English Language Arts Curriculum s1

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English Language Arts Curriculum s1

2015 - 2016 English Language Arts: First Grade

In first grade, students will learn to read sight words and apply phonics skills when reading words in isolation and in context. At the end of the year, students will be able to read and comprehend fiction and nonfiction grade-level text independently. The students will also independently write a narrative using proper sentence structure and grammar.

Course Information: Frequency & Duration: Daily for 180 minutes Text: Treasures (2011), McGraw Hill Items that are in italics are suggested supplemental readings; they are not required. Duration: August/ September (2 weeks) Foundational Literacy Skills Story Elements Writing  Story structure  Review of consonants, short vowels, Content  Retell  Sentence structure and digraphs ck, qu  Comprehension

Essential How do sounds make words? What makes a story? What is a sentence? Question:

 Phoneme blending and segmenting  Identify consonant sounds and digraphs ck, qu  Identify characters, setting, problem,  Identify short vowels Skills: solution  Write a complete sentence  Read high frequency words  Verbally retell a story read by teacher  Automatic letter and sound recognition

1 English Language Arts: First Grade The students will individually identify letters and sounds in isolation Given a prompt and sentence frame, the The students will be informally assessed Assessment: students will write a complete sentence (Ex: I The students will orally manipulate sounds in during class discussions like __.) words, blend, and read CVC words as well as Smart Start high frequency words

Resources: Treasures Smart Start Treasures Smart Start Teacher created prompts

Standards: CC.1.1.1.C Demonstrate understanding of CC.1.3.1.C Describe characters, settings, and CC.1.1.1.B Demonstrate understanding of the spoken words, syllables, and sounds major events in a story, using key details. organization and basic features of print. (phonemes). CC.1.3.1.K Read and comprehend literature o n grade level, reading independently and proficiently. CC.1.1.1.D Know and apply grade‐level CC.1.2.1.B Ask and answer questions about k ey details in a text.

phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CC.1.5.1.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups. CC.1.5.1.B Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking an answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood. CC.1.5.1.C Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood. CC.1.5.1.D Describe people, places, things, and events with relative details, expressing ideas and feeling clearly. CC.1.5.1.F Add drawings or other visual

2 English Language Arts: First Grade displays when sharing aloud to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Comments: Optional reading: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault

3 English Language Arts: First Grade Duration: September/ October (5 weeks) Foundational Literacy Skills Story Elements Writing  Story structure  Sequence of Events  Sentence structure  Short vowels Content  Retell  Narrative  Consonant blends  Author’s Purpose  Descriptive sentences  Comprehension

What makes a story? Essential How do I use written words to express How do sounds make words? Question: What kind of information can we learn from my thoughts? reading a text?

 Rhyme, phoneme isolation, blending and segmenting, alliteration, phoneme  Identify characters, setting, problem,  Write a shared narrative categorization, contrast vowels sounds, solution  Write descriptive sentences substitution  Sequence main story events Skills:  Sentence punctuation  Short a, i  Identify the author’s purpose  Sentence types (statements,  L blends  Retell a story verbally and by using a questions)  Final consonant blends graphic organizer  Read high frequency words

The students will orally manipulate sounds in With guidance and support from the words teacher, students will write a narrative The students will complete comprehension graphic with two complete, descriptive The students will blend and read words with organizers sentences Assessment: short vowel sounds and consonant blends in isolation and in context The students will complete a post-test The students will use correct sentence structure to write a statement and The students will read Unit 1 high frequency question words

Teacher created narrative prompts Resources: Treasures Unit 1 Treasures Unit 1 Treasures Unit 1 for grammar components

4 English Language Arts: First Grade

CC.1.1.1.C CC.1.3.1.C CC.1.1.1.B. CC.1.1.1.D CC.1.2.1.G Use the illustrations and details CC.1.4.1.M Write narratives to develo CC.1.1.1.E Read with accuracy and fluency to in a text to describe its key ideas. p real or support comprehension. CC.1.2.1.H Identify the reasons an author imagined experiences or events. CC.1.5.1.A gives to support points in a text. CC.1.4.1.N Establish who and what th CC.1.5.1.B CC.1.3.1.A Retell stories, including key e CC.1.5.1.C details, and demonstrate understanding of narrative will be about. CC.1.5.1.D their central message or lesson. CC.1.4.1.O Include thoughts and CC.1.5.1.F CC.1.3.1.K feelings to describe experiences and CC.1.2.1.L Read and comprehend literary events. nonfiction and informational text on grade CC.1.4.1.P Recount two or more level, reading independently and proficiently. appropriately sequenced events using CC.1.2.1.B temporal words to signal event order and provide some sense of closure. CC.1.4.1.Q Use a variety of words and phrases. Standards: CC.1.4.1.R Demonstrate a grade- appropriate command of the conventio ns of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spellin g. CC.1.4.1.T With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed. CC.1.4.1.U With guidance and support use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing including in collaboration with peers.

