In the Interest of Early Publication for Residents, the Council Publishes Its Draft Minutes
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MINUTES OF EYE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Wednesday, 18th of May 2016 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Eye Town Hall
In the interest of early publication for residents, the council publishes its draft minutes. Draft minutes may sometime s be subject to amendment at the next council meeting before they are approved by councillors and signed by t he mayor as a true record of the meeting. When using the minutes in draft form it should always be made clea r that they are not the formal record of business until they are approved by full council.
Present: Mayor Cllr Ribchester, Deputy Mayor Cllr Molesworth, and Cllrs, Berry, Cooper, Evitt, Flatman, M Ford N Ford, Gould, Hooton, Hudson, Robins, Smith and also in attendance: Roz Barnett, Town Clerk, and 4 members of the public.
1) NOMINATION FOR MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR 16/17 a) Cllr Flatman proposed Cllr Ribchester as Mayor. This was seconded by Cllr Smith and agreed. b) Cllr Robins proposed Cllr Molