No Late Homework! Plan It & Do It, Or Fail the Class!

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No Late Homework! Plan It & Do It, Or Fail the Class!

ENG 82 – SP 2010 – SEC # 6030 ~ T/TH 8:00-10:05 A.M.~ T 9:04 A.M. LAB! MRS. BURRUSS (Mrs. “B”) Email: [email protected] (310) 532-3670 ext. 4404 Website: No Late Homework! ~ Plan it & Do it, or Fail the Class! This schedule is subject to changes. Please be sure to have the phone number of at least two classmates to follow-up on assignments. You are responsible for all changes, whether you are in class or not! Be sure to check your ECC email account at, and designate a study partner to take notes and handouts for you! 1. Study Buddy Name ______

Phone number______E-mail address______

2. Study Buddy Name ______

Phone number______E-mail address______

3. Study Buddy Name ______

Phone number______E-mail address______vOCABULARY HOMEWORK & tests FOR EACH CHAPTER (10 POINTS PER CHAPTER) IN THE BOOK: DO NOT use the dictionary for vocabulary! First: Do “Ten Words in Context”, “Matching Words w/Definitions”, and “Sentence Check 1” Next: Check your answers for “Sentence Check 1” against the key in the back of the book Last: Do the Final Check. (Textbook homework = 4 units at 60 points each ~ 10 points per chapter)  Pretest grades do not  Tests are 50 points  Pretest = ticket for the count each! Test

 Extra Credit Opportunity: Each underlined vocabulary word used properly in a writing assignment will count as 1/2 bonus point! This does not include Word Parts! Each word, used in the same context, will only count once per assignment. 30 WORD PARTS FROM THE LAB PACKET: MAKE 30 FLASHCARDS AS DIRECTED FROM THE LAB PACKET. YOU WILL BE TESTED ON THOSE WORD PARTS. GREEK & LATIN ROOTS WORKSHEET: 20 POINTS Print out the following website: Try to come up with at least one or two words for each example. You may write words right on your print out (approximately 10 pgs.) Do Not use your dictionary for any vocabulary assignments! The service learning project ~ PUT THESE ON a calendar  Contact forms due Week 5  Mapping due on Week 12  Volunteering completed by week 10  Report due Week 13  All journals done by Wk 11  Presentations due Wk 14 *BE PREPARED ~BRING THESE THINGS DAILY* LAB PACKET A BRIGHT PEN 10 STEPS BOOK GRADE RECORDER A #2 PENCIL NOVEL & NOTES DICTIONARY NOTEBOOK PAPER BRING YOUR VOCABULARY BOOK FOR TEXTBOOK CHECK AND THE DAYS WE GRADE IT ****THE NOVEL SHOULD NEVER LEAVE YOUR SIDE!*** ****BRING SCANTRONS ON TEST DAYS!**** THE LAB PORTFOLIO  FOLLOW GUIDELINES ON THE LAB RUBRIC! Early Portfolios will get priority conferences!

1 Important Note: For all of your classes, do not get rid of books, notes, tests, etc. until all grades are posted. Always keep track of your own grade! PUT NAME, SECTION #, AND DATE ON ALL SUBMITTED HOMEWORK!













 MRS. “B’s” LAB PACKET 2ND EDITION, FEB 2009, AT BOOKSTORE: 978-21055-16556



 A BRIGHT PEN (Easy to see)



 ______~UNWRINKLED Scantrons (ParScore Form # F-171PAR-L)

 30~3X5 CARDS for Word Parts Project in Lab Packet!

Other Suggested Items: English at Hand (Townsend Press) & Personal Headsets for the BSSC Lab

3 Novel Chapter Notes ~ Copy/Print this page or write all info on paper ~ 1 Chapter per page! Incomplete answers will lose points! (Some of the ideas/wording on this page have been taken from a teacher idea website) Remember: Each Vocabulary Word = 1/2 Bonus Point ~ Must be underlined and used properly! A. Chapter #: ____ Pgs.______Your Name:______Section #____

B. New/Interesting Vocabulary, page #, and the definition(s): ______

C. Setting: Identify the setting and characters


D. In a few complete sentences in your own words, summarize the most important events of the chapter.


E. In a complete sentence, write a prediction (what you think will happen next) based on what you have learned in this chapter.


F. In a complete sentence, write a question you would like to ask based on what you’ve read in this chapter. Be sure to begin with Who, What, When, Where, How, or Why and end with a question mark (?).


G. Make the connection: How can you relate this chapter to your own life or the world today? What did this chapter mean to you as you read it?


4 Novel Chapter Notes ~ Copy/Print this page or write all info on paper ~ 1 Chapter per page! Incomplete answers will lose points! (Some of the ideas/wording on this page have been taken from a teacher idea website) Remember: Each Vocabulary Word = 1/2 Bonus Point ~ Must be underlined and used properly! A. Chapter #: ____ Pgs.______Your Name:______Section #____

B. New/Interesting Vocabulary, page #, and the definition(s): ______

C. Setting: Identify the setting and characters


D. In a few complete sentences in your own words, summarize the most important events of the chapter.


E. In a complete sentence, write a prediction (what you think will happen next) based on what you have learned in this chapter.


