2GC (The Steering Committee of the 2001 Group )

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2GC (The Steering Committee of the 2001 Group )

2GC (the Steering Committee of ‘the 2001 Group’)

Meeting held on 14 June at Queen Mary, University of London

Present QMUL: Sue Harris (SH) Reading: Naomi Segal (NS); Victoria Reid (VR) Southampton: Vivienne Orchard (VO) Surrey: Jacqueline Page (JP)

Apologies Oxford Brookes: Valerie Worth Stylianou (VWS) Warwick: Linda Paterson (LP)

MINUTES NS explained the origin & purpose of the 2GC to VO and JP (substitutes for named representatives for Soton and Surrey). Importance of evaluation for HEFCE stressed. The 2001 Group began after two meetings, the first of which took place in Nov 2001. NS then applied to HEFCE via UCML. Once funding was secured, a Steering Committee had to be set up. Two names were to be supplied by each HEI. Unfortunately staff from RHUL staff have not taken part in either 2GC meetings or Study Days. NS to write to John O’Brien (HoD), copied to Eddie Hughes (future HoD), for an appointment to discuss the way forward. ACTION: NS There was general discussion of varieties of research training provision at each HEI represented, and the continuing problem of attracting more RSs to Study Days. An updated list of RSs at the seven HEIs must be produced for Oct 2002. ACTION: VR

1 Minutes of 2GC meeting of 31 Oct 2001

a) Accuracy

b) Matters arising Re c) an in-house publication – Although this is starting later than intended, it is still hoped that two publcations can be produced before the end of the HEFCE funding period. Re f) introduction of a quorum for 2GC meetings - It is still believed that no quorum need be applied. Re g) research student eligibility – It was decided that, while in principle the 2001 Group exists for Research Students, the involvement of some Masters students from host HEIs was acceptable, in particular those who plan to continue studying. Re h) whether students of other language-related subjects should be accommodated, rather than just French-related Again it was decided that flexibility is useful but that in principle the 2001 Group exists to serve French Depts/Sections, so attendance should remain restricted to students for whom at least one comparative ‘arm’ of their research is related to French Studies.

2 Minutes of Study Day of 23 Jan 2002

a) Accuracy Leigh Oakes to be listed as a member of staff. 3 d) ‘Steering Committee’ to be changed to ‘2GC’

b) Matters arising 2001 Group Minutes of 2GC meeting 31 Oct 2001 2

Re d) Consulting members on methods of evaluation The e-mail questionnaire VR sent out to members on 18 March ’02 replaced the short questionnaire to be sent out by VWS. Re d) Supply Teaching Database NS explained that the Database would be used in times of temporary replacement needs but could also be used to supplement curriculum provision or facilitate joint courses. Colleagues were reminded that the HEFCE-funding could only cover travel costs but that £800 pa was available for this. It was suggested that references should normally be sought by ‘seeker depts’ from the Dept in which the teacher is based. On these grounds it was decided not to include on the database people who have written to Depts to offer teaching, but only full-time staff, part-time staff, sessional staff and research students of the Depts.

Re h) The paper by Monique L’Huillier had not been given due to time constraints.

Re 4 Evaluation Questionnaires It would be worthwhile supplying evaluation forms at SDs and requiring them to be completed by students on the day.

3 Report on and evaluation of the first year of 2001 Group HEFCE-funded projects

a) Study Days b) Website / database c) Take-up and usefulness of 2001 Group provision: is it serving its purpose?

Background NS Ten projects are being run in Modern Languages with funding from HEFCE’s Restructuring and Collaboration Fund for a major Collaboration Programme in Modern Languages. Reading is the only institution to be running two projects (the 2001 Group and the Supply Teaching Database). NS read out a letter from Paul Martin, the National Coordinator. Updates of the project are required at ‘team meetings’ (= meetings of the 2GC). Evaluation of the Collaboration Programme (Document and a page from the end of year report handed out).

Section 1

The numbering in this section relates to the Evaluation document handed out.

1.1 Formative evaluation: this occurs in the form of evaluations downloadable from the website, sent to attenders at Study Days, etc ACTION: VR

1.3 Monitoring: this is found in 2GC Minutes

1.3 Evaluation of your Work (re. page from end of year report)

Question 1: What have been the effects and impacts of your project on the specialist provision in your own and partner institutions?

The 2001 Group has supplemented specialist provision and eased the burden of training for Research Students on individual institutions. It was felt that it is difficult to monitor the impact of the Group’s activities on individual students, but that it is clear that a network of students has been created. On the question of whether the 2001 Group’s projects have a direct impact on the current crisis in HE languages:this is less easy to answer for the field of French than in the case of projects based on lesser-taught languages, eg the collaborative undergraduate course in Dutch; the MA in Italian between Warwick and Birmingham, or the Summer Schools in linguistics, but there is no doubt that the intention of bringing together and galvanising RSs is being achieved. VO The network we provide is not rivalled by the IRS’s research support. The 2001 Group has more of a social feel and doesn’t just cater for Londoners. SH It breaks down the sense of isolation experienced by

2 2001 Group Minutes of 2GC meeting 31 Oct 2001 3

RSs. NS It brings together students from larger and smaller cohorts, and today’s SD shows that the ideas and impetus are beginning to come from the RSs themselves.

