News of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth Countyunit of the N.C. Retired School Personnel

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News of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth Countyunit of the N.C. Retired School Personnel

HARVEST TIME Volume XXIII, Number 1 August/September 2007 News of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Unit of the N.C. Retired School Personnel January and May, since we have not made defi- President’s Message nite contacts yet. Welcome to a new year for our W-S/F I sincerely hope we can have a very Retired School Personnel. Be sure to attend our good year. Please call me or E-Mail me if you first luncheon meeting Wednesday, September 5 have and questions or suggestions. at the Quality Inn and Suites on Hawthorne Road. N.L. Shearouse President Our legislators will share highlights of the 765-8542 General Assembly and a representative of the [email protected] State Health Plan will tell us about the impact on all of us about changes in our state medical WS/FCRSP CALENDAR 2007-08 insurance. Tuesday, July 31, 10:00 A.M. Our Executive Board has prioritized our Executive Board goal of reaching 410 members this year. Our Ardmore Methodist Church Membership Committee, chaired by Rudolph 630 S. Hawthorne Rd., Room 630 Boone, and all of us need to contact new and former retirees about the benefits of member- Tuesday, August 14, 10:00 A.M. ship. It is a realistic goal because 136 retired re- Newsletter Distribution cently. A list of those will be available at our Ardmore Methodist Church September meeting so you can contact anyone you know or with whom you have worked. We Wednesday, Sept. 5, 12:00 noon have excellent programs, get to see and talk Membership Meeting with people with whom we have worked, and Quality Inn and Suites have influence with our legislators in keeping Hawthorne Road education, retirement benefits, and state health benefits as top priorities in the General Assem- Tuesday, October 2, 10:00 A.M. bly. Executive Board Ardmore Methodist Church Pam Deardorff, our state RSP executive di- rector and part-time lobbyist will speak at our Thursday, October 16, 10:00 A.M. November 13 meeting. Stephanie Edwards will Newsletter Distribution discuss cardiovascular diseases and prevention Ardmore Methodist Church at our March 5 meeting. We are considering inviting Mike Wells to discuss legal topics ap- Wednesday, Nov. 13, 12:00 noon propriate for us at our January 9 meeting, and Membership Meeting the Brookridge Dulcimer Group for our May 14 Quality Inn and Suites, meeting. However, we welcome suggestions Hawthorne Road from all of you about an excellent program for

1 Tuesday, December 4, 10:00 A.M. which uses the report for lobbying and publicity Executive Board for our organization. Ardmore Methodist Church Volunteer Time/Travel/Meal Reimburse- Tuesday, December 11, 10:00 A.M. ment forms are available from the Retired and Newsletter Distribution Senior Volunteer Program for reimbursement Ardmore Methodist Church for travel at 25 cents per mile up to a maximum of $15 per month. The address is 400 West 4th Wednesday, January 9, 12:00 noon St., Suite 400 and the phone is 761-2110. Membership Meeting Quality Inn & Suites WINSTON-SALEM/FORSYTH COUNTY Hawthorne Road RETIRED SCHOOL PERSONNEL FINANCIAL REPORT Tuesday, February 5, 10:00 A.M. June 30, 2007 Executive Board The Association ended the 2006-2007 Ardmore Methodist Church fiscal year in relatively good financial condi- tion. The account balances are listed below as Tuesday, February 19, 10:00 A.M. of June 30, 2007. Newsletter Distribution Ardmore Methodist Church Checking Account Balance...... $ 1,427.58 Scholarship Fund Balance ...... 4,459.44 Wednesday, March 5, 12:00 noon Certificate of Deposit Balance ...... 2,363.73 Membership Meeting Quality Inn & Suites TOTAL -- ALL FUNDS $ 8,250.75 Hawthorne Road We have not yet received payment from (Easter Sunday, March 23) the state office for the final installment of pay- roll deduction dues for the year Tuesday, April 8, 10:00 A.M. Executive Board MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Ardmore Methodist Church Members who have elected to have their Tuesday, April 22, 10:00 A.M. dues paid by deduction from their retirement Newsletter Distribution check will not receive a membership form and Ardmore Methodist Church need do nothing. Your dues will be automati- Wednesday, May 14, 12:00 noon cally withheld from your retirement check. Membership Meeting Banquet Quality Inn & Suites Members who continue to pay their dues Hawthorne Road by check should find a membership form in this issue of Harvest Time. Those members are Record Your Volunteer Hours asked to read carefully the following informa- tion: Forms will be given to attendees at our Sep- Please review the address information at tember 5 meeting so you can record your volun- the top of the form and, if necessary, teer hours. Volunteer hours are to be listed on make any corrections needed. Note that the calendar year January through December, so the information on line 3 (NEA-Retired) we need to get them to Gene Perryman in Janu- was entered wrongly. The dues amount ary. This is very important to our state office, was listed under membership type and the membership type was shown in the