Comments: Optional Readings: Splat the Cat by Rob Scotton

5 English Language Arts: First Grade Duration: November/ December (6 weeks) Foundational Story Elements Writing Literacy Skills  Short vowels  Consonant  Main Idea and Details  Sentence structure Content blends  Retell  Narrative  Consonant  Story Structure  Parts of Speech digraphs

What makes a story? How do sounds make How do I use written words to express my Essential Question: What kind of information can we learn from words? thoughts? reading a text?

Skills:  Rhyme,  Identify characters, setting, problem,  Write a narrative with prompt and phoneme solution guidance isolation,  Identify the main idea and details in a  Sentence punctuation blending and story  Nouns, plural nouns, irregular plural segmenting,  Retell a story verbally and by using a nous, proper nouns alliteration, graphic organizer phoneme categorizatio n, contrast vowels sounds, substitution, phoneme identity, phoneme addition  Short e, o, u  R and S blends  Consonant digraphs (sh, th, -ng)  Read high frequency 6 English Language Arts: First Grade


The students will orally manipulate sounds in words

The students will blend and read words With some guidance and support from the The students will complete comprehension with short vowel teacher, students will write a narrative with graphic organizers Assessment: sounds, consonant three complete, descriptive sentences blends, and digraphs The students will complete a post-test in isolation and in *Keep for writing portfolio context

The students will read Unit 2 high frequency words

Teacher created narrative prompt Resources: Treasures Unit 2 Treasures Unit 2 Treasures Unit 2 for grammar components

Standards: CC.1.1.1.C CC.1.3.1.C CC.1.1.1.B CC.1.1.1.D CC.1.2.1.G CC.1.4.1.M CC.1.1.1.E CC.1.3.1.A CC.1.4.1.N CC.1.5.1.A CC.1.2.1.A Identify the main idea and retell ke CC.1.4.1.O CC.1.5.1.B y details of text. CC.1.4.1.P CC.1.5.1.C CC.1.3.1.K CC.1.4.1.Q CC.1.5.1.D CC.1.2.1.L CC.1.4.1.R CC.1.5.1.F CC.1.2.1.B CC.1.4.1.T CC.1.2.1.I Identify basic similarities in and CC.1.4.1.U differences between two texts on the same 7 English Language Arts: First Grade topic. CC.1.3.1.I Determine of clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content. CC.1.3.1.J Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and responding to texts, including words that signal connections and relationships between the words and phrases.

Comments: Optional Reading: A Frog in the Bog by Karma Wilson The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf by Mark Teague Different versions of The Little Red Hen

8 English Language Arts: First Grade Duration: January/ February (5 weeks) Foundational Literacy Skills Story Elements Writing  Retell  Long vowels  Making predictions  Sentence structure Content  Consonant blends  Main Idea and Details  Opinion writing  Consonant digraphs  Drawing Conclusions  Parts of Speech  Compare and Contrast

What makes a story? Essential How do I use written words to express my How do sounds make words? Question: What kind of information can we learn from thoughts? reading a text?

 Rhyme, phoneme isolation, blending and segmenting, identify and generate alliteration, phoneme categorization,  Identify the main idea and details in a contrast vowels sounds, substitution, story phoneme identity, phoneme addition  Retell a story verbally and by using a  Shared opinion writing and deletion graphic organizer  Past, present, and future tense verbs Skills:  Long a, e, i, o, u (CVCe)  Make predictions  Contractions with not  Three letter blends  Draw conclusions using story clues  Is and are  Soft c and g  Compare and contrast characters and  Consonant digraphs (ch, tch, wh, ph) texts  Silent letters (kn, gn, wr)  Read high frequency words

The students will orally manipulate sounds in With guidance and support from the teachers, words the students will write an opinion piece The students will complete comprehension The students will blend and read words with graphic organizers The students will employ the correct verb tense Assessment: long vowels, consonant blends, digraphs, and when writing sentences silent letters in isolation and in context The students will complete a post-test The students will identify and read contractions The students will read Unit 3 high frequency in context words

9 English Language Arts: First Grade

Teacher created opinion prompt Resources: Treasures Unit 3 Treasures Unit 3 Treasures Unit 3 for grammar components

CC.1.1.1.C CC.1.2.1.G CC.1.1.1.B CC.1.1.1.D CC.1.3.1.A CC.1.4.1.G Write opinion pieces on familiar CC.1.1.1.E CC.1.2.1.A topics. CC.1.5.1.A CC.1.3.1.H Compare and contrast the CC.1.4.1.H Form an opinion by choosing amon CC.1.5.1.B adventures and experiences of characters in g given topics. CC.1.5.1.C stories. CC.1.4.1.I Support the opinion with reasons CC.1.5.1.D. CC.1.3.1.K related to the opinion. CC.1.5.1.E Produce complete sentences when CC.1.2.1.B CC.1.4.1.J Create an organizational structure appropriate to task and situation. CC.1.2.1.L that includes reasons and provides some sense Standards: CC.1.5.1.F of closure. CC.1.4.1.K Use a variety of words and phrases.

CC.1.4.1.L Demonstrate a grade‐

appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalizatio n, punctuation, and spelling. Comments: Optional Reading: Here Comes Silent E! by Anna Jane Hays

10 English Language Arts: First Grade Duration: February/ March (5 weeks) Foundational Literacy Skills Story Elements Writing  Making predictions  Sentence structure Content  Long vowels  Story structure  Personal narrative  Retell  Parts of Speech

What makes a story? Essential How do I use written words to express my How do sounds make words? Question: What kind of information can we learn from thoughts? reading a text?

 Rhyme, phoneme isolation, blending and segmenting, identify and generate alliteration, phoneme categorization, contrast vowels sounds, substitution,  Retell a story verbally and by using a phoneme identity, phoneme addition graphic organizer  Subject/verb agreement Skills: and deletion  Make predictions  Adverbs  Long a (ai, ay)  Identify characters, setting, problem,  Write a personal narrative  Long e (ee, ea, ie, e, y, ey) and solution  Long o (o, oa, oe, ow)  Long i (i, ie, igh, y)  Read high frequency words

The students will orally manipulate sounds in words With some guidance and support from the The students will complete comprehension teacher, students will write an opinion piece The students will blend and read words with graphic organizers with two complete, descriptive sentences Assessment: long vowels The students will complete a post-test The students will employ the correct verb tense The students will read Unit 4 high frequency when writing sentences words

11 English Language Arts: First Grade

Teacher created opinion prompt Resources: Treasures Unit 4 Treasures Unit 4 Treasures Unit 4 for grammar components

CC.1.1.1.C CC.1.2.1.G CC.1.1.1.B CC.1.1.1.D CC.1.3.1.A CC.1.4.1.G CC.1.1.1.E CC.1.2.1.A CC.1.4.1.H CC.1.5.1.A CC.1.3.1.H CC.1.4.1.I CC.1.5.1.B CC.1.3.1.K CC.1.4.1.J Standards: CC.1.5.1.C CC.1.2.1.B CC.1.4.1.K CC.1.5.1.D CC.1.2.1.L CC.1.4.1.L CC.1.5.1.E CC.1.2.1.K Determine or clarify the meaning CC.1.5.1.F of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content. Comments: Optional Reading: Snail Brings the Mail by Russell Punter Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel Frog and Toad All Year by Arnold Lobel Days With Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel

12 English Language Arts: First Grade Duration: March/ April (6 weeks) Foundational Literacy Skills Story Elements Writing  Cause and effect  R-controlled vowels  Inferencing  Informative/explanatory writing Content  Vowel diphthongs  Compare and contrast  Parts of Speech  Sequence of Events

What makes a story? Essential How do I use written words to express my How do sounds make words? Question: What kind of information can we learn from thoughts? reading a text?

 Rhyme, phoneme isolation, blending and segmenting, identify and generate alliteration, phoneme categorization,  Identify cause and effect relationships  Shared informative/explanatory contrast vowels sounds, substitution,  Make inferences based on text clues writing (one paragraph) phoneme identity, phoneme addition Skills: and deletion  Compare and contrast characters and  Adjectives texts Synonyms/Antonyms  R-controlled vowels (ir, er, ur, ar, or,  oar, ore)  Sequence main story events  Prepositions  Vowel diphthongs (ou, ow, oi, oy)  Read high frequency words

The students will orally manipulate sounds in With guidance and support, students will write words an informative/explanatory piece The students will complete comprehension The students will blend and read words with r- graphic organizers Students will identify and write adjectives and Assessment: controlled vowels and vowel diphthongs prepositions in sentences The students will complete a post-test The students will read Unit 4 high frequency The students will identify the difference words between synonyms and antonyms

