Academy for Science and Agriculture

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Academy for Science and Agriculture

2007-2008 Academy for Science and Agriculture

Electronic Portfolio Guide

Modified from First: Check out a model for an AFSA electronic portfolio (for a model of a student portfolio)

To begin, go to:

Select: Sign Up Select: Sign Me Up Select: Step–by-Step Then, follow the instructions provided in this manual.

Step 1. Create a Home Page.

Content Tools Site Management Security Toolkit & Utilities Help Logout Live Site

Current Section: Home (Home Page) Type a title for your home page. This information will Section Intro appear as a bold header Title and Intro Section Title above the rest of your Attachments Home Page introduction. Related Links Section Intro In the box, type a short Sidebar introduction to this section. Image Font Size Advanced... For ideas on what to write, look at the sample text. Audio Video Sample text: Welcome to my electronic portfolio. Please To see what your page will Document feel free to review my work. look like, click on "preview"; to cancel your changes, Promotions click on "cancel"; to save Manage Promotions your changes, click on "finished". Audit Log Step 2. Create Career Objective Section Introduction. Current Section: Home > Career objective (Career Objectives)

Type a title for the introduction to Section Intro your career goal section. This Title and Intro Section Title information will appear as a bold Attachments Career objectives header above the rest of your career goals. Related Links Section Intro Sidebar In the box, type a short Serif Sans-Serif Image introduction to this section. For Arial” Audio ideas, check the sample text. Video Font Size Advanced... Document Promotions Sample text: My career objectives are as follows. Manage Promotions

Audit Log

Step 3. Career Objectives.

Current Section: Home > Career objective (Career Objectives)

Type a title for your career Main Info objective. This information will Career Objectives *Title appear as a bold header above the Reflections Obtain a job in biotechnology rest of your Objective. Attachments Serif Sans-Serif In the box, type a short career Related Links Font Size Advanced... objective. All you need to enter Image here are you career goals. For Audio ideas, look at the sample text. Sample text: With a degree from the University of Video Minnesota, I plan to be hired in 2011. To see what your page will look Document like, click on "preview"; to cancel your changes, click on "cancel"; to save your changes, click on "finished".

Audit Log Step 4. Education Section Introduction.

Current Section: Home > Education (Education) Type a title for your introduction. This information will appear as a bold header above your education Section Intro section. Title and Intro Section Title In the box, type a short Attachments Education introduction to this section. For Related Links Section Intro ideas on what to write, see the Size Advanced... model. Sidebar Font Image To see what your page will look Audio Sample text: This section provides an overview of my educational experiences. like, click on "preview"; to Video cancel your changes, click on Document "cancel"; to save your changes, Promotions click on "finished". Manage Promotions

Audit Log

Step 5. Education.

Current Section: Home > Education (Education)

Provide information about your Main Info elementary school, your middle Education Degree, Diploma or Certification school, your high school, and, if Reflections you are accepted, your future college. Attachments *School Related Links Academy for Science and Agriculture In the large box, add descriptions Image Location of important courses or other information related to your Audio Vadnais Heights, MN educational experience. Video Program or Course of Study Document College Preparatory To see what your page will look like, click on "preview"; to cancel Graduation or Certification Date your changes, click on "cancel"; to 5/31/2008 save your changes, click on "finished". Description

Font Size Advanced...

Sample text: I am a high school student at the Academy for Science and Agriculture. My grade point average is a 3.75 on a 4.0 scale. I will graduate this June.

Audit Log

Step 6. Employment History Introduction.

Current Section: Home > Employment history (Employment History)

Type a title for your introduction. This Section Intro information will appear as a Title and Intro Section Title bold header above the rest Attachments Employment history of your employment history Related Links Section Intro In the box, type a short Sidebar introduction to this section. Image Serif Sans-Serif For ideas on what to write, Arial Font Size Advanced... Audio see the model. Sample text: Listed below are positions I have Video held. To see what your page will Document look like, click on "preview"; Promotions to cancel your changes, Manage Promotions click on "cancel"; to save your changes, click on "finished". Audit Log Step 7. Employment History.

Current Section: Home > Employment history (Employment History)

Enter your job title, employer Main Info name, starting and ending dates in Employment History *Job Title the appropriate boxes. Reflections Customer Service Worker Attachments Even if you haven’t had any official Employer jobs, you may still have work Related Links Target experience babysitting, mowing Image Start Date lawns, shoveling, etc. Audio To see what your page will look Video End Date like, click on "preview"; to cancel Document your changes, click on "cancel"; to save your changes, click on Description "finished".

Serif Sans-Serif Arial

Font Size Advanced...

Sample text: As a customer service worker at Target, I interact with customers, manage a cash register, and stock merchandise.

Audit Log

Step 8. Activities Section Introduction.

Current Section: Home > Activities (Activities)

Type a title for your introduction. Section Intro This information will appear as a Title and Intro Section Title bold header above the rest of your Attachments Activities activities. Related Links In the box, type a short introduction to this section. For Sidebar Section Intro ideas on what to write, see the Image model. Audio Serif Sans-Serif ArialArial BlackArial NarrowCentury Gothic Comic Sans Video To see what your page will look MS GeorgiaImpactTahoma like, click on "preview"; to cancel Document your changes, click on "cancel"; to Promotions Font Size Advanced... save your changes, click on Manage Promotions "finished".

