Category of Support: of = Ongoing Financial Support

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Category of Support: of = Ongoing Financial Support

Ghana Partnership Strategy Results Matrix Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions√ Outcomes PILLAR I: PRIVATE SECTOR COMPETITIVENESS 1. ENHANCE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR Ghana’s Value of non-traditional  Implement a fully-fledged National Trade Policy to Policy (macro, trade) – USAID (A) competitiveness in exports (NTE) promote the integration of Ghana into global and regional Enhancing Capacity Programme – France (OF) international and markets Spin-off effects of targeted export business development on domestic markets Global Competitiveness  Implement sector-specific measures for strategic exports- NTEs – USAID increased Index focusing initially on the President’s Special Initiatives Private Sector Devpt. Funds/GPSDF - Italy Trade Gateway & Investment Project – WB (OF) Improved business and Cost of doing business  Implement key recommendations from review of existing Implementation of TSSP – Danida, UNDP (OF & PF) investment institutions tasked with providing quality standard services to Contribution to the PSD Strategy pooled fund – DfID environment M&E support to PSD Strategy – UNDP (A) Time to register business the private sector  Attract investment through measures at national level to PSD/Trade sector budget support – EC (PF) improve investment climate Support to fruit exports, helpdesk for exporters – EC  Carry out review of the ongoing commercial law reform Private Sector Promotion Project. Support to GIPC, Capacity effort and develop proposals for focusing and prioritizing building and trade related support to private sector efforts associations; Rural Trade and Industry Promotion Project in  Review measurements of corruption Brong Ahafo Region-GTZ (OF) Support to private sector business associations/policy dialogue Increased access to Domestic credit to the  Improve access and increase volume of credit at affordable capital by the private private sector as ratio of prices and PSD monitoring – UNDP (A, OF, PF) sector GDP Improving access of MSMEs to financial and non-financial services (SPEED II) GTZ – (OF, A) /KfW (PF); UNDP (A, Private Fixed Investment OF, PF); IFC (PF) as % of GDP e-Ghana/ICT project – WB (PF) Number and type of long Econ. Mgmt. Cap. Bldg – WB (PF) financing instruments Leasing in the financial sector -- Switzerland (OF) Employment & Youth Study – WB (A) Ctry Econ. Memorandum – WB (A) Improved job and Improved access to  Develop and implement a comprehensive national Ghana Leasing Program - IFC (PF) income security National Labor Market employment policy that addresses needs of youth, women Ghana Schools Financing Facility – IFC (OF) Information system and people living with disabilities (LMIS)  Promote establishment of country-wide network of Youth MDBS/PRSC To enhance private sector competitiveness, ongoing support % access to social security Employment Centers for implementation of the trade sector programme and by informal sector  Design and implement labor market information system implementation of priority activities arising out of the employees  Support organization and dissemination of labor market information for informed decision making institutional review, and for further reducing time for registering businesses

MDBS/PRSC To create a more diversified financial sector and improve access to financial services, ongoing and future support for

√ The Multi-Donor Budget Support (MDBS) program comprises 10 Category of support: OF = Ongoing Financial Support development partners (DPs): African Development Bank, Canada, PF = Planned Financial Support Denmark, European Commission, France, Germany, the Netherlands, A = Analytical/Policy Support Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the World Bank. United Nations, 1 Japan and the United States participate as observers. Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes implementation of FINSSP

Improved firm-level Wage employment index  Develop and implement plan to phase-out Government Policy (land tenure, labor) – USAID capacity and Capacity development of MoTI – JICA Business competitiveness provision of subsidized finance to firms competence to grow Investment Climate Assessment – WB (A) index  Develop “best practice framework” with best criteria businesses against which firm level initiatives will be judged MSME Project – WB/IFC (PF)  Develop league tables for existing and new firm level SME Development – UNDP initiatives using the above best practice criteria Sub-contracting Partnerships Exchange – UNDP (A, OF, PF) Reform business registration, commercial law reform – Danida Policy (contribution to the PSD Strategy pooled fund) – DfID PSD/Trade sector budget support – EC BUSAC fund provides support to business associations – DfID/Danida/USAID Support to GIPC, land registration, policy dialogue capacity of private sector organizations – GTZ CIDA (OF) EC (OF): GRATIS, Proinvest and CDE Enhancing Capacity Programme – France (OF) Ahafo SME linkages program -- IFC (PF)

2. MODERNIZATION OF AGRICULTURE Productivity of crops, Productivity of land,  Expand irrigation infrastructure—valley bottoms, dams and Biosafety regulations, data on rural economy – USAID (A) livestock and labor, capital of sample dug outs, bore holes, tube wells etc., especially in the three Food for Peace Programme– USAID aquaculture increased crops, livestock and northern areas Commodity production support – AFD/EC/ aquaculture  Develop and multiply new and improved seeds and GTZ/IFAD/AFD/JICA/CIDA/FAO/AfDB/ USAID/WB, Rural infrastructure – WB (AgSSIP, CBRD)/ Fish yield per unit area of planting materials of selected crops AFD/JICA/CIDA/MCC pond per cycle  Promote soil fertility management systems  Promote integrated pest and disease management system AfDB/GTZ Total surface area of water  Promote and expand bio-technology (pineapple, cashew, Aquaculture – FAO/GTZ/CIDA/WB/DfID under fish farming and oil palm) CIDA (FABS, FARMER) (OF) Tomato processing promotion centre/FAO- Italy Non-traditional  Develop aquaculture infrastructure including fish agricultural exports hatcheries and utilize of irrigation systems and other Agricultural sprinkler irrigation sets-Spain (PF) impounded reservoirs for aquaculture Solar driven pumps for irrigation- Spain (PF) Rural Integrated Dev’t. Project in Afram Plains – Italy (PF)

MDBS/PRSC To improve rural sector farm and non-farm growth, support revision of Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy (FASDEP) and draft revised Strategic Plan to incorporate poverty reduction approaches as recommended in PSIA for agriculture