F. In a complete sentence, write a question you would like to ask based on what you’ve read in this chapter. Be sure to begin with Who, What, When, Where, How, or Why and end with a question mark (?).


G. Make the connection: How can you relate this chapter to your own life or the world today? What did this chapter mean to you as you read it?


5 English 82 Sp 10 Sec 6030 TTH 0800 -T 0900 Lab ~ Quick Glance for Long Term Assignments Week # Month Tuesday Thursday Date Date

1 February 16 18 Books & Supplies

2 23 25 BSSC Diagnostic Report is Due! Syllabus Quiz/ No Scantron needed 3 March 2 4 Academic Success Tips

4 9 11 SL Journal #1 V: Unit 1 homework 5 16 18 SL Signed Contact Forms are Due V: Unit 1 Test SL Journal 2 SL Mapping 6 23 25 Inspiration Paragraph & Map

7 March/April 3/30 4/1 V: Unit 2 homework Exit Exam + Course Corrections & [‘Grade Check 8 April 6 8 Midterm V: Unit 2 Test Spring Break Sat~10th through Fri~16th

9 20 22 Greek & Latin Sheets and Cards

10 April 27 29 Complete Service R: Homework Chapters 5 & 6 Share something written w/the class by Saturday 5/1 11 May 4 6 SL Journals 3 & 4 All SL Journals Due + SL Journal 5 V: Unit 3 homework 12 11 13 V: Test Unit 3 SL Report Mapping Holes Test 13 18 20 ND Timed Exit Exam SL Report No Scantron needed 14 25 27 SL Presentations Group Experts’ Final Exam Review 15 June 1 3 Final Exam Exit Exam # 3 Grade Check 16 8 10 Lab Portfolio Conferences Conferences

6 Week 1

Day 1~T: 2/16 Classroom: H202 8:00-9:00 Lab: H201 9:04-10:05  Handouts & Class info  SIGN OUT IF YOU’RE NOT STAYING IN THIS CLASS!  Textbooks  Turn BSSC Registration Form in today ~ Diagnostic due next Tuesday  Syllabus, Scantrons, Novel Notes, & Homework packet explanation  Explain EQ Journaling  Suggestions to help during the reading of HOLES (N) o Underlining key concepts, interesting lines, etc. o Keep up with your reading! o Use the form OR notebook paper listing A through F and always use your best grammar o Understand what happened; discuss it with your classmates!  Introduce Service Learning Project, lab info, scavenger hunt

Lab at 9:04 a.m.: No food, drink, web surfing, or personal electronic devices!  Thank You   Get ECC email o Put your full name and section number in the subject line o Email your instructor, get a reply, print the reply, and put it in your portfolio  Registration adds/drops AT THE END OF CLASS

EQ #1: What are the times and days I have available to spend doing homework on campus?

Day 2~Th: 2/18 ~ LECTURE DAY~H202 8:00 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.

□ Clean Textbooks & Supplies Check …11 points □ Explore Mrs. “B’s” website o Explore service learning project, . Explain a Non-Profit Organization and places to look o Lab info, Scavenger hunt, Novel Notes □ Introductions/Study Buddies …3 points □ Grade Keeper & Questions

EQ #2: What do I understand now that I thought was confusing before?

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: On all R: (10 Steps) Homework, please do the following:

First ~ Do the Practice exercises noted on the homework schedule Next ~ Check the Practice answers in the back of the book If you don’t do well: Look over the Chapter Work with a study partner Get tutoring! Last ~ Do the rest of the homework: Review Tests and Mastery Tests

7 Week 1 Homework

Notes: 100% Non-resident refund deadline is this Friday Normally, all homework will be due at the beginning of class on Tuesdays unless otherwise indicated on this homework schedule! This includes the previous week’s Essential Questions (EQ)! “R” = 10 Steps book, “V” = Vocabulary book, “N” = the novel. Late homework will not be accepted for credit, yet is still expected to be done so that you understand the concepts for tests. Be researching where you will do your Service Learning Hours! Due This Thursday ~ February 18th □ All books & supplies o New textbooks only, or have your textbook erased completely or white out on all answers □ Reserve texts are available in the library ~ homework must clearly indicate pg #, Lesson, etc. □ Write down any questions you have regarding the class! Due Next Tuesday ~ February 23th □ R:10 Steps: Read intro: pgs 3-18 o Answer Questions PGS 5 –7, Part One, Two, and Three □ Novel Notes: Holes o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 1 through 5 . ONE SET OF NOTES PER CHAPTER! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes! □ Week One’s Essential Questions 1 & 2 (EQ 1 and 2) ~ Answer these in complete sentences! □ Look over the syllabus and homework schedule, noting important dates on a calendar and ask questions if you don’t understand □ Update your Individual Grade Recorder sheet (in pencil) & tally your percentage in class!

Due Next Thursday ~ February 25th □ BSSC Assessment Due: Allow at least 1 hour for the test and bring your current Student I.D. card □ R: (10 Steps Book) Read over Chapter 1, “Vocabulary in Context” and be ready for the lesson in class □ Read over your syllabus

Up and coming ~ Put these on your calendar and don’t procrastinate! Plan ahead! □ V: Vocabulary Unit 1: Due Week 4/Day 7 Tuesday 3/9 ~Chapters 1 → 6 ~ see front page of this homework schedule for assignments!

