ELA Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
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ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence VU: Cite, textual evidence, CCSS: RI.9.1 analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as using adapted text and graphic organizers (i.e. T-chart). explicit, inferential WIDA ELDS: inferences drawn from the text. LFC: Compound tenses, 2 – 5 complex sentences Reading LC: Varies by ELP level Writing
Language Read to cite and express Read to cite and express Read to cite and express Read to cite and express Read to cite and express Objectives explicit and inferential explicit and inferential explicit and inferential explicit and inferential explicit and inferential evidence in L1, and/or evidence in L1, and/or by evidence from adapted evidence from evidence from grade level by matching from matching Sentence Citations informational text using informational text at a informational text using leveled text to visual from leveled text to visual simple, related sentences. grade 7-9 text complexity multiple, complex representations of the representations of the text. level using expanded and sentences. text. some complex sentences.
Learning T-chart T-chart T-chart T-chart Supports Phrase Citations Sentence Citations Word Bank Native language support Native language support Partner Work Partner Work Word Bank Phrase Bank Native Language Texts Native Language Texts
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 2 Determine a central idea of a 9th grade text. Read to identify a central idea of a 9th grade text using a VU: Central idea, text CCSS: RI.9.2 cartoon representation of the text and a web. WIDA ELDS: LFC: Compound tenses, 2 – 5 elements of quotations Reading LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to identify a Read to identify a central Read to identify a central idea Read to identify a central Read to identify a central idea Objectives central idea of an idea of an informational of an adapted informational idea of an informational of a grade level informational informational text in L1, text in L1, and/or using a text using simple, related text at a grade 7-9 text text using multiple, complex and/or using a leveled leveled text, use a phrase to sentences. complexity level using sentences. text, use a word or complete a web. expanded sentences with phrase to complete emerging complexity. web. Learning Webs Webs Webs Webs Supports Cartoons Cartoons Triads or Small Groups Triads or Small Groups Triads or Small Groups Word Bank Phrase Bank Native language Native language support support Native Language Texts Native Language Texts
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 3 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its Read to analyze how a central idea is developed by VU: Determine, analyze, CCSS: RI.9.2 development over the course of the text, including specific details using illustrations of the text and Marking development, central idea WIDA ELDS: how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific the Text. LFC: Modals (would, could, 2 – 5 details. might), compound tenses Reading (would have been) Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to analyze how a Read to analyze how a Read to analyze how a central Read to analyze how a Read to analyze how a central Objectives central idea is central idea is developed by idea is developed by specific central idea is developed idea is developed by specific developed by specific specific details in L1, and/or details from adapted by specific details from details from grade-level details in L1, and/or using leveled text, match informational text using informational text at a informational text using using leveled text, Sentence Citations to visual simple, related sentences. grade 7-9 text complexity multiple, complex sentences. match to visual representations of the level using expanded representations of the central idea. sentences with emerging central idea. complexity.
Learning Marking the Text Marking the Text Marking the Text Marking the Text Supports Illustrations Sentence Citations Illustrations Illustrations Native language Illustrations Adapted Text support Native language support Native Language Texts Native Language Texts
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 4 Provide an objective summary of the text. Read to summarize the text objectively Sentence Starters VU: Objective, subjective, CCSS: RI.9.2 and Word Banks. summary WIDA ELDS: 2 – 5 LFC: Compound tenses, Reading transitional phrases Writing LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Summarize the text in Summarize the text in L1, Read to objectively Read to objectively Read to objectively summarize Objectives L1, and/or complete a and/or complete a summarize an adapted summarize an a grade-level informational summary using high- summary using phrases and informational text using informational text at a text using multiple, complex frequency, content- short sentences with simple, related sentences. grade 7-9 text complexity sentences. related single words. formulaic patterns. level using expanded sentences with emerging complexity. Learning Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Supports Word/Phrase Bank Word/Phrase Bank Word Bank Visuals Visuals Native Language Text Native Language Text Native language Native language support support Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 5 Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series Read to analyze how an author organizes ideas and events VU: Series, ideas, events, CCSS: RI.9.3 of ideas or events, including the order in which the using a graphic organizer (i.e. Cause and Effect graphic order WIDA ELDS: points are made. organizer) and a word bank of transitional words and LFC: Compound tenses, 2 – 5 phrases. transitional phrases Reading Writing LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to analyze how an Read to analyze how an Read to analyze how an Read to analyze how an Read to analyze how an Objectives author organizes ideas author organizes ideas author organizes ideas and author organizes ideas author organizes ideas and and events in and events in events in an adapted and events in an events in a grade-level informational text in L1, informational text in L1, informational text using informational text at a informational text using and/or using a leveled and/or using a leveled simple, related sentences. grade 7-9 text complexity multiple, complex sentences. text, use a high- text, use key content- level using expanded frequency, content- based phrases to sentences with emerging related word to complete complete a graphic complexity. a graphic organizer. organizer.
Learning Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Word Bank of transitional Supports Organizer (partial) Organizer (partial) Organizer Organizer words and phrases Word Bank of transitional Phrase Bank Word Bank of transitional words and phrases Word Bank of transitional words and phrases Native Language Text words and phrases Native language support Native Language Text Partner Work Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 6 Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of Read to analyze the impact of the author’s choice on VU: Series, ideas, events, CCSS: RI.9.3 ideas or events, including how they are introduced and the introduction and development of an informational introduce, develop WIDA ELDS: developed. text using a graphic organizer (i.e. Cause and Effect LFC: Compound tenses, 2 – 5 graphic organizer). transitional phrases Reading Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to analyze the Read to analyze the impact Read to analyze the impact Read to analyze the Read to analyze the impact of Objectives impact of the author’s of the author’s choices on of the author’s choice on impact of the author’s the author’s choice on the choices on the the introduction and the introduction and choice on the development of a grade-level, introduction and development of an development of an adapted introduction and informational text using development of an informational text in L1, informational text using development of an multiple, complex sentences. informational text in L1, and/or using a leveled text, simple, related sentences. informational text at a and/or using a leveled use key, content-based grade 7-9 text complexity text, use high-frequency, phrases to complete a level using expanded content-related words to graphic organizer. sentences with emerging complete a graphic complexity. organizer. Learning Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Supports Organizer (partial) Organizer (partial) Organizer Organizer Word Bank Phrase Bank Word Bank Native Language Text Native Language Text Native language support Native language support Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 7 Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of Read to analyze how an author connects a series of VU: Connections, transitional CCSS: RI.9.3 ideas or events, including the connections that are ideas using a graphic organizer (i.e., flow chart). words and phrases WIDA ELDS: drawn between them. 2 – 5 LFC: Compound tenses, Reading transitional phrases Writing LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to analyze how an Read to analyze how an Read to analyze how an Read to analyze how an Read to analyze how an Objectives author connects a series author connects a series of author connects a series of author connects a series author connects a series of of ideas in an ideas in an informational ideas in an adapted of ideas in an ideas in a grade-level, informational text in L1, text in L1, and/or using a informational text using informational text at a informational text using and/or using a leveled leveled text, use key, simple, related sentences. grade 7-9 text complexity multiple, complex sentences. text, use high-frequency, content-based phrases to level using expanded content-related words to complete a graphic sentences with emerging complete a graphic organizer. complexity. organizer. Learning Flow Chart Flow Chart Flow Chart Flow Chart Supports Graphic Organizer (partially Graphic Organizer (partially Graphic Organizer Graphic