2 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Farm household Post harvest losses index  Promote processing, preservation, and utilization of crops, Link smallholder farmers to export supply chains, post harvest incomes and food loss training – USAID Per capita supply of key animals, and fish products security improved Support to SMEs in agro-processing – EC (OF) staple foods (crops,  Develop and promote use of standardized packaging Staple food production – WFP/CIDA/FAO/ WB/AfDB livestock and fish) materials  Promote of use of local raw material e.g. maize and Food for Peace Programme (training) – USAID Farm household incomes sorghum in brewing Market Oriented Agricultural Programme, Support to selected value chains-GTZ (OF, A) Share of household  Promote establishment of storage facilities, including Cold storage facilities along coast for local fishermen – Spain incomes spent on food community-level facilities  Promote processing, preservation, and utilization of crops, (PF) animals, and fish products

Reduced risk to % of arable land under  Policy (FASDEP revision) Small-scale irrigation, cold store, value added processing, agricultural investment irrigation  Promote land reforms that ensure equal access to irrigated grades and standards – USAID Farmer participation in irrigation management – JICA, Capacity of processing land for men, women, and persons with disabilities USAID/DfID industries for crops,  Reform land administration by reviewing Land Policy (promote domestic rice, promote small-scale farming, livestock and fish Administration Project in light of importance of property rights to MSMEs tree crops) – JICA/AFD Percentage of farmers  Ensure easy and affordable access to tractor services to Improved market access –USAID/WB/EC adopting improved both men and women farmers Germany/AfDB/CIDA/FAO- Institutional support – technologies and Good  Improve access to affordable credit to women and men, CIDA/DfID GTZ/EC/AFD/FAO/JIC Agricultural Practices with a special emphasis on increasing the proportion of Assist process of clarifying user and property rights through (GAPS) women that can get access to credit LAP- GTZ (A) and KfW (OF) Market Oriented Agricultural Programme, Support to selected Access to mechanization, value chains -- GTZ (OF, A) inputs, credit and market Promotion of outgrower schemes incl. production, processing information (e.g. tractor to and marketing aspects (PPP-approach) -KfW (PF) farmer ratio) Econ. Mgmt. Cap. Bldg – WB (PF) Number of animal traction Improving access to finance for MSME -- IFC (PF) centers refurbished/ established Capacity building of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) – Secure access to land and UNDP (A, OF, PF) water resources 3. TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Develop tourism for Share of tourism in GDP  Market Ghana as a competitive tourist destination Programme in design phase – JICA employment generation Tourism revenues  Revise tourism investment policy to promote SMEs in the Ecotourism – USAID (PF) and foreign exchange communities earnings Tourist arrivals  Design programmes to reduce credit constraint of operators Forta Pollonia at Nzma/Commty. Mgmt. of Natural and Cultural Heritage and Fort of Princess Town and Aketekye Value of investment in the in the tourism sector with particular focus on women Coastal Zone/Restoration & Devpt. – Italy (PF) tourism sector entrepreneurs  Develop sustainable ecotourism, culture and historical sites Cultural Heritage – EC (OF) Occupancy rate of hotels  Enhance human resource capacity of skilled and unskilled personnel in the hospitality industry

3 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes 4. SUSTAINABLE NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Improved Cost of environmental  Control menace of mining (especially illegal mining). NRM and growth sustainability study – WB (A) environmental degradation as a ratio to  Initiate measures to stem land degradation. Community-Based Natl. Resource Mgmt – WB/GEF (OF) management and GDP (lands, forests,  Promote development and use of alternative wood Reforestation, identify environmental hot-spots USAID governance fisheries) products. Support to forestry – EC (A, PF)  Promote plantation/woodlot development among Support to protected areas, eco-tourism – EC Number of Social communities to meet needs of society. Community mgmt. of nature reserves – UNDP (OF, PF) Responsibility Contracts  Enforce regulation and legislation related to environment Community reforestation in northern areas – GEF, Africa (SRCs) signed and natural resources 2000 Network/UNDP (A, OF, PF)  Enforce legality assurance scheme under Validation of CIDA (A & OF) Number of Timber Legal Timber Program (VLTP) Introducing and strengthening community forest management; Utilization Contracts support to adjustment of legal framework -- GTZ (A) KfW  Manage and enhance Ghana’s land and permanent estate of (TUCs) awarded (OF) Franc (PF) forest and wildlife protected areas while considering the effect on women and men farmers MDBS/PRSC % of mining firms  Ensure involvement of communities and relevant agencies To improve management of natural resources, continue complying with in the implementation of national Action Plan to combat supporting implementation of Government’s strategy for the environmental safeguards, desertification management of forestry resources including the  Promote use of environmentally friendly technologies and implementation of practices environmental  Promote human centered biodiversity conservation management plans initiatives  Promote integrated ecosystem management which is friendly towards men and women equally  Improve environmental and natural resources management for health and safety, and increased sustainable production Degraded lands Hectares of degraded  Promote plantation/woodlot development among PPP with mining sector – USAID (PF) rehabilitated forest, mining, dry and communities to meet the needs of society Support to the mining sector – EC wet lands  Encourage reforestation of degraded forest and off-reserve rehabilitated/restored areas  Harmonize relationship between mining companies and mining communities  Initiate measures to stem land degradation  Enforce regulation and legislation related to environment and natural resources  Enact relevant environmental laws to protect the environment at all times  Enforce existing environmental laws  Develop multi-agency approach to enhance resource management and the environment  Assist mining companies to carry out their business to generate employment, create wealth and improve living standards of local communities  Explore avenues and opportunities under the EC Forest

4 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT)  Promulgate and implement new minerals bill covering small scale operations

Land acquisition made Number of registered and  Reform land administration by reviewing Land Land Administration Project – WB and others less cumbersome and titled urban lands to Administration Project in light of the importance of property Policy (land tenure research and dialogue) – USAID ownership and use individuals rights to MSMEs rights made more secure Number of registered  Take forward recommendations by FIAS to improve site allodial titles to stools, development and land administration system skins and tendambas clans  Promote establishment of agri-business zones with special consideration for needs of women Time to register land  Promote land reforms that ensure equal access to irrigated land for men, women, and persons with disabilities

5. INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT SERVICES Increased variety and Kilometers of roads well  Increase special access to market through improvement in Road Sector Development Programme: WB, AfDB, reliability of transport maintained and/or farm roads to markets France AFD, Germany KfW, IFAD, China, BADEA, OPEC infrastructure and rehabilitated, by the three  Maintain and expand feeder roads Fund, Saudi Fund, EC, Denmark, Italy, JICA, DfID facilities classes of roads  Construct and rehabilitate more access roads in urban Supply of earth moving equipment – Spain (PF) Supply and installation of steel bridges -- Spain (PF) Road condition mix centers  Rehabilitate or develop one major road linking rural and Road maintenance capacity building – JICA Average number of days urban markets in every region Planning for rural bridge and feeder road development – JICA to clear goods from the  Develop and rehabilitate major highways in the country Feeder and trunk roads – EC ports  Maintain and provide efficient and modernized ports and Trade & Investment Gateway Project – WB (OF) Road Sector Development Project – WB (OF) Value of investment in all harbors around the country Econ. Mgmt. Cap. Bldg – WB (PF) forms of transport  Promote private sector involvement in road sector Maintenance and rehabilitation of feeder roads – infrastructure financing, construction, and maintenance DfID/EC/AfD/Germany-KfW  Promote private sector involvement in port services and in Maintenance and rehabilitation of trunk roads – the financing, construction, and maintenance of rail services EC/WB/JICA/AfDB/China/OPEC/ BADEA/Danida/Saudi  Promote private sector involvement in the investment and Fund/Germany-KfW management of aviation infrastructure and equipment Maintenance and construction of urban roads – WB/AfDB/Germany-KfW/France AFD (OF/PF) Institutional strengthening/support – WB/DfID/AfDB/EC Support to road management – Germany KFW (A) Improved variety and Per capita consumption of  Implement Self-Help Electrification Programme (SHEP) in France AFD, WB, AfDB, Spain, JICA, USAID, UNDP reliability of energy energy (electricity, LPG, the rural and peri-urban areas Rural electrification by solar energy – Spain (PF) supply and its access to Petroleum) per annum  Implement ECG Distribution System Upgrade project Power sector reform – WB/AFD/Switzerland the poor ECG management contract and grid access for deprived semi- Electricity supply  Implement NED Distribution System Upgrade project urban areas -- Switzerland (PF) reliability, measured by  Implement the Power Sector Reform Programme Rural electrification using renewable energy – JICA average number of hours  Implement petroleum Sector Deregulation Policy Energy (gas) regulatory framework – USAID of energy outage per Support to VRA and WAPP – EIB consumer per year Support to WAPP, distribution systems upgrade – WB Percentage reduction in 5 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes transmission and Support to WAGP – USAID/WB (OF) distribution losses (both Energy project and analysis – WB (PF &A) system and non-system Improved access to energy for MSMEs in Brong Ahafo region losses) -- Germany GTZ (PF) Accessibility rate (i.e MDBS/PRSC percentage of households To expand supply of energy services while protecting the using electricity poor, continue support implementation of power sector reforms including reducing ECG system and commercial losses, settling ECG amounts receivable from MDAs and the GWCL, and completing the 2005 tariff review Increased utilization and Number of people with  Increase coverage of telephones particularly in rural and e-Ghana/ICT project – WB (PF) integration of ICT in mobile or land line phones peri-urban communities. Telecom TA – WB (A) key sectors of economy  Improve quality of telephone service. Business Incubator Centre – UNDP (A, OF, PF) Number of households  Establish national network of Internet backbone/broadband. ICT and the Promotion of Good Governance – UNDP (A, with access to internet  Source FDI and national investment to promote OF) services development and marketing of hardware and suitable software. Number of offices  Provide telephone coverage to all public schools and connected to internet/with communities in Ghana. access to internet  Provide Internet access to all districts with a model Senior Secondary School. Size of ICT industry  Ensure that ICT is made a core subject of all post-basic (measured by contribution educational institutions including university. of ICT industry to GDP or  Ensure that ICT is made a core subject of teacher training growth rate of ICT education. industry)

Value of investment in ICT sector Increased application of Value of investment in  Promote science and development at all levels of Support to GRATIS – EC (OF) science and research for science and research production EDSeP – WB (OF) all sectors of the  Promote development and use of small-scale technologies economy Rate of adoption of that target smallholder farmers improved locally-  Promote development of appropriate technology to support packaged technologies by agriculture and rural SMEs MSMEs  Actively encourage diffusion and transfer of technology development

6 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions√ Outcomes PILLAR II: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND BASIC SERVICES 1. EDUCATION Access Enrolment, retention Gross Enrolment Rate  Expand preschool access in all basic schools to ensure Development Partners provide coordinated support for all six and completion rates (GER) increases in smooth transition from home to school goals in the education sector, either through specific projects increased in Primary, Jr. Secondary  Increase school enrolment (AfDB, BADEA, France, Gernany GTZ, JICA, UNESCO, kindergarten, primary, School (JSS), Sr.  Accelerate the rehabilitation /development of basic school UNICEF, USAID,WFP, IFC) or sector programmes (DfID, JSS, TVET and SSS Secondary School (SSS), infrastructure (with water and toilet facilities EC, Netherlands, World Bank) or general budget support and Technical and  Remove barriers to primary school entry and retention (MDBS group) (OF) Vocational Education and  Shift burden of payments for education services away from Training (TVET) poorer students at lower levels (especially the girl-child) MDBS/PRSC To increase access, completion and quality in basic education, Survival rate increases.  Ensure that buildings and other physical infrastructure in support for extending capitation grants to all pupils attending P6; JSS 3; SSS3 schools and training institutions are made accessible to the physical disabled public primary and junior secondary schools and for increasing GPER in the three most deprived regions  Adopt targeted programmes to improve access in underserved areas Help expand teacher retention schemes and implement  Expand Non Formal Education in partnership with District-sponsorship scheme for teacher trainees based on community groups, NGOs and private providers teacher needs assessment  Facilitate the implementation of capitation grant in all public primary schools MDBS/PRSC  Enact laws that support implementation of FCUBE To improve efficiency and equity of financing education with  Ensure relevance and coverage of vocational and technical attention to greater poverty impact, continue to help deliver training increased resources to 53 deprived districts  Diversify vocational and technical training to link with industry  Support private-public partnership in the management of vocational and technical schools  Promote entrepreneurship among the youth  Enhance Infrastructural development in Universities and Polytechnics  Develop a national policy on Distance Education Gender Gender parity in GPI: National, Deprived  Provide incentive schemes to increase girls enrolment, school enrolment Districts at KG, Primary, retention and completion particularly in deprived areas JSS, SSS, TVET  Sensitize parents and communities about the importance of girl’s education

