February 1, 2009 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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February 1, 2009 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


INTRODUCTION My friends, today’s Gospel occurs in a setting much like ours today — people at worship. These worshipers were “spellbound” as Jesus taught them. Let us resolve to listen carefully today, to put away distractions during our time together and pay attention to God’s message for us today.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you are the Word made flesh: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you speak to us in Word and Sacrament: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you speak to us today: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Deut 18:15-20 God will raise up a prophet. 1 Cor 7:32-35 Do what will help you devote yourselves to the Lord. Mark 1:21-28 Demons recognize Jesus as the Holy One of God.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider It is the duty of all believers to pray for the salvation of the world. Let us pray.

Minister Let us pray for peace: for peace among the nations; for peace within families and communities; for peace within our hearts … we pray, We pray for the church. For the work of the church in the world: peacemaking between enemies; the protection of life; the care of those who are forgotten by society … we pray, For those most affected by the winter cold: for the elderly, those who are home- bound and those who live on fixed incomes; for those who work outside; for those with colds and flu; for the poor and those without homes … we pray, For those who are sick or in pain; for those suffering with depression, anxiety and other conditions that make it difficult to cope with day-to-day life; for those tempted to despair … we pray, We remember those who have died … (names). For those throughout the world who died this week for lack of nourishing food, clean water, access to medical care; for those who died with no one to pray for them … we pray,

Presider Gracious God, you loved us so much that you sent your Son to teach us about you and bring us to the kingdom. Help us to hear his voice in our hearts; to see his face in each person we meet and his work in each task set before us. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. FEBRUARY 8, 2009 – FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

INTRODUCTION My friends, today we hear from Job, whose pain is so real to us, whose cries echo our own when we suffer or we must witness the suffering of others. To this suffering Jesus brings his healing and drives out the demons of despair. Let us pray for the healing of the world.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, where you are present, there is peace: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, where you are present, there is hope: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you are present with us now and with our waiting, needy world: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Job said, “I shall not see happiness again.” 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 For the sake of the Gospel I have become all things to all. Mark 1:29-39 Jesus heals and drives out demons.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider Brothers and sisters, as Jesus healed the sick, calmed the anxious and encouraged the fearful, let us pray for all those who seek the peace of mind and heart that only God can give.

Minister We pray for those throughout the world who are suffering and are without the means to ease their pain: for those without access to nourishing food, clean water, needed medication and adequate health care … we pray, We pray for the church. For all who participate in the healing ministry of Christ; for doctors, nurses, therapists, chaplains and all who tend to the sick; and for those who make this ministry possible — support staff and administrators, researchers and benefactors … we pray, We pray for the healing of society’s ills: for solutions to problems in health care, education, the media and political life; for an economy built on justice; for a society that encourages the thriving of all peoples … we pray, On this World Marriage Day, we pray for married couples: for those who are happy in their relationship and those who are struggling to love … we pray, We remember the sick of our families and community: for those living with chronic illness or pain and for those who care for them. For those without access to medical care … we pray, We remember those who have died . . . (names). For those who are grieving the loss of someone they hold dear … we pray,

Presider Good and gracious God, hear our prayers for the healing of all who seek your grace. Fill us with faith in your love for us and confidence in your power to provide what we need, and give us this day and every day the joy of your presence. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our healing Lord. Amen. FEBRUARY 15, 2009 – SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

INTRODUCTION My friends, in today’s Gospel we are presented with the compassion of Jesus toward the leper: one who was isolated from the community. Today as we pray, let us give thanks for the community around us and resolve to extend our welcome to others.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you heal the sick and pardon the sinner: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you listen to the cries of the afflicted: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, for the times we failed to welcome others: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Lev 13:1-2, 44-46 The leper shall dwell apart. 1 Cor 10:31-11:1 Paul says, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” Mark 1:40-45 Jesus heals the leper.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider My friends, our Lord Jesus welcomed the outcast, touched the untouchable, loved the unlovable. Let us reach out in prayer toward those we often fail to remember.

Minister Let us remember those who live in remote areas of the world; those from small places whose suffering is ignored; those whose pain is not mentioned in the headlines. For the forgotten … we pray, Let us remember those who go unnoticed by teachers and ministers and employers; for those who do their duty and remain obscure; for those who are shy; for those who are afraid to ask for help; for those who long to be included … we pray, Let us remember those who live on the margins: for those who do not do well in school; for those who do not feel beautiful; for those who cannot keep up with others … we pray, Let us remember those who have fallen on hard times; for those who have lost their jobs, their homes, their means of caring for those they love … we pray, Let us remember those who are sick or infirm or elderly and confined to home or bed; for those who cannot come to worship; for those who are lonely; for those who have no one to whom they can tell their stories … we pray, Let us remember those who have died … (names). For those who die unremembered and un-mourned … we pray,

Presider Good and loving God, hear the prayers of your community this day. Confident in your love for us and for all peoples of the world, we join our prayers with the prayers of those who do not know if their prayers are heard, and we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. FEBRUARY 22, 2009 – SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

INTRODUCTION In today’s readings, Isaiah proclaims that God is doing something new and Jesus heals a paralyzed man. So many are paralyzed by past events and fail to see the wonder of God’s work around us. Let us pray for open minds and hearts to God’s word to us this day.

PENITENTIAL RITE Lord Jesus, you promised to be present when we gather in your name: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you came to show us the way to new life: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, be with us; show us the way; bring us to your kingdom: Lord, have mercy.

SCRIPTURE READINGS Isa 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 “See, I am doing something new!” 2 Cor 1:18-22 The Word of God is not “Yes” and “No.” Mark 2:1-12 Jesus heals the paralyzed man.

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Presider When we pray for others, we are like the friends who brought the paralyzed man to Jesus. Filled with faith, let us bring to God in prayer all those for whom we are most concerned.

Minister We pray for the church: for communities of Christians all over the world; for liberation from all that distracts us from being proclaimers of the Good News and Christ- bearers to the world … we pray, We pray for the nations: for liberation from the paralysis of violence, greed, fear, and all that prevents us from living together in peace … we pray, We pray for our community: for liberation from prejudices, self-interest, and all that prevents us from welcoming the stranger and providing a safe haven for those who seek a home … we pray, We pray for the poor: for liberation from despair, isolation and unproductive anger as we seek solutions for our failing economy … we pray, We pray for our families: for liberation from old grudges, painful memories and all that takes the joy out of life together … we pray, We pray for the sick: for all who are struggling with depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug addiction and any other illness that confuses the mind and binds the spirit … we pray, We remember those who have died … (names). And for those who are paralyzed by grief, unable to live with the loss of someone they love … we pray,

Presider Good and gracious God, hear our prayers this day. Be the light of our lives, our hope when life is difficult, and give us the gift of faith and trust in you. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our savior and our Lord. Amen.

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