2 amount column. Despite this error, the mailing. We have tried a number of things to at- dues amount total on line 8 should be tract and interest eligible retirees to join us, and correct. If you have questions about will continue to try old and new things. Hope- this, call Raymond Sarbaugh at 768- fully, our active members will do a better job of 4701. urging non-members to become active. We need to start right now!! Remind some non-member Be sure to sign the form on line 18 and about our September 5, 2007 meeting and invite date it on line 19. You may want to keep the them to come. All of our meetings are held at white copy for your records, but send all four of the Quality Inn & Suites on Hawthorne Road, the other copies to Raymond Sarbaugh at 3645 across from Forsyth Medical Center at 12:00 Crooked Oak Lane, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 noon. We have some great meals and outstand- along with a check for the total dues amount. ing programs! The check should be payable to WS/FC R S P. According to the report sent to our state office in February 2007, we had 370 members MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT on roll, which was four short of the year 2005. Rudolph V. (Rudy) Boone, Sr. Our goal was to have 400 or more for that re- port. The state recognizes those units who main- A new year is upon us and, on behalf of tain their membership, and gives special recog- the committee, I hope that everyone had a pro- nition to units that have a 10% or more increase ductive and relaxing summer. It is time for us to in membership the following year. With that in really go back to work, realizing the need to mind, we will need 407 members for the 2007- confront our legislators concerning their failure 2008 year. We are setting our goal at 410 mem- to grant any portion of our three top priorities. bers. We can reach that goal (410) with the Obviously, our priorities were not a part of their help of each member! top priorities! This takes us back to the need to grow in numbers and togetherness. There were close to 140 recent retirees from the W-S/FC Schools this year! In repre- There is strength in numbers! With the senting our unit at the Retiree's Breakfast, I number of retirees out there (in our area alone), made a strong plea for the retirees to join the we should have double the membership that we Retired School Personnel, and to use the Payroll presently have on roll. A majority of our retirees Deduction plan for paying their dues. Printed have been apathetic and/or just plain negligent material was distributed, in addition to my ver- about joining the Retired School Personnel, de- bal remarks. Hopefully, our organization will pending on the minority (financial members) to gain some members from that effort. For mem- do the work necessary to secure the benefits due bership forms and/or Payroll Deduction applica- us. We also have the problem of some members tions please contact Dr. Raymond Sarbaugh at forgetting to renew their membership. A solu- (336) 768-4701. tion to that problem is to apply for Payroll De- duction of dues, which is helpful to the local, We will be looking forward to a large district and state organizations. turn out on September 5th !!!