7 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Quality Improved quality of Test Scores: National,  Introduce programme of national education quality education Deprived Districts, Girls assessment (National Education  Ensure teacher development, deployment and supervision Assessment Exams,  Provide incentives to teachers in deprived areas BECE, WASSCE)  Improve the teaching of Science, technology and Percentage of Trained mathematics in all basic schools Teachers: National,  Develop and promote the use of ICT in all schools and Deprived Districts, institutions of higher learning Primary, JSS Improved Percentage of total  Strengthen and improve educational planning and infrastructure and expenditure on Service management service delivery and Investment: National  Stress and support private sector participation in education and Deprived Districts  Strengthen institutional arrangement for the role of CBO, CSO in advocacy, monitoring and evaluation  Strengthen monitoring and evaluation framework and reporting channels as a key priority Science and  Provide incentive schemes to attract more teachers into the Technical teaching of science and technical education Education  Support science and research institutions  Provide incentives to attract science students  Increase funding for research and technology development  Support private sector initiatives in science education Behavioral Issues of population,  Promote the study of and integrate in the curricula of Health gender, health, schools and institutions of higher learning attitudinal change HIV/AIDS/STI, fire regarding population, good health, gender, fire safety, road safety, road safety, safety, civic responsibility and environment concerns civic responsibility and  Identify and promote programmes that will assist in the environment prevention and management of HIV/AIDS/STI mainstreamed in the curriculum of schools and institutions of higher learning 2. SKILL AND MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT Human Comprehensive HRD  Develop a comprehensive manpower development policy Resource (HR) policy and planning framework that takes into account the specific needs of men Framework framework document and women, Persons living with Disability, HIV/AIDS, the public and private sector at all levels

8 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Human Enhanced productivity  Develop a Manpower Development Plan at all levels Resource (HR) Improved training,  Provide adequate incentives to retain skilled labour Capacity deployment and  Provide adequate resources for human resource capacity retention of key HR development  Undertake Human Resource capacity survey  Improve labour market and engendered manpower statistics including the care economy Training Increased levels of No. of institutions re-  Train unemployed youth in competency based demand e-Ghana/ICT project – WB (PF) skills and productivity equipped increased driven skills, including the STEP programme Youth & Employment Study – WB (A) Improved quality of No. of instructors re-  Promote and establish production units in all Vocational training trained increased Training Centers  Set standards for vocational training and entrepreneurial Level of employer development satisfaction  Intensify co-operative education and its practice in collaboration with stakeholders  Expand training infrastructure for skills upgrading  Promote the training of people with disability  Implement National Apprenticeship Programme  Assist HR institutions to develop new syllabi/ curriculum to meet requirement of industry  Conduct HR needs assessment Dialogue between  Establish collaboration between human resource capacity industry and development institutions and industry skills/professional training institutions increased to produce skilled labour required for industry 3. HEALTH Access Improved accessibility % of supervised delivery  Develop and implement high impact yielding strategies for Financial and technical support for implementation of Health to and utilization of by region increased U5M and MM and Malnutrition Sector POW health and nutritional % of stunting in children  Redistribute health workers in favor of deprived areas Funds Pool: Danida, DfID, Netherlands, EC, UNFPA, World services under 5  Increase government budget share for basic services at Bank district and sub-district levels Project-Specific Funds: AfDB, JICA, UNICEF, WHO, USAID, GTZ, Spain MDBS/PRSC To bridge equity gaps in access to quality health care, help pilot decentralization of Personal Emoluments; establish monitoring and evaluation systems for human resource reforms established; and develop draft revised Human Resource policy and strategy

9 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Sustainable Improved resource No. of indigents covered  Accelerate implementation of health insurance scheme WHO support to health system strengthening Financing allocation to deprived by NHIS and Exemptions  Expand pre service health training institutions facilities to MDBS/PRSC areas Scheme increase intake of trainees To ensure sustainable financing arrangements that protect the Improved quality of Population-doctor ratio  Provide incentive schemes to support the retention and poor, support increased funding for exemptions in the 2006 health services redistribution of trained health personnel budget proposal to at least the 2004 level Population-nurse ratio  Decentralize HR management to regional level 4. MALARIA CONTROL Management Improved malaria case Malaria case fatality of  Ensure early case recognition Financial and technical support for implementation of Health management and children under-5 per  Ensure appropriate response and referral Sector POW prevention 10,000 population  Improve access to services Funds Pool: Danida, DfID, Netherlands, EC, UNFPA, World Prevention Insecticide-Treated Nets  Promote use of insecticide treated bed nets Bank (ITN) coverage of risk  Encourage drainage, mosquito proofing and sanitation Project-Specific Funds: AfDB, JICA, UNICEF, WHO, USAID, Second Urban Environmental Sanitation project – groups (children under-5  Promote application of indoor and outdoor residual WB/AfD/NDF and pregnant women) spraying

Collaboration  Collaborate between departments and programmes in health sector  Partnerships between government sector, private sector, informal sector, communities and Traditional Healers Research  Increase availability of funds for research  Focus research agenda  Improve dissemination and utilization of results  Develop capacity for research 5. VULNERABILITY AND EXCLUSION Financial barriers to Under-5 malnutrition rate  Education on ILO Convention 161 Financial and technical support for implementation of Health health services reduced  Target areas where malnutrition and malnourishment is Sector POW improved severe for interventions Funds Pool: Danida, DfID, Netherlands, EC, UNFPA, World Bank Reduced malnutrition- % of workplace accidents  Replicate best practices and expand coverage Project-Specific Funds: AfDB, JICA, UNICEF, WHO, related disorders and reduced  Ensure effective management of the implementation of the USAID deaths among young school feeding programme

children  Document findings on state of malnutrition around the country with special reference to possible solution to the Consumption of problem affordable balanced  Produce equipment which pose less hazardous e.g. with meals including the low noise level consumption of  Facilitate resource Inspectorate division of the MLGRD to micronutrients among promote health and safety especially in the informal sector children  Integrate occupational safety & health in school curriculum Healthy work for basic and vocational education environment that protects workers from physical and emotional risks

