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Brandon Valley Middle School

Brandon Valley Middle School Physical Education

Volleyball Historical Facts about Volleyball ▪ Volleyball was developed in 1895 by William G. Morgan at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts. ▪ It was created for businessmen who required a game that involved less physical contact than basketball. ▪ Volleyball blended elements of baseball, basketball, handball, and tennis. ▪ Volleyball was originally played using a tennis net hung 6 feet 6 inches above the floor. ▪ The first game of volleyball was played on July 7, 1896 at Springfield College. ▪ Official volleyball was designed in 1900. ▪ The set and spike were introduced in the Philippines in 1916. ▪ The United States Volleyball Association (USVBA, now called USA Volleyball) was formed in 1928. ▪ Volleyball was introduced to the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964. ▪ The Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) was formed in 1983. ▪ U.S. men’s team won the Gold medal and the U.S. women’s team won the Silver medal at the 1984 Olympics on Los Angeles. ▪ U.S. men’s team won the Gold medal at the 1988 Olympics in Korea. ▪ Volleyball celebrated 100 years of existence in 1995. ▪ Two-person beach volleyball was added to the Olympics in 1996.

Volleyball Player Rotation ▪ Players rotate in a clockwise position. ▪ Position of players in order of the serve: ▪ Right Back ▪ Right Front ▪ Center Front ▪Left Front ▪Left Back ▪ Center Back ▪ Position of players at net: LF CF RF LB CB RB

Volleyball Equipment The Net ▪ The net is placed vertically over the center line. ▪ The top of the net is set at the height of 2.43 meters (7 feet 11 5/8 inches) for men and 2.24 meters (7 feet 4 ¼ inches) for women. ▪ Its height is measured form the center of the playing court. ▪ The net is 1 meter wide and 9.50 meters long, and is made of square black mesh. The Ball ▪ The ball is spherical, and is made of a flexible leather or synthetic leather with a bladder inside made of rubber or a similar material. ▪ It may be a uniform light color or combination of colors. ▪ The volleyball measures 65 to 67 centimeters (25 to 27 inches) in circumference and weighs 260 to 280 grams.

Volleyball Court The size of the volleyball court will depend on the playing ability level and the equipment used. Dimensions will range from approximately 20 feet wide by 40 feet long for lawn or backyard volleyball to 19 feet 6 inches wide by 59 feet long for tournament play. The width of the court is determined by the size of the net used. The service areas should be a minimum of 6 feet in depth back of the end lines.

Volleyball court dimentions. Basic Rules of Volleyball General Rules ▪ Volleyball is played by two teams of six players on a court divided by a net. ▪ There are different versions available for specific circumstances in order to offer the versatility of the game to everyone. ▪ The object of the game is to send the ball over the net so that the opposing team cannot return the ball or prevent it from hitting the ground in their court. ▪ Each team has three hits to attempt to return the ball. ▪ The ball is put in play with a serve that is hit by the server over the net to the opponents. ▪ The volley continues until the ball hits the playing court, goes out of bounds, or a team fails to return it properly. ▪ When the receiving team wins a volley, it gains the right to serve, and the players rotate one position clockwise. ▪ When the serving team wins a volley, it wins a point and the right to continue serving. ▪ Each team consists of no more than six persons, with each side having an equal number. ▪ Each player mush be in his or her own position before the ball is served. ▪ After the server strikes the ball, each player may cover any section of the court. ▪ The positions of the players are numbered as follows: ▪The three players along the net are front-row players and occupy positions 4 (front left), 3 (front center), 2 (front right). ▪The other three are back-row players occupying positions 5 (back left), 6(back center), and 1 (back right). ▪ Each player serves in turn and continues to serve until the volley is lost (side out). ▪ The ball must clear the net on the serve, unless the ball hits the net and goes over the net on the first attempt, then it may be reserved. ▪ After a team has lost its serve, the team receiving the ball for the first serve must rotate one position clockwise before serving. ▪ The ball may be volleyed only three times from one team member to another before the returning it over the net. ▪ During this volley a player may not hit the ball twice in succession. One or both hands may be used. Fouls ▪ A player holds or throws the ball. ▪ The ball touches any parts of the body, other than the hands or forearm. ▪ A player touches the net with any part of the body or hands, or reaches over the net. ▪ A player plays out of position when the ball is being served. Errors ▪ A player does not clearly hit the ball or allows the ball to come to rest on any part or parts of the body. ▪ A player hits the ball out of the boundaries of the court. ▪ A player allows the ball to hit the floor, or any object outside or over the court (except net), before being legally returned to the opponent’s court. ▪ A player touches the ball twice in succession. ▪ A player fails to make a good serve. Penalty ▪ The penalty for fouls or errors committed is a point if the foul or error was committed against the serving team, or side out if the foul or error was committed against the receiving team. Scoring ▪ Only the serving team can score. ▪ When the serving team fails to score, it is side out and the receiving team becomes the serving team. ▪ The game is played to 21 points or, upon agreement by both teams, 15 points may constitute a game. ▪ A match consists of two out of three games.

