BIOB 101 Discovering Biology Course Syllabus and Lecture Outline

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BIOB 101 Discovering Biology Course Syllabus and Lecture Outline

BIOB 101 – Discovering Biology Course Syllabus and Lecture Outline M - W 11:10 -12:00 pm Fall 2016

Instructor: Dr. Kevin Murray Office: NS 113 Office hours: TBA Phone: 4495; email: [email protected]

Required texts: Lecture: Biological Sciences, Pearson Custom Edition for University of Montana Laboratory: Discovering Biology: a Symbiosis Laboratory Guide. Compiled by Kevin Murray.

General Course Content: Biology is a very broad area of study. In this course we will examine issues ranging from the chemical nature of living things to how living things stay alive and how organisms evolve and live together in the biosphere. Lecture and laboratory components of the course are required for a full understanding of many of the issues covered. A primary objective of this course is to help you better understand some of the interesting features of the world around you and to help you make better informed decisions about issues with a biological component.

Grading: In lecture there will be 2 mid-term exams and a final exam; the final is not comprehensive. Exams are objective (true/false, multiple choice). Each exam will be worth approximately 70 points. SCANTRONS (50 responses, single column) are required for the lecture exams.

Your grade in this course can be modified (either up or down) by classroom attendance and participation and is a composite of your lecture and laboratory scores and performance. Laboratory instructors will explain grading procedures and student obligations in the laboratory segment of the course.

Classroom attendance, make-up exams, etc.: Your participation in classroom discussions can affect your final grade; please attend class on a regular basis. Disruptive behavior such as talking or leaving lecture early is not acceptable. If you expect to leave class early, please tell me before class begins. Make-up exams will be permitted only with compelling and supported reasons. Make-up exams will take place one week after the scheduled exam and be arranged during office hours of your laboratory instructor.

Laboratory component of course: You are required to attend laboratory and participate in investigations. Your lab grade will contribute to approximately 1/3 of your overall course grade. There are no "make-up" labs, but you can generally attend another lab section during the week with prior arrangement with instructors of the labs.

Labs meet M - T- W- R (Thursday); check your class schedule for the exact time depending on what section you have registered for. Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of BIOB 100 students will have a broader and deeper understanding of the Science of Biology and how these perspectives can enrich their daily lives. The skills developed in laboratory and the precision thinking required to understand concepts explored in lecture will provide students with an appreciation of the rigors encountered in scientific research. Students will also be prepared to better interpret important sociological and cultural dilemmas related to the natural sciences.

BIOB 101 Lecture Outline Fall 2016

Date Lecture Topic Text Reference Pages

29 Aug Course introduction: Scope of Biology 31 Aug Chemistry for Biology 23 – 27

05 Sep no class 07 Sep Chemistry for biology 28 – 34

12 Sep Molecules of life 42 – 48 14 Sep Molecules of life 49 – 53

19 Sep Molecules of life 54 – 59 21 Sep Tour of the cell 64 – 68

26 Sep Tour of the cell 69 – 73 28 Sep Tour of the cell 74 – 80

03 Oct Exam I 05 Oct Cell respiration 88 – 102

10 Oct Cell respiration 108 – 113 12 Oct Cell respiration 114 – 118

17 Oct Photosynthesis 126 – 129 19 Oct Photosynthesis 130 – 133

24 Oct Photosynthesis 134 – 135 26 Oct summary: Ps & Rs

31 Oct Exam II 02 Nov Evolution and natural selection 178 – 180

07 Nov Evolution and natural selection 174 – 177 09 Nov no class

14 Nov Structure and function of DNA 142 – 150 16 Nov Structure and function of DNA 142 – 150

21 Nov DNA: mutations 156 – 157 23 Nov no class

28 Nov Human evolution 218 – 219 ; 224 – 226 30 Nov Human evolution 05 Dec Human impacts on biosphere 238 – 264 07 Dec Human impacts on biosphere

12 Dec Course synopsis 14 Dec Final Exam (8:30 – 10:00 am)

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