10 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes 6. HIV/AIDS HIV prevalence among % of adult population (15-  Scale-up towards universal access to prevention, treatment, Financial and technical support for implementation of Health adult population 49 yrs) with HIV is 3.1% care and support services Sector POW maintained below or below  Intensify behavior change strategies especially for high risk Global Fund (OF) 3.1% groups Funds Pool: Danida, DfID, Netherlands, EC, UNFPA, World Bank Project-Specific Funds: AfDB, JICA, UNICEF, WHO, Capacity of institutions % of pregnant women  Prevent mother-to-child transmission USAID, CIDA and services to who are HIV infected  Ensure safe blood and blood products transfusion PLWHAs and AIDS reduced  Improve HIV/AIDS/STI management MDBS/PRSC orphans improved  Promote safe sex practices Ratio of orphans attending To reduce the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, support for  Improve access to voluntary testing and counseling, Provision of HIV- school (10-14) to non development of a national monitoring and evaluation condoms, and integrated youth friendly services related treatment orphans increased framework based on the strategic framework and the five-year  Develop national behavior change communication strategy improved plan of work % of adult population with  Advocate for elimination of negative socio-cultural HIV reduced practices % of people with  Address gender based vulnerability including violence and advanced HIV infection coercion and marginalization receiving antiretroviral  Strengthen link between HIV/AIDS prevention combination therapy programmes and reproductive health and information increased services Reduced impact of % of HIV infected  Promote strategies that will reduce stigma and World Bank and DfID support through MSHAP HIV/AIDS-related infants born to 1+W discrimination DANIDA, Global Fund, JICA, UNICEF, WHO, USAID morbidity and infected mothers  Rapid scale-up of comprehensive care including mortality antiretroviral therapy to all who need it  Effectively standardize the utilization of useful traditional and alternative medicine for the provision of long-term care  Ensure supportive environment for PLWAs  Ensure safety of OVCs  Strengthen the linkage between institutional care and community/ home-based care  Increase access to basic package of services for PLWAs

11 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Enhanced management National composite  Strengthen the capacity and core functions of the Ghana of national HIV/AIDS policy index Aids Commission response  Enhance the existing favorable socio-political and policy % of districts using at environment least 1% of common fund  Promote a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach in for HIV/AIDS the formulation and implementation of HIV/AIDS/STIs

policies and programmes at national, regional and district levels  Develop and implement clear strategies for research  Monitoring and evaluation  Mobilize resources to meet the increasing demand of new and diversified programmes Vulnerability & % of people aged 15 – 24  Intensify prevention of HIV/AIDS through education and World Bank and DfID support through MSHAP exclusion of families who correctly identify support in the use of preventive mechanisms and the DANIDA, Global Fund, JICA, UNICEF, WHO, USAID, with PLWHAs & ways of preventing reduction of stigma UNDP HIV/AIDS reduced transmission and reject  Provide expanded and coordinated programmes for care misconceptions, stigma and support for people with HIV/AIDS MDBS/PRSC and discrimination  Promote campaign leaders to widen the network of To reduce the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, help scale up HIV/AIDS educators around the country the provision of antiretroviral combination therapy (ART) for % of people reporting  Provision of ARV people with advanced HIV and accelerate implementation of consistent use of condom  Target high risks areas and groups for health and with a non-regular partner interventions for HIV/AIDS awareness education high-risk groups and areas with high prevalence  Increase percentage of budget allocation to HIV/AIDS Median age at first sex support  Promote attitude change on condom use and prevention  Sensitise public on gender dimensions of HIVAIDS  Provide support for care givers of PLWHAs Safety and well being  Institute measures that protect AIDS orphans from World Bank and DfID support through MSHAP of orphans and stigmatization and discrimination DANIDA, Global Fund, JICA, UNICEF, WHO, USAID vulnerable children  Provide adequate resource care homes in support of increased as well as orphaned children implementation of  Provide adequate counseling services and safety nets for legal framework that children affected and infected with HIV/AIDS protects the rights of  Train more professional counselors and provide incentives OVCs for them to go to rural areas  Disseminate information on laws and enforce them  Increase accountability of agencies responsible for handling violence cases  Promote fostering and adoption and as a last resort institutional care of child

12 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes 7. POPULATION MANAGEMENT Access to Proportion of women Contraceptive prevalence  Decentralize counseling services UNFPA support to major interventions backed by USAID and Family Planning and men using family rate increased  Strengthen the family planning component of maternal World Bank Services planning increased health delivery  Promote the sale of contraceptives through community agents including Maternity Homes and Field Agents

Education Awareness of family Total fertility rate reduced  Promote family planning/RH education into formal and and reproductive informal and out of school training programmes to prepare health issues among the youth for responsible parenthood the youth improved Population growth rate  Ensure availability of and accessibility to FP services to all reduced who seek such services including the youth  Educate and motivate the population at community levels on health, social and demographic values of family planning  Promote adult education and functional literacy with bias towards the maintenance of family values, reproductive health, population and development interrelation Enrolment ratio of the Median age at first  Promote policies and programmes that encourage girls to girl-child increases at marriage increased continue schooling up to at least secondary school all levels: Pre-School,  Promote programmes to improve school enrolment rate Primary, JSS, SSS,  Reduce high dropout rate TVET Demographic database Coverage of births and  Promote inter-sectoral collaboration on birth and death and population deaths registration registration coverage projections improved increased  Educate the public on birth and death issues  Enhance birth and death service delivery Improve population Surveys conducted at  Accelerate the development and maintenance of effective database with appropriate times and efficient population database population factors (population census, DHS,  Publish and disseminate population reports integrated into CWIQ) development planning at all levels 8. WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Safe Water Rural population with Rural population with  Provide new investment in rural water especially in guinea CIDA, World Bank (Community Water – OF), DANIDA, EC, access to safe water access to safe water worm endemic areas UNICEF, AfDB, KfW, France (AFD), USAID increases increased

