Module 4 Parents APIAPI TOOLKITTOOLKIT Toys for Children Who are Blind or Partially Sighted

Two Years and Up

Balls on spindles Physioballs (or any large balls) BALLS Gertie Balls (soft and easy for little hands to grasp)

Stacking toys Nesting toys Peg boards Magnetic blocks Bristle blocks Mega Blocks Wooden Braille blocks BLOCKS and PUZZLES Shape toys in graduated sizes that fit into a base Wooden puzzles with knobs Lauri puzzles Duplo Blocks Waffle Blocks Velcro Blocks Large cardboard blocks Playful Patterns

Lauri Lacing Bears My Buddy doll (good for practicing zipping, buttoning, etc.) Play Sink and dishes DOLLS and KITCHEN TOYS Play oven and skillet by Fisher-Price Little people and school house by Fisher-Price Velcro fruits and vegetables with plastic or wooden knife Dress-a-Pillar

MUSICAL and TALKING TOYS Music and story tapes Floor Piano (a soft mat with "keys" you step on)


Talking toys Golden Sound Story Books Musical instruments Plastic music boxes with easy to turn knobs Tomy and Shelcore action, noise, and music toys Sparkling Symphony Gym Sight, Sound, and Touch Bugs by Fisher-Price (they sing and wiggle) 1-2-3 Sing-Along Puppy Kick and Play Piano Sounds Like Fun CD

Play Doh Fun Factory (also use with cookie cutters, small rolling pin, plastic knife) Scented markers The Wonderhorse Spring Action Riding Horse Workbench by Fisher-Price Sit and Spin by Today's Kids Garage by Fisher-Price MISCELLANEOUS TOYS Wooden train and tracks Beauty Salon by Fisher-Price Riding toys Trampoline with handle Happy Vehicles Roll-A-Rama Giant pegboard Rainfall Rattle

This information is included with permission from the National Organization for Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC) website. The toy suggestions come from parents in the U.S. and so may not always be available in Canada or appropriate for your child.

The age categories were suggested by parents. Please check packaging for recommended age levels.