In past years, we have sent newsletters to many non-members, hoping they would become interested enough to join and support the organi- zation. Yes, we have gotten a few members from that effort. We will be making a decision very soon as to whether to continue that practice or discontinue paying for the extra printing and LEGISLATIVE REPORT

3 July 2007 bying campaign, appealing to conferees to seri- Bob Severs ously consider a COLA which, at a minimum, matched the Consumer Price Index of 3.1% in JULY 28, 2007 - WE HAVE A BUDGET the second quarter. We also asked conferees to move carefully and thoughtfully before acting Note: After two full months of deliberations on on the recommendation of George Stokes, Exec- House Bill 1473 (2007 Appropriations Act), utive Director of the State Health Plan, to elimi- both the House and the Senate voted on July 28, nate the Indemnity Plan, replacing it with an al- to adopt the Joint Conference Report on the ternative with benefits at least equal to those in budget, released by the Conference Committee the Indemnity Plan (See Stakeholders Respond two days earlier. The final vote to adopt the to Stokes Plan) budget occurred on July 30. For the most part, the vote was along party lines. By the time On July 5, conferees announced a tenta- Harvest Time reaches our members, Governor tive agreement on employee pay raises and re- Easley will have signed it. The following Leg- tiree COLAs. This agreement called for a islative Report traces some of the legislative COLA of 2.2% for retirees, up from 2% con- and related developments culminating in the tained in both House and Senate budgets. We adoption of the final budget. The provisions af- are particularly grateful to Senator Kay Hagan, fecting state employees and retirees are summa- co-chair of the Appropriations/Base Budget rized in the last part of this report. Committee, and Representative Maggie Jeffus, Appropriations Committee chair, for galvaniz- As the last issue of Harvest Time went to ing support among conferees for a COLA in- the printer in early May, the House Committee crease. on Appropriations had just released its report on House Bill 1473 (the 2007 Appropriations Act). Moore Seeks Larger COLA for Retirees Soon thereafter, both the full House and Senate passed different versions of the budget. Both We also extend our sincere thanks to versions contained a 2% COLA for retirees. In Treasurer Richard Moore for his efforts to get a early June, the House/Senate Conference Com- larger COLA for retirees. In a June 14 letter to mittee began its important work of reconciling Senator Kay Hagan, he exhorted conferees not differences in the two versions of the budget. to forget the State’s retirees. He encouraged them to reconsider the 2% cost-of-living adjust- Throughout budget deliberations in both ment, emphasizing that both he and the Board of the House and Senate, the Legislative Commit- Trustees for the Teachers’ and State Employees’ tee, in concert with our lobbyists, worked with Retirement System (TSERS) requested a 2.5% local and district legislative chairs and presi- COLA, or whatever active state employees re- dents in a grassroots lobbying effort to persuade ceive, whichever is larger. legislators to support the NCRSP legislative pri- orities for 2007. These priorities include the Moore also ask conferees to fulfill their following: increase in the State contribution to promises to retirees and public employees by in- the Retirement System from 2.66% to 4%; a cluding the final payment of $45 million, along cost-of-living adjustment equal to the greater of with the interest of approximately $27 million the Consumer Price Index or whatever State em- on all funds diverted from the Retirement Sys- ployees receive; and an increase in the accrual tem in 2001, in the final budget. formula from 1.82% to 1.83%.

After the Conference Committee began What’s New in The State Health Plan its work, the Legislative Committee, working with out lobbyists, orchestrated a grassroots lob-