13 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Guinea worm cases Number of guinea worm  Improve community owned and managed water supply MDBS/PRSC eradicated endemic villages with systems For increased access to safe and sustainable water and access to safe water  Strengthen the management of ongoing investments in sanitation coverage for rural and small town populations, deprived regions support implementation of the National Water Policy Certification as guinea  Ensure timely disbursement of recurrent budget to CWSA worm free in 2009  Ensure timely disbursement of DACF NGO support from WaterAid, World Vision, Church of Christ  Strengthen public-private and NGO partnership in water provision  Strengthen HR capacity in water management Urban population with  Strengthen the management of Ghana Water Company to Netherlands access to safe water enhance service develivery Water Treatment Plant in the Brong Ahafo Region -- Spain increases  Support the introduction of private sector into the (PF) management and operation of the water supply systems under management and/or lease contract management NGO support from WaterAid, World Vision, Church of Christ  Mobilize new investment for urban water systems  Extend distribution networks, especially to low-income Urban Water – WB (OF) consumers  Provide standpipes for poor communities  Assess the lifetime tariffs for poor urban households Sustainable Water resources  Identify water resources management needs DANIDA, EC Management management improved  Establish basin representation and coordination CIDA (HAP) (OF)  Facilitate water resource management education  Implement integrated water resource management CIDA Support to Water Sector (A) communication strategy Support for data collection – EC (A)  Manage all water resource (surface and ground efficiently  Improve human resource capacity in water management Sanitation Population with access % of population with  Improve household and institutional sanitation Rural water and sanitation interventions by DPs in the water to adequate sanitation access to adequate  Promote the construction and use of domestic latrines sector – USAID, France AFD, EC increased sanitation increased  Rationalize and update District Assembly bye-laws on safe Second Urban Environmental Sanitation Project - World % of solid waste collected management of liquid and solid waste at the household level Bank/NDF/AFD (OF) and disposed of in sanitary  Enforce laws on the provision of sanitation facilities by landfills increased in 5 landlords largest cities--Accra,  Improve the treatment and disposal of waste in major towns Tema, Kumasi, Takoradi, and cities Tamale  Integrate hygiene education into water and sanitation delivery

14 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Environmental Environmental  Acquire land for the treatment and disposal of solid waste UN-HABITAT Sanitation sanitation improved in major towns and cities Second Urban Environmental Sanitation project – World  Establish water and sanitation boards in small towns Bank/AFD/STWSSP  Support public-private partnership in solid waste Community Based Rural Development (WB) management EDF projects (EC)  Build capacity of District Assemblies to better manage environmental sanitation 9. URBAN DEVELOPMENT, HOUSING AND SLUM UPGRADING Improved land use Proportion of people  Provide and implement strategic development plans for Second Urban Environmental Sanitation project – World planning and urban living in slum areas urban centers Bank, AFD, Nordic Development Fund (OF) infrastructure reduced  Enforce implementation of land use plans Land Administration Project (OF)  Coordinate all aspects of town development Kumasi Atlanta City Partnership (KAP) study (PHRD) (A)  Facilitate public-private partnership in the development of Cities Growth and linkages study – WB, AFD (A) urban infrastructure and provision of basic services National Urban Development program WB/Cities Alliance (A)  Foster the growth of settlements which can support rural Urban Development Project – AFD (OF) transformation Urban Roads Construction (AFD) (OF)  Improve infrastructure facilities in slum areas and the Urban V Project (AFD/NDF) – (OF) restriction of the formation of new slums  Ensure efficient and effective management of fold control and drainage systems  Promote and facilitate private sector participation in flood control systems and coastal protection Improved access to % of population with  Streamline and improve land acquisition procedures UN-HABITAT safe and affordable access to secure housing  Establish mortgage finance institutions to provide varied MIGA Guarantees for SSNIT housing (PF) housing increased ending and savings services to house owners, would-be house Housing Study – PPAIAF/WB (A) owners and estate developers Ghana Housing Program - IFC (PF)  Facilitate private sector involvement in the provision of rental accommodation in urban centers  Ensure that all housing facilities are adequate and friendly to persons with disability and located in healthy environment  Promote the manufacture and use of local building materials and appropriate technologies in housing

15 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions√ Outcomes PILAR III: GOOD GOVERNANCE AND CIVIC RESPONISBILITY 1. STRENGTHENING PRACTICE OF DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW A relatively autonomous Establishment of  Review constitutional power relations Parliamentary Strengthening Programme – USAID (OF) Parliament with constitutional Review  Establish relative resource parity Danish Co-operation with Parliament – DANIDA (OF) independent budget Commission  Build capacity of Parliament to draft laws Ghana Par. Committee Support Project Phase II – CIDA (OF) Improved law making % increase of budgetary Strengthening parliaments’ information systems in Africa: capabilities of legislature allocation to the Regional Capacity Building – Italy, UNDESA Parliament More effective monitoring Institutional Support Project for Governance and Poverty of the public purse Establishment of a Reduction – AfDB (OF) functioning Drafting Good Governance Programme – Germany GTZ (OF) Committee within Cooperation with Parliament -- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Parliament (OF) Support to police – France (OF) Continuous registration of National ID system  Support institutions and schemes aimed at empowering Capacity building of Parliament, NCCE, Judiciary, NEC – eligible Voters established civic participation UNDP (A, OF) Frequent update of No. of civic educational  Ensure free access to public information e-Ghana/ICT project – WB (PF) Voters’ Register Programmes introduced Econ. Mgmt Cap Bldg Project– WB (PF) by NCCE/MOI Telecom TA – WB (A) Partial state funding of political parties Election Fund established Improve case management No. of cases disposed of UNDP – (PF) systems of the courts (as a % of cases filed World Bank Institute – (PF) including scaling up Good Governance Programme: Rule of Law, Support to % of all courts mechanization, enhance Serious Fraud Office, Support to Anti-Corruption computerized human resource levels, Coalition -- Germany GTZ (OF) revise and implement rule % increase in the no. of DANIDA of procedures and beneficiaries of free legal Equipment for police and immigration service – expansion of infrastructure aid Spain (PF) Effectively mainstream Availability of free Legal Training Programme on Peace Building and Good Alternative Dispute Aid Governance for African Civilian Personnel – Italy, Resolution mechanisms UNDESA Support to Kofi Annan Int’l Peacekeeping Training Centre Streamline legal & -- Italy institutional framework for enforcement MDBS/PRSC For improved governance and public accountability, help implement activities aimed at reducing fraud and combating corruption. Also, support submission of the Freedom of Information Bill to Parliament