Organizer completed) completed) Word Bank Word Bank Phrase Bank Native language support Native Language Text Visuals Native language support Native Language Text Visuals Partner Work Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 8 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they Read to determine word and phrase meaning using a VU: Context clues, figurative, CCSS: RI.9.4 are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, Figurative Language Chart word wall, online support and connotative, technical WIDA ELDS: and technical meanings. student created visual representations of word meanings. LFC: Sentences with Figurative 2 – 5 Language Chart Reading Writing LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to determine Read to determine word Read to determine key Read to determine key Read to determine precise, Objectives word and phrase and phrase meaning in L1, content-based word and content-based word and content-based word and meaning in L1, and/or and/or using a leveled text, phrase meanings in an phrase meanings in an phrase meanings in grade- using a leveled text, create visual adapted informational text informational text at a level informational text using create visual representations of key, using context clues, cognates grade 7-9 text complexity context clues, cognates and representations of high- content-based phrases and schema. level using context clues, schema. frequency, content- using context clues, cognates and schema. related word meanings cognates and schema. using cognates and schema. Learning Online Resources Online Resources Online Resources Online Resources Supports Figurative Language Figurative Language Chart Figurative Language Chart Figurative Language Chart Chart Word Wall Word Wall Word Wall Word Wall Native language Native language support Student Created Visuals support Student Created Visuals Student Created Visuals Partner Work Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 9 Analyze the cumulative impact of specific word Read to analyze the impact of word choices on meaning VU: Cumulative, impact, CCSS: RI.9.4 choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language and tone using a graphic organizer (i.e. Cause and Effect meaning, tone WIDA ELDS: of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper). graphic organizer). LFC: Descriptive language 2 – 5 Reading LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to analyze the Read to analyze the impact Read to analyze the impact of Read to analyze the Read to analyze the impact of Objectives impact of the author’s of the author’s choices on the author’s choice on the impact of the author’s the author’s choice on the choices on the meaning the meaning and tone of an meaning and tone of an choice on the meaning meaning and tone of a grade- and tone of an informational text in L1, adapted informational text. and tone of an level, informational text. informational text in L1, and/or using a leveled text, informational text at a and/or using a leveled identify key phrases that grade 7-9 text complexity text, identify and impact meaning and tone. level. restate key words that impact meaning and tone. Learning Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Supports Organizer (partial) Organizer (partial) Organizer Organizer Word Bank Phrase Bank Partner Work Native Language Text Native Language Text Native language Native language support support Partner Work Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 10 Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are Read and analyze how the organization of the text VU: Analyze, claims, CCSS: RI.9.5 developed and refined by particular sentences, develops and refines an author’s ideas or claims using a developed, refined WIDA ELDS: paragraphs, or larger portions of a text (e.g., a section Graphic Organizer and Word Bank. LFC: Complex, compound 2 – 5 or chapter). sentences Reading Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read and analyze how Read and analyze how the Read and analyze how the Read and analyze how Read and analyze how the Objectives the organization of the organization of the text organization of the text the organization of the organization of the text text develops and develops and refines an develops and refines an text develops and refines develops and refines an refines an author’s author’s ideas or claims in author’s ideas or claims in an an author’s ideas or author’s ideas or claims in a ideas or claims in L1, L1, and/or using a leveled adapted informational text claims in an informational grade-level, informational text and/or using a leveled text, use key, content- using simple, related text at a grade 7-9 text using multiple, complex text, use high- based phrases in formulaic sentences. complexity level using sentences. frequency, content- patterns. expanded sentences with related single words in emerging complexity. phrase patterns. Learning Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Supports Organizer (partial) Organizer (partial) Organizer Organizer Word Bank Phrase Bank Partner Work Native Language Text Native Language Text Native language Native language support support Partner Work Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 11 Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a Read and identify an author’s point of view or purpose VU: Point of view, purpose CCSS: RI.9.6 text. using a graphic organizer (i.e., an author’s purpose chart). WIDA EDLS: LFC: complex, compound 2 – 5 sentences Reading LC: Varies by ELP level Writing Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read and identify an Read and identify an Read and identify an author’s Read and identify an Read and identify an author’s Objectives author’s point of view in author’s point of view in point of view in an adapted author’s point of view in point of view in a grade-level, L1, and/or using a leveled L1, and/or using a leveled informational text using an informational text at a informational text using text, use high-frequency, text, use key, content- simple, related sentences. grade 7-9 text complexity multiple, complex sentences. content-related words or based phrases with level using expanded phrases to complete a formulaic patterns. sentences with emerging graphic organizer. complexity.
Learning Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Author’s Purpose Graphic Supports Planning Chart (partially Planning Chart (partially Planning Chart Organizer Purpose and completed) completed) Partner Work Audience Planning Chart Word Bank Phrase Bank Native Language Text Native Language Text Native language support Native language support Partner Work Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 12 Analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that Read and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance VU: Rhetoric, point of view, CCSS: RI.9.6 point of view or purpose. his or her point of view using a Graphic Organizer (i.e. purpose, advance WIDA ELDS: cause and effect). LFC: Complex, compound 2 – 5 sentences Reading Writing LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read and analyze how an Read and analyze how an Read and analyze how an Read and analyze how an Read and analyze how an Objectives author uses rhetoric to author uses rhetoric to author uses rhetoric to author uses rhetoric to author uses rhetoric to advance his or her point advance his or her point advance his or her point of advance his or her point advance his or her point of of view in L1, and/or of view in L1, and/or using view in an adapted, of view in an view in a grade-level, using a leveled text, use a leveled text, use key informational text using informational text at a informational text using high-frequency, content- content-based phrases to simple, related sentences. grade 7-9 text complexity multiple, complex sentences. related words to complete a graphic level using expanded complete a graphic organizer. sentences with emerging organizer. complexity. Learning Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Cause/effect Graphic Supports Organizer (partial) Organizer (partial) Organizer Organizer Word Bank Phrase Bank Partner Work Native Language Text Native Language Text Native language support Native language support Partner Work Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 13 Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific Read and evaluate an author’s argument using a VU: Evaluate, argument, CCSS: RI.9.8 claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is persuasion map Graphic Organizer. claims, valid, evidence WIDA ELDS: valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient. LFC: Complex, compound 2 – 5 sentences Reading Writing LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read and evaluate an Read and evaluate an Read and evaluate an Read and evaluate an Read and evaluate an author’s Objectives author’s argument in L1, author’s argument in L1, author’s argument in an author’s argument in an argument in a grade-level, and/or using a leveled and/or using a leveled adapted, informational text informational text at a informational text using text, identify high- text, identify key, content- using simple, related grade 7-9 text complexity multiple, complex sentences. frequency, content-based based phrases to sentences. level using expanded words to complete a complete a graphic sentences with emerging graphic organizer. organizer. complexity. Learning Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Supports Organizer (partial) Organizer (partial) Organizer Organizer Word Bank Phrase Bank Partner Work Native Language Text Native Language Text Native language support Native language support Partner Work Partner Work
