Biology and Genetics

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Biology and Genetics

Questions for final examination from BIOLOGY (2015/2016)


1. Life – definition, philosophy and classification of life 2. Living systems – definition, characteristic, phylogenesis, taxons, methods of study 3. Origin of life – theories, chemical evolution, evolution of genetic information, eobiont stage 4. Non - cellular forms of life - prions, viroids, virusoids 5. Viruses – characteristic, stages of replication, gene expression in different viruses 6. Cell theory 7. Prokaryotic cell – characteristic, structure, examples 8. Bacteria – characteristic, cultivation and staining 9. Plasmids and conjugation 10. Eukaryotic cell – characteristic, structure, examples 11. Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell 12. Nucleus - structure, function 13. Endoplasmic reticulum - structure, function 14. Golgi apparatus - structure, function 15. Secretion pathway 16. Lysosomes, peroxisomes, vacuoles – function 17. Chloroplast - structure, function 18. Mitochondrion: structure, function. 19. Evolution of cells - endosymbiont theory 20. Water – function, osmosis 21. Proteins – monomer, conformation, denaturation 22. Proteins – function 23. Nucleic acid - monomer, conformation, denaturation, depolymeration 24. Nucleic acid - types of NA and their functions 25. Polysaccharides – monomer, function 26. Lipids – monomer, function 27. Cell membrane - structure and function, fluid mosaic model 28. Membrane proteins - types, function 29. Thickness of plasmatic membrane - cell cortex, glycocalyx, cell wall, extracellular matrix 30. Transport across membranes - simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, ion channels, active and passive transport 31. Sodium potassium pump and secondary active transport - principle, importance 32. Ca2+ pump - principle, importance 33. Proton pump and secondary active transport - principle, importance 34. Transport across membranes - endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor- mediated endocytosis, exocytosis 35. Vesicular transport - clatrine vesicles, SNARE proteins 36. Metabolism – anabolism, catabolism, enzymatic catalysis 37. Cellular respiration 38. Catabolism - digestion, glycolysis, acetyl CoA, Kreb´s cycle 39. Chemiosmosis in mitochondria - oxidative phosphorylation 40. Photosynthesis – light reaction, Calvin cycle 41. Chemiosmosis in chloroplast - photosynthetic phosphorylation

1 42. The cytoskeleton - structure and function 43. Microfilaments (actin filaments) - structure, function 44. Microtubules - structure, function 45. Movement - molecular motors, princip 46. Intracellular transport 47. Centrosome - structure, function 48. Flagellar and ciliary movement - principle 49. Amoeboid movement - principle 50. Muscle contraction – principle 51. Mitosis – cytoskeleton and molecular motors 52. Cell cycle - phases 53. Regulation of cell cycle – checkpoints, cyclin, cyclin-dependent protein kinases 54. Mitosis - phases, importance 55. Differentiations of cells - different levels, principle 56. Cell death – principle and differences 57.Cell signaling - signaling pathway, stages, types of signals 58.Cell signaling - forms of extracellular signaling, surface receptors 59. Cell signaling - G protein, activation of kinase A and kinase C 60. Cell signaling - activation of kinase CaM and proteinkinase III 61. Gene expression - central dogma 62. Transcription - phases and importance 63. Posttranscription modification of RNA 64. Translation - phases and importance 65. Ribosome - structure, chemical composition, function, eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosome, polysome, ribosome of mitochondria and chloroplast 66. Postranslation modification of proteins 67. Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes – RNA interference, ubiquitination