Be researching where you will do your Service Learning Hours! □ Service Learning Journal Entry 1: Due Week 4/Day 7 Tuesday 3/9 □ Service Learning Project Contact Form ~ Due Week 5, Tuesday, 3/16, Day 9 o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ Service Learning Journal Entry 2 with Mapping ~ Due Week 5/Day 10 Thursday, 3/18

Scantrons used are: Parscore Form F-1712-PAR-L

8 Week 2 Notes: Last day to add full semester courses is this Friday, Feb 26th Day 3~T, 2/23 Meet in the Classroom: During Roll, Prep for Trade & Grade □ Collect EQ’s 1 & 2 … 2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Chapters 1- 5 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points □ Trade & Grade ~ R (10 Steps): Intro … 18 points □ Go over upcoming requirements and/or questions for the Service Learning Project o Show Power Point & Video □ LAB: Ultimate Speed Reader Assessment and instructions o Ultimate Speed Reader Assessment ~ Lessons must be done on campus! □ Fill in initial assessment score on your Lab Rubric and on a separate paper to turn in □ Record information for each reading (2 complete lessons per page) □ Manually set reading speed as necessary according to instructions in Lab Packet

EQ# 3: Three things that I may consider using for my project presentation are ____, ____, or ____ .

Day 4~Th, 2/25 □ Syllabus Pop Quiz…10 points □ Check for missing study buddies and answer questions □ Explain Academic Success Tips Assignment ~ Get it from your ECC email (Due next Th)! □ Grade keeper questions □ Diagnosis of Basic Skills Study Center Assessment (point out Vocabulary needs) □ Collect Basic Skills Study Center Assessment Print Out ……20 points □ Lesson R: (10 Steps Book) Chapter 1 ~ Vocabulary in Context □ Imagine the Future

EQ# 4: The four components of Vocabulary in Context are __,__,__,and ____, and knowing how to use these can help me because I won’t have to look in a dictionary and ______.

9 Week 2 Homework

Due This Thursday

□ BSSC Assessment Print Out □ Read over Syllabus □ Read over R (10 Steps): Chapter 1, “Vocabulary in Context”

Due Next Tuesday □ EQ 3 & 4: Week Two’s Essential Questions 3 & 4 ~ Answer these in legible, complete sentences! □ Novel Notes: Holes Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 6-10 . One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes!  R (10 Steps): Chapter 1 – Vocabulary in Context ~ Follow directions! o Practice 1 (# 6-10) o Practice 2 (# 6-10) o Practice 3 (# 6-10) o Practice 4 (# 6-10) o Review Test 1 o Review Test 3 o Mastery Test 2  Look ahead at R: Chapter 3: Main Ideas Please look ahead at this chapter!

Due Next Thursday

□ Read all of the Academic Success Tips sent to your ECC email from me List and type the answers on paper (number them 1 through 9) to the following 9 items: o (1, 2, & 3) 3 of these things you do now that help you o (4) Something new you learned from reading this o (5 & 6) What seems to hurt your success and what makes you succeed o (7, 8, & 9) 3 things you plan on doing to improve your success this semester . Also, on two 3x5 cards, print all three things onto each card  Turn in Tallied Grade Keepers  Look ahead at R: Chapter 4: Supporting Details

Up and coming ~ Put these on your calendar and don’t procrastinate! Plan ahead! □ V: Vocabulary Unit 1: Due Wk 4/Day 7, Tuesday, 3/9: Chapters 1 through 6 o See front of homework packet for Vocabulary assignments! □ Service Learning Journal Entry 1: Due Week 4/Day 7 Tuesday 3/9 □ Service Learning Project Contact Form ~ Due WEEK 5/DAY 9 ~ 3/16 o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ Service Learning Journal Entry 2 ~ Due Week 5/Day 10 Thursday, 3/18 □ Service Learning Journal Entry 2 Mapping ~ Due Week 5/Day 10 Thursday, 3/18

10 Week 3 Notes: This Friday, March 5 = The last day to drop without notation on your record

Day 5~T: 3/2 Class: During Roll: Read Reading for Understanding (RFU) Directions in the Lab Packet and write down starting card number from the BSSC diagnostic onto the first card’s entry. □ Collect EQ 3 & 4 … 2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Holes Chapters 6-10 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points □ Trade & Grade R: Chapter 1 ~ Vocabulary in Context … 35 points o This will help w/V:Unit 1 homework that is due next week. Go over what you got wrong and write down any questions that you may have to take to a tutor. □ Begin Lesson R: Chapter 2: Main Ideas Lab: □ RFU directions READ DIRECTIONS IN THE LAB PACKET!

EQ#5: When trying to decide the Main Idea, I ask myself, “What is the author’s ____ about the__?”

Day 6~Th: 3/4

□ Finish Lesson R: Chapter 2: Main Ideas □ Lesson R: Chapter 3 ~ Supporting Details o Practice mapping in class for Journal 2 □ Turn in Tallied Grade Keeper …3 points □ Collect Academic Success Tips List and two 3x5 cards … 20 points

EQ#6: The difference between major supporting details and minor supporting details is that_____.

11 Week 3 Homework

Due Next Tuesday: □ Essential Questions 5 & 6 □ Novel Notes: Holes o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 11-15 . One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes! □ Vocabulary Unit 1: Chapters 1 through 6 o See front of this homework schedule for assignments! □ Service Learning Journal Entry 1 ~ Looking for a place ~ See S. L. Packet for prompt

Due Next Thursday

□ Bring 3 x 5 cards and your lab packet to class □ R: CHP 2: Main Ideas 2 points for each practice completed & corrected! o Practice 1 (# 6-10) o Practice 2 (# 1-5) o Practice 3 (# 3-5) o Practice 4 (# 4-5) o Practice 5 (Groups # 4-5) o Practice 6 (Groups 3-5) o Practice 7 (Paragraphs 3 & 5) o Review Test 1 o Review Test 3 o Review Test 4

Up and coming ~ Put these on your calendar and don’t procrastinate! Plan ahead!

□ Service Learning Signed Project Contact Form Due Day 9, 3/16 o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ Service Learning Journal Entry 2 AND Mapping ~ Due Week 5/Day 10 Thursday, 3/18

12 Week 4

Day 7~T: 3/9 Class: □ Collect EQ 5 & 6 … 2 points □ Collect Service Learning Journal Entry 1… 10 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Chapters 11-15…(5 pages, A through G)… 35 points □ Trade & Grade ~ Vocabulary Unit 1: Chapters 1 through 6 …60 points o 10 Words & Matching = 2.5 points each (# right * .25), Final Check = 5 points (# right * .5) □ Explain Townsend Press at Lab: □ Explain WiseSoft ~ Reading Lessons may be done Online o □ Register for Townsend Press at □ Use Lab Time Wisely ~ Recommendation: Ultimate Speed Reader on campus! □ No Talking, Electronic Equipment, Cells, Texting, Food, or Drinks! □ Quiet voices please to respect those trying to concentrate!

EQ#7 (be specific with your answer): We are a fourth of the way through the class, and I feel like I need to (do what?) ______to succeed.

Day 8~Th: 3/11

□ Trade & Grade R: Chapter 2: Main Ideas … (14 + 20) 34 points □ V: Vocabulary Unit 1 Pretest o This grade does not count, but write your name on top of the test right away! o Bring this pretest next week for a bonus point and to use as a ticket to take the test □ Explain Greek & Latin Roots Worksheet and Cards o Greek & Latin Roots Worksheet o Cards from the Lab Packet o Due after Spring Break! □ Questions / Grammar Slammers / Study Groups

EQ#8: Understanding and knowing Greek & Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes will help me ___.

13 Week 4 Homework

Due Next Tuesday

□ On the back of your lab rubric, write your plan per week of how much/many of each lesson you will do weekly and what days of the week you’ll do them. Put them onto your calendar! □ EQ 7 & 8 □ Novel Notes: Holes o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 16-20 . One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes! □ R: CHP 3: Supporting Details o Review Test 2 o Review Test 3 o Mastery Test 1 o Mastery Test 3 □ R: Look at Chapter 4 ~ Implied Main Ideas □ Service Learning Project Contact Form o Front & back must be signed o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service

Due Next Thursday

□ Study for Vocabulary Unit 1 Test ~ Bring Scantron and Pretest! □ Service Learning Journal Entry 2 □ Service Learning Journal Entry 2 Mapping

Up and coming □ Vocabulary Unit 2 Homework Due 3/30 □ Work on the Word Parts Assignment and the Greek & Latin Roots Print Out o Greek & Latin Roots Worksheet and Cards from the Lab Packet  Due after Spring Break! □ Get Service Learning Hours done and complete journaling while volunteering and after volunteering (see the Service Learning Packet for Information). o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ Service Learning Volunteering must be completed by week 10: Sat. 5/1 All Service Learning journals must be completed by Wk 11: Th 5/6

14 Week 5

Day 9~T: 3/16 □ Collect EQ 7 & 8 … 2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Holes Chapters 16-20 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points □ Collect Service Learning Project Contact Form … 11 points o Front & back of form must be signed! □ Trade & Grade: R: Chapter 3, Supporting Details …40 points □ Partner Paragraphs ~ Pre-write ideas using a Main Idea and Major & Minor Supporting Details Lab: Inspiration and Mapping Lesson □ Use Inspiration to map out partner paragraph for Lab Portfolio

EQ #9: If I were going to write a report, I (would) (would not) use the inspiration program to help me map it out and organize it first because ______.

Day 10~Th: 3/18

□ Collect Service Learning Journal Entry 2 …10 points □ Collect Service Learning Journal Entry 2 Mapping … 10 points □ Lesson R: Chapter 4: Implied Main Ideas □ Vocabulary Test: Unit 1 ~ Bring Scantron ~… 50 points

EQ #10: What is the difference between a regular Main Idea and an Implied Main Idea? …between a Main Idea and a Central Point?

15 Week 5 Homework

Due This Thursday

□ Study for Vocab Test and Bring a Scantron and your Pretest!

Due Next Tuesday

□ Novel Notes: Holes o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 21-25 . One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes! □ Answer EQ 9 & 10 □ Inspiration Paragraph and Mapping □ R: Chapter 4: Implied Main Ideas o Practice 1 o Review Test 1 o Review Test 3 o Review Test 4 o Mastery Test 1

Due Next Thursday

□ Type (or print clearly) a question for the Midterm from 10 Steps Chapters 1 through 4

Up & Coming ~ Work on this

□ Be working on Townsend Press online exercises for the Midterm Chapters! □ BEGIN VOCABULARY UNIT 2 ~ DUE DAY 13, T, WK 7 ~ 3/30 □ Get Service Learning Hours done and complete journaling while volunteering and after volunteering. □ Service Learning Volunteering must be completed by week 10: Sat. 5/1 o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ All Service Learning journals must be completed by Wk 11: Th 5/6 □ Greek & Latin Roots Worksheet and Cards from the Lab Packet o Due after Spring Break!

16 Week 6

Day 11~T: 3/23

□ Trade & Grade R: Chapter 4: Implied Main Ideas…25 points □ Collect EQ 9 & 10 …2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Holes Chapters 21-25 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points LAB: □ Lab Questions □ Review R: Chapters 1-4 for Midterm o Be sure to do Townsend Press exercises before the midterm to practice □ Collect Inspiration Paragraph and Mapping …15 points

EQ #11: The steps I need to take to find the Main Idea, Implied Main Idea, and Central Point are to (list all steps) ______, and for the Central Point I can also use _____and______.

Day 12~Th: 3/25

Class: □ Handout: Course Corrections □ Midterm Review o Collect and answer questions about the Midterm … 3 points o Midterm practice □ Questions re: Greek & Latin Roots Assignment and 30 Word Parts Cards from the Lab Packet □ Lesson: Brainstorming and mapping ~ great idea for in class essays, too!

EQ # 12: After today’s Midterm Review, I feel ______about the Midterm. The most difficult thing for Chapters 1-4 is ______. I will prepare myself for the Midterm by doing the following things: (list at least three things you will do to prepare for the Midterm).

17 Week 6 Homework

Due This Thursday: □ Type (or print clearly) at least one question you have about the Midterm

Due Next Tuesday: □ EQ 11 & 12 □ Novel Notes: Holes o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 26-30 . One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes!  VOCABULARY UNIT 2 Homework o CHAPTERS 7-12 (see front of schedule for details) □ Midterm Exam Optional Study Tips ~ R: (Chapters 1 through 4) o Try more Mastery Tests and compare them with your study buddies o Go seek help from a tutor at the Writing Center or the Learning Resource Center o Practice more online exercises in the area that you need help

Due Next Thursday: □ EXIT EXAM #1: Test 6 ~ Need a 58 to pass, a 63 + A to try for a Waiver o Bring a #2 pencil, Scantron, and a Dictionary! □ Conference with Mrs. “B” o Bring tallied Individual Grade Keeper! o Bring filled out Course Corrections sheet!

Up & Coming ~ Work on this □ Be sure to log on and do Townsend Press exercises ONLINE (Chaps. 1-4 @ 80%+) before the midterm to practice □ Get Service Learning Hours done and complete journaling while volunteering and after volunteering. □ Service Learning Volunteering must be completed by week 10: Sat. 5/1 o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ All Service Learning journals must be completed by Wk 11: Th 5/6 □ Greek & Latin Roots Worksheet and the Cards from the Lab Packet! Due Week 9

18 Week 7

Day 13~T: 3/30 Class: □ Explain upcoming assignment for sharing something written □ V: Vocabulary Pretest for Unit 2 □ Collect EQ 11 & 12 … 2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Holes Chapters 26-30 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points □ Trade & Grade V: Vocabulary, Unit 2, Chapters 7-12 …60 points Lab:  Finish Townsend Press Online R: Chapters 1 – 4 at 80% + each o You must be logged in for an official print out o Print outs will be turned in next Tuesday

EQ # 13: There are so many things that are written; the ability to read well can improve my life because when I am able to read faster and understand more, I’ll …

Day 14~Th: 4/1

□ EXIT EXAM #1: Test 6 o Bring Scantron and a Dictionary! o Bring Individual Grade Keeper and Course Corrections…10 points . Individual Conferences

EQ #14: Keeping track of my grade is a good idea because …

19 Week 7 Homework

Due Next Tuesday

□ EQ 13 & 14 □ Townsend Press Print Out with Chapters 1 – 4, 1 Exercise each at 80% □ Novel Notes: Holes o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 31-35 . One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes!  R: Look over Chapters 5 & 6 ~ Relationships I & II o Be prepared for this lesson in class!

Due Next Thursday

□ Study for Midterm Test ~ Bring Scantron, #2 pencil, and a good eraser! □ Study for V: Vocabulary Unit 2 Test ~ Bring Scantron and Pretest! o Yes, you need TWO Scantrons on Thursday!

Up & Coming ~ Work on this

□ Get Service Learning Hours done and complete journaling while volunteering and after volunteering. □ Service Learning Volunteering must be completed by week 10: Sat. 5/1 o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ All Service Learning journals must be completed by Wk 11: Th 5/6 □ Greek & Latin Roots Worksheet and Cards from the Lab Packet! □ Look for something written to read (or sing) and share with the class ~ o Excerpt from a book, a poem, something you wrote, a letter, a card, an article, something from the web, an email, lyrics from a song (PG-13), etc.

