Name: Tommy Held Grade Level: Senior 2 Date: 5/8/14

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Name: Tommy Held Grade Level: Senior 2 Date: 5/8/14

Use this template when submitting Lesson Plans to your Teacher Quality Coordi- nator. After you teach the lesson, please answer the reflections questions found at the end of this form.


Name: Tommy Held Grade Level: Senior 2 Date: 5/8/14

Objective (What will your students be able to do?)

SWBAT deliver a ‘Breaking News’ newscast to the class, using a standard format I provide them.

Assessment (How will you know whether students have made progress toward the objective?)

Students will act as a breaking news News Anchor for a random picture or video I show them in front of the class.


News Anchor • Breaking News • Grammar:

Materials Needed:

Chalk and Eraser • Poster of Class Rules • Mock CCTV News Anchor microphone • PPT • Class Point Totals • Lesson Opening

Write on board -For ‘ Breaking News ’ Lesson, write the 4-point News Anchor template on the board before class begins. • Teacher Tommy • Rules Poster placed on chalkboard with magnets • Class Point totals. • Teacher: “5-4-3-2-1!” Repeat if class isn’t quiet. Teacher: “Good morning/afternoon class!” • Students: “Good morning/afternoon Teacher Tommy.” • CR of Class Rules and do CFU’s to make sure students fully understand. CFUs on cell phones, outside classwork, listening to teacher/classmates.

(If I see your cell phone, what will I do? “Take it!” If you see my cell phone, what can you do? Take it!” If I see Math or Science open on your desk, what will I do? “Take it!” If I see food on your desk, what will I do? “Eat it!” If I am talking, are you listening? “Yes!” If your classmate is talking, are you listening? “Yes!”)

Teacher walks through class to check for Name Tags and Notebooks on desks. Also checks for any outside schoolwork on desk. Teacher directs any student w/o NameTag to make a new one right away. If no effort being made to make name tag, do not award point to class.

Slide: Total Class Points? Remember! TV/Movie class every 50 class points. “How many total class points?” “Can you get 10/10 today?”

Slide: Tongue Twister Time “How much pot could a pot roast roast if a pot roast could roast pot.” Repeat once. It should be easy for most students, so draw cards for random stu- dent to present, then ask for volunteers.

Slide: Review: ‘Many advertisements have 3 parts: A ______, A celebrity, and Why ___?’ Sound out the first part of Product, to help the remember, but they will remember the Buy in Why Buy.

“Today, we will talk about ‘Breaking News,’ and we will practice being ‘News Anchors’ on CCTV.”

Introduction of New Material

Slide: “Breaking News” -Include picture of two prominent news anchors on CCTV. • “News Anchor” = They tell you what is happening in the news. • Do CR of News Anchor, and as class what they do before showing them. Say, ‘these • are two CCTV News Anchors.’ Slide: “What is Breaking News?” • =Something important happened! News Anchors tell you Breaking News. • Quiz class on this before telling them. Help them by asking, ‘is Breaking News big or • small? Is it new or old? Is it important?’ CR of ‘Breaking News.’ Slide: Breaking News can be about… Weather, Murder!, Anything else? …….Sports, • Traffic, War, Accidents, Celebrities Ask class for more suggestions before giving them the new ideas. • Slide: 4 steps for CCTV Breaking News: •

‘Hello! This is CCTV News Anchor ______’ ‘I interrupt your program to bring you this Breaking News.’ ‘What is happening?’ (Use words on the slide for help) ‘Please stay with us for more information.’

Guided Practice

Slide: Picture of Panda in a small airplane, as if it was going to fly the airplane. • Include picture of ‘Breaking News’ on every slide like this, to remind students of the • theme. Include words on the slide surrounding the picture, to help students in crafting a • Breaking News description for it. Use: Panda, flying, airplane and cute to give a Breaking News report: • ‘Hello! This is CCTV News Anchor Tommy’ ‘I interrupt your program to bring you this Breaking News.’ ‘There is currently a small, cute Panda in a small airplane. It looks like it is going to fly the airplane, so watch out!’ ‘Please stay with us for more information.’ Modeling it like this will give students an idea of what is expected of them when • they are the CCTV News Anchor. Use the fake CCTV microphone during this, so stu- dents know how to hold it when they are in front of the class. Slide: Another example for class, but ask for their help in coming up with the ‘What • is happening?’ description. Picture of Zombie invasion • Words to use: Zombie, invasion, Hungry, Scary, Watch Out! • Deliver Breaking News report to class, but ask class to fill in the ‘what is happen- • ing?’ part. Slide: One more example to model it for the class, but a video this time. • Video of Lego superheroes fighting each other, from youtube. • Words: superheroes, fighting, shooting, Marvel, X-Men. • Do the whole Breaking News report for the class, to model how they should do it for • a video. They’ll love it, and applaud when I finish the report. Independent Practice