Access to public facilities Passage of Disability Bill  Reduce international instruments into municipal laws

√ 16 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes for disabled enhanced Passage of Domestic  Introduce social protection schemes for the vulnerable and Violence Bill Reduction in case of excluded domestic rights violation Social Protection Policy  Introduce policies and programmes to protect the rights of formulated children Reduction in cases of worst forms of child Number of children labour, child trafficking rescued from child labour and child abuse Integrated Child Development Policy formulated Progress towards Proportion of security  Improve institutional capacity of the Police, Immigration Support to Police – France (OF) international security staff to population Service, Prisons and Narcotic Control Boards Support to National Commission on Small Arms (Fire personnel: population ratio No. and type of training to  Sensitize public on dangers of small arms Arms Bureau, baseline survey, awareness campaign) -- Reduction in cases of improve staff capabilities  Regulate private sector involvement in the provision of UNDP abuse of alleged offenders No. of education security Reduction in rate of small Programmes to sensitize arms acquisition population on dangers of small arms 2. ENHANCING DECENTRALIZATION Administrative Ability of MMDAs to hire No. of actions in NDAP  Implement National Decentralization Action Plan Support to Decentralization Reforms in Ghana – DANIDA Decentralization and fire staff implemented  Operationalize of Local Government Service (OF) EC – (OF/PF) Enhanced citizens Schemes and conditions of  Restructure operations of Area and Zonal councils and CIDA (DWAP, DISCAP, WUSC/CECI CPB) – (OF) participation in decision Local Government make them more functional Germany GTZ – (A) and KfW (OF) making Service prepared  Review size and functions of sub-district structures France Redefined size and No. of Area and Zonal Government Accountability Improves Trust II (GAIT II) functions of sub-district councils restructured and Project -- USAID (OF) structures operational Comm. Based Rural Dev. Project – WB/AFD (OF) Capacity building for district budgeting and planning -- New size and functions UNDP (A, OF, PF) determined Political Enhanced citizens Constitutional review  Promote election of District Chief Executives MDBS/PRSC Decentralization participation in the choice process initiated To implement framework for decentralized delivery of of DCEs local public services, continue to support implementation Fiscal Higher proportion of IGF % increase in internally-  Promote internal revenue generation of the National Decentralization Action Plan, including Decentralization to ceded revenue generated revenue  Expand Composite Budgeting harmonized capacity building for local governments and Expanded practice of % increase in districts preparing composite budget guidelines for 2007 Composite Budgeting implementing Composite Budgeting Support improvements in PFM system with focus on Baseline: 2005–25 revenue mobilization system – Switzerland (PF) District Assemblies 3. MANAGING PUBLIC POLICY Improved interaction No. of Parliamentary  Involve Parliament in policy formulation process USAID- (OF) 17 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes between MPs and policy outreach programmes  Create avenues for inter-party participation in policy RAVI – DfID (OF) formulation processes G-RAP, PARLIAMENT CTTE -- CIDA (OF) National Forum on Public formulation Development Dialogue Series – WB Continuation of National Policy  Increase the representation of women in public life Speakers Breakfast Forum – UNDP (OF) Dialogue mechanisms  Create opportunities for civil society participation in Proportional increase in managing public policy Improved presence of no. of women in public women in public decision- life making National capacity in conflict prevention – UNDP (OF, A) No. of platforms created Integrating chiefs and civil for civil society society groups in policy participation management Public Sector MDA/MMDA efficiency Redefinition of roles of  Provide clear mandate and Terms of Reference for DfID – (OF/PF) Reform and effectiveness MDAs under Public institutions Econ Mgmt Cap Bldg Project — WB (PF) enhanced Sector Reform  Accelerate the ongoing public sector reform programmes e-Ghana/ICT project – WB (PF) Netherlands Identified overlaps in Improved conditions of  Use Strategic Environmental Assessment in public policy Germany MDAs/MMDAs service under PSR processes  Strengthen demand for M&E Switzerland Enhanced capacity of No. of Govt. policies  Provide Feedbacks on M&E JICA – (PF) NDPC to monitor policy compatible with SEA France – (PF) implementation PSU IV, Partnership Support, CIDA (A) Improved Annual Reports Central govt. Planned BS -- CIDA (PF) of MDAs Support for Chinery-Hesse Committee on condition of Annual APRs Service for Sr. Public Servants – UNDP (OF) Improved payroll & IPPD made operational for  Establish reconciled payroll and personnel database with personnel management by all MDAs (including demarcated responsibilities and integrity arrangements MDBS/PRSC ensuring that changes to Subvented Agencies) To implement refocused public sector reform, continue records are effected within supporting implementation of PSR strategy via multiple one month Quarterly IPPD reports initiatives, and continue to support deepening payroll and annual payroll audits management and control undertaken (MOV) 4. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Increased proportional No. of women in the 3  Promote awareness of existing laws UN System Gender Programme – (A, OF, /PF) representation of women arms of government  Enhance capacity of appropriate enforcement agencies Women entrepreneurs access to finance project -- IFC (PF) in public life (Senior Ranks)  Expand coverage of institutions dealing with women rights SME Entrepreneurial Devpt. Initiative for women-owned business – IFC (PF) Increased access to No. of new WAJUs  Progressively implement affirmative action for women support for victims of established  Expand and sustain micro finance schemes for women violence  Strengthen institutions dealing with women and children No. of micro-credit  Incorporate gender analysis in the policy formulation More functional schemes targeting women process institutions dealing with % increase in actual and women and children budgetary allocations to Better targeting of women and children resources to women institutions