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 14 Identify false statements and fallacious reasoning, Read and identify false statements and fallacious VU: Fallacious, reasoning, CCSS: RI.9.8 when reading informational text(s). reasoning using Cornell Notes, Word Bank and Partner false, statements WIDA ELDS: Work. LFC: Complex, compound 2 – 5 sentences Reading Writing LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read and identify false Read and identify false Read and identify false Read and identify false Read and identify false Objectives statements and fallacious statements and fallacious statements and fallacious statements and fallacious statements and fallacious reasoning in L1, and/or reasoning in L1, and/or reasoning in an adapted reasoning at a grade 7-9 reasoning in a grade-level, using a leveled text, using a leveled text, informational text using text complexity level informational text using identify or restate key, identify key phrases and simple, related sentences. using expanded multiple, complex sentences. high-frequency words match to a visual. sentences with emerging and match to a visual. complexity. Learning Cornell Notes (partial) Cornell Notes (partial) Cornell Notes Cornell Notes Supports Word Bank Phrase Bank Partner Work Native Language Text Native Language Text Native language support Native language support Partner Work Partner Work Visuals Visuals Sentence Frames
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 15 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of Write to analyze topics using valid and sufficient VU: Argument, claim, valid, CCSS: W.9.1 substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and evidence using a Persuasion Map graphic organizer, sufficient, reasoning, evidence WIDA ELDS: relevant and sufficient evidence. Technology and Word Bank. 2 – 5 LFC: Specific to writing task Writing Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to analyze topics Write to analyze topics Write to analyze topics using Write to analyze topics Write to analyze topics using Objectives using valid and sufficient using valid and sufficient valid and sufficient evidence using valid and sufficient valid and sufficient evidence evidence in L1, and/or by evidence in L1, and/or by by using key, content-based evidence by using key, by producing clear and using high-frequency, using general, content- vocabulary in simple, related content-based vocabulary coherent writing using precise, content-related single based vocabulary in sentences with repetitive in expanded and some content-based vocabulary in words in phrase patterns phrases and short grammatical structures. complex sentences with a multiple, complex sentences that represent key ideas. sentences with formulaic variety of grammatical with a variety of grammatical sentence patterns that structures. structures. represent key ideas. Learning Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Supports Organizer (partially Organizer (partially Organizer Organizer completed) completed) Sentence Starters Cloze sentences Sentence Frames Word Bank Word/picture Bank Word/picture Bank Technology Technology Technology Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 16 When writing arguments, introduce precise claim(s) Write to distinguish precise claims from alternate or VU: Argument, precise, claim, CCSS: and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims using an Essay Template, dictionaries and alternate, opposing W.9.1a. opposing claims. a partner. LFC: Specific to task WIDA ELDS: 2 – 5 LC: Varies by ELP level Writing Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to distinguish Write to distinguish Write to distinguish precise Write to distinguish precise Write to distinguish precise Objectives precise claims from precise claims from claims from alternate or claims from alternate or claims from alternate or alternate or opposing alternate or opposing opposing claims by opposing claims by opposing claims by producing claims in L1, and/or by claims in L1, and/or by producing simple sentences producing expanded and clear and coherent writing producing high- producing general, that represent multiple- some complex structures using multiple, complex frequency, content- content-based vocabulary related ideas using that represent organized sentences with a variety of related single words with in phrases and short repetitive structures and ideas with a variety of grammatical structures and phrase patterns that sentences using formulaic key, content-based grammatical structures and precise, content-based represent key ideas. sentence patterns that vocabulary. key, content-based vocabulary. represent key ideas. vocabulary. Learning Essay Template (partially Essay Template (partially Essay Template Essay Template Supports completed) completed) Sentence Starters Cloze sentences Sentence Frames Word Bank Word/picture Bank Word/picture Bank Technology Technology Technology Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 17 When writing arguments, create an organization that Write to create and establish clear relationships among VU: Establish, relationships, CCSS: establishes clear relationships among claim(s), ideas, reasons, and evidence using a Persuasion Map claims, counterclaims, reason, W.9.1a. counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. graphic organizer and a bank of transitional words and evidence WIDA ELDS: phrases. 2 – 5 LFC: Specific to writing task Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to create and Write to create and Write to create and Write to create and Write to create and establish Objectives establish clear establish clear relationships establish clear relationships establish clear clear relationships among relationships among among ideas, reasons, and among ideas, reasons, and relationships among ideas, reasons, and evidence ideas, reasons, and evidence in L1, and/or by evidence by using key, ideas, reasons, and by producing clear and evidence in L1, and/or by using general, content- content-based vocabulary in evidence by using key, coherent writing using precise, using high-frequency, based vocabulary in simple, related sentences content-based vocabulary content-based vocabulary in content-related single phrases and short with repetitive grammatical in expanded and some multiple, complex sentences words in phrase patterns sentences with formulaic structures. complex structures with a with a variety of grammatical that represent key ideas. sentence patterns that variety of grammatical structures. represent key ideas. structures. Learning Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Persuasion Map Graphic Supports Organizer (partially Organizer (partially Organizer Organizer completed) completed) Word Bank of transitional Word Bank of transitional Word Bank of transitional Word Bank of transitional words and phrases words and phrases words words and phrases Sentence Starters Cloze sentences Sentence Frames Technology Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 18 When writing arguments, develop claim(s) and Write to develop claims and counterclaims while VU: Claim, counterclaim, CCSS: counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while addressing the audience’s needs using a Persuasion Map evidence, strength, limitation, W.9.1b. pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a graphic organizer and a Purpose and Audience Planning anticipate WIDA ELDS: manner that that anticipates the audience’s knowledge Chart. 2 – 5 level and concerns. LFC: Specific to writing task Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to develop claims Write to develop claims Write to develop claims Write to develop claims and Write to develop claims and Objectives and counterclaims while and counterclaims while and counterclaims while counterclaims while counterclaims while addressing the addressing the audience’s addressing the audience’s addressing the audience’s addressing the audience’s audience’s needs in L1, needs in L1, and/or by needs by producing simple needs by producing needs by producing clear and and/or by producing producing phrases and sentences that represent expanded and some coherent writing using single words that short sentences that multiple-related ideas complex structures that multiple, complex sentences represent ideas using represent ideas using using repetitive structures represent organized ideas with a variety of grammatical phrase patterns and formulaic sentence and key, content-based with a variety of structures and precise, general, content-related patterns and general, vocabulary. grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. vocabulary. content-based vocabulary. content-based vocabulary. Learning Persuasion Map Persuasion Map Persuasion Map Persuasion Map Supports Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Planning Chart (semi- Planning Chart(semi- Planning Chart Planning Chart completed) completed) Sentence Starters Word Bank Word Bank Technology Cloze sentences Sentence Frames Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 19 When writing arguments, use words, phrases, and Write to create cohesion when writing arguments using a VU: Words, phrases, clauses, CCSS: clauses to link the major sections of the text, create word bank of transitional words and phrases. link, create cohesion W.9.1c. cohesion, and clarify the relationships between LFC: Specific to writing task WIDA ELDS: claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, 2 – 5 and between claim(s) and counterclaims. LC: Varies by ELP level Writing Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to create Write to create cohesion Write to create cohesion Write to create cohesion Write to create cohesion Objectives cohesion when writing when writing arguments in when writing arguments by when writing arguments when writing arguments by arguments in L1, and/or L1, and/or by using general, using key, content-based by using key, content- producing clear and coherent by using high- content-based vocabulary vocabulary in simple, related based vocabulary in writing using precise, content- frequency, content- in phrases and short sentences with repetitive expanded and some based vocabulary in multiple, related single words in sentences with formulaic structures. complex structures with a complex sentences with a phrase patterns that sentence patterns that variety of grammatical variety of grammatical represent key ideas. represent key ideas. structures. structures. Learning Word Bank of Word Bank of transitional Word Bank of transitional Word Bank of transitional Supports transitional words words and phrases words and phrases words and phrases Cloze sentences Sentence Frames Sentence Starters Visuals Visuals Technology Native language Native language support support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 20 When writing arguments, establish and maintain a Write to establish an objective tone specific to a discipline VU: Formal, style, objective, CCSS: formal style and objective tone while attending to the using Sentence Frames and an Essay Template. tone, norms, conventions, W.9.1d. norms and conventions of the discipline in which they discipline WIDA ELDS: are writing. 