Mcfatter Technical College and Technical High School
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McFatter Technical College and Technical High School School Advisory Council January 14, 2016 Meeting
Attended by: Ellen Albano, Giselle Bayone, Billini Benoit, Deborah Bluth, Gwen Burkholder, Tom Collins, Cara Daniel, Patrick Eloi, Andy Gaskin, Marlene Fayette-Cowgill, Andy Gaskin, Lynn Goldman, Geena Hernandez, Rachel Howlett, Mary Francis Jeannot, Jeanette Johnson, Joan Kovac, Christi Laguna, Nadege Nozard, Jose Laverde, Brigitte Lynn, Sheldon McCartney Gordon Merle, Chris Mimbs, Cara Pasquale Jill Rafilovich, Larry Rothman, Alexa Sauvagere, Jamie Schempp, Aymara Schmidt-Toro, Hannah Seigel, Ivan Serrano, Brenda Smith, Loretta Weiner, Franzie Williams, Michele Williams and Ashley Woods. Excused: Brian Cunningham, Bonnie Fleisher, Lillie Henry, Francois Leconte, Kona Gray, Scott Julson, , Carlos Molinet, Mitch Nowak,.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Patrick Eloi at 12:05.
Self- introductions were made and new members were welcomed.
Motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes to the November 12, 2015 meeting. (Pasquale/Gaskin).
Old Business: Discovery Fest: Ellen Albano reported that Discovery Fest took place at all three BTC campuses on 11/14/15. At McFatter Tech, we estimate that we had approximately 400 attendees. We had 85 faculty/staff members attend, representing almost every single CTE and Adult Education program that we offer on campus. We also had numerous student volunteers (approx. 40) who assisted throughout the event, including set-up and take- down.
At McFatter Tech, this FREE event had 75 interactive & kid-friendly "stations" throughout the campus mall, which included our own CTE programs, our admissions office, our high school clubs, and many community partners. Activities are too numerous to mention but included these (plus many more): health screenings, pet adoption, voters registration, plenty of kid friendly activities, Army & Navy physical challenges, culinary food experiences and tastings, salsa dancing, video drone, prize wheel, and lots of live entertainment. (See attached entertainment schedule.)
The follow-up survey results of the McFatter Tech faculty/staff were overwhelming positive, with over 75% responding that they felt the event was successful and that we should do it every year. (I sent out the survey results yesterday, if you want anything else from them.) Feedback from our community partners who participated in the event was very positive, as well.
A reporter from the Sun Sentinel attended the event, speaking to several faculty members and students. Here is the link to his article: Jeanette Johnson went on to thank Ellen Albano, Melanie Fraser, Jennifer Long and the steering committee for their efforts. Jeanette also commented that McFatter would hold the event again next November, while both Atlantic and Sheridan have opted not to hold the event but to participate in the McFatter one. Scholarship Foundation: Lynn Goldman reported that the invitation has been sent out for the March 15th event. The focus now is to collect items for the auctions. Our sponsors are: Inferno ($5,000) Krause Family Foundation,; Scorching ($2,000) Dell, JC White, National Tool Supply; Blazing ($1,000) Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington English, Focus School Software, JM Lexus, Kenworth of S. FL, Lexmark, McFatter Family, Greg & Bill, Regent Bank, Signs Now Broward; Sizzling ($500)Bright Star Credit Union, Cheney Brothers, Community Service Found. B.C., Florida Training Services, Herff Jones, Hinson Office Supply, JDL Technologies, Kovac Automotive, Motorola Solutions, Omni Advertising, Publix Supermarkets, SaniGlaze of Miami, Snap On Tools, Sysco, US Foods, United Data Technologies. The Culinary Sponsors are: Applebees, ATC, Bistro Mezzaluna, Café Seville, Hoffman’s Chocolates, MTC, Pizza Loft, S & J Catering, STC, Tastebuds Catering, Tijuana Flats, Totally Bananas.
School Improvement Plan: Cara Daniel reported.
McFatter’s School Improvement Plan can be found at the website below. Within the School Improvement Plan, you can find pertinent information on ways we are operationalizing the District’s Strategic Plan – Four Best Practices:
Website Information: Scroll Down to Cadre 11 Select McFatter Technical High School Select View School Improvement Plan
BEST PRACTICE #1 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES (PLC) A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a process in which teachers work in teams and use student information to develop strategies to improve their classroom practices.
BEST PRACTICE #2 RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION (RTI) Response to Intervention (RtI) uses student academic and behavior information to identify students with learning and behavior needs to guarantee that those in danger of failure and/or retention are receiving assistance and support.
BEST PRACTICE #3 Optimal Internal/External Relationships ACCREDITATION PROCESS The Accreditation Process leads schools to critically evaluate teaching and learning with a focus on academic excellence. All stakeholders (parents, students, staff, and community) are part of the accreditation process.
BEST PRACTICE #4 Scaling Up BEST Practices CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT School improvement is based on a continuous improvement model, using research-based accepted best practices, which align with student achievement needs, insure student progress, and may be revised when appropriate.
Important dates to remember Assist Stakeholder’s Survey window: February 29, 2016 – March 18, 2016 We are aiming for at least 20% of parents to complete the paper survey during this administration window.
Strategic Plan: Jeanette Johnson shared the Broward Technical Colleges Strategic Plan. (see attached)
District Accreditation: Jeanette Johnson that there is no update but will continue to keep the SAC aware of any news. New Business: The Heart Walk: Jamie Schmepp reported that the three Broward Technical Colleges would be forming a team to participate in the Saturday April 23 5K walk at NSU. The link to sign up (this is a free event) is: Visit the link to join our team. Each team member will get a t-shirt. Billini Benoit is the McFatter coordinator. Students, staff, parents and business leaders are encourage to walk with us for a great cause.
By-laws, Mission and Vison statement approval: Lynn Goldman reported that even though we had discussion and approval at the November meeting, the minutes did not reflect who made the motion to approve the bylaws, mission and vision statement. Motion was made, seconded and passed. (Merle/Gaskin)
A+ Fund proposal: Jeanette Johnson reported that in anticipation of the school receiving an “A” again this year the SAC needs to approve a maximum of two proposals for the faculty and staff to vote on by February 1, 2016 even though the state will not have the grades for a while. In a simulated run, McFatter scored an “A” again this year, but we still need to wait for final confirmation. A motion was made, seconded and pass to approve the following proposal: All contracted staff and the School Resource Officer, who worked at McFatter for a semester during the 2014-2015 school year share the A+ Funds equally. (Gaskin/Weiner)
SMART Bond Imitative: Jeanette Johnson reported each school site gets $100,000 to spend with input from the SAC. Since McFatter has two sites, main campus and the Broward Fire Academy we vote on how these funds are to be spent. Right now we need to approve the funds for the Broward Fire Academy. First we need to approve the ballot proposals (motion a made, seconded and passed Gaskin/Pasquale). Second to vote on which proposal the members of SAC would approve, this is done is a hard copy format. Voting took place and the ballots were passed to Jeanette Johnson. Non-voting members indicated an “N” on the top of their ballot in case the district determines that only voting members of SAC constitute the “community”.
Proposal #1: Forklift - $92,973.00 and 3-Scott Self-contained breathing apparatus - $7,800 = $100,773.00 Proposal #2: Forklift - $92,973 and 4-“Simulaids Rescue Randy Manikins” - $7,400 = $100,373 Any purchase amount exceeding the $100,000 will be paid from the Broward Fire Academy general operating budget.
Reports: School Advisory Forum: Ivan Serrano reported that the school board approve the calendar for next school year, it has the later start date. That Broward County’s high school graduation rate rose to 76.6%. That BCPS Take you Child To Work date is Feb. 2. The application window for magnet schools and reassignments is open until February 10th. There will be an EdTalk at the Signature Grand on January23, people are encourage to register for the free event on the browardschools website. Finally a reminder to turn in the parent surveys.
PTSA: Mary Francis Jennot thanked people for supporting the Barnes & Nobles on Friday, December 4th event. Sales from the event amounted to $1,474.70 Ten percent of the proceeds go to the PTSA. Thank you all for your membership support. Please join if you haven’t already. The Broward County Council invites all to the PTA-Founders Day event on Wednesday, February 7, 2016 at 12:00 -2:00 at the School Board building, 600 SE 3rd Avenue, 2nd floor. RSVP to Mary at [email protected] and she will send you the link. The future meeting dates for the PTSA will be January 25, February 22, March 28, April 25 and May 23. All meetings are on a Monday at 6:30 in the Bistro.
Student Government Association: Hannah Siegel gave a report, but I do not have the details they will be submitted in the next minutes. Class of 2016: Geena Hernandez reported that that previously the following events were held: Santa pictures; winning the athletic games in football and soccer and winter gram sale. The upcoming events are: color war, Panda Express, Valentine’s Day flowers and cupid and the final hoodie sale. The Class is still looking into a Chili’s Night, Tijuana Flats Night, Prom and Grad Bash.
Class of 2017: Bryan Marin was not in attendance- no report.
Class of 2018: Alexa Sauvagere reported: The Class of 2018 held their movie night on November 24, 2015 and made a profit of roughly $92. The Game Night had gotten cancelled due to several complications but an additional fundraiser has been added to our 2016 list, which is the Spring Extravaganza scheduled for a date in April. Hoodie sales have been delayed to this week due to issues in the voting process. Students will be able to purchase a Hoodie at the price of $25 this Friday. Sadly there have been only six purchases, three of which are from officers. The Hoodie’s will come 10-14 work days from the day we place the order and the class will make a profit of $2.50 on each sold. Next month we will be having a Valentines fundraiser. We would like to sell cupcakes, but may not be able to because we can’t compete with culinary, we may sell heart shaped lollipops. It has been requested by a class member that we hold a Valentine’s Day Movie Night, so that is on the bend. We are still waiting to get approved on the field trip to Dave and Busters that we scheduled for the early release day on March 17. Lastly the class has scheduled the assembly regarding the class rings for Tuesday, March 8 during 4th hour in the ARC.
Class of 2019: There was no representative in attendance.
Post-secondary student reports: Brenda Smith (TV) requested replacing the light bulbs in the studio that have burned out with LED bulbs.
Security: Officer Christi Laguna reported that things are very good here.
Member comments: Billini Benoit reported that MTHS lost this time to the ATHS football team, we will get them again next time The basketball game is coming up on February 25th.
Andy Gaskin reported the BPA did great in the regional competition. Isaac Weiner made the State BPA team. The group needs more fundraising in order to prepare for Nationals.
Jill Rafilovich reported that MTHS has a Debate Club. David Wood is the sponsor the club meets on Tuesday’s at lunchtime.
Jeanette Johnson added that post-secondary enrollment is up 14% from this time last year.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn at 1:15 (Gaskin/Goldman)
Submitted by: Lynn Goldman