18 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Gender budgeting introduced 5. ENHANCING DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION Government policies made Comprehensive National  Develop and implement information management policy Econ Mgmt Cap Bldg – WB (PF) more accessible to the Information policy  Facilitate access and enabling environment DfID general public UNDP – (OF) No. of functioning  Involve the marginalized in governance through access to Increased citizen websites of MDAs information Feasibility studies to enhance efficiency of various involvement in policy  Encourage private community radio stations government departments -- Spain (PF) Education Programmes on implementation  Promote development of citizen monitoring of public policy implementation Increased media interest in e-governance  Improve media interest in development communication development No. of additional communication community radio stations Expanded opportunity for licensed and operational feedback on policy No. and type of citizen implementation reports on policy implementation DevCom training Programmes for media practitioners 6. ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE Fiscal Policy Effective implementation Reduce deviation from  Align budget strategic policy priorities with GPRS MDBS Management of government policies original budget of To strengthen budget formulation, help expand register to composition of cover all loan and grants agreements, with information expenditure by MDAs updated quarterly. Include HIPC funds in the budget (baseline: budget formulation process, with allocations by MDAs in the deviation index in 2004 - budget proposal. Support for Public Procurement Entities 18%) to be established in MDAs Continued improvement in BPEMS generated and  Increase compliance with FAA and FAR Help ensure that the provisions of the Public Procurement comprehensiveness, reconciled fiscal reports  Enforce budget control on SOEs Act fully implemented and applied accuracy and timeliness of issued monthly within 4 Help ensure that the government’s computerized financial budget formulation, weeks (FAA) and accounting system (BPEMS) is fully operational accounting and reporting Increased % of total public EC, World Bank, expenditures reported by DfID, USAID CAGD Revenue Mobilisation Support Project -- Germany GTZ CAGD reports and (OF, A) financial statements of DANIDA accounts (MOV) Improved competition in % of awarded contracts  Promote compliance with the Public Procurement Act Support to public procurement board ‘s monitoring and the procurement process above the established for evaluation system -- Switzerland (OF) small purchases

19 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Make operational public Securities market study - IFC (PF) procurement complaints Credit reporting bill - IFC (OF) mechanism Call for tenders and award of contracts publicly available Annual PPB reports (MOV) Improved transparency Timeliness of submission  Comply with legal requirements on external auditing and accountability of of audit reports to the government operations legislature including procurement Formal response by the processes and operation of government to statutory funds recommendations issued by the Auditor General, and quarterly progress reporting on the implementation of AG's recommendations Auditor General’s report to Parliament (MOV) Monetary Policy Sustained foreign Removal of Secondary  Maintain competitive real exchange rates IMF Management exchange reserves Reserves World Bank Econ Mgmt Cap Bldg – WB (PF) Relative stability in Computerization of the  Establish an effective inter-bank foreign exchange market DfID foreign exchange market inter-bank foreign  Review Foreign Exchange Laws exchange market  Revise laws and procedures governing the banking sector  Conduct regular supervision of banks Increased supply of long- Real rates of Return on  Implement schemes to increase long-term savings/funds term capital to private SSNIT Investments  Review SSNIT Law sector  Expand bond markets  Review the SEC Law Low rates of inflation, Development of normal  Review BoG secondary reserve requirements as monetary possibly single digit yield curves in the policy instrument financial markets Improved liquidity  Ensure increasing use of OMO in monetary management management Increased availability of funds for private sector to access

20 Indicators to Track GPRS Goals Expected Outcomes Implementation towards Government Strategies and Actions Development Partner Contributions Outcomes Less crowding out of Less government  Promote competition in the financial system to reduce high private sector from credit borrowing from DMBs interest rate spread and ensure competitive rates (to ensure market Establish Credit competitive pricing of financial products) Increased private sector Referencing Bureau access to credit Availability of diversified  Improve the administrative framework for micro finance Econ Mgmt Cap Bldg – WB (PF) financial institutions  Develop micro finance product designed to address the MSME Project – WB (PF) providing alternative needs of agriculture SPEED II -- Germany GTZ/KfW together with DANIDA financial services to bank  Review the NBFI Law (PF) products  Establish central securities depository for government Rural Financial Services Project – WB (OF) securities UNDP (A)  Enact long-term savings law for private pension and housing schemes Good Corporate Reduction in number of Number of corporate  Ensure that corporations act as good corporate citizens with UNDP Governance cases of misapplication of entities and leaders regard to human rights, social responsibility and Support to judiciary – UNDP corporate funds sanctioned for bad environmental sustainability National mechanism for conflict prevention – UNDP corporate governance Better corporate  Promote the adoption of codes of good business ethics in practices management practice achieving the objectives of the organization Campaigns to promote  Ensure that corporations treat all their stakeholders in a fair More accountable entities proper business ethics and just manner and directors  Provide opportunity for service recipients to hold Customer service units corporations and directors to account established in MDAs Citizen score cards on service and conduct of corporate entities 7. PROMOTING AN EVIDENCE-BASED DECISION MAKING Production of timely valid Report on rationalization  Strengthen database for policy formulation and decision DfID and reliable statistical data of roles of various data making through: WB producing institutions IMF Improved capacity of  Rationalizing the production of data within the statistical UNICEF statistical service Harmonized Statistical system UNFPA Law  Defining the roles and mandates of the various data producing institutions Support to NDPC and GSS – UNDP (A, OF, PF) Statistical Masterplan to  Adopting common definitions, methods and classifications Danida improve the collection,  Review of the Statistical Law and adoption of a statistical MEAS. IMPACT – CIDA (A, FS) processing and publication master plan EMMSDAG -- EC (OF) of statistical data  Adoption of international standards and good practices Report on international system-wide, including the United Nations Principles for standards and good Official Statistics and the IMF’s General Data Dissemination practices adopted Standards


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