Notice of a Meeting of the Parish Council
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Bosham Parish Council Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th December 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Bosham Centre
Present: Mr A Chapman, Mr R Cooper, Mrs J Copsey, Mr J Dean, Mr J Fulford, Mr N Hogben, Mr J Holloway, Mr A Johnstone (Chair), Mrs C Pexton & Mrs G Powell.
In attendance: Miss Lisa Roberts [Clerk to the Council/RFO] D/Cllr Plant and 2 members of the public
C18/65 Receive apologies for absence Cllr Whitmore Jones, D/Cllr Collins & C/Cllr Goldsmith sent their apologies.
C18/66 To receive declarations of interest by Councillors on any of the agenda items below. None.
C18/67 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the meeting held 15th November 2017 (previously issued) It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Minutes, and the Chairman was authorised to sign them as an accurate record of that meeting.
C18/68 Questions from Members of the Public Present (this will be limited to 10 minutes) C18/68.1 Mr Adrian Moss, a village resident, came to make the members aware of the potential of oil extraction at Markwells Wood, Forestside West Sussex. UKOG (UK Oil & gas Investments) are planning to put forward a revised application for drilling at Markwells Wood before the end of the year to extract oil using horizontal wells and acidisation. The possible affect on Bosham residence is if the aquaflows and underground water supplies are contaminated. More information can be found at
C18/68.2 C/Cllr Plant asked if the parish would be subject to the GDPR rules that come in May 2018. The Clerk confirmed t that Parish Council will be subject to the new rules and as a public sector organisation would need to appoint a DP Officer which NALC understands cannot be the Clerk. The Clerk will be attending further sector training on this in February to report back on the options available.
C18/69 Receive Reports C18/69.1 Chairman’s Report The Chair conveyed thanks received from Bosham Cricket club for the swift response to their grant application. BA have undertaken a survey on the stream revetments on Quay meadow. Chairman to host Christmas drinks after next week’s meetings and so planning will commence at 6pm and VA at 6.30pm
C18/69.2 Clerk’s Report SSALC are working to support the Alzheimer’s Society with the Dementia Friends initiative. A Dementia Friends Information Session for councillors, staff or the community can be booked through SSALC for a Dementia Champion to come and run the session, usually taking around 45 minutes. Audio recordings of Chichester District Council meetings are now available on their website. Clerk will take annual leave over the Christmas period, returning on the 4th January 2018.
C18/69.3 Representatives to Outside Bodies C18/69.3.1 Bournes Community Forum – Nothing to reort
C18/69.3.2 Burial Ground – the member s were sorry to hear John Baker died unexpectedly over the weekend and sent condolences to the family.
C18/69.3.3 Village Hall – The committee have had to increase the hourly hire rate to pay for the maintenance required on the roof. It was NOTED that the fence between the hall and the playing field is being used as a short cut and is now in need of repair. It was AGREED that Agendas & Minutes 2017-2018/08710c3bd985ca561a6cb840db9b46a0.doc 1 the RGS committee will consider suitable repairs at the January meeting.
C18/69.3.4 Friends of Old Bridge Meadow – Carols on the meadow on Friday at 6pm with Santa Claus.
C18/69.3.5 Bosham Association (BA) – the AGM went well with a full and frank apology extended to the Parish Council from the Chairman which has been accepted with thanks.
C18/69.3.6 District Council(CDC) D/Cllr Plant reported that the southern gateway master plan has been accepted but will take time. CDC has gone for judicial review over the Southbourne appeal for additional houses. From January 2018 all new planning enforcement cases will be updated and available to view online. The informal comments on the Site Allocation DPD have been received from the Examiner, who has asked for changes before the document can be accepted. This will mean a further consultation period and second examination. CDC hopes it will be finalised and adopted by July 2018. Local Plan review – the comments from the Issues and options consultation are now being reviewed to form the “Preferred Approach” document. It is hoped that this will go out for consultation in July 2018. Build a Better A27group now have agreement to press on and find consultants with the remit to get a plan together by April 2018 which will be acceptable to Highways England. CDC’s Litter campaign, targeting dog fouling and litter dropping, has seen cigarette butts reduced by a quarter. Residents can use the website to check the dates for rubbish collections over the Christmas period.
C18/70 Neighbourhood Plan C18/70.1 Appointment of Planning Consultants - receive any updates. C18/70.1.1 9 Planning Consultants who had expressed an interest in assisting Bosham Parish Council. Of those 9, 3 were excluded for the following reasons: Vail Williams – Previously working for Carla Homes on development of Swan Field. They have since said that this development is no longer going forward but we felt there might still be a conflict of interest IDE Planning – Too far way in Maidstone Navigus Planning – Too far away in Kent
C18/70.1.2 We then wrote to the following 6 consultants and invited them to come to the Bosham Centre for interview: KLW – meeting Martin Hull & Julian Black 10am 5th Dec prepared East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan Henry Adams – meeting Peter Cleveland 10am 7th Dec assisted in preparation of Arun District Council and Waverley Borough Council Local Plans Bell Cornwall – meeting Liz Alexander 11.30am 7th Dec prepared Stratfield-Mortimer and Basingstoke plans AS Planning - meeting Andy Stevens & Steve Clarke 1pm 7th Dec assisted in preparation of Maidstone Borough Local Plan DHA Planning - not yet confirmed Fuller Long - not yet confirmed
C18/70.1.3 Cllr Pexton, Mr Nick Pyke and the Clerk conducted the interviews over two days and have LR asked each of the candidates to submit a tender before the 8th January 2018. The Clerk will send a report for consideration at the next meeting.
C18/70.2 Health & Wellbeing Follow-Up Survey LR The answers to the survey were AGREED and the Clerk was empowered to respond accordingly.
C18/70.3 Consider any matters arising. A resident has asked for clarification on the statement at Min Ref: C18/61.1 5.1 Local reviews of 20mph zones have proved difficult to fund and implement. Schemes are costly and ultimately not enforceable. To qualify there must be an average speed of less than 26mph and whilst this is probably achievable on the smaller roads with parked cars the faster roads where such a scheme is required would have to be ruled out. The Clerk sent the resident a detailed response citing the difficulties Fishbourne had in
Agendas & Minutes 2017-2018/08710c3bd985ca561a6cb840db9b46a0.doc 2 implementing the 20mph scheme. The members considered that most of the roads within the Broadbridge area were probably already speed restricted due to the amount of parking in these smaller roads. However, it was AGREED that further consideration would be given to a possible 20mph limit being imposed in Station Road south of the railway line to the A259; to be discussed at the January Full Council meeting.
C18/71 Committee Minutes and Reports C18/71.1 Planning Meeting held on 22/11/17 RESOLVED: to receive and note the minutes of this meeting.
C18/71.2 Finance meeting held on 22/11/17 C18/71.2.1 RESOLVED: to receive and note the minutes of this meeting.
C18/71.2.2 The motion to APRROVE the RECOMMENDATION for a £62,000 precept was AGREED in a vote 9 against 1. It was NOTED that there would be exceptional expenses incurred in the LR forthcoming year with planning consultants required for the neighbourhood plan review.
C18/71.2.3 The Clerk had requested funding to undertake the 2year De Montfort University Community Governance Level 4 course. This course is the next step up from Cilca. It was AGREED that the council needed to support and encourage the clerk to keep up with qualifications especially with more work being passed down to parishes. The motion was out forward and seconded:
MOTION PROPOSED: That the council provide a training grant to cover cost of the course for £5,880 so long as the clerk remains employed with the council for four years. The contract would be drawn up that if the clerk leaves before 6 months after completion of the course she would pay back 100% of the fees; before 12 months 75% of the fees; before18 months 50%; and before 24 months 25% of the fees.
RESOLVED: The motion was CARRIED 6 for and 5 against. The Clerk said she would consider the proposal.
C18/72 Finance C18/72.1 Orders for Payment ( previously issued ) RESOLVED: to approve, unanimously, all of the attached orders for payment for £4,851.03 LR (Including VAT payable of £118.97).
C18/72.2 Grants Received letter of thanks from 4 sight for their grant received.
C18/73 To note the date of the next meeting is on 17th January 2018
The meeting closed at 8.27pm
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