4 As noted in the last Legislative Report,  Allow an extended enrollment period to Senate Bill 1207, introduced on March 21 by provide time for intensive counseling of Senator Tony Rand, Senate Majority Leader employees and retirees. would change the Indemnity Plan from a non-  Ensure that a good Medicare supplement contributory plan for active and retired person- plan that maintains the current pharmacy nel to a partially contributory plan. This would benefits is in place. require members who remain in the Indemnity  Provide an out-of-network waiver for Plan to pay a portion of the plan’s cost through members who live in areas where the monthly premiums. provider network is weak or non-exis- tent. On April 19, NCAE, NCRSP, NCRGEA, and SEANC met with George Conferees Reach Agreement on Changes in Stokes, Executive Administrator of the State State Health Plan Health Plan, to further explore the ramifications of Senate Bill 1207. At this meeting, Mr. Stokes In addition to their tentative approval of announced that SHP had decided not to pursue a 2.2% COLA for retirees, conferees also an- premium changes for the Indemnity Plan and nounced a tentative agreement on the plan to re- unveiled a new plan which called for phasing place the existing Indemnity Plan with an alter- out the Indemnity Plan by January, 2008. The native benefit plan by July 1, 2008. And it ap- proposed plan would make sure that all PPOs pears that all the recommendations contained in had benefits at least equal to those in the Indem- the joint letter to legislators from NCAE, NCR- nity Plan, eliminate all therapy caps on all SP, and NCRGEA have been addressed. PPOs, and maintain all PPOs free of premiums, (see preceding story for those recommenda- with the exception of PPO Plus. Finally, the tions) plan would establish a Medicare Supplement by January 2008 in place of the Indemnity Plan for Contributory Death Benefit retired employees who are Medicate eligible. Two bills on the Contributory Death Stakeholders Respond to Stokes Plan Benefit will be of interest to our members who purchased the optional burial insurance policy. In a May 1 joint letter to all members of the House bill 779 (Increase Contributory Death General Assembly, NCAE, NCRSP, and Benefit), introduced by Representative Larry NCRGEA responded to the Stokes plan, encour- Bell and Representative Jim Harrell, would in- aging legislators to move carefully and thought- crease the amount of the policy from $9000 to fully before making any changes in health insur- $10,000. On the Senate side, Senate Bill 720 ance coverage provided State employees, teach- (Open Enrolment/Contributory Death Benefit), ers, and retirees. Specifically, they proposed the introduced by Senator Bob Atwater, would al- following: low a four-month open enrollment period for re- tirees who did not purchase this insurance when  Do not eliminate the Indemnity Plan un- they retired. Both the House and Senate adopt- til legislators have studied the impact of ed these bills. . this action. All plan members must have adequate options before it is eliminated. A report should be made to the 2008 General Assembly  Make sure the PPO network of providers The Final Budget is fully in place to serve all of our em- ployees and retirees. As this report is being completed, both the House and Senate have adopted the Joint Con-

5 ference Report on the budget (House Bill 1473 – As noted in a recent communication from Eddie 2007 Appropriations Act) The provisions af- Davis and Agnes Chavis, "The need for con- fecting state employees and retirees are as fol- certed and strong action by both the NCAE and lows: NCRSP has never been greater. Jointly, we must forge a political effort that makes a real  5% pay raise for teachers and faculty difference for our members." This will require a members at community colleges rededication of our members to the purposes of  4.0% pay raise for State employees our organization and a willingness to become  2.2% cost-of-living (COLA) adjustment involved in the political process. for retirees  Increase of employer (State) contribution Bob Severs, Chair to the Retirement System from 2.66% to Legislative Committee 3.04% % to help pay for cost of the COLA PEN PAL PROJECT CONTINUES

 $45 million payback to the Retirement Our Pen Pal project with fifth graders System for funds escrowed in 2001 (Ap- at Speas School has been operating for three proximately $27 million in interest owed years. During the past year, we had our largest will be paid by the 2008 session of the and probably most outstanding program. Thir- General Assembly) ty-five fifth graders teamed up with RSP mem-  Indemnity Plan changes: Increase in the bers and we had a lot of fun. We were invited deductible from $350 to $450 per year; to Speas on several occasions for social events increase in co-pay for office visits from and two days before the end of the school year, $15 to $25; increase in co-pay for we were invited to observe the Field Day. Our branded prescriptions from $25 to $30 fifth graders were excellent in all of the events  Replace Indemnity Plan with an alterna- and we enjoyed watching!!! tive benefit plan that includes non-con- tributory coverage, effective July 1, The next day, we were pleased to be 2008, while keeping premium-free PPO able to entertain the fifth graders, their principal, plans intact. and teachers for lunch at the Golden Corral at Hanes Mall. The students came on a bus and all Unfortunately, the legislative session ended of us probably ate too much, but we enjoyed the with none of our legislative goals for 2007 hav- fellowship and good food. ing been achieved. Those goals are as follows: It is our plan to continue this program  to provide a COLA equal to the Con- next year and we will be contacting RSP mem- sumer Price Index (CPI) bers to participate. At our first membership  to increase the State contribution to the meeting, we will invite two fifth graders and Teachers' and State Employees' Retire- their principal and teachers to be our guests for ment System from 2.66% to 4% lunch. If you would like to be a Pen Pal, contact  to increase the accrual formula from Raymond Sarbaugh at 768-4701 and ask to be 1.82% to 1.83% added to the Pen Pal list. It should also be noted that changes in the State Health Plan will result in increased costs to the individual. And effective July 1, 2008, the In- VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES demnity Plan will be replaced with an alterna- tive benefit plan.

