City Managers Report For The Period July 17 To August 7, 2007

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City Managers Report For The Period July 17 To August 7, 2007

City Managers Report for the period July 17 to August 7, 2007 John D Bubier City Manager Biddeford, Maine August 7, 2007 City Clerks Voting Sites: Work continues to coordinate the actions of the city staff to complete the work that will be reimbursed by the state in order not to lose those funds.

Finance Department: The Finance Department is completing the audit year-end preparation. As indicated, the budget is in from 06-07 and in great shape. I have congratulated the staff for a wonderful year and for their fiscal restraint

Tax reform and Tax relief: Biddeford hosted a session led by Glenn Cummings, Maine Speaker of the House, also included on the invite were members of our local delegation. The public, many from ward one, numbered about 50. It was our hope to have our legislators in Augusta hear from the residents of Biddeford regarding their real estate tax/valuation concerns. As a follow up to this meeting we will try to set a meeting with Governor Baldacci to ask for a commitment on a special session.

River Rd and Guinea Rd projects are going along well. The process of grinding has begun on River Rd and will move on to Guinea Rd immediately after River Rd.

Truncated Domes for the sidewalks have been installed as proposed.

Hills Beach Rd and Old Pool: The reset of the throut of the entrance to the project from Old Pool Rd is happening this week. This as a good example of accommodating the public, hearing their concerns and in getting information out to explain the design activities. Most are very happy with the process

Days Landing Water Control : Engineering for the Days Landing project is under way as it is in the 2007-08 budget.

Cote Circle: I have spoken by phone with Mr. Prescott of Cote Circle. I am going out there to meet with him on site to hear his issues. More as it goes along

1 Joint Cooperation: Biddeford and Saco FDs are doing joint fire training sessions (CEH). These hours are to maintain the firefighter and EMS certifications. Biddeford assisted in the OOB missing child incident this week.

EMS calls ratio: In a recent spot check, of 99 calls to the FD 73 were for EMS services

Alcohol Consumption: The issue of restaurants using sidewalk spaces and other open air venues is getting a lot of play after a request was made by the owner of Bebees Burritos. Greg T, Roger B are in the mix and we hope to have comments from HOB as well. More as it continues

Maine Public Broadcasting: Bob Dodge and I participated in a televised interview of Hometown Economies for the MPBN Television group. This is scheduled to air sometime in September.

Wastewater Treatment Tour: the council and several staff members spent 3 hours touring and learning about the Biddeford Pool and City of Biddeford Wasterwater Treatment Plants . The tour included both plants and included a discussion of plant operations and CSO issues for the future. We will set up a CSO tour in the next 30 –45 days

White Paper group: I have continued to work with the white paper group as we set up sessions with the SPO and the DEP. I spent several hours with the MPBN radios staff Susan Sharon doing a Biddeford section for their larger series on the white paper issues

Blasting Permits: Blasting ordinance forms are now available in the City Hall

River Patrol Boat : the boat loaned to the cities is in the public works barn getting safety equipment and light bars placed on the unit The actual patrols are ongoing with the ‘lead sled’ from the Saco FD

Downtown Trash Notices: over the last several weeks the Codes Department has issued over 25 violations This is in response to public complaints form area residents on early out trash on the streets more as it occurs

City Hall Walk through: the majotity of the council did a walk through of the city hall space The tour included all 4 floors of the 1895 building More as it occurs

Parks : The parks mowing and athletic fields set ups are a priority at this time of year and much attention is given to beach/parks maintenance

2 Cemeteries: Mowing, headstone cleaning and general cleanup is the mode for this time of season

Sewer and wastewater: Catch basin cleaning and sewer line inspection and cleaning are on going in the summer months

HOB: We have gotten Wright Pierce Engineering to donate services to help with an RFP for the 315 Main project. This is through MSM and will really help this project move forward. The first step is to put together a steering committee of 5-7 people who will work with the engineer. Jon Edgerton (the engineer) recommended a committee made up of 1-2 council members, 1 city staff, 1 HoB board member, 1 design committee member and Rachael. Who wants to do this?

Is anyone interested in helping out with this project? We won't meet often, just need to be there to help things along.

