National Statistical System of Afghanistan

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National Statistical System of Afghanistan

National Statistical System of Afghanistan Annex 1. Assessment Framework

OVERALL METHODOLOGY:  Desk review of existing documents  Semistructured interview with staff  SWOT /PESTLE analysis  Technical capacity and need Assessment  Cross-tabulation on quality of statistics produced by CSO  Meeting with data users  Consultation meetings

Methodology Sources Key dimensions Expected Outcome Time frame Key findings Recommendations of assessment


- Desk CSO documents and staff 1.1 When was Historical review of national statistical 27 Jul – 10 Aug review of the first system ready to help inform design of documents national NSDS in the context of political, economic since 2001 statistical and social volatility -Meeting plan designed with staff and to what extent was it implemented ? 1.2 What number of statistical acts, strategies developed and implemented ? 1.3 What is the existing guiding policy document for development of national statistics system and its percentage of implementati on? 1.4 What has been the impact of long-enduring conflict on statistical system, infrastructure , capacity, accessibility… etc.? 1.5 Was the statistical system collapsed entirely and data lost during severe conflicts? 1.6 When rehabilitation took place? 1.7 Are there back-ups for data (remote site for data archiving)? 2. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM

-Desk Key policy documents of CSO and national s 2.1 What is the Regulatory framework for the NSS 27 Jul – 10 Aug Review legal identified the role of CSO and other - analysis of framework in stakeholders involved in CSO and terms of regulatory which CSO is working and scope of working for them framework operating? against 10 2.2 What other principles of statistical official bodies at statistics national and sub-national have level created, what are their roles, how often and how do they interact with each other and CSO? 2.3 Does the legal framework empower CSO to lead nationally on statistical activities (provision, coordination, dissemination )? 2.4 Has the legal role of CSO been fully recognized by other data producers/da ta users, and law has backed mechanisms of interaction between them? 2.5 Are the laws, regulations, policies and measures under which the statistical systems operate are made public?


Meeting CSO staff 3.1 Is there one The governance structure for NSS 27 Jul – 10 Aug with senior entity/body/a identified to guide the development and managemen gency implementation management of NSDS t responsible for coordinating the national statistical system (e.g., to regulate, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the development, production, and dissemination of official statistics and ensuring their quality? 3.2 Is there a specific entity/body/a gency that promotes and monitors the adherence to standard concepts, definitions and classifications within the NSS? 3.3 Are there specific statistics committees/ inter- agency task forces/workin g groups that are convened regularly to discuss specific topics and concern on statistics? 3.4 How many times did those committees meet during 2014-15? 3.5 What number of development partners involved in production of statistics and how do they interact with CSO? 4. STATISTICS IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY

Desk review Staff and documents 4.1 Is statistics Identify use of statistics for national policy 10-15 Aug Meeting used in decision making, monitoring of national with staff development, development goals and readiness of the implementati NSS for accommodating the statistics on and needs for NSGs monitoring of national development policies (and/or plans)?

4.2 Is statistics development included in national development policies or part of the wider government programs?

4.3 What role does CSO play in monitoring of the national development goals?

4.4 Which other bodies are already working towards addressing the data needs of national development goals?

4.5 What is the preparation mechanism to make CSO and other data producers ready for provision of statistics for Afghanistan Sustainable Development Goals (SNGs)?


Desk review CSO and other stakeholders document 5.1 Is there a Identification of strategic extent for national development of NSS and statistics in statistics plan Afghanistan or national 10-15 Aug strategy for the development of statistics or the NSS? 5.2 Was the statistics plan based on the assessment of the NSS (strengths, weaknesses, challenges) and user needs? 5.3 Does the statistics plan serve as a framework for external (and domestic) support to statistical activities in the NSS? 5.4 Was the statistics plan formulated through a participatory process? Has it defined the: direction and objectives, prioritized work, coordination mechanisms, budget, and performance objectives?


Desk Review Afghanistan National Statistical Master Plan, 6.1 What are the Determine whether CSO possess 15 Aug – 04 Sep & admin and financial reports, field operational working units sufficient operation capacity to lead NSS Interviews reports, CSO staff and other ministries and in CSO operations with CSO development partners (operational staff, and and technical) workshop at the central with and provincial stakeholder levels, their s ToR, system of performance review, awards and promotion? 6.2 How does the reporting structure work in CSO? 6.3 What are the strengths and weaknesses of existing structure and if it corresponds to the needs of CSO for current and in the future? 6.4 What is the total number of CSO employees ( central, provincial, male, female, with their education level)? 6.5 What is the CSO operating budget? Off- budget, on- budget and the budget execution capacity (expenditure out of planned and committed budget) 6.6 What are the estimated financial needs of CSO and if the current funding flow corresponds to the needs? 6.7 What is CSO plan to address the budget constraints? 6.8 Are there provisions for human resource development ? If yes, what types (short/long- term training, post-graduate studies, etc.) Are these available to CSO only or to other government units also producing statistics? 6.9 What statistical units exist in the government system and what capacity do they have? What is the mechanism for their interaction with CSO?

7. ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY SWOT / Key staff of CSO including key stakeholders of Part I. A good picture of organizational dynamics 07- 30 Sep PESTLE the NSS (other data producers and data users); SWOT/PESTLE: in NSS ready to guide what additional analysis of major donors and major data users systems, processes, management NSS and Assess the data approaches and equipment needed for meeting gaps particularly implementation of NSDS with each between supply department of and demand of CSO for data. Also data collections, production, dissemination, access and use Strengths:  What are our advan tages ?  What do we do well? Weaknesses:  What is done badly ?  What obsta cles preve nt progr ess?  What could be impro ved  What shoul d be avoid ed? Opportunities:  What are the good chanc es facing us?  What are the intere sting trend s? Threats:  What obsta cles do we face?  How to count eract them ?

Part II. CSO: Meeting with each department of CSO to identify 7.1 If what they are currently doing corresponds to the original TOR of their departments? 7.2 If the existing human resources, infrastructure and equipment corresponds to their needs 7.3 If they have received right capacity development services in the rights time and they are able to perform their roles effectively? 7.4 if their staff undergo need assessment, performance assessment, if there is any reward and punishment system, and the mechanisms by which they receive job promotion? 7.5 How do they see the future of their departments and if there is any capacity gap (technical, operational, managerial) 7.6 If there are key problems to be addressed in each department

8. SPONSORS, STAKEHOLDERS AND THEIR STATISTICAL ACTIVITIES Meeting CSO staff 8.1 Who are key Identification of donors assistance 1-21 Oct with CSO sponsors of (technical + financial), coordination staff, Head CSO and their mechanisms, and information that is of Office share of produced for sectors use and head of contribution department (annual)? s 8.2 Which agency Stakeholder (s) is s analysis technically assisting in building national statistical capacity? 8.3 Which agency is the lead agency on coordination of statistics, national needs, and coordination of national statistical plan? 8.4 Who are key stakeholders? 8.5 What sectors does the CSO provide statistics for, work jointly with, and receive statistical information from? 8.6 Is there any entity you are not addressing their statistics needs, if yes, why? 8.7 What type of information you do not provide? And why you don’t? 8.8 Are emerging and crosscutting concerns such as gender, disability, children, and environment/ climate change included in the NSS work? Are these reflected in any statistical plan?


Half a day 9.1 Does CSO If national statistical system is responsive 1-21 Oct workshop regularly enough to statistical needs of sectors and with CSO, meets with stakeholder in Afghanistan donor data users agencies, and involve government them in the institutions development Think Tanks, of national research statistical institutions plan, strategy and or policy? Consultanci And what are es the mechanisms? 9.2 Are users satisfied with use of statistics produced by CSO? Which parts they are not satisfied with? 9.3 Does CSO help the government of Afghanistan by providing quality data to help monitoring progress toward national development goals, poverty assessment, MDG monitoring, and other regional and international data commitments ? 9.4 Is CSO aware of data users capacity and has the plan to help them learn right use of data in their respective organizations ?

10. TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT Desk CSO and data users (government, donors, Data collection: Analysis of technical capacity to inform 1-21 Oct review, CSOs) 10.1 Is there whether the existing capacity corresponds interview, any standard to the needs of statistics in Afghanistan or meeting operating for implementation of a future NSDS with staff procedures and written or legal format for framework institutional for data /technical collection in capacity CSO? assessment 10.2 What statistical infrastructur e exists and whether it is sufficient and sustainable? 10.3 What arrangement is in place for renewal of statistical infrastructur e? 10.4 Does CSO have in- house capacity to design forms, questionnair es, electronic data capture, or rely on other agencies to help CSO with this? Who? 10.5 What capacity exists in data collection, analysis and technical report writing in CSO? And if they have been trained? o % of staff invol ved ( o % of profe ssion al staff o % of field staff o % unde rgo statis tical traini ng o avail abilit y of capa city buildi ng plan?

10.6 How do you rate the quality of data you collect? Do you get any feedback on this from those who use the information? 10.7 Do you have a regular and designated budget (annual, every two years) to allow you to collect these statistics? IF YES: what is the source? IF NO: what do you do, how do you go about getting financial support?

Data analysis and dissemination: 10.8 What are the applications and tools for data analysis in CSO and among major data producers? 10.9 What number of staff involved in analysis and whether they have been trained? 10.10 Which major type of statistics produced by CSO, why are they produced, and who are the users? 10.11 What are the key indicators CSO provide statistics for and how often they are updated, and how often data is produced? 10.12 What are the mechanisms for information management , disseminatio ns and advocacy for use of statics? 10.13 Do national statistical institute/offic e and statistical units have an annual statistical work program (and annual reports) that is publicly disseminated (e.g., posted in the website, published, etc.)?

Data availability and access: 10.14 What are the mechanisms in NSS to make data available for users at the national and sub-national levels? 10.15 How data users access information from CSO at central and local level? 10.16 What capacity exists in NSS for publishing key statistics, how often do they do it? 10.17 Dose CSO have a regular calendar of collections, so the clients/custo mers/stakeh olders know when new information becomes available? 10.18 Is there any open policy for statistics? What information is openly accessed and by which mechanisms? 10.19 Have data users experienced a situation where they knew information exist, but they could not access it, what were the reasons and how did they solve it? 10.20 Are statistical releases and statements/a nnouncemen ts issued by statistical authorities (in a press conference or online) objective and based on statistical findings and results?


Desk CSO, other government data producers, and The assessment Ensuring data quality assuring 01-25 Oct review donors staff will focus on the mechanisms exist and is functional, valid, Interview following and sustainable Cross- principles of data tabulation quality assurance 11.1 What is the system approach to the design and management of data production processes? 11.2 Does Leadership of CSO have commitment to continuously build technical capacity? 11.3 Have data production exercises been demand- driven? And responsive stakeholders have been involved/con sulted in production of statistics 11.4 What mechanism exist for data quality assurance (Prerequisite s, Integrity, Independenc e, Methodologi cal soundness, Accuracy and reliability, Serviceability , Accessibility, and timeliness) 11.5 Are statistical authorities able to operate on the principle of scientific independenc e, i.e., statistical methods, standards and procedures used for the implementati on of any statistical operation including timing of statistical releases are decided by the statistical authorities without any political influence and complies with the rules of ethics and good conduct? 11.6 Do statistical authorities facilitate the correct interpretatio n of data according to scientific standards on sources of information, methods and procedures used? 12 What mechanism is used by CSO to ensure the data producers have sound statistical knowledge and used sound statistical approaches while producing statistics? 12.1 Has the administrativ e data received from ministries, after entry in the CSO database resent to ministries for validation? 12.2 What is the mechanism for provision of information for the purpose of national-level decision making (developmen t goals, MDGs, TMAF…etc)

11. VALIDATION OF ASSESSMENT Agenda to Data users and CSO staff 11.1 Check Ensuring the assessment is valid and 30 Oct be the quality of comprehensive developed assessment by seeking feedback from data users and CSO staff 11.2 Has engaging them in the assessment of NSS been effective, sufficient and satisfactory? Can they provide regular feedback on statistical products and outputs? 11.3 Were the data needs of data users have been taken into account? 11.4 Would they benefit from a calendar of major statistical products release?

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