Exegesis of Psalm 109, Used Extensively in the Nativity Services
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Nativity Matins Prokeimenon
Shrine at Bethlehem church of the Nativity.
Selections from Psalm 109 are used extensively in the Nativity of the Savior services, especially the matins Prokeimenon and the Entry verse for Liturgy. Most people recognize parts of it: "From the womb before the morning-star have I begotten Thee", & "The Lord hath sworn and will not repent: Thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek." We do an exegesis of this Messianic psalm, and then, as always - the "take home" - why is it important (how does knowing this stuff affect my life?)
This homily is in AUDIO, here: http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/nativity-03_2015+from -the-womb-before-the- morning-star-have-i-begotten-thee_psalm109.mp3 This file is the notes used for the homily.
4th Tone: From the womb before the morning-star have I begotten Thee. The Lord hath sworn and will not repent. Stichos: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit Thou on My right hand, until I make Thine enemies the footstool of Thy feet.
Entrance Verse: (Deacon or Priest) From the womb before the morning-star have I begotten Thee. The Lord hath sworn and will not repent: Thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek. (Psalm 109:4)
Also used in Aposticha
PSALM 109 A Psalm of David.
109:1 The Lord said unto my Lord: Sit Thou at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies the footstool of Thy feet. 109:2 A sceptre of power shall the Lord send unto Thee out of Sion; rule Thou in the midst of Thine enemies. 109:3 With Thee is dominion in the day of Thy power, in the splendour of Thy saints. From the womb before the morning star have I begotten Thee. 109:4 The Lord hath sworn and will not repent: Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedek. 109:5 The Lord at Thy right hand hath broken kings in the day of His wrath. 109:6 He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill them with dead bodies, He shall crush the heads of many upon the earth. 109:7 He shall drink of the brook in the way; therefore shall He lift up His head.
We ponder the imponderable. This psalm states two dogmas - impossible to understand! o Jesus, eternally, fully, completely, perfectly God, eternally begotten of the Father o Christ - born of a virgin in time, perfectly God and perfectly man A dialogue between the Father and the Son
From the womb o the Father is speaking o The father has a womb? How. o The womb creates. It takes of its substance and creates. o The son was not "created", but . eternally begotten of the substance of the Father Before the morning star o morning star, first of the stars of the morning . All stars follow . represents all created things The Lord hath sworn and will not repent o god does not change o God IS Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedek. o Who is a priest? . A MAN who intercedes before God for his people. . The only begotten Son of God is not a priest . The God-man Jesus Christ is the high priest. .
Stichos: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit Thou on My right hand, until I make Thine enemies the footstool of Thy feet. o the FATHER said to the SON o footstool - allusion to the cross. o The enemies are sin, sin is slain by the cross.
TAKE HOME Priest Seraphim Holland 2016 This homily is at: http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/nativity-03_2015+from-the-womb-before-the-morning-star-have-i-begotten- thee_psalm109.mp3
Redeeming the Time Homilies from St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in McKinney, Texas
Priest Seraphim Holland shares his homilies from St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in McKinney, Texas. “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Eph 5:15- 16
Start date: October 2014
Homilies on the Gospels, Epistles, Feast Days, Various topics.
Most homilies given at St Nicholas, McKinney TX
Over 800 Homilies, continuously updated.
LOTS MORE sermons on the Nativity at: http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/index.html#FEASTS_OF_THE_SAVIOR,_NATIVITY
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