2 – 5 LFC: Specific to writing task Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to establish an Write to establish an Write to establish an Write to establish an Write to establish an objective Objectives objective tone specific to objective tone specific to objective tone specific to a objective tone specific to tone specific to a discipline by a discipline in L1, and/or a discipline in L1, and/or discipline by developing a discipline by using key, producing clear and coherent by using high-frequency, by using general, content- multiple-related ideas using content-based vocabulary writing using precise, content- content-related single based vocabulary in key, content-based in expanded and some based vocabulary in multiple, words in phrase patterns phrases and short vocabulary in simple complex structures with a complex sentences with a or memorized phrases sentences with formulaic sentences with repetitive variety of grammatical variety of grammatical that represent key ideas. sentence patterns that structures. structures that represent structures. represent key ideas. organized ideas. Learning Essay Template (partially Essay Template (partially Essay Template Essay Template Supports completed) completed) Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Sentence Starters Cloze sentences Word Bank Word Bank Word Bank Technology Technology Technology Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 21 When writing arguments, provide a concluding Write to conclude an argument in an effective manner VU: Concluding statement CCSS: statement or section that follows from and supports using an Essay Template and Sentence Frames. W.9.1e. the argument presented. LFC: Specific to writing task WIDA ELDS: 2 – 5 Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to conclude an Write to conclude an Write to conclude an Write to conclude an Write to conclude an Objectives argument in an effective argument in an effective argument in an effective argument in an effective argument in an effective manner in L1, and/or by manner in L1, and/or by manner by producing manner by producing manner by producing clear using high-frequency, identifying key ideas using multiple-related ideas using organized ideas using key, and coherent writing using content-related single general, content-based key, content-based content-based vocabulary precise, content-based words in phrase patterns vocabulary in phrases and vocabulary in simple in expanded and some vocabulary in multiple, or memorized patterns short sentences with sentences with repetitive complex structures with a complex sentences with a that represent key ideas. formulaic sentence structures. variety of grammatical variety of grammatical patterns. structures. structures. Learning Essay Template (partially Essay Template (partially Essay Template Essay Template Supports completed) completed) Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Sentence Starters Cloze sentences Word/picture Bank Word Bank Word/picture Bank Technology Technology Technology Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 22 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the Write to produce clear writing appropriate to task, VU: Task, purpose, audience CCSS: development, organization, and style are appropriate purpose, and audience using a Purpose and Audience W.9.4 to task, purpose, and audience. Planning Chart. LFC: Specific to writing task WIDA ELDS: 2 – 5 LC: Varies by ELP level Writing Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to produce clear Write to produce clear Write to produce clear Write to produce clear Write to produce clear and Objectives writing appropriate to writing appropriate to writing appropriate to task, and organized writing coherent writing appropriate task, purpose, and task, purpose, and purpose, and audience by appropriate to task, to task, purpose, and audience audience in L1, and/or by audience in L1, and/or by using key, content-based purpose, and audience by by using precise, content- using high-frequency, using general, content- vocabulary in simple using key, content-based based vocabulary in multiple, content-related single based vocabulary in sentences with repetitive vocabulary in expanded complex sentences with a words in phrase patterns phrases and short structures that represent and some complex variety of grammatical or memorized patterns sentences using formulaic multiple-related ideas. structures with varying structures. that represent key ideas. sentence patterns that grammatical structures. represent central ideas. Learning Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Supports Planning Chart Planning Chart Planning Chart Planning Chart (partially completed) (partially completed) Sentence Starters Word Bank Word Bank Technology Cloze sentences Sentence Frames Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 23 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by Write to develop writing through editing and addressing VU: Plan, revise, edit, CCSS: planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new purpose and audience using a Checklist for editing and a purpose, audience W.9.5 approach, focusing on addressing what is most Purpose and Audience Planning Chart. WIDA ELDS: significant for a specific purpose and audience. LFC: Specific to writing task 2 – 5 LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to develop Write to develop writing Write to develop writing Write to develop writing Write to develop writing Objectives writing through editing through editing and through editing and through editing and through editing and and addressing purpose addressing purpose and addressing purpose and addressing purpose and addressing purpose and and audience in L1, audience in L1, and/or by audience by producing audience by producing audience by producing clear and/or by producing producing phrases and simple sentences that expanded and some and coherent writing using single words that short sentences that represent multiple-related complex structures that multiple, complex sentences represent ideas using represent ideas using ideas using repetitive represent organized ideas with a variety of grammatical phrase patterns and formulaic sentence structures and key, with a variety of structures and precise, general, content- patterns and general, content-based vocabulary. grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. related vocabulary. content-based vocabulary. content-based vocabulary. Learning Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Supports Planning Chart Planning Chart Planning Chart Planning Chart (partially completed) (partially completed) Checklist for editing Checklist for editing Checklist for editing Checklist for editing Sentence Starters Word/picture Bank Word/picture Bank Technology Cloze sentences Sentence Frames Visuals Visuals Native language Native language support support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 24 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, Write to edit and publish individual and collaborative VU: Produce, publish, update CCSS: publish, and update individual or shared writing writing pieces using a Checklist for publishing. W.9.6 products. LFC: Specific to writing task WIDA ELDS: 2 – 5 Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to edit and Write to edit and publish Write to edit and publish Write to edit and publish Write to edit and publish Objectives publish individual and individual and collaborative individual and collaborative individual and individual and collaborative collaborative writing writing pieces in L1, and/or writing pieces by producing collaborative writing writing pieces by producing pieces in L1, and/or by by producing phrases and simple sentences that pieces by producing clear and coherent writing producing single words short sentences that represent multiple-related expanded and some using multiple, complex that represent ideas represent ideas using ideas using repetitive complex structures that sentences with a variety of using phrase patterns formulaic sentence structures and key, content- represent organized ideas grammatical structures and and general, content- patterns and general, based vocabulary. with a variety of precise, content-based related vocabulary. content-based vocabulary. grammatical structures vocabulary. and content-based vocabulary. Learning Checklist for publishing Checklist for publishing Checklist for publishing Checklist for publishing Supports Word/picture Bank Sentences Starters Online Resources Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Word Bank Word/picture Bank Word Bank Native language Native language support support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 25 Draw evidence from informational texts to support Write to support analysis with research using a K-W-S VU: Analysis, reflection, CCSS: analysis, reflection, and research. Chart and an Essay Template. research W.9.9b. WIDA ELDS: LFC: Specific to writing task 2 – 5 LC: Varies by ELP level Writing Reading ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to support analysis Write to support analysis Write to support analysis Write to support analysis Write to support analysis with Objectives with research in L1, with research in L1, and/or with research by producing with research by research by producing clear and/or by producing by producing phrases and simple sentences that producing expanded and and coherent writing using single words that short sentences that represent multiple-related some complex structures multiple, complex sentences represent ideas using represent ideas using ideas using repetitive that represent organized with a variety of grammatical phrase patterns and formulaic