6 Harvest Time has received information Van Horne at (919) 497-3010 or (800) 982-4041 about two Volunteer opportunities. Details fol- or Robin Darone at (919) 497-3010. low. The Augustine Project - A non-profit Necrology volunteer tutoring program sponsored by St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Last year many of you informed me about members who had passed away last year. Volunteer tutors receive training and Thanks to each of you who notified me. Every materials in a phonics-based approach to read- deceased member was memorialized at our May ing (the Orton-Gilllingham method using Wil- banquet and were included in Panorama. son materials). After training, tutors are as- signed to one of the St. Augustine schools Each of you can be a member of our (South Fork Elementary, Old Town Elementary Necrology Committee. It simply involves noti- and Cook Elementary) where they will work fying me of any member's death. Often an obitu- with a student twice a week during the school ary does not include profession, membership in day (approximately 45 minutes each lesson). our organization, or the fact that the person worked in our school system. Together we can Tutor training sessions are offered at make sure no one is overlooked. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. A registration fee of $200 is required. This fee covers the cost Please notify me of a member's death. I of training and all teaching materials, which are would rather have several calls than for you to yours to keep after completing 60 hours of tutor- assume someone else will call. Please call me as ing. soon as you know. Financial assistance is available if need- ed. Augustine Tutor Training sessions are My duty as your chair is to keep a record scheduled for September 10-21, 2007 and Octo- locally, as well as notify the district and state ber 15-26, 2007. To register or learn more Necrology Chairs of members' deaths. Copies of about the Augustine Project, please contact the obituary must be sent to both chairs. This is Emily Gibbons, Augustine Director at 723- required for a member's death to be published in 4391,ext. 517. Panorama. These deceased members are remem- bered during the Memorial Service at the State The North Carolina Guardian ad Convention and at our May banquet. Litem Program - This program was created in 1983 under the Administrative Office of the I will appreciate your participation on this Courts to make sure that the abuse and neglect committee this year. children originally suffered were not compound- ed by the system created to serve them. A Donna L. Staley, Necrology Chair Guardian ad Litem (G.A.L.) is a trained volun- 788-7060 teer who is paired with an Attorney Advocate to ensure that the child's rights and best interests Hospitality Report are before the Court. The G.A.L. is appointed to represent the child only for the duration of the Our organization will continue to have all Court's involvement and does not serve as the our meetings at Quality Inn and Suites on child's legal guardian. Hawthorne Road across from Forsyth Medical

Center. Dates for 2007-08 are: Free training is available in several loca- Wednesday, September 5; cost $10 tions around the state on a flexible schedule. Tuesday, November 13; cost $10 For more information, please contact Mary Jo Wednesday, January 9; cost $10.

7 Wednesday, March 5; cost $10.25 teaching with commitment and enthusiasm… Wednesday, May 14; cost $10.25 students who exhibited significant achievement in academics, leadership, community involve- Please mark your calendars carefully be- ment…and, students with a strong desire to be- cause we had to change some dates for various come involved in education as a profession. reasons over which we had no control instead of keeping the second Wednesday of the month. Our cost will increase to $10.25 in 2008. We consider this to still be a good bargain and if you have attended our meetings, you will agree. The food is delicious!

