Semester/Year: Fall 2016 Office Number: Shields 205
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MATH 123 Math in Modern Society (3 credits) Course Syllabus 3:30 T, R Class
Semester/year: Fall 2016 Office Number: Shields 205 Instructor: Steve Irons Office Phone: 208-732-6830 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Office Hours: 11-11:50 M, W, F 1-1:50 T, R
COMMUNICATION: Student email accounts are the official means of communication and the student is responsible for email received there.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This survey course provides an opportunity to acquire an appreciation of the nature of mathematics and its relation to other aspects of our culture. The course is rigorous but not rigid and applies mathematics to real-world problems.
PREREQUISTITES: Math 023 with “C” or higher, or Placement Test score.
REQUIRED TEXT and SUPPLIES: Thinking Mathematically, Sixth Edition by Robert Blitzer, [ISBN: 978-0-321-86732-2]. The student will need a scientific or graphing calculator; graph paper.
OUTCOMES: General education in Mathematics develops the understanding of mathematics as a language which permits the student to express, define, and answer questions about the world.
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1.The students will be able to analyze real-world questions and mathematically structure strategies to model the question. 2. The students will be able to correctly provide solutions to the models of the questions. 3. The students will be able to communicate the solutions to the questions when analyzed and solved mathematically.
METHODS: Textbook study, lectures and explanations from instructor, class discussion and help from the instructor outside of class are all methods used.
DROP/WITHDRAWAL POLICY: A student may drop a course or all courses prior to the end of late registration (August 26, 2016) without it being recorded on the student’s official transcript. A student initiated drop before November 10, 2016 is considered a withdrawal, and results in the grade of W.
TEST POLICY: Three tests and three mini test will be given during the semester. There will be no makeup tests given so make sure you do not miss a test or mini test. On the day of the test, if an emergency arises and you cannot be there, please contact Mr. Irons’ office at 732-6830. You must contact the office before the test. If you miss a test or mini test, the score will be a zero. *Students must score at least 60% on the comprehensive final exam to receive a course grade of C or higher. GRADING POLICY: 2 Exams (2/5 of grade) 3 Mini Exams (1/5 of grade) Final Exam (1/5 of grade) Homework (1/20 of grade) Quizzes (1/20 of grade) Attendance percentage (1/10 of grade)
Percent Grade 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 0-59% F
ATTENDANCE POLICY: A class missed due to required participation in a verified school activity will not be considered an absence. When the number of class hours absent exceeds the number of course credits, the instructor has the authority (optional) to send a notice to the student as a warning and/or refer the student to his/her advisor. When the number of class hours absent exceeds twice the number of course credits (4 classes), the instructor will fail the student in the course.
Students must withdraw themselves if they decide not to complete the class. Students who stop attending yet do not withdraw from the class will earn a failing grade. After 75% of the term has elapsed (Thursday, November 10) students cannot initiate a drop/withdraw. Students will be issued a grade of A, B, C, D or F after this deadline.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Refer to page 38 in the CSI catalog.
BEHAVIORAL POLICY: Refer to page 38-40 in the CSI catalog.
NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY: It is the policy of the College of Southern Idaho to comply with all federal, state and local authorities requiring nondiscrimination, including but not limited to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Executive Orders 12898 (Environmental Justice) and 13166 (Limited English Proficiency). College of Southern Idaho is an equal opportunity employer. The college does not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject any individual to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, income, protected veteran status, limited English proficiency, or any other status protected under applicable federal, state or local law. For more information or if you believe you have been subject to discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, or if you believe you have been subject to discrimination on any other basis, please contact the College of Southern Idaho’s Title IX, ADA, and 504 Coordinator DISABILITY SERVICES: Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for reasonable accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact Student Disability Services at their first opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls Campus. 208-732-6268 or email Marita DeBoard, [email protected].
HOMEWORK: Homework problems are assigned online in the course website. Students should work these problems only after reading the textbook and attending the in-class lecture. Problems should be worked out on paper and then submitted online. Keep these papers in a notebook when working through the homework so that you can review for tests. Problems are taken from the course textbook and given in alternate form.
Late work is not accepted for full credit. A student who misses a homework assignment may have 24 hours to turn in a late assignment for 50% credit. No late quizzes allowed. Due dates and due times (Mountain Standard Time) will be listed online in the course website. You can attempt a homework question twice by clicking “similar exercise” when you have an incorrect problem. However, quiz questions can only be attempted once. Homework and quizzes are due by midnight the night before the next class meeting (Tuesday’s assignments will be due Wednesday by midnight and Thursday’s assignments will be due the following Monday by midnight). Questions over assignments must be emailed to me by noon the day of class.
HELP SESSIONS: The math lab will post hours of operation starting at the beginning of the second week of school. These sessions are in the C.S.I. math lab (Shields 207L). Also, the ADC has tutors.
COURSE EVALUATION: Evaluations are available online at:
Orientation: 1. Read course syllabus (twice)
2. Set up course website at You will need the following: Course ID: irons85753 Access Code: find it in your new textbook Username: (your eaglemail) Password: first and last initial followed by your CSI Student ID Number. (Add trailing zeros if you don’t have at least 8 characters) Campus Zip Code: 83301 Email: (your eaglemail… NOT your personal mail)
3. Next log into your course at with your username and password you just set up and complete “Browser Check” found in the center of the dashboard page
4. Last, click “Lecture & Homework” tab and complete the first homework assignment titled “Orientation”. After completed make sure you submit at bottom on all assignments, quizzes and tests. Math 123 – Math in Modern Society: Course Outline with Assignments Tuesday, Thursday Schedule (Subject to change at any time)
Day Sec Topic
1 Orientation
2 1.1 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
3 1.3 Problem Solving
2.1 Basic Set Concepts
4 2.2 Subsets
2.3 Venn Diagrams and Set Operations
5 Mini Test #1
6 2.4 Set Operations and Venn Diagrams
7 4.1 Hindu-Arabic System
4.2 Number Bases in Positional Systems
8 5.1 Number Theory
9 5.2 Integers; Order of Operations
10 Review
11 Test #1
12 5.3 Rational Numbers
13 5.4 Irrational Numbers
14 5.5 Real Numbers and Their Properties
5.6 Exponents and Scientific Notation
15 6.1 Algebraic Expressions and Formulas
16 Mini Test #2
17 6.2 Linear Equations in One Variable
6.3 Applications of Linear Equations
18 6.4 Linear Inequalities
19 6.5 Quadratic Equations
20 7.1 Graphing and Functions
21 Review
22 Test #2 23 7.2 Linear Functions and Their Graphs
7.3 Systems of Linear Equations
24 7.4 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
25 8.1 Percent, Sales Tax, and Discounts
8.3 Simple Interest
26 Mini Test #3
27 8.4 Compound Interest
8.6 Cars
28 9.1 Measuring Length; Metric System
29 9.2 Measuring Area and Volume
9.3 Measuring Weight and Temperature
Review for final remaining days left in semester Final Exam Math 123 C01V (3:30 Class)