sentence patterns structures and key, ideas with a variety of structures and precise, general, content-related and general, content-based content-based vocabulary. grammatical structures content-based vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. and content-based vocabulary. Learning Essay Template and Essay Template and Essay Template Essay Template Supports K-W-S Chart (partially K-W-S Chart (partially K-W-S Chart K-W-S Chart completed) completed) Sentence Starters Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Technology Cloze sentences Word Bank Word Bank Technology Technology Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 26 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for Write routinely for specific time frames and for various VU: Task, purpose, audience CCSS: research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time purposes, tasks and audiences using a Purpose and W.9.10 frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of Audience Planning Chart and Essay Templates specific LFC: Specific to writing task WIDA ELDS: tasks, purposes, and audiences. to task. 2 – 5 LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write routinely for specific Write routinely for specific Write routinely for specific Write routinely for Write routinely for specific Objectives time frames and for time frames and for various time frames and for various specific time frames and time frames and for various various purposes, tasks purposes, tasks and purposes, tasks and for various purposes, purposes, tasks and audiences and audiences in L1 audiences in L1 and/or by audiences by producing tasks and audiences by by producing clear and and/or by producing high- producing general, key, content-based producing key, content- coherent writing using frequency, content- content-based vocabulary vocabulary in simple based vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences related single words in in phrases and short sentences using repetitive expanded and some with a variety of grammatical phrase patterns that sentences using formulaic structures that represent complex structures with a structures and precise, represent key ideas. sentence patterns that multiple-related ideas. variety of grammatical content-based vocabulary. represent key ideas. structures that represent organized ideas. Learning Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Purpose and Audience Supports Planning Chart Planning Chart Planning Chart Planning Chart Essay Templates Essay Templates Essay Templates Essay Templates Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Word/picture Bank Word/picture Bank Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 27 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of Participate in a variety of cooperative discussion settings VU: Collaborative, discussion, CCSS: collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and using a Question Stem Bank. clearly, persuasively SL.9.1 teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 9 topics, LFC: Verbs and verb phrases in WIDA ELDS: texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and questions, prosodic features 2 – 5 expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (e.g., stress) Speaking Listening LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Participate in a variety of Participate in a variety of Participate in a variety of Participate in a variety of Participate in a variety of Objectives cooperative discussion cooperative discussion cooperative discussion cooperative discussion cooperative discussion settings in L1, and/or by settings in L1, and/or by settings by producing settings by producing settings by producing clear producing key ideas using producing key ideas in multiple-related ideas in organized ideas using and coherent speech using high-frequency, content- spoken phrases and short simple, spoken sentences expanded and some multiple, complex sentences related, single, spoken sentences using formulaic with repetitive structures and complex structures with a with a variety of grammatical words in phrase patterns. sentence patterns and key, content-based variety of grammatical structures and precise, general, content-based vocabulary. structures and key, content-based vocabulary. vocabulary. content-based vocabulary. Learning Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Supports Cloze Sentences Sentence Frames Sentence Frames Word Bank Word Bank Visuals Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 28 Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and Speak and listen to create rules for collaborative VU: Rules, directions, CCSS: decision-making (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes discussions using a Reference Sheet of specific checklist, speaking rubric SL.9.1b. on key issues, and presentation of alternate views), clear discussion rules. LFC: Signal verbs, action verbs, WIDA ELDS: goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed. appropriate language, tone, 2 – 5 voice Speaking Listening LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Speak and listen to create Speak and listen to create Speak and listen to create Speak and listen to create Speak and listen to create Objectives rules for collaborative rules for collaborative rules for collaborative rules for collaborative rules for collaborative discussions in L1, and/or discussions in L1, and/or by discussions by producing discussions by producing discussions by producing clear by producing single, producing key ideas using multiple-related ideas using organized ideas using and coherent speech using spoken words that general, content-based key, content-based expanded and some multiple, complex sentences represent ideas using vocabulary in spoken vocabulary in simple, complex sentences with a with a variety of grammatical phrase patterns and phrases and short sentences spoken sentences with variety of grammatical structures and precise, general, content-related with formulaic sentence repetitive structures. structures and key, content-based vocabulary. vocabulary. patterns. content-based vocabulary. Learning Reference Sheet of Reference Sheet of specific Reference Sheet of specific Reference Sheet of Supports specific rules rules rules specific rules Cue Cards Cue Cards Cue Cards Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Visuals Visuals Gestures Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 29 Propel conversations by posing and responding to Compose and respond to questions in order to connect VU: Pose, respond, themes, CCSS: questions that relate the current discussion to broader the discussion to broader themes using a Question Stem incorporate, clarify, verify SL.9.1c. themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into Bank and Sentence Starters. LFC: Verbs and verb phrases in WIDA ELDS: the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and questions, prosodic features 2 – 5 conclusions. (e.g., stress) Speaking Listening LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Compose and respond to Compose and respond to Compose and respond to Compose and respond to Compose and respond to Objectives questions in order to questions in order to questions in order to questions in order to questions in order to connect connect the discussion to connect the discussion to connect the discussion to connect the discussion to the discussion to broader broader themes in L1, broader themes in L1, broader themes by broader themes by themes by producing clear and/or by producing key and/or by producing key producing multiple-related producing organized and coherent speech using ideas using high- ideas using general, ideas using key, content- ideas using key, content- multiple, complex sentences frequency, content- content-based vocabulary based vocabulary in simple, based vocabulary in with a variety of grammatical related, single, spoken in spoken phrases and spoken sentences with expanded and some structures and precise, words in phrase patterns. short sentences with repetitive structures. complex structures with a content-based vocabulary. formulaic sentence variety of grammatical patterns. structures. Learning Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Supports Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Word Wall Word Wall Visuals Visuals Gestures Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 30 Actively incorporate others into discussions; and Speak and listen to actively engage peers into a discussion VU: Clarify, verify, challenge CCSS: clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions. using a Question Stem Bank and Sentence Starters. SL.9.1c. LFC: Verbs and verb phrases in WIDA ELDS: questions, prosodic features 2 – 5 (e.g., stress) Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level Listening ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Speak and listen to Speak and listen to Speak and listen to actively Speak and listen to Speak and listen to actively Objectives actively engage peers actively engage peers into engage peers into a actively engage peers into engage peers into a discussion into a discussion in L1, a discussion in L1, and/or discussion by producing a discussion by producing by producing clear and and/or by producing key by producing key ideas multiple-related ideas using organized ideas using key, coherent speech using ideas using high- using general, content- key, content-based content-based vocabulary multiple, complex sentences frequency, content- based vocabulary in vocabulary in simple, spoken in expanded and some with a variety of grammatical related, single, spoken spoken phrases and short sentences with repetitive complex sentences with a structures and precise, words in phrase patterns. sentences with formulaic structures. variety of grammatical content-based vocabulary. sentence patterns. structures. Learning Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Supports Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Visuals Visuals Gestures Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 31 Integrate multiple sources of information presented in Speak and listen to integrate multiple sources of credible VU: Evaluate, credibility, CCSS: diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, information presented in diverse media or formats using accuracy, source SL.9.2 orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each a checklist for evaluating sources and Video Clips/Films. LFC: Complex sentences, WIDA ELDS: source. declarative sentences, 2 – 5 prosodic features (e.g., Speaking stress) Listening LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Speak and listen to Speak and listen to Speak and listen to Speak and listen to integrate Speak and listen to integrate Objectives integrate multiple sources integrate multiple sources integrate multiple sources multiple sources of credible multiple sources of credible of credible information of credible information of credible information information presented in information presented in presented in diverse presented in diverse media presented in diverse diverse media or formats by diverse media or formats by media or formats in L1, or formats in L1, and/or by media or formats by producing expanded and producing clear and and/or by producing producing spoken phrases producing simple, spoken some complex structures coherent speech using single, spoken words that and short sentences that sentences that represent that represent organized precise, content-based represent ideas using represent ideas using multiple-related ideas ideas with a variety of vocabulary in multiple, phrase patterns and formulaic sentence using repetitive structures grammatical structures and complex sentences with general, content-related patterns and general, and key, content-based content-based vocabulary. varying grammatical vocabulary. content-based vocabulary. vocabulary. structures. Learning Checklist for sources Checklist for sources Checklist for sources Checklist for sources Supports Video Clips/Films Video Clips/Films Video Clips/Films Video Clips/Films Cloze Sentences Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Visuals/Gestures Visuals Native language support Native language support Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 32 Evaluate a speaker’s point of view and reasoning. Speak and listen to evaluate a speaker’s point of view VU: Speaker, evaluate, point CCSS: and reasoning using a Question Stem Bank and of view, reasoning SL.9.3 Sentence Starters LFC: Complex sentences, WIDA ELDS: declarative sentences, 2 – 5 prosodic features (e.g., stress), Speaking modals, interjections Listening LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Speak and listen to Speak and listen to evaluate Speak and listen to Speak and listen to Speak and listen to evaluate a Objectives evaluate a speaker’s a speaker’s point of view and evaluate a speaker’s point evaluate a speaker’s point speaker’s point of view and point of view and reasoning in L1, and/or by of view and reasoning by of view and reasoning by reasoning by producing clear reasoning in L1, and/or producing key ideas using producing multiple, producing organized and coherent speech using by producing key ideas general, content-based related ideas using key, ideas using key, content- multiple, complex sentences using high-frequency, vocabulary in spoken phrases content-based vocabulary based vocabulary in with a variety of grammatical content-related single, and short sentences with in simple, spoken expanded sentences with structures and precise, spoken words in phrase formulaic sentence patterns. sentences with repetitive emerging complexity of content-based vocabulary. or memorized patterns. structures. grammatical structures. Learning Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Question Stem Bank Supports Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Word Wall Word Wall Visuals Visuals Gestures Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 33 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence Speak and listen to integrate research knowledge into VU: Findings, supporting CCSS: clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can a concise oral presentation using Sentence Starters evidence, concise, logical SL.9.4 follow the line of reasoning. and Note Cards. LFC: Complex sentences, WIDA ELDS: declarative sentences, 2 – 5 prosodic features (e.g., stress), Speaking modals Listening Reading LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Speak and listen to Speak and listen to integrate Speak and listen to Speak and listen to Speak and listen to integrate Objectives integrate research research knowledge into a integrate research integrate research research knowledge into a knowledge into a concise concise oral presentation in knowledge into a concise knowledge into a concise concise oral presentation by oral presentation in L1, L1, and/or by producing key oral presentation by oral presentation by producing clear and coherent and/or by producing key ideas using general, content- producing multiple, producing organized speech using precise, content- ideas using high- based vocabulary in spoken related ideas using key, ideas using key, content- based vocabulary in multiple, frequency, content- phrases and short sentences content-based vocabulary based vocabulary in complex sentences with a related, single, spoken with formulaic sentence in simple, spoken expanded sentences with variety of grammatical words in phrase or patterns. sentences with repetitive emerging complexity of structures. memorized patterns. structures. grammatical structures. Learning Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Supports Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Visuals Visuals Gestures Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 34 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by using a VU: Adapt, speech, context, CCSS: demonstrating command of formal English when checklist specific to the task, Sentence Starters, and Note task SL.9.6 indicated or appropriate. Cards. LFC: Complex sentences, WIDA ELDS: prosodic features (e.g., stress), 2 – 5 modals, interjections Speaking Listening LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Adapt speech to a variety Adapt speech to a variety Adapt speech to a variety of Adapt speech to a variety Adapt speech to a variety of Objectives of contexts and tasks in of contexts and tasks in contexts and tasks by of contexts and tasks by contexts and tasks by L1, and/or by producing L1, and/or by producing producing multiple-related producing organized producing clear and coherent key ideas using high- key ideas using general, ideas using key, content- ideas using key, content- speech using multiple, frequency, content- content-based vocabulary based vocabulary in simple, based vocabulary in complex sentences with a related single, spoken in spoken phrases and spoken sentences with expanded sentences with variety of grammatical words in phrase or short sentences with repetitive structures. emerging complexity of structures and precise, memorized patterns. formulaic sentence grammatical structures. content-based vocabulary. patterns. Learning Checklist specific to task Checklist specific to task Checklist specific to task Checklist specific to task Supports Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Cue Cards – situational Cue Cards – situational Gestures Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 35 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard Write and speak to demonstrate command of standard VU: Grammar, usage, CCSS: English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. English grammar and usage at the respective ELP level by conventions, standard L.9.1 using multiple resources and Charts/Posters. LFC: Specific to context and WIDA ELDS: task 2 – 5 Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write and speak to Write and speak to Write and speak to Write and speak to Write and speak to Objectives demonstrate command demonstrate command of demonstrate command of demonstrate command of demonstrate command of of standard English standard English grammar standard English grammar standard English grammar standard English grammar and grammar and usage in L1, and usage in L1, and/or by and usage by producing and usage by producing usage by producing clear and and/or by producing key producing key ideas using multiple related ideas using organized ideas using key, coherent writing and speech ideas using high- general, content-based key, content-based content-based vocabulary using precise, content-based frequency, content- vocabulary in written and vocabulary in simple, in expanded sentences vocabulary in multiple, related, single, written spoken phrases and short written and spoken with emerging complexity complex sentences with a and spoken words in sentences with formulaic sentences with repetitive of grammatical variety of grammatical phrase patterns. sentence patterns. structures. structures. structures. Learning Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Supports Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Sentence Starters Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Word Wall Word Wall Visuals Visuals Gestures Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 36 Use various types of clauses (independent, dependent; Write and speak to employ various types of clauses in VU: Clauses: independent, CCSS: noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings order to add variety using a Reference Sheet of clauses, dependent, noun, relative, L.9.1b. and add variety and interest to writing or Sentence Frames, and cloze activities. adverbial WIDA ELDS: presentations. LFC: Sentences containing 2 – 5 various clause types Speaking Writing LC: varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write and speak to Write and speak to Write and speak to employ Write and speak to Write and speak to employ Objectives employ various types of employ various types of various types of clauses in employ various types of various types of clauses in clauses in order to add clauses in order to add order to add variety by clauses in order to add order to add variety by variety in L1, and/or by variety in L1, and/or by producing multiple, related variety by producing producing clear and coherent producing key ideas using producing key ideas using ideas using key, content- organized