Seventeen of our members paid for the Sep- tember 5 luncheon at our May meeting. If you want to make a reservation, please fill out the form and mail it to me NO LATER THAN AU- GUST 30 so I will receive it by Saturday, Sep- tember 1. I must call a definite head-count on Monday morning. We are responsible for that number so please get your reservations to me on time! Wilton Earl Mitchell from Glenn High If you have any questions, please call me at School (left) and Stephen Benjamin Freese from 765-1441. If you are one of the 17 who made Mt, Tabor High School (right) and were award- reservations in May for our September luncheon ed the $1,000.00scholarships. Wilton, the son and can't remember, just give me a call and I'll of Wilton and Theresa Mitchell of Win- let you know. That was a long time ago! ston-Salem, will attend UNC Greensboro and Dorothy Vernon Stephen, the son of Scott and Cynthia Freese of Pfafftown, will attend UNC Wilmington. Retired School Personnel Scholarships 2007-2008

Our Scholarship Awards for the 2007- 2008 school year were presented at the RSP An- nual Banquet on May 9, 2007. The C. Douglas Carter Scholarship of $1000.00 was presented from our local RSP and a $1000.00 scholarship was presented from the District RSP.

With 14 outstanding applicants from 8 of our 9 high schools, the process in selecting only 2 was both challenging and exciting!!

Mary Jo Brewer, Velma Friende, Louise Markle, and Florence Wiley followed our estab- lished guidelines in searching for students who planned to pursue careers as educators …stu- dents who exemplified strong characteristics for


President...... Dr. N. L. Shearouse Budget & Finance...... Dr.Raymond Sarbaugh [email protected] [email protected] Bylaws...... A. Eugene Perryman Vice-President...... Gwen Andrews [email protected] Secretary...... Mary Jo Brewer Legislative...... Robert Severs [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer...... Dr. Raymond Sarbaugh Membership...... Rudolph V. (Rudy) Boone, Sr. [email protected] [email protected] Assistant Treasurer ...... Jay Wise Necrology...... Donna L. Staley [email protected] Retirement Planning/Photography ...... John Shore Historian/Parliamentarian...... Walter R. Wiley, Jr. [email protected] [email protected] Public Relations and Past President...... Robert Severs Community Participation...... A. Eugene Perryman [email protected] [email protected] Scholarship...... Florence G. Wiley Newsletter...... Dr. Lee Beall [email protected] [email protected] Chaplain...... Juanita Tatum Hospitality...... Dorothy H. Vernon Nominating...... Julia L. Johnson UPCOMING MEETINGS Scholarship...... Florence Wiley [email protected] Publications...... Dr. N. L. Shearouse September 5, 2007 [email protected] November 13, 2007 Website...... Angela Hodges January 9, 2008 [email protected] March 5, 2008 May 14, 2008 (Banquet Meeting) Visit our web at or go to state web ( ) and click on Win- Each of these meetings will be at the Quality Inn and ston-Salem/Forsyth County. Suites on Hawthorne Street. Meeting time is 12:00 noon. Banquet will be on May 14. Reservations for September 5th Meeting . To register, complete and cut out the form below and mail with your check for $10, payable to Dorothy Vernon, by AUGUST 30. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.

Yes, I ______would like to (Name) make reservations for ______, on Sept. 5. (# of people) I have enclosed a check for $______, which is $10.00 per person. Make check payable to Dorothy Vernon and mail to: Dorothy Vernon 527 Kyle Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104- 2838

9 Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Retired School Personnel PO Box 30462 Winston-Salem, NC 27103-0462

In This Issue

President’s Message Next Meeting September 5th Legislative Report Membership Report Pen Pal Project Continues


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