13 English Language Arts: First Grade

Teacher created informative/explanatory prompt Resources: Treasures Unit 5 Treasures Unit 5 Treasures Unit 5 for grammar components

CC.1.1.1.C CC.1.3.1.H CC.1.1.1.B CC.1.1.1.D CC.1.3.1.K CC.1.4.1.A Write informative/explanatory text CC.1.1.1.E CC.1.2.1.L to explain a topic and convey ideas and CC.1.5.1.A. CC.1.2.1.G information. CC.1.5.1.B CC.1.3.1.C CC.1.4.1.B Identify and write about one CC.1.5.1.C CC.1.3.1.F Identify words and phrases in stori specific topic. CC.1.5.1.D es or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to CC.1.4.1.C Develop a topic with two or more CC.1.5.1.E the facts. CC.1.5.1.F senses. CC.1.4.1.D Group information and provide Standards: CC.1.5.1.G Demonstrate command of CC.1.3.1.D Identify who is telling the story at some sense of closure. conventions of standard English when various points in a text. CC.1.4.1.E Choose words and phrases for speaking, based on Grade 1 level and content. CC.1.2.1.B effect. CC.1.2.1.E Use various text features and CC.1.4.1.F Demonstrate a grade-appropriate search tools to locate key facts or information command of the conventions of standard in a text. English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. CC.1.4.1.V Participate in individual or shared research and writing projects. Comments: Optional Readings: Cookie’s Week by Cindy Ward

14 English Language Arts: First Grade Duration: April/ May/ June (6 weeks) Foundational Story Elements Writing Literacy Skills  Vowel  Fantasy vs. Reality Digraphs  Inferencing  Narrative Content  Two-syllable  Classify and Categorize  Parts of Speech words  Predicting  Prefixes  Story Structure

What makes a story? How do sounds make How do I use written words to express my Essential Question: words? What kind of information can we learn from thoughts? reading a text?

Skills:  Rhyme,  Make inferences based on text clues  Write a narrative (one paragraph) phoneme  Make predictions  Subjects and Predicates isolation,  Identify characters and setting  Pronouns blending and  Classify and categorize information  Using I and me segmenting, from a story  Adverbs that tell how identify and  Identify the difference between generate fantasy and reality alliteration, phoneme categorization , contrast vowels sounds, substitution, phoneme identity, phoneme addition and deletion  Vowel digraphs (/oo/ foot /oo/ boot) (a, au, 15 English Language Arts: First Grade aw, augh)  Two-syllable words with prefixes re- and un-  Two-syllable words (open and closed syllables)  Final stable syllables  Read high frequency words

The students will orally manipulate sounds in words With some guidance and support from the teacher, students will write a narrative with The students will The students will complete comprehension three complete, descriptive sentences blend and read words graphic organizers Assessment: with r-controlled *Keep for writing portfolio vowels and vowel The students will complete a post-test diphthongs The students will write sentences with proper sentence structure and grammar The students will read Unit 4 high frequency words

Teacher created narrative prompt Resources: Treasures Unit 6 Treasures Unit 6 Treasures Unit 6 for grammar components

16 English Language Arts: First Grade CC.1.1.1.C CC.1.3.1.K CC.1.1.1.B CC.1.1.1.D CC.1.2.1.L CC.1.4.1.M CC.1.1.1.E CC.1.2.1.G CC.1.4.1.N CC.1.5.1.A CC.1.3.1.C CC.1.4.1.O CC.1.5.1.B CC.1.3.1.F CC.1.4.1.P CC.1.5.1.C CC.1.2.1.C Describe the connection between CC.1.4.1.Q CC.1.5.1.D two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of CC.1.4.1.R CC.1.5.1.E information in a text. CC.1.4.1.T CC.1.5.1.F CC.1.2.1.B CC.1.4.1.U CC.1.5.1.G CC.1.3.1.E Explain major differences between CC.1.4.1.W With guidance and support, recall Standards: books that tell stories and books that give information from experiences or gather information, drawing on a wide reading or information from provided sources to answer a range of text types. question. CC.1.2.1.F Ask and answer questions to help CC.1.4.1.X Write routinely over extended time determine or clarify the meaning of words and frames (time for research, reflection, and phrases in a text. revision) and shorter time frames (a single CC.1.2.1.J Use words and phrases acquired sitting or a day or two) for a range of through conversations, reading, and being read discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and to, and responding to texts, including words audiences. that signal connections and relationships between the words and phrases. Comments: Optional Readings: Additional titles from the Olivia series by Ian Falconer A Letter to Amy by Ezra Jack Keats


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