Question 2: Do you and your partner institutions now have a different understanding of what you and your partners are trying to achieve in your project? In what way?

Members of the 2GC certainly have a clear understanding and are finding the focus. The aims of networking and offering new experiences to RSs (teaching, brainstorming, editing a publication and organising Conferences) are being achieved. The content of Study Days was discussed. Student papers can be of a variety of kinds: presenting their research to other students in a similar area (as in today’s meeting of literature students) or to those in very different areas (as in the group including linguistics, cinema and cultural studies). Both exercises are valuable.

It was agreed that though the structure of groups must serve those students who do come, it is a pity if eg history/politics students don’t feel involved enough to come along and create a third stream. Continued publicity is essential ACTION: NS, VR

Question 3: As a result of your experience of working in collaboration with other institutions, what reflections do you have on the nature of effective partnerships?

It was agreed that this is a productive way to advance the discipline. On the practicality of organising 2GC meetings, it was agreed that it was best to keep these scheduled during Study Days, but it is difficult to formulate policy when few of those on the named list are able to attend. However the suggestion of asking 3 names from each HEI was rejected.

NS The Supply Teaching Database will prove that this collaboration is a healthy way to sustain the discipline of French in difficult times. It remains to be seen if collaborative courses across HEIs are able to succeed against practical pressures (eg student or staff travel). But generally we are successfully devising joint solutions to common problems.

Evaluation of the Collaboration Programme Hand-out (p5): Aims

1. To promote and examples of inter-institutional collaboration and cooperation

We have promoted our activities on the website and will be getting posters designed by the Typography dept in Reading in Oct 2002. NS & VR are presenting the two projects at CiLT’s ‘Setting the Agenda’ conference on Monday (24 June).

2. To contribute to the maintenance and development of specialist provision of Modern Languages programmes in HEIs in England.

We have strengthened specialist provision through the 2001 Group. RSs have been prevented from becoming isolated and despondent.

3. To embed successful project outcomes and processes of collaboration as long-term institutional activities and / or resources after the end of the funding period

The plan is that institutions will carry on after the HEFCE funding ends. During the 3 years of funding, the 2001 Group should gradually become a student-led initiative. The next SD should be organised primarily by RSs and the seven HEIs are committed to continuing to facilitate such activities beyond the end-date. Also AUPHF is already planning how to include the database on its webite (with a charge for access included in membership fee) after September 2004.

4. To help to develop a culture and understanding of inter-institutional collaboration in modern languages

This is certainly being achieved by the 2001 Group.

3 2001 Group Minutes of 2GC meeting 31 Oct 2001 4

Outputs and Outcomes

 Publicity fliers  Web pages developed (www.extra.rdg.ac.uk/2001group )  CiLT conference presentation: ‘Herding Cats’  Advertising projects at Society for French Studies conference (1–3 July)

4. Plans for 2002-03

a) Update of Student grid (for list as at 1 Nov 2001, see Minutes of 31 Oct 2001)

b) Organisation of two Study Days in 2002-03

SD1 to be held at the Roehampton campus of Surrey (easy reach from Waterloo). JP to check with Carol Sanders. Two topics: 1) to cater for RSs near the end of their research: planning for the viva; and Converting one’s research into a course; 2) a separate section to be held on ‘How to use theory’. Can Surrey provide people to cater for this? Juliet Laxton (Soton) could do something on preparing for the viva. VO What about a Cinema / Film Studies day? NS We’re thinking about getting RSs from the USA for a larger postgraduate conference, as the second SD of 2002-03.

Dates SD 1 to be in November; SD 2 to be in April.

A larger SD to be held at Southampton was suggested. (ACTION: VO with LD)*. One part of the event would be workshops on the in-house publication; the other could be on French cinema. Possible contributors to the latter: Luzy Mazdon, other French cinema specialists from UK, France, possibly USA (ACTION: SH, NS).

Modes of accommodation were discussed. Among the ideas suggested were: university accommodation if not already booked up; B & Bs; cheap hotels. It was agreed that if accommodation were really a problem, other ways forward must be considered.

*[the two-day conference idea has now been rejected and there will be a one- or two-day workshop held at Reading and a one-day SD held at Soton (ACTION: NS, IHP Working Group, LD and VO)]

Finance NS noted that there may be an underspend this year, but Liz Ashurst has agreed that we can apply to vire money from one use to another. JP suggested inviting one of the RSs to do an extraordinary lecture at another of our institutions.

c) Organisation of in-house publication

One IHP is to be published next year and a second, the following year. NS is to check production time scales with those in Reading’s Typography department. NS is also to give the working group some pointers via Helen Roberts.ACTION: NS

d) Inputting and use of database

(cf also 2 b) above) Fliers advertising Database’s self-registration facility given to all present to be distributed to RSs and staff at respective institutions. VR to begin inputting on the basis of HEI webpages, and draft input to be checked with all staff/RSs.

4 2001 Group Minutes of 2GC meeting 31 Oct 2001 5

e) Presentation (NS & VR) at 24 June LTSN event: Setting the Agenda

Title: Herding Cats: Collaboration and its Discontents

5. AOB


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