20 Week 8 Note: No School Next Week Spring Break ~ Saturday, 4/10 through Friday, 4/16 Saturday ~ April 17th ~ Mid-semester courses begin

Day 15~T: 4/6

□ Lessons R: ~ Relationships I (Chapter 5) and Relationships II (Chapter 6) □ Reminder: Word Parts and Greek & Latin Roots assignment □ Collect Townsend Press Print Out with Chapters 1 – 4, 1 Exercise each at 80%…12 points □ Collect EQ 13 & 14… 2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Holes Chapters 31-35 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points

Lab: Last chance Midterm questions Work on Lab Portfolio

EQ #15: Transitions can help my comprehension because they ______.

Day 16~Th: 4/8 □ Finish Lessons R: ~ Relationships I and II □ Midterm R: Chapters 1 – 4 ~ Bring Scantron …51 points □ V: Vocabulary Unit 2 Test ~ Bring Scantron & Pretest… 50 points

EQ#16: Knowing about patterns of organization and using transition words can help my writing by...

21 Week 8 Homework Due the Tuesday after Spring Break □ EQ 15 & 16 □ Novel Notes: Holes o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 36-40 . One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes! □ Greek & Latin Roots: Worksheet o Print out from the web and follow directions on the front of this homework packet □ Greek & Latin Roots: 30 Cards from the Lab Packet o Follow directions in the Lab Packet □ Bring remaining questions regarding the Service Learning Project □ R: Look over Chapter 7: Inferences

Due the Thursday after Spring Break

□ Type or print clearly what you plan to do for your SL Presentation o Be specific and give some details □ R: Look over Chapter 8: Purpose & Tone

Up & Coming ~ Work on this □ Get Service Learning Hours done and complete journaling while volunteering and after volunteering. □ Service Learning Volunteering must be completed by week 10: Saturday, 5/1 o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ All Service Learning journals must be completed by Wk 11: Thursday , 5/6 □ Vocabulary Unit 3 Homework ~ See front page of this homework packet □ Look for something written to read (or sing) and share with the class  Hint for R: Chapters 5 & 6 ~ Read these out loud while doing your homework! o These two Chapters are due on Day 19: Tuesday, 4/27 o R: Chapter 5: Relationships I o Practice 7 o Review Test 1 o Review Test 2 o Review Test 3 o Mastery Test 4 o R: Chapter 6: Relationships II o Practice 7 o Practice 8 o Review Test 1 o Review Test 2 o Review Test 3 o Review Test 4 o Relationships I & II: Mastery Test 2 (pgs. 269-270)

22 Week 9

Day 17~T: 4/20 Class: □ Collect EQ 15 & 16 … 2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Holes Chapters 36-40 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points □ Lesson R: Chapter 7 ~ Inference □ Service Learning Project Questions

Lab: LAB: Work on portfolio □ Check off Greek & Latin Worksheet … 20 points □ Check off Greek & Latin Word Parts 3 x 5 Cards … 30 points

EQ#17: This week, an example of me using inference was ______.

Day 18~Th: 4/22 □ Midterm results □ Lesson R: ~ Chapter 8: Purpose & Tone □ Service Learning Project Plan o Power Point and Video (Legalities of filming people)

EQ#18: Knowing the author’s purpose is a key element in comprehension, and tone can help by…

23 Week 9 Homework

Due Next Tuesday  EQ 17 & 18  Hint for R: Chapters 5 & 6 ~ Read these out loud while doing your homework! o R: Chapter 5: Relationships I o Practice 7 o Review Test 1 o Review Test 2 o Review Test 3 o Mastery Test 4 o R: Chapter 6: Relationships II o Practice 7 o Practice 8 o Review Test 1 o Review Test 2 o Review Test 3 o Review Test 4 o Relationships I & II: Mastery Test 2 (pgs. 269-270)  Novel Notes: Holes o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 41-45 . One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes!

Due Next Thursday

□ Look for something written to read (or sing) and share with the class □ Read ahead R: Chap 9: Argument

Due next Saturday!

□ Get Service Learning Hours done and complete journaling while volunteering and after volunteering. □ Service Learning Volunteering must be completed by week 10: Sat. 5/1 o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service

Up & Coming ~ Work on this □ All Service Learning journals must be completed by Wk 11: Th 5/6 □ Mapping for the final Service Learning report will be due on Week 12 ~ Th: 5/13 □ The completed Service Learning report is due on Week 13 ~ Th: 5/20 o NO LATE REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED! Service Learning Presentations due Tues, 5/25

24 Week 10 Note: Next Friday, May 14th = The last day to drop with a “W” Day 19~T: 4/27

□ Trade & Grade ~ R: Chapter 5 homework…40 points □ Trade & Grade ~ R: Chapter 6 homework…55 points □ Collect EQ 17 & 18… 2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Holes Chapters 41-45 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points

LAB: Work on portfolio EQ#19: Three reasons why I should increase my vocabulary and knowledge of word parts are ___.

Day 20~Th: 4/29

□ Lesson R: Chapter 9 ~ Argument □ Service Learning Report Guidelines/Questions □ Sharing something written… 20 points EQ#20: The written item that affected me most today was ______because ______. I thought doing this assignment was a (good) (bad) idea because ______.

