Comrie Community Centre from 7.30Pm to 9.00Pm

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Comrie Community Centre from 7.30Pm to 9.00Pm

Minutes of the meeting held on the 20th September 2012

Comrie Community Centre from 7.30pm to 9.00pm.

Item Subject 1.0 Attendance Community Councillors: David Adams Gillian Brock Andrew Finlayson (Chair) Phil Gill Gordon McCartney Sandra McRitchie Judy MacDowall David Robertson PKC Councillors: Rona Brock Anne Cowan Strathearn Herald: Lynn Duke Tayside Police: Police Officer Sarah Jane Bell Apologies Ann Younger – PKC Councillor 2.0 Welcome & Thanks Action AF welcomed all to this meeting rescheduled from last week due to the special public flood meeting we hosted. The meeting was started with offerings of thanks to all who helped the CC during the events of the summer break namely; THE FLOOD - Thank all for facilitating our emergency flood meeting on the 30th August in the Church - Graham, Judy and Murray Thank all for facilitating our emergency flood meeting on the 30th August in the Church - Graham, Judy and Murray Report Readers Phil Tarren, Ian Thomas, John Young, Jimmy Denholm Thanks to all landowners for their advice and co-operation. Thanks to the public for contributions & offers of help & advice. Thanks to PKC, SEPA, and the emergency services who have all been very

1 co-operative, attentive and transparent in their dealings with us since the awful flood. Thanks to Paul Hendy of Flood Forum for his tireless, up beat, dedication to bringing his expert & appreciated advice to Comrie. Thanks to our friends in Carlton Place in Canada who, on hearing of our flood, sent their warmest sympathies and a kind donation of $500 towards any flood relief the Community think appropriate. Thanks to all CCCs who, despite feelings of impotence at the force & damage of the events, who seem to have worked pretty rigorously in the interests of Community. Since the 27th August we have dealt with over 300 e-mails overwhelmingly concerning the flood. THE HAYRIDE Thank all for wonderful Hayride - landowners for offering the wonderful setting of Kindrochet, farmers for tractors & trailers, drivers who gave up their Sundays, Murray @ Comrie Butchers for the great burgers & Mel at Costcutters for helping us along, the police , CCCs, all the folk and kids that came along and particularly Kenny our marvellous sound projectionist and tireless games master. TWINNING EVENTS Thank for twinning celebrations particularly George, Marylin & Amanda Lees, PKC for wonderful reception ,CCCs for laying it on, Jimmy & Barbara Stewart for their positive contributions and particularly... to Phil Gill who greatly dignified our celebrations with his peerless presentation and pitch perfect piping. TOILETS Thanks to Roger Mailer for his hard work past and anticipated helping to improve our public toilets. COMRIE FORTNIGHT This Council sends warmest thanks to the Comrie Fortnight Committee for again serving up a brilliant two weeks for the village. 3.0 Police Report Officer Sarah Jane Bell was welcomed to the meeting and presented the Community Council Police Report (13/09/2012) attached. She explained that Community Officer Ross Buchan is leaving this area and will be replaced by Officer Donald Florence. The meeting discussed matters pertaining; Various councillors complained about excessive speeding throughout the village most notably along Dalginross, by Glasdale and through the middle of the village. The meeting considered 20mph speed limits and ‘Accident Black Spot’ signage. CC Gill expressed serious concern at the ‘Accident Black Spot’ at Dunira East Drive corner at the far end of the Tullybannocher straightaway. It was noted that accidents here have resulted in numerous deaths. Parking problems were discussed. The Police & CC Brock have contacted the Parking Wardens in Perth to ask them to attend Comrie more frequently. CC SMcRitchie asked if the monthly police report could be added to the