Sample text: Below is a list of activities with which I’ve been involved.

Audit Log

Step 9. Activities.

Current Section: Home > Activities (Activities) Type the name or sponsor of your activity, along with the Main Info start dates and end dates. Activities *Activity Name Description FFA Member Include all activities you’ve Reflections Start Date participated in. Possible Attachments activities include FFA Related Links End Date (leadership and CDE’s); sports Image (soccer, basketball, volleyball, skiing, baseball, softball, etc); Audio Status Size Advanced... National Honor Society; PALS Video Font or AFSA Ambassadors; YIG or Document Model UN; yearbook, Sample text: Active member for four years. newspaper or literary journal; Magic Role Playing; etc. Also, you may list activities outside of school, including Girl Scouts, Audit Log Boy Scouts, youth groups, piano lessons, dance teams, etc.

Step 10. Volunteer Activities Introduction. Current Section: Home > Volunteer activities (Volunteer Activities)

Type a title for y This is for the introduction to the Main Info volunteer. This volunteer activities section. Volunteer Activities * Section Introduction This w s I Typed information will appear Volunteer Experience bold header ab above the rest of your volunteer volunteer activities. Attachments In the box, type a short Sans-Serif introduction to this section. For Font ideas on what to write, see the model.

I’ve been an ac I have been an active volunteer for the last four years. To see what your page will look like, click on "preview"; to cancel your changes, click on "cancel"; to save your changes, click on "finished".

ooTo see what

Step 11. Volunteer Activities.

Current Section: Home > Volunteer activities (Volunteer Activities)

The "Organization/Activity" field is Main Info required. This is where you would Volunteer Activities *Organization/Activity give a 'title' to quickly describe Reflections AFSA Farm Service Day your volunteer effort. Attachments Description The "Description " field is where Related Links you describe your efforts (for Image Serif Sans-Serif example, what did you do as a Arial Font Size Advanced... Audio volunteer, how long were you involved, who might be a Video Sample text: contact at the organization that Document I worked for 8 hours each semester to help a local farmer. may testify to the value of your Activities included planting and weeding. efforts, etc.). Audit Log Possible volunteer activities include farm service day, Feed My Starving Children, participating in the canned food drive, clothing drive, etc. This is a great place to include missionary work or tutoring as well.

Step 12. Honors and Awards Introduction.

Current Section: Home > Honors and Awards (Honors and Awards)

Type a title for your introduction. Section Intro This information will appear as a Title and Intro Section Title bold header above your honors Attachments Honors and Aw ards and awards. Related Links Section Intro In the box, type a short Sidebar introduction to this section. For Image ” ideas on what to write, see the Audio model. Font Size Advanced... Video To see what your page will look Document like, click on "preview"; to cancel Promotions Sample text: Listed below are honors and awards I have your changes, click on "cancel"; to save your changes, click on Manage Promotions received. "finished".

Audit Log Step 13. Honors and Awards.

Current Section: Home > Honors and Awards (Honors and Awards)

Type the names of all honors and Main Info awards you have received, and Honors and Awards *Name of Award or Honor describe them. Possible examples include student of the month, Reflections Student of the Month science fair, FFA CDE, sports Attachments Date awards, etc. Related Links Description To see what your page will look Image like, click on "preview"; to cancel Audio Serif Sans-Serif your changes, click on "cancel"; to Video ArialArial BlackArial NarrowCentury Gothic C save your changes, click on "finished". Document B Font Size Advanced...

Sample text: I was voted Student of the Month by my teachers.

Audit Log

Step 14. References Introduction.

Current Section: Home > References (References, Mentor, Advisor)

Type a title for your introduction. Section Intro This information will appear as a Title and Intro Section Title bold header above your Attachments My references references. Related Links In the box, type a short Sidebar Font Size Advanced... introduction to this section. For Image ideas on what to write, see the Audio model. Video Sample text: My references are listed below. Feel free to contact them. To see what your page will look Document like, click on "preview"; to cancel Promotions your changes, click on "cancel"; to save your changes, click on Manage Promotions "finished".

Audit Log

Step 15. References.

Current Section: Home > References (References, Mentor, Advisor)

You need to include three Main Info references in your eFolio. Possible References *Reference Name references from AFSA include teachers, advisors, counselors, and Reflections Ms. Louise Worm coaches. Attachments Reference Title Related Links Advisor Possible other references include supervisors at work or Image Organization volunteering, youth group leaders, Audio Academy for Science and Agriculture or other adults who know you well. Video Address Relatives should never be listed as Document 100 Vadnais Heights Blvd. references. City Vadnais Heights Be sure to look up all of the information that is requested, so State potential employers could actually MN contact your references. Zip 55117 Phone Number 651.209.3910 Fax 651.209.3911 Email lw [email protected]

Sample text: Ms. Worm was my advisor for two years. * - denotes required field

Audit Log Step 16. Projects Introduction.

Current Section: Home > Projects (Learning Projects) First, write a title for the project section. Then provide a brief Section Intro introduction to the section. For Title and Intro Section Title ideas, look at the model text. Next, include your best work for Attachments Projects each of the disciplines we study at Related Links Font Size Advanced... AFSA. Sidebar Here are the required projects: Image Sample text: Here are some of my strongest projects. Audio 1. Science Fair (photo with display Video board) 2. Agriculture (photo or written Document sample.) Promotions 3. Science (photo or written Manage Promotions sample.) 4. Math (photo or written sample.) 5. Language Arts (photo or written Audit Log sample.) 6. Social Studies (photo or written sample.) 7. Spanish (photo or written sample.) 8. O Term/ M Term (photo or written sample.)

Step 17. Contact Me Introduction.

Current Section: Home > Contact Me (Online Form)

Type a title for your introduction. Section Intro This information will appear as a Title and Intro Section Title bold header above your contact Attachments Contact Me information. Related Links Section Intro In the box, type a short Sidebar introduction to this section. For Image ideas on what to write, see the Audio Font Size Advanced... model. Video To see what your page will look Document like, click on "preview"; to cancel Promotions your changes, click on "cancel"; to Sample text: Please feel free to email me with questions. save your changes, click on Manage Promotions "finished".

Audit Log

Step 18. Contact form.

Current Section: Home > Contact Me (Online Form)

Form Fields Online Form – Fields All you need to do here is to fill in Edit your form First Name: the requested information, Re-Order Fields including your first name, your last Separator name, your school email address, Last Name: and any comments for visitors to Edit your Separator your sight. Checkboxes Email Edit your Checkboxes Address: Re-Order Checkboxes Thank you message Edit Thank You Comment:

Audit Log

When you have finished your draft, you will see the following screen.

 To view your work, click on the link to see your eFolio.

 To edit your work, click on the administrative link provided. Summary of your eFolio This page provides a summary of your eFolio's status. Most importantly, you can see the status of your eFolio's build.

If you have completed the "Student" interview and are awaiting your portfolio, wait one minute (be patient!) and then click your browser's "Refresh" button.

You are now ready to unleash the full power of eFolio Minnesota, you can "upgrade" your eFolio's tools. Images, documents, audio, and more can be added to your eFolio using the complete administrative tool set of eFolio Minnesota.

Your Account Email Address/User Name: [email protected] Your name: Amelia Afsa (this is not me)

Your eFolio Your portfolio is available at:

Additional Content Features

Your site is ready! To continue administering your portfolio (adding content, formatting and sorting your entries, uploading files, etc.), visit the link below. Your LoginID (your email address) and Password will be the same as the one created here, although the systems will allow you to change your passwords separately if you desire. You'll return to this "Toolkit" later if you wish to add "Questionnaires" to your eFolio, or to export your eFolio to a "Learner Information Packet" (L.I.P.).

To Administer your efolio: The Final Step. Updating Your Portfolio Using the Administrative Link.

Content Tools Select a section to add content, change a section message or to hide or show a section.

The larger categories in bold - Home are required for AFSA. Activities [off] PLEASE remember to hit Events Finish and Save buttons [off] often to save your work!

Honors and Awards This "Content Tools" area [off] displays all the sections and Volunteer Activities [off] subsections you have set up within your Web site. To see Work Samples [off] any subsections, click on the "+" sign next to the section Contact Me title. Click on the name of the section or subsection to Advisor, Mentor add or modify its content. [off]

Apprenticeships, Internships, Practicums This screen also indicates [off] whether you have a section or subsection turned "Off" so Assessments [off] that it does not display on the Live Site, and/or if you Career Objectives [off] have a section or subsection "Hidden" so that it is Coursework [off] available, but hidden from the navigation bar. Employment History [off] To see what your portfolio Career objective looks like right now, click on the "Live Site" button. On Education the screen will be a link to return to this site administration area. Employment history


Volunteer activities

Honors and Awards



The Fun Part. Site Management: The Design Center.

Design Center

Your current design is: Over the Rainbow First, use the administrative link you received when you Category: finished making your site. New Designs Then, select Site Management. Next, select Design Center. From the main Design Center screen you can edit your current design or you can choose a new design.

To edit your current design, click the blue "edit" button Swirls Funky Fun next to your design name. From that screen you can change your title(name), slogan and footer. In addition, you can enter a 'description' of your site (a short sentence or two), and Click to choose an alternate scheme: you can enter 'keywords' that will help search engines find your site (your name, etc.). Separate keywords with a comma. Rainy Day Over the Rainbow To view more designs click on the numbers under the category field. You can click on a design picture to see a larger image and to begin the selection process.

Some designs have This design has the following features: alternate color schemes available. If so, click on the Smooth Groovy - Optional left/right sidebars color to see what the design would look like with that color. Click on the "choose this design" when you are ready to view your efolio with this design.

If you want to choose the design shown, click the "finished" button. Your new design will be propagated throughout your site with the click of a button!

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