Due This SATURDAY 5/1

□ Get Service Learning Hours done and complete journaling while volunteering and after volunteering. o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ Service Learning Volunteering mustWeek be 10 completed Homework by Saturday, 5/1 □ All Service Learning journals must be completed by next week!

25 Due This Thursday

 Sharing something written  Read ahead R:Chp 9: Argument

Due This SATURDAY 5/1

□ Get Service Learning Hours done and complete journaling while volunteering and after volunteering. o Get Evaluation Form at the end of your service □ Service Learning Volunteering must be completed by Saturday 5/1 □ All Service Learning journals must be completed by next week!

Due Next Tuesday: □ EQ 19 & 20 □ Novel Notes: Holes ~ FINISH THE NOVEL ~ o Read & write Novel Notes: Chapters 46-50  One set of notes per chapter! You should have 5 pages of Novel Notes! □ R: Chapter 7 Inferences o Practice 2 o Practice 4 o Review Test 1 o Review Test 2 o Mastery Test 5 □ Service Learning Journal 3 □ Service Learning Journal 4

Due Next Thursday: □ Holes: Look over notes and BRING all Novel Notes to class for a review activity before the test □ Vocabulary Unit 3 Homework □ Service Learning Journal 5

Up & Coming ~ Work on this □ Mapping for the final Service Learning report will be due on Week 12 ~ Th: 5/13 □ The completed Service Learning report is due on Week 13 ~ Th: 5/20 o NO LATE REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED! □ Service Learning Presentations due Tues, 5/25

26 Week 11 ~ Service Learning Project is due in 2 weeks! No late projects!

Note: Next Friday, May 14th= The last day to drop with a “W” Day 21~T: 5/4

□ Collect EQ 19 & 20 … 2 points □ Collect Novel Notes: Holes Chapters 46-50 (5 pages, A through G)… 35 points □ Collect Service Learning Journal 3 … 10 points □ Collect Service Learning Journal 4 … 10 points □ Trade & Grade R: Chapter 7: Inferences homework…32 points □ Holes Jigsaw Team Formations

LAB: Work on portfolio

EQ#21: I feel ______about the mapping for my Service Learning Project that is due next Thursday because ______.

Day 22~Th: 5/6 Next Friday, May 14th= The last day to drop with a “W” Class: □ Return all Novel Notes for Test Prep □ During Role: Vocabulary Unit 3 Pretest □ Trade & Grade: Vocabulary Unit 3 … 60 points □ Jigsaw Holes Book Review □ Collect Service Learning Journal 5 … 10 points o All Journals should be turned in by today!

EQ#22: I thought today’s Jigsaw review worked (well) (poorly) because ______. Another thing that helps me comprehend a book is ______.

27 Week 11 Homework

Due Next Tuesday

□ EQ 21 & 22 □ Study for the Vocabulary TEST…Unit 3…Bring Scantron and Pretest □ R: Chapter 8: Purpose & Tone  Practice 2  Practice 4  Review Test 1  Mastery Test 1  Mastery Test 3

Due Next Thursday

□ Study for Holes Open Note/Open Book Test… Bring Notes, Book, and Scantron. □ Bring Mapping for the final Service Learning report (Hint: Use report guidelines) □ Bring your R: textbook to work on homework!

Up & Coming ~ Work on this □ The completed Service Learning report is due on Week 13 ~ Th: 5/20 o NO LATE REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED! □ Service Learning Presentations due Tues, 5/25

28 Week 12 ~ Service Learning Report is due next week! No late reports!

Day 23~T: 5/11

□ Trade & Grade R: Chapter 8: Purpose & Tone homework…37 points □ Vocabulary Test Unit 3 ~ Scantron…50 points □ Collect EQ 21 & 22… 2 points

LAB: Work on portfolio

EQ#23: As we are getting closer to the end of the semester, I am realizing that I need to work on ___

Day 24~Th: 5/13

□ In class Mapping check (during & after test) for the Service Learning Report… 20 points o Bring R textbook to work on homework □ Holes Open Note/Open Book Test (bring Scantron) …40 points

EQ#24: I (always) (never) organize my reports before writing them. This mapping assignment taught me ______. I will (probably) (probably not) use this technique again.

29 Week 12 Homework

Due This Thursday

□ Mapping for the final Service Learning report □ HOLES Test: Bring book, notes, and Scantron □ Bring homework to work on during individualized sessions

Due Next Tuesday

□ EQ 23 & 24 □ R: Chapter 9: Argument o Practice 3 o Practice 4 o Review Test 1 o Review Test 2 o Review Test 3 o Review Test 4 o Mastery Test 5 □ Get a good night’s sleep for the Nelson Denny Exit Exam ~ No Scantron Needed

Due Next Thursday

□ R: Chapter 10: Look ahead at this chapter □ Service Learning Report ~ NO LATE REPORTS WILL BE ACCEPTED!

