performance & decided by school staff.

Remember: To serve in the sanctuary is a privilege and a wonderful way to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I thank you for your service and appreciate your cooperation. God Bless you! Chaplain, Fr. James Collins

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