NNEPRA: Our next Operation Meeting will be held in Old Orchard Beach on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 if anyone is interested in attending

Assessor availability: Frank Yattaw is having 30 sessions with any one who would like to sit and discuss their issues around assessment. He is taking those who have specific documentation and then is going all others in the order which they come in

Chalk on the Walk: This year it will be on September 29 (rain date oct. 6). It will basically be the same as last year: Adams Street closed, we will have food vendors, crafters, a stage and music and the art will happen all over the sidewalks.

PACTS: Yesterday afternoon MaineDOT’s Dale Doughty advised us that the June passage of the state transportation bond will enable MaineDOT to advertise during the next six months approximately $13,000,000 in highway projects funded through the PACTS process. MaineDOT will send us a list of the relevant projects shortly

Donut Club: continues to be a great meeting with local business folk. It is clear that police presence (bicycle and foot) has been a huge success.

Main Street Awards Nomination(s): Nominations are being sought in several catagories I have added the site for you to look over if you wish. Below is a link to the award categories for the MSM this year. I have some ideas and would like to hear yours as to who to nominate this year.

HOB: discussion continues regarding the options of trash pickup days in the downtown. It is important since the downtown wants to run special art shows on one night a week

3 and wants to be assured that the event is not at a time when trash bags are out on the street for the next day pickup

Shuttlebus: numbers on the intracity bus and trolly are good and we hope to see them get better The UNE shuttle will start in August

HOB: is going to continue to have the UNE welcome bags for the UNE freshman who will number over 500 this year

Lincoln Mill Bell: “Opinion of Value” information regarding the Lincoln Mill bell has been forwarded under a separate cover

Finance Performance Budgeting: Curt is following up on several options for performance budgeting In particular Saco and Lisa Parker are using some forms that do give more user friendly info to the reader

PACTS: Biddeford continues to try to shift out a couple of high priority projects for the next year inclusion in special fungi from the congressional actions In addition to the traditional projects it is also an option to try to fund work on a southern interchange for Biddeford / Arundel

Johnson Controls: The energy audit numbers are in and we will unveil them at the August 7 council meeting. It appears that the exercise will be fruitful

Cronkite Mill: the Mayor and senior city staff did a walk through of the Cronkite Mill. It is the future home to an aquarium and three other floors of development Host Ray Cronkite was on site with lots of good info and enthusiasm

Eastern Trails: the opportunity is available to use PACTS funds to finance some of the efforts with running the Eastern Trails through the Mill District and connecting up with the train station at Saco Island This may also be the recipient for funds from Community Reinvestment Act dollars from some of the larger financial institutions

BONDS: Just to recap the focus of the bonds that the Council may consider for referendum are:

1. City Hall clock/bell tower and other high priority repairs 2. East Biddeford Fire Station 3. Recreation facilities 4. Other City owned property improvements (Community Ctr, DPW, etc) 5. CSO

4 Staff is working on material for the Capitol Projects committee on the 9th and for the finance committee on the 20th. There will be a Public Hearing on the 23 or the 30th of August and a Council meeting on the 4 of September. It is expected that each offer will be a separate question.

Mill collaboration: Tuesday, July 31st @ 3:00pm with attendees:

John Bubier Bob Dodge Rick Michaud Peter Morelli John Richardson, Commissioner DECD

A new effort began at my office to push for community collaboration on the Island and in the district. I am developing a second meeting with the above people and the owners of all the buildings, the potential developers and the Commissioner of DECD John Richardson. Also invited will be Bank of America CDC

Airport : No trespassing signs required by the FAA were placed along the boundary lines of the Airport property. The issue here is airport public safety

Biddeford Planning Board items of note:

A. 2007.29 THE PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR VACATION PROPERTIES, INC to convert a 3-story vacant mill building into (7) residential units at 12 Pearl Street (Tax Map 40, Lot 72) in the MSRD-1 zone. The property is owned by Vacation Properties, Inc. and the application is presented by their agent.

B. 2007.30 THE PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A & M PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC to convert a 4-story vacant mill building into 15 efficiency residential units at 10 Lincoln Street (Tax Map 40, Lot 70-1) in the MSRD-1 zone. The property is owned by A & M Property Management, LLC and the application is presented by their agent.