Up & Coming ~ Work on this □ Service Learning Presentations due Tues, 5/25

30 Week 13 ~ Service Learning Report is due this week! No late reports!

Day 25~T: 5/18

□ Collect EQ 23 & 24 … 2 points □ Trade & Grade R: Chapter 9: Argument homework…44 points □ Exit Exam: NDG Timed Test ~ No Scantron Needed  Need 17/Eng 84 ~ or ~ 22+ = 1A potential w/”A” on coursework

LAB: Work on portfolio

EQ#25: I felt ______about today’s timed Nelson Denny Exit Exam. I feel like the Learning Resource Center (has)(has not) helped me prepare for this type of a test. I feel like the Ultimate Speed Reader program (has)(has not) helped me prepare for this type of a test. I (prefer) (don’t like) this type of a test for an Exit Exam because …

Day 26~Th: 5/20

□ Collect the completed Service Learning report…100 points □ Lesson R: Chapter 10 ~ Critical Reading (Fact vs. Opinion) □ Lesson R: Combined Skills In Class Exercises: Final Exam Review  Combined Skills Test #13….Pgs 576  Lizzie Borden….Pgs 515-522 (1-19 and Summarizing) o Grade the Combined Skills & Lizzie Borden for Final Exam Review □ Create Final Exam Review Group Experts

EQ#26: The combined skills in the 10 Steps book show me that I need to work more on ______before the final.

31 Week 13 Homework

Due Next Tuesday

□ EQ 25 & 26 □ Service Learning Presentations

Due Next Thursday

□ Bring all your 10 Steps notes from class and your 10 Steps Book □ Group Experts: Final Exam Review  Be ready to teach others what you know in your area of expertise □ R: Chapter 10: Critical Reading Homework (Fact vs. Opinion)  Practice 1  Review Test 2  Mastery Test 2

Up & Coming ~ Work on this

□ Work on Townsend Press exercises to start preparing for the Final Exam

32 Week 14

Note: Next Monday, May 31th = Campus closed : Memorial Day Day 27~T: 5/25

□ Collect EQ 25 & 26 … 2 points □ Service Learning Presentations … 40 points

LAB: Work on portfolio

EQ#27: After watching these presentations, (I wish that I had) (I’m glad that I) ______.

Day 28~Th: 5/27

□ Trade & Grade R: Chapter 10 Critical Reading (Fact vs. Opinion)…35 points □ (Finish presentations if necessary) □ Group Experts ~ Final Exam Review… 10 points

EQ#28: Becoming a group expert made me feel ______, and I know more about ______because the experts explained ______.

33 Week 14 Homework

Due Next Tuesday

□ EQ 27 & 28 Bring a Scantron □ Study for Townsend Press Final Exam ~ R:10 Steps Chapters 1-10 (Be sure to log on and have all online exercises and combined skills done at 80% before the Final!) o You need 75% on the Final to use this as an EXIT EXAM! . Need 30 for Exit Exam to English 84 o The grade on this Exit Exam/Final counts toward your overall class grade

Due Next Thursday

Bring a Scantron and a dictionary (paper, not electronic) o Exit Exam # 3 TEST 4 Need 54/Eng 84 ~ or ~ 60 + “A” on coursework for Waiver to English 1A □ Bring Individual Grade Keeper

34 Week 15 ~ One lab left after this week! Begin portfolio assembly!

Day 29~T: 6/1

□ Conference Appointments Handout □ Collect EQ 27 & 28 … 2 points □ 10 Steps Chapters 1-10 Final Exam (Bring a Scantron)… 40 points o Need 30 for Exit Exam to English 84

LAB: Work on portfolio □ Begin assembly of Lab Portfolio

EQ#29: The most difficult Chapter in the 10 Steps book has been ______because ______.

Day 30~Th: 6/3

□ Exit Exam # 3 ~ Bring a Scantron and a dictionary o Need 54/Eng 84 ~ or ~ 60 + “A” on coursework for Waiver to English 1A □ Individual Grade Keeper … 10 points

EQ#30: I think that having an Exit Exam to move on to harder reading is a (good) (bad) idea because ______.

35 Week 15 Homework

Due This Thursday

□ Individual Grade Keeper □ Scantron and a Dictionary for the Exit Exam

Due Next Tuesday

□ Completed Lab Portfolio □ EQ 29 & 30

Due Next Thursday

□ EQ 31 & 32

36 Week 16 ~ The last week of school!

Day 31~T: 6/8 □ EQ 29 & 30 … 2 points

LAB: Finish Portfolios! □ Assemble Portfolios and turn them in today … 562 points

EQ#31: The thing(s) I liked most about this class (was,were) ______because______, and the thing(s) I didn’t like (was,were) ______because ______.

Day 32~Th: 6/10

□ Collect EQ 31 & 32 … 2 points □ Conferences

EQ#32: The computer programs I found most helpful were ______and the three most important things I learned in this class were ______, ______, and ______.

37 Week 16 Homework

On-Line Final Grades are due on Wednesday, June, 17th

Due This Tuesday ~ No Late Portfolios!  Collect EQ 29 & 30  Lab Portfolio! … 562 points

Due This Thursday

 Collect EQ 31 & 32

Continue to Check MyECC and your ECC email for information regarding your Grade in this class and if you qualified for a Waiver!

You may continue to use the Learning Resource Center’S BSSC Computers during the summer because you were in my class! 

Have a Great Summer!


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