2 community website. This was agreed. Officer Bell was thanked for her contribution then left the meeting. 4.0 Flood Update Engineering Works to end of Camp Road PKC, Engineers & CCCs are meeting on site tomorrow Tree Clearing and river bank erosion PKC and CCC meeting with landowners next week to hopefully agree necessary works Emergency Services Rab Middlemiss and his Fire & Rescue Team have been applying themselves pretty rigorously to the contingency planning for any future flood event. Tonight they are carrying out a scoping exercise to see whether they can effectively pump water from the 'high field' to the 'low field' to determine how effective they might be in a future event at taking the 'edge' of the building flood waters behind the flood wall sufficient to prevent overtopping. RM tells us that the Strategic Co-ordinating Committee (SCG) will be having a comprehensive feedback meeting, relative to our flood, at the Scottish Govt Building in Perth on Wednesday 26th Sept. RM and his crew, with particular thanks to our local crew, have been taking delivery and storing over 2000 aqua sacks at the fire station. PKC and Tayside Fire should be applauded for the speed of their reaction to our concerns in regard flood bags. RM wants CCCs to come meet him at Comrie Fire Station in the very near future for a run down on a) the flood sacks and their use b) feedback from the SCG meeting c) how to grow our community's preparedness for a future flood event. Contacts RM would like contact names of any farmers, keepers, land workers, residents upstream along the Ruchill who might be able to help anticipate future flood events. 5.0 AGM of June 2012 The minutes of the AGM of 14th June were adopted. 6.0 Meeting re Flood of September 2012 The minutes of 13th September were adopted and matters discussed; CC McDowall will ensure Flood Report Forms continue to be available in the White Church and the PO. CC Gill had it confirmed that the bill for the White Church hire for the ‘open days’ was picked up by PKC. A number of CCs complained that the minutes of the meeting, in Perth, with PKC on the 11th September did not reflect the content of our presentation at that event. AF has sent our minutes of 13th September (which reiterate that presentation) to Jim Valentine for the record. It is noted that Liz Smith MSP has written to the Environment Secretary raising concerns about Comrie’s flooding. A member of the public stressed that if PKC do not take appropriate early action on the flooding problems she will happily take direct action and stop

3 paying Community Charge in protest. Councillors Cowan and Brock stressed that they would do all they can to address the flooding issues. 7.0 Secretary’s Report CC McRitchie thanked the CC for the investment in the new community website which has proved to be a great success. In the first 4wks following the launch we had 14k+ hits (the last site only realised 2500 per month). Granted much of the increased traffic was due to the flooding incident, however many residents have reported that they were pleased to see regular updates and information. We now need to contact all the businesses listed in the Comrie Directory CC McR to collect the £20 fee to feature on the site and also encourage other CC.Brock local businesses to list. Community Groups are not charged. This will help with much needed funding to help with local projects but should be seen as excellent value for money advertising and promotion for local businesses, self catering properties etc. CC McRitchie and CC Brock will progress this. 8.0 Treasurer’s Report Our Year End Accounts (for the period January 2011 – March 2012) were submitted for Independent Inspection to Kelly Accounting, Crieff, on 18th June. They were signed off on 19th September, and will be forwarded to PKC to release our Administrative Grant for 2012-2013, set at £515.94.

Bank Balances @ 20 th September 2012: Main Account 3958.64 * plus £318.50 Public Toilets 79.30 Hayride 711.22 Legion Park 252.29 *The Bumblebee Square Committee have reimbursed £318.50 for Public Liability Insurance Since the Main Account cheque book was with Kelly Accounting, DA raided other Accounts to make payments. Major payments: Website: £250.00 first payment + £291.85 2nd payment including first year’s web hosting charge. Carleton Place Visit: £240.00 Cash, £759.60 Royal Hotel, £285.00 Stain Glass, £53.34 Co-Co bus hire (total £1337.34) Laggan Park Fence: £500.00 Public Toilet: £145.79 mirror/paint £360.00 decorator (total £505.79 to be reimbursed) Hayride Insurance: £86.40 (DA will prepare detailed accounts for the Carleton Place Visit, Boulevard Fundraising and the 2012 Hayride)

Our only outstanding commitment is the cost of paint for railings. For information, the Carleton Place donation of $500.00 for Flood Relief equates to £309.18 DA asked if there is any reason why our business could not be conducted

4 using one account. Considerations: We are Trustees of the Legion Park . DA advised to consult with Brenda Lackie at PKC. 9.0 Tayside Fire Services Presentation. Rab Middlemiss and Ewan Baird of Tayside Fire Fighters were welcomed to the meeting. RM explained the scoping exercise that took place tonight at the end of Camp Rd to explore the possibility of employing pumps to transfer flood store water from the south to north of Tomnagaske driveway in the event of a repeat flood event hoping, at least, to take the edge of the waters breaking over the embankment. RM explained that 500 flood sacks have arrived at the Fire Station with another 1600 expected tomorrow. Things the Service had learned from this event will inform Standard Operating Procedures that will be adopted for future events. He went on to explain that he will invite CCCs to attend the fire station to commence the process of developing a Flood Resilience Plan to enable the Community to improve its response in times of flood.(also snow and power outage problems). CC Finlayson thanked Rab and Ewan for coming along tonight and asked for particular thanks to go to the whole Comrie Fire & Rescue crew for the way they enthusiastically responded to all the issues raised by the flood.

10.0 ROADS CC Gill Brock to chase on the re-instatement of yellow lines CC.Brock The state of the road at Glen Artney causing residents concerns CC.Brock The fencing at Milton Bridge still not resolved CC.Brock There has been no more news regarding the re-surfacing of Dalginross A.Cowan Bridge. Planning permission still in progress. PKC A.Cowan to follow the progress on our behalf A metal bolt is sticking out of the pavement on Dalginross – Just down CC. from Mid-Square. CC G.Brock to facilitate it’s removal Brock Overhanging trees at the Balloch up to Glen Lednock (Monument Road) ? need cut back CC.Brock 11.0 COUNCILLORS REPORT CC McCartney; expressed concern that water is still not available in the A.Cowan cemetery. Cllr Cowan said that there was no progress and suggested that the matter would need to be brought up (again) with Scottish Water’s Business Stream. CCllr McCartney complained about grass cuttings being left on CC.McC headstones. He was advised to contact Nigel Taylor at Leisure & Recreation in Perth & Kinross Council. CCllr McCartney asked about fencing at the cemetery. CCllr Andrew Finlayson advised that no costs are available as yet. CC McRitchie; reported that dog mess was as bad as ever. She asked A.Cowan why the Post Office was not getting the dog bags from Perth &

5 Kinross Council. CC McDowall; reported that a drain on the South Crieff Road is failing to drain away when there is rain - outside “Broomrigg”

CCllr McDowall had been approached by some locals about danger to children on Dalginross, with the suggestion made that the speed limit reduced to 20mph. CCllr McDowall was concerned about a broken paving stone and loose drain cover outside the new chemist shop. She also reported that plastic chairs had been dumped at the back of a house in Strathview Place; and that a lamp standard in Cowden Wyn had been seriously damaged, and eventually removed for safety reasons. The hedge to the village side of Mid Square, east side, had been cut back by about 1metre.

CC Gill; raised the matter of Jimmy Stewart’s letter about twinning. It was agreed that this should be on the Agenda for the October Community Council meeting. CC Adams; suggested that a sub-committee needs to be set up to organise the next student exchange, which is due in 2013. Interest has been expressed by one family to take part in the exchange. CCllr Adams has received a donation of £30 towards any item of expense. He also asked for the Monument to be on teh Agenda for October’s meeting.

CCllr Adams has received a donation of £30 towards any item of expense. He also asked for the Monument to be on the Agenda for October’s meeting.

CC Robertson; congratulated the Comrie Fortnight Committee for another excellent 2 weeks. CC Finlayson; Has had concerns expressed that tractors are sometime going far too fast through the village. He will mention this to farmers. notes the Community Empowerment Questionnaire.CCs Finlayson and Adams will consider completing it in due course. notes proposals for Buddhist Centre at Milntuim - being "..devoted to the practice of meditation and mindfulness, committed to peaceful living, simplicity and contentment, harmlessness and generosity of heart" that can only be an encouragement to all of us. Notes that from copied correspondence that some landowners are happier that more positive relations with PKC are allowing some constructive dialogue in relation to the Core Paths issue. Notes that we CCCs may need to clearly establish sub committees to deal with some of the larger issues we need to deal with eg; flood response, Twinning, Monument etc.

6 12.0 NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday October 11th at 7.30pm.

DRAFT MINUTES ONLY Sandra McRitchie Secretary- Comrie Community Council


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