2 Genetics

1. Genome and genomics - types of genomes, genome projects 2. Gene – characteristic, TATA box, ORF, promoter, enhancer 3. Gene – differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 4. Gene regulation of ontogenesis (homeobox genes) 5. DNA replication - steps, principle, difference in prokaryotes and eukaryotes 6. DNA replication - function of topoisomerase, DNA-helicase, DNA-polymerase, RNA primase, RNA nuclease, DNA-ligase 7. DNA replication - replication fork and its asymmetry, leading strand, lagging strand, Okazaki framents, replication bubble 8. Telomeres - description, telomerase, problem with aging 9. DNA replication and repair pathways - DNA mismatch repair, base excision repair, deamination, depurination, pyrimidine dimers 10. Transposition - transposons, retrotransposons 11. Microsatellites, minisatellites. 12. DNA cloning - polymerase chain reaction, principle and its importance 13. Gel electrophoresis – principle and its importance 14. DNA cloning – in bacteria, differences in genomic and cDNA libraries 15. DNA fingerprinting, RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorpism), hybridization - principle and importance 16. Sequencing of DNA – Sanger sequencing, principle and importance 17. GMO, DNA microchip technology 18. Chromosomes and chromatin – chemical composition, structure 19. Chromosomes – differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell 20. Cytogenetics - examination of chromosomes, karyotypes, banding, FISH 21. Mutations - types 22. Numerical aberrations of chromosomes – euploidy, aneploidy, syndroms 23. Structural aberrations of chromosomes – examples, syndroms 24. Gene mutations - examples 25. Determination of sex in animals - examples, sex chromatin (Barr body), sex chromosomes X and Y 26. Genetics – characteristic, types 27. Clasical genetics (Mendelian inheritance) – characteristic, types, J.G. Mendel 28. Mendelian inheritance – explain terms: trait, phenotype, gene, allele, locus, P, F1, F2 and B1 generation, phenotype and genotype ratios 29. Mendelian principals (laws) and conditions 30. Qualitative and quantitative traits – differences, examples 31. Gene interaction - reciprocal interaction, dominant epistasis, recessive epistasis, inhibition 32. Gene interaction - complementarity, compensation 33. Gene interaction - duplicity noncumulative, duplicity cumulative with dominance, duplicity cumulative without dominance. 34. Genetic linkage - complete linkage, incomplete linkage, power of linkage, chromosome map 35. T.H.Morgan and Morgan laws 36. Sex-linked inheritance 37. Sex-limited, sex-controlled and sex-influenced inheritance 38. Meiosis – phases, recombination of gene information 39. Spermiogenesis and oogenesis – scheme, differences 40. Non-mendelian inheritance – characteristic, examples

3 41. Maternal inheritance, maternal effect – characteristic, examples 42. Infectious heredity, parental imprinting 43. Trinucleotide repeat disorders, complex (threshold) traits – characteristic, examples 44. Quantitative genetics – quantitative trait, polygenic inheritance, continual variability of phenotype, examples 45. Phenotype variability, heritability, statistical methods used for selection 46. Population genetics – definition and characteristic of population, genofond, allelic and genotype frequencies 47. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium – characteristic, conditions 48. HW equilibrium - types of reproduction and their effect on genetic structure of population 49. HW equilibrium - mutation, selection and their effect on genetic structure of population 50. HW equilibrium - genetic drift and gene flow (migration) and their effect on genetic structure of population 51. Practical applications of population genetics – genetic diseases, problems in small populations, study of evolution 52. Evolution and evolutionary theories 53. Darwinism and Lamarcism 54. Evolution and its mechanisms 55. Microevolution, macroevolution - coevolution, adaptive radiation, preadaptations 56. Species and speciation - anagenesis, cladogenesis, syngenesis, stasigenesis


. neuron . nucleus, ER, GA . mitochondria, chloroplast . ciliate with vacuoles . cross section of flegalla and cillia (structure 9+2) . sarcomere . G+ and G- bacteria . bacteriophage . starch grain . avian and mammal erytrocytes . types of leucocyte nuclei . mitotic spindle . phases of mitosis as observed in microscope . scheme of mitosis and meiosis . scheme of spermiogenesis and oogenesis . secundary, terciary and quaternary structure of protein . phylogenetic tree . membrane (model of fluid mosaic) . Na/K pump, Ca2+ pump, H+pump . endocytosi, exocytosis . clatrin vesicle . formula of photosynthesis and cell respiration . chemiosmotic coupling in mitochondria and chloroplasts . centrosome . scheme of activation of A kinasis, C kinasis, CaM kinasis, proteinkinasis . scheme of expression of gene information 4 . gene in procaryotic and eucaryotic cell . ribozom, polysom . DNA, tRNA . Difference between denaturation and depolymeration of DNA . replication fork and replication bouble . karyotypes in differen animals . the basic genetic crossing . ratios in gene interactions . genetic linkage - cis and trans phase, complete and incomplete linkage . maternal effect . graph for qualitative, quantitative and complex trait . HW equilibrum - formula . Heritability- formula


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