Slide: Your turn to be the News Anchor! Use the picture/video and words to tell us • what is happening. Remind them that they will do the same thing that I just did three times. Ask for any volunteers to try going first, but it’s likely that none will raise their hand, so draw cards for the first one or two students. If you were animated during the Breaking News reports in the GP, then students will be animated for the IP Breaking News reports. Slide: Picture of Chinese construction workers pulling a pig out of a street sewer. • Words: Underground, Fat Pig, Pulling up, Lifting up, Good Smell/Bad Smell •

Slide: Picture of President Obama pointing at the Forbidden Palace in Beijing. • Words: President Obama, Touring, Visiting, Pointing at…, Beijing. • Slide: Picture of Taylor Swift music tour poster for her upcoming concert in Shang- • hai on May 30. Words: Concert, Music Tour, Coming Soon! Tickets? • Slide: Video of extreme weather • Words; hot, weather, explosions, rain, water, violent • Slide: video of Dinosaurs from ‘Jurrasic Park’ • Words: Dinosaurs!, killing, run away, so scary! • Slide: video of the Stay-Puft marshmallow man from ‘Ghostbusters’ • Words: New York City, it’s coming for us!, watch out!, monster • Slide: photos of Kobe and LeBron shaking hands with crowds of people in Chinese • cities words: LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Crowds, Shaking hands •

Lesson C losing

• Slide: Review: A News ______on TV tells us what is happening. Breaking News is im- portant news! News Anchors tell you the ______News. • Slide: How many class points today? • Name tags and Notebooks (?/2) • Respect Teacher and Classmates (?/3) • Raise Hands and Speak English (?/2) • No Electronics (?/1) • Participation ((?/2) • ?/10 Points • Thank class for positive areas, give constructive feedback for areas of improvement. • Write down Class Points in document, along with any specific student/class behavior notes. • Video to end class with: Breaking News from 2008: CNN coverage of Obama’s victory in 2008.

Don’t Forget: Laptop w/ case and VGA adapter, Rules Poster w/ magnets, any confiscated student materials, put back extra desk used to hold laptop under smart board.


Complete within 24 hours after teaching the lesson

1. Please provide a description of the students you taught (e.g., grade level, number of stu- dents, special characteristics, duration of lesson etc.). a. I taught this Lesson to 10 Senior 2 classes and 4 Senior One classes, with the aver- age class size at 55 students. Each class period is 40 minutes.

2. How many of your students fully achieved the lesson objective (please provide the num- ber of students)? How do you know? If not, what are you going to do during the next class period with these students to ensure that they achieve, or work toward achieving, the objective? a. I think all but a few of the students in each class achieved the lesson objective be- cause the format of the lesson only allows one student to be a News Anchor at a time. With this kind of lesson, it is difficult to allow everyone to take part. If I could do it again, I would require more students to help the News Anchor brain- storm what is going on in the picture or video, instead of only one student up front doing it.

3. What did you do to ensure that all students were able to participate during the lesson? How did you target lower-level students? Shy students? Advanced students? a. I targeted lower-level students by allowing the class to help me with one of the Breaking News reports. I targeted shy students by being very animated during the Breaking News report examples I did in front of the class, and advanced students were able to present their own original ‘breaking news’ instead of relying on my slides.

4. Which one part of the lesson was most successful? Why? How do you know? a. The IP activity was by far the most successful because students clearly under- stood the concept of Breaking News, and they had fun trying to describe the silly pictures or videos that I provided them! 5. Which one part of the lesson needed the most improvement? How do you know? How would you improve it if you could teach the lesson again? a. The GP needed some improvement because I initially didn’t model the IP clearly enough for them. But I changed it to give students more clues about what to say for the descriptions.

6. Did you need to modify your lesson plan during class? If so, why? How did you modify the plan? a. I only realized that I needed to be as animated as possible when I modeled the Breaking News reports.

7. What patterns in your preparation/teaching can be improved? a. I can improve my preparation, to better anticipate how much guidance students will need in order to be fully prepared to succeed in the IP.

8. What was your favorite part of the lesson? What was your students’ favorite part of the lesson? a. Our favorite part was delivering Breaking News for the videos! Some students were able to narrate the videos as we watched them, just like I did in the GP.

9. After teaching this lesson, do you have any questions you would like addressed regarding teaching methodologies, strategies, or activities? a. Not at this time.

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