C. 2007.16 THE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN/SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR NORTH DAM MILL PHASE II at 2 Main Street (Tax Map 71, Lot 11) in the MSRD 3 zone. The property is owned and the application is presented by North Dam Mill LLC.

All happening at this time. Good projects to get to know

5 West Point Stevens: I have met with Albert Davis the new Gereral Manager of WPS. He is committed to the company and seems willing to work with the city. He has asked for more detail on the proposals out and around and including the city interest in the air rights issue and in assisting WPS in their heating efficiency.

Holt Lachman, the belltower project is as follows :

July 23 – 27 the following was/will be accomplished: . . Met with Jerry and Rene at tower . . Start cost analysis . . Coordinate with Consigli Construction to provide and operate lift . . Analyze the likely source of existing leaks . . Friday – the lift will be delivered, will coordinate with Jerry for location

July 30 – Aug 3 the following will be accomplished: . . Monday – assess tower by lift and hopefully perform temporary fix for existing leak (please see below) . . Wednesday – meet with Tower team during their lunch time? Can you set this up? . . Thursday or Friday – meet with Council (preferably Friday) Can you set this up?

Repair Existing Tower Leak - They have analyzed what we think is the likely cause of the existing tower leak (the base of the Adams St railing) and we think this can be temporarily fixed while we have the lift. Consigli Construction will provide the lift and 1 operator/carpenter for us to assess the tower. However, to actually repair the leak (rather than just operate the lift) we need an additional carpenter for 1 day. I have athorized up to 800 for this venture The lift is already in place thereby lowering the cost significantly

EDA APP -Mill Master Plan: We have been invited to send the Mill District Master Planning application to the EDA. It has been sent and we await final acceptance from EDA At that time we will bring it back to the council for review.

New Markets Tax Credit : there was a conference call with the senior person in Senator Snowes office in Washington DC regarding the New Market Tax Credit and its impact on Biddeford after the new IRS definitions. It is safe to say that we are more eligible and we need to have a project to test the water . We will follow up with Lincoln Mill and North Dam Mill this week

Coordination efforts cover the Shuttlebus: 1.) BSOOB Transit (ShuttleBus) maintains York County Community Action vehicles including Shoreline Explorer trolleys.


2.) With South Portland Bus Service (SPBS) and SMRPC contracted with a consultant to do a route design study of the two systems.

3.) Share booths at trade shows and other promotional events with METRO, SPBS, GoMaine Commuter Connections

4.) Joined SPBS and METRO in offering discounts for Summer Youth pass holders.

5.) Lent SPBS one of our spare vehicles when several of their busses were down for repairs.

6.) Participated fully in PACTS Regional Transit Study and associated projects such as regional route map.

EMS Training: York county EMA is putting on the IS-230 Principles of Emergency Management class at the EMA EOC in Alfred. It will be held Saturday, Sept 8, 2007 starting at 08:00 until 16:00 hours. You must pick up the workbook ahead of time and read it before the class. Workbooks will be available August 13, 2007 at the EMA office.

The Human Resources office: continues on the daily and weekly tasks of city hall payroll, benefit administration and general employee support.

Special Interest Items:

Gloria LaCourse, Retiring on 25 Oct 07 (Thurs) Philip Radding, Facility Manager, offered job and accepted. Start date 4 Sep 07 (Tues)

Administrative Assistant P/T (10hrs) Health and Welfare – job posting approved 2005 Field Lister F/T – Assessing – to be held Assistant Engineer F/T (new) – Engineering – job posting approved for 2007

Sexual Harassment training program has been updated. City Hall, Community center training to be scheduled for August.

Employee Policy Manual and Benefit Manual still in draft mode and being reviewed by Personnel Committee.

Environmental Code Office:

7 o Preliminary evaluation of odor complaints indicates that control measures implemented as part of the WHA are having an effect on reducing the frequency of odor complaints. o MACTEC completed its negative pressure system engineering assessment. Maine Energy received a copy of the recommendation report today (7/31). The next step is consensus on the design elements followed by system installation


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