Safety Hints for Volleyball ▪ Warm up thoroughly prior to game. ▪ Equipment should be checked for safety prior to game. ▪ Area surrounding court or playing area must be kept free of obstacles. ▪ No jewelry or sharp objects should be worn during game. ▪ Players should stay in control and maintain their own positions. ▪ Ball should be rolled to opponents when returning ball for serve. ▪ Players should learn to play the ball properly to avoid injuries to hands and fingers.

Volleyball Terms Ace Serve that results directly in a point. Add out Team that has scored a point following a tie at scores over 14 points. Block Defensive play by one or more players used to intercept a spiked ball in an attempt to rebound it back into the opponent’s court. Bump Forearm pass. Deuce Any tie score of 14 points or more. Dig Passing a spiked or powerfully hit ball Foul Violation of the rules. Game Point Last point in a game. Newcomb Game variation using catching and throwing skills in place of setting and bumping. Out of Bounds When a ball lands completely outside of the boundary lines. Pancake Defensive technique where player extends hand, palm down on floor, so that ball bounces off back of hand. Rotation Clockwise movement of players prior to the new serving term of a team. Serve Skill used by player in back-right position to put ball into play. Side Out When serving team fails to win the point or makes an illegal play.



Volleyball was created in 1895 when William G. Morgan, a YMCA instructor in Massachusetts, combined components of basketball, baseball, handball, and tennis to create what he called “mintonette.” As observers watched the game, they noted that players were “volleying” the ball back and forth. Thus, mintonette was changed to volleyball. The first game of volleyball was played at Springfield College in 1896. Then, in 1947, the Federation Internationale De Volley-Ball (FIVB) was founded.

FUN FACTS The FIVB added the Beach Volleyball World Championship Series in 1987. A 1992 Antigua and Barbuda stamp features Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck playing beach volleyball. In 1994, an indoor volleyball event at Madison Square Garden had $4 million in total prize money. Both women and men can play professional volleyball. Today, more than 46 million Americans play volleyball.

BENEFITS OF PLAYING 1. Volleyball helps build your leg muscles. 2. It is great for your hand-eye coordination. 3. Volleyball helps you communicate with others and work as a team. 4. You can play indoors or outdoors. 5. It’s a lot of fun! Volleyball Unit Extension Project

NAME ______CLASS ______

Equipment needed to play volleyball

Item Where you would purchase it (be specific) Cost

Where you would play volleyball Please explain where in the community you would play volleyball. Be specific.

Health benefits of playing volleyball Please explain the health benefits of playing volleyball. Include how much volleyball you would need to play each week to gain these benefits.

Reflection question Do you think volleyball is an activity you would like to play as an adult? Why or why not? If you believe you’d like to play volleyball, would you rather play in an organized recreation league, in pick-up games at a park, or in your own backyard with friends and family?

Bonus question Attend an adult recreation league volleyball game and write a brief paper on what you liked and didn’t like about the way the game was played and add whether or not you’d like to participate in this league as an adult (include why or why not). Also add whether you’d rather play in a coed league. Volleyball Student Portfolio Checklist


Knows how to and can perform the underhand volleyball serve Knows how to and can perform the bump pass Knows the rules of serve and how to rotate Can play a game while following the rules Knows how to and can perform the setup pass Has learned the tip-over Can direct the ball to different places on the court Knows and understands rules involving net play Has learned and can perform the overhead serve Has learned the spike Has learned the block Is able to play an offensive game Knows the official rules Has learned basic volleyball strategies Exhibits responsibility and good sporting behavior during competition Can, within the rules, interchange positions Volleyball Quiz6th grade NAME ______TEACHER ______DATE ______CLASS NUMBER______

True or False: Read each statement below carefully. If the statement is true, put a check under the True box in the column to the left of the statement. If the statement is false, put a check under the False box in the column to the left of the statement. If using a grid sheet, blacken in the appropriate column for each question, making sure to use the correctly numbered line for each question and its answer. True False 1. If there are seven players on a volleyball team, only six may play at one time. 2. Rotation occurs after each point is won. 3. To follow a legal rotation order, a team must rotate in a clockwise direction. 4. A ball hitting the net during play always ends the point. 5. The left-back player is the server. 6. A bump pass is used when the ball looks like it is falling into a player’s eyes. 7. If player A hits the first tap, and player B hits the second tap, then player A can hit the third tap. 8. A server who is off the court when serving is doing something illegal. 9. A player should open his hands and hit a setup pass when the ball falls below his waist. 10. It is good team strategy to hit the ball away from the strongest player on the other team. 11. Using a firm arm is bound to be more successful than a soft, feathery arm when you hit a serve. 12. Volleyball games are 15 points, but they must be played out to find a winner if the score is 14-15, because a team cannot win until it is in the lead by 2 points. 13. If player A hits the ball sending it to player B, who is only able to hit it so it goes straight up in the air, player B should hit it again to send it over the net. 14. The server should run onto the court as soon as he hits the ball because he is needed to cover the play on the court. 15. Neither the serve nor a person is allowed to touch the net. Volleyball Quiz7th grade NAME ______TEACHER ______DATE ______CLASS NUMBER______

Diagram: It may help you to understand some of the questions by referring to the diagram. In some questions, you are to choose among the multiple-choice answers provided. In others, you must simply decide whether the statement is true or false. Place your answers on the line to the left of the question.

_____1. According to the diagram, which team will be serving first? a. purple b. gold

_____2. Player 3 on either team can legally spike a ball set up at the net. a. True b. False

_____3. Player 5 on the purple team may not spike in front of the 10-foot line. a. True b. False

_____4. Player 1 on the purple team will commit a service violation if she remains at this place on the court when she serves. a. True b. False

_____5. The team that serves first during the first game is the team that must serve first in the second game. a. True b. False

_____6. If playing time elapses when the score is 8 to 7, with the purple team in the lead, the game is a tie. a. True b. False

_____7. Volleyball players may not enter another team’s court even if they go over the centerline an inch. a. True b. False

_____8. If the ball has been hit, players may contact the net on the follow-through. a. True b. False

_____9. Opposing blockers and spikers may hit the ball a second time if the ball was hit by both of them but didn’t go anywhere. a. True b. False ____10. The best first-tap strategy for the gold team is to bump the ball in the area marked by 4. a. True b. False

Matching Questions: Read one numbered item at a time. Then look at each of the possible choices in the column on the right. Decide which item in the right- hand column best matches up with that of the left-hand column. Put the corresponding letter on the blank space left of the number it best matches.

_____1. The legal limit of taps per team a. A spike _____2. The number of team players on a court b. 15 points _____3. A skill used by a teammate c. 6 _____4. The back line cannot spike closer than d. 2 _____5. A team serves twice, and the serve is not returned e. 3 _____6. The number of points one player can get in a game f. 10 feet _____7. A kill shot g. A set _____8. A surprise h. A reverse set Volleyball Quiz8th grade NAME ______TEACHER ______DATE ______CLASS NUMBER______

True or False: Read each statement below carefully. If the statement is true, put a check under the True box in the column to the left of the statement. If the statement is false, put a check under the False box in the column to the left of the statement. If using a grid sheet, blacken in the appropriate column for each question, making sure to use the correctly numbered line for each question and its answer.

True False 1. It is better to spike a ball dropping slightly in front of your face than to try and spike it when it drops behind your head.

2. The setter should stay in rotation and wait for the set there.

3. It is illegal to post a two-person block.

4. If the ball bounces off your shoulder and goes over the net, the other team must play it.

5. Neither spiker nor blocker can reach over the net.

6. A server can legally step inside the court before contacting the serve.

7. When the game seems to be getting too fast, the best way to slow it down is to use one hit and send the ball back over the net immediately.

8. The right-back player will be the last server if the game starts with the opponents serving.

9. The bump pass is the only skill that every person on the team must be able to execute.

10. Going down the line is a placement strategy for serves and third taps.

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