ideas using key, writing and speech using high-frequency, content- general, content-based based vocabulary in simple, content-based vocabulary precise, content-based related, single, written vocabulary in written and written and spoken in expanded sentences vocabulary in multiple, and spoken words in spoken phrases and short sentences with repetitive with emerging complexity complex sentences with a phrase or memorized sentences with formulaic structures. of grammatical variety of grammatical patterns. sentence patterns. structures. structures. Learning Reference Sheet of clauses Reference Sheet of Reference Sheet of clauses Reference Sheet of Supports Cloze sentences clauses Sentence Frames clauses Note Cards Sentence Frames Note Cards Sentence Frames Charts/Posters Note Cards Charts/Posters Word/Picture Wall Charts/Posters Visuals Word/Picture Wall Gestures Visuals Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 37 Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to Write to apply usage of semicolons and conjunctive VU: Semicolon, conjunctive CCSS: link two or more closely related independent clauses. adverbs to link two independent clauses using cloze adverb L.9.2a. sentences, a Word Bank, and Charts/Posters. LFC: Sentences containing WIDA ELDS: semicolons and conjunctive 2 – 5 adverbs Writing LC: varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to apply usage of Write to apply usage of Write to apply usage of Write to apply usage of Write to apply usage of Objectives semicolons and semicolons and semicolons and conjunctive semicolons and semicolons and conjunctive conjunctive adverbs to link conjunctive adverbs to adverbs to link two conjunctive adverbs to adverbs to link two two independent clauses link two independent independent clauses by link two independent independent clauses by in L1, and/or by producing clauses in L1, and/or by producing multiple, related clauses by producing producing clear and coherent key ideas using high- producing key ideas using ideas using key, content- organized ideas using key, writing using precise, content- frequency, content- general, content-based based vocabulary in simple content-based vocabulary based vocabulary in multiple, related, single words in vocabulary in phrases and sentences with repetitive in expanded sentences complex sentences with a phrase or memorized short sentences with structures. with emerging complexity variety of grammatical patterns. formulaic sentence of grammatical structures. patterns. structures. Learning Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Supports Cloze Sentences Cloze Sentences Cloze Sentences Cloze Sentences Word Bank Word Bank Word Bank Word Bank Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Native language support Native language support Native Language Explanations
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 38 Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. Write to apply usage of a colon to introduce a list or VU: Colon, list, quotation CCSS: quotation using cloze sentences, a Word Bank, and L.9.2b. Charts/Posters. LFC: Sentences containing WIDA ELDS: colons 2 – 5 LC: varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to apply usage of a Write to apply usage of a Write to apply usage of a Write to apply usage of a Write to apply usage of a Objectives colon to introduce a list colon to introduce a list or colon to introduce a list or colon to introduce a list colon to introduce a list or or quotation in L1, quotation in L1, and/or by quotation by using key, or quotation by using key, quotation using precise, and/or by producing key producing key ideas using content-based vocabulary in content-based vocabulary content-based vocabulary in ideas using high- general, content-based simple, related sentences in organized, expanded multiple, complex sentences frequency, content- vocabulary in phrases and with repetitive structures. sentences with emerging with a variety of grammatical related single words in short sentences with complexity of structures. phrase or memorized formulaic sentence grammatical structures. patterns. patterns. Learning Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Supports Cloze Sentences Cloze Sentences Cloze Sentences Cloze Sentences Word Bank Word Bank Word Bank Word Bank Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Native language support Native language support Native Language Explanations
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 39 Spell correctly. Write to apply standard English spelling using VU: Spelling, standard CCSS: multiple resources. L.9.2c. LFC: Varies by task WIDA ELDS: 2 – 5 LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to apply standard Write to apply standard Write to apply standard Write to apply standard Write to apply standard Objectives English spelling when English spelling when English spelling when English spelling when English spelling when producing high-frequency, producing phrases and producing simple, producing expanded producing multiple, complex single words in phrase or short sentences with related sentences with sentences with emerging sentences with a variety of memorized patterns. formulaic sentence repetitive structures. complexity of grammatical structures. patterns. grammatical structures. Learning Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Supports Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Cloze Sentences Partner Work Word Bank Native language support Partner Work Native language support Native Language Explanations
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 40 Apply knowledge of language to understand how Write and speak to apply knowledge of syntax using VU: Syntax, contexts, CCSS: language functions in different contexts. multiple resources. functions L.9.3 LFC: Varies by task WIDA ELDS: 2 – 5 LC: Varies by ELP level Writing Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write and speak to apply Write and speak to apply Write and speak to apply Write and speak to apply Write and speak to apply Objectives knowledge of syntax in knowledge of syntax in L1, knowledge of syntax by knowledge of syntax by knowledge of syntax by L1, and/or by producing and/or by producing producing simple, related, producing organized producing clear and coherent high-frequency, single, written and spoken written and spoken sentences ideas using expanded writing and speech using written and spoken phrases and short with repetitive structures. sentences with emerging multiple, complex sentences words in phrase and sentences with formulaic complexity of with a variety of grammatical memorized patterns. sentence patterns. grammatical structures. structures. Learning Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Supports Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Cloze Sentences Partner Work Word Bank Native language support Partner Work Native language support Native Language Explanations
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 41 Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines Write to apply guidelines appropriate to discipline and VU: Edit, conforms, guidelines, CCSS: in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabian’s Manual writing type using multiple resources. style, discipline L.9.3 for Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type. WIDA ELDS: LFC: Varies by task 2 – 5 LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Write to apply guidelines Write to apply guidelines Write to apply guidelines Write to apply guidelines Write to apply guidelines Objectives appropriate to discipline and appropriate to discipline appropriate to discipline appropriate to discipline appropriate to discipline and writing type in L1, and/or by and writing type in L1, and writing type by and writing type by writing type by producing producing key ideas using and/or by producing key producing multiple, producing organized clear and coherent writing high-frequency, content- ideas using general, related ideas using key, ideas using key, content- using precise, content-based related single words in content-based vocabulary content-based based vocabulary in vocabulary in multiple, phrase or memorized in phrases and short vocabulary in simple expanded sentences with complex sentences with a patterns. sentences with formulaic sentences with repetitive emerging complexity of variety of grammatical sentence patterns. structures. grammatical structures. structures. Learning Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Supports Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Cloze Sentences Partner Work Word Bank Native language support Partner Work Native language support Native Language Explanations
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 42 Apply knowledge of language to comprehend more Read and listen to apply knowledge of language to VU: Language CCSS: fully when reading or listening. comprehend more fully using multiple resources and L.9.3 Charts/Posters. LFC: Varies by task WIDA ELDS: 2 – 5 Reading LC: Varies by ELP level Listening ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read and listen to apply Read and listen to apply Read and listen to apply Read and listen to apply Read and listen to apply Objectives knowledge of language to knowledge of language to knowledge of language to knowledge of language to knowledge of language to comprehend more fully comprehend more fully in comprehend more fully from comprehend more fully comprehend more fully from in L1, and/or by matching L1, and/or by matching adapted text and from text and grade-level text and from leveled text to Sentence Citations from presentations. presentations at a grade presentations. visual representations of leveled text to visual 7-9 text complexity level. the text. representations of the text. Learning Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Multiple Resources Supports Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Charts/Posters Cloze Sentences Partner Work Partner Work Word Bank Native language support Partner Work Visuals Native language support Sentence Citations Visuals
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 43 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and Read and clarify the meaning of unknown words and VU: Multiple-meaning words, CCSS: multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade phrases using Cognates a Bilingual Dictionary, and a phrases, strategies L.9.4 9 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range Reference Sheet for Context Clues. WIDA ELDS: of strategies. LFC: Varies by task 2 – 5 Reading LC: Varies by ELP level Listening ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read and clarify the Read and clarify the Read and clarify the meaning Read and clarify the Read and clarify the meaning Objectives meaning of unknown meaning of unknown of unknown words and meaning of unknown of unknown words and words and phrases in L1, words and phrases in L1, phrases more fully from words and phrases more phrases from grade-level text and/or by matching and/or by matching adapted text and fully from text and and presentations. words from leveled text phrases and short presentations. presentations at a grade to visual representations sentences from leveled 7-9 text complexity level. of the text. text to visual representations of the text. Learning Cognates Cognates Cognates Cognates Supports Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Reference Sheet for Reference Sheet for Reference Sheet for Context Reference Sheet for Context Clues Context Clues Clues Context Clues Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Visuals Visuals Word/picture Bank Word/picture Bank Native language support Native language support
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 44 Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, Use context clues in order to comprehend unfamiliar VU: Multiple meaning words, CCSS: paragraph, or text; a word’s position or function in a vocabulary using Cognates, a Bilingual Dictionary, and a academic word list L.9.4a. sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or Reference Sheet for Context Clues. LFC: Sentences with context WIDA ELDS: phrase. clues 2 – 5 Reading LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Use context clues in Use context clues in order Use context clues in order to Use context clues in order Use context clues in order to Objectives order to comprehend to comprehend unfamiliar comprehend unfamiliar to comprehend comprehend unfamiliar unfamiliar vocabulary in vocabulary in L1, and/or vocabulary from adapted unfamiliar vocabulary vocabulary from grade level L1, and/or by matching by matching words from text. from text at a grade 7-9 text. words from leveled text leveled text to visual text complexity level. to visual representations representations of the of the text. text. Learning Cognates Cognates Cognates Cognates Supports Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Reference Sheet for Reference Sheet for Reference Sheet for Context Reference Sheet for Context Clues Context Clues Clues Context Clues Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Native language support Visuals Visuals Word/picture Bank Word/picture Bank
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 45 Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., Read to consult reference materials to find VU: Pronunciation, meaning, CCSS: dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and pronunciation, word meaning, part of speech and part of speech, etymology L.9.4c.d. digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine, etymology using a bilingual dictionary and technology. LFC: Varies with reading task WIDA ELDS: verify, or clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, 2 – 5 or its etymology. LC: Varies by ELP level Reading ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to consult reference Read to consult Read to consult reference Read to consult reference Read to consult reference Objectives materials to find reference materials to materials to find materials to find materials to find pronunciation, word find pronunciation, pronunciation, word pronunciation, word pronunciation, word meaning, meaning, part of speech and word meaning, part of meaning, part of speech meaning, part of speech part of speech and etymology etymology in L1, and/or speech and etymology and etymology from and etymology from text from grade level text. leveled text. in L1, and/or leveled adapted text. at a grade 7-9 text text. complexity level.
Learning Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Bilingual Dictionary Supports Technology Technology Technology Technology Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Visuals Visuals Native Language Explanations
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 46 Demonstrate understanding of Figurative Language Chart Read to determine the meaning of Figurative VU: Figurative Language CCSS: and word relationships in word meanings. Language Chart and word relationships in word Chart, word relationships, L.9.5 meanings using a Figurative Language Chart Word word meanings WIDA ELDS: Wall and Visuals. LFC: Varies with reading task 2 – 5 Reading LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to determine the Read to determine the Read to determine the Read to determine the Read to determine the Objectives meaning of Figurative meaning of Figurative meaning of Figurative meaning of Figurative meaning of Figurative Language Chart and word Language Chart and word Language Chart and word Language Chart and word Language Chart and word relationships in word relationships in word relationships in word relationships in word relationships in word meanings in L1, and/or by meanings in L1, and/or by meanings from adapted meanings from text at a meanings from grade level matching single words or matching phrases and text. grade 7-9 text complexity text. phrases from leveled text to short sentences from level. visual representations of the leveled text to visual text. representations of the text. Learning Figurative Language Chart Figurative Language Chart Figurative Language Figurative Language Chart Supports Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Chart Word Wall Word Wall Visuals Visuals Visuals Visuals Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Word Bank Word Bank Native Language Explanations Bilingual Dictionary
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 47 Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) Read to determine the meaning of figures of speech VU: Figures of speech, CCSS: in context and analyze their role in the text. and their role in the text using a Reference Sheet for euphemism, oxymoron L.9.5a. Context Clues and Visuals. LFC: Sentences with Figurative WIDA ELDS: Language Chart 2 – 5 Reading LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read to determine the Read to determine the Read to determine the Read to determine the Read to determine the Objectives meaning of figures of speech meaning of figures of meaning of figures of meaning of figures of meaning of figures of speech and their role in an L1, text speech and their role in speech and their role in an speech and their role in a and their role in grade level and/or by matching words an L1, text and/or by adapted text. text at a grade 7-9 text text. from leveled text to visual matching words from complexity level. representations of the text. leveled text to visual representations of the text. Learning Reference Sheet for Context Reference Sheet for Reference Sheet for Reference Sheet for Supports Clues Context Clues Context Clues Context Clues Visuals Visuals Visuals Visuals Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Word/picture Bank Word/picture Bank Native Language Explanations Bilingual Dictionary
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Grade 9 - Unit 3 - ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 48 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain- Read and listen in order to speak and write with VU: General, academic and CCSS: specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, grade-level general, academic and domain-specific domain specific words L.9.6 speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness words using a Word Wall and Note Cards. LFC: Sentence structure at ELP WIDA ELDS: level. level 2 – 5 All domains LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read and listen in order to Read and listen in order to Read and listen in order Read and listen in order Read and listen in order to Objectives speak and write with grade- speak and write with to speak and write with to speak and write with speak and write with grade- level general, academic and grade-level general, grade-level general, grade-level general, level general, academic and domain-specific words in L1, academic and domain- academic and domain- academic and domain- domain-specific words by and/or by producing key specific words in L1, specific words by specific words by producing clear and coherent ideas using high-frequency, and/or by producing key producing multiple, producing organized ideas writing and speech using content-related single, ideas using general, related ideas using key, using content-based precise, content-based written and spoken words content-based vocabulary content-based vocabulary in expanded vocabulary in multiple, with phrase or memorized in written and spoken vocabulary in simple, sentences with emerging complex sentences with a patterns. phrases and short written and spoken complexity of variety of grammatical sentences with formulaic sentences with repetitive grammatical structures. structures. sentence patterns. structures. Learning Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Note Cards Supports Partner Work Partner Work Partner Work Cloze Sentences Cloze Sentences Word/picture Bank Word/picture Bank Native Language Explanations
Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks, activities and texts that students will need to be successful and emphasize these points throughout the lessons. In addition, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language before answering before the whole group, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and small group activities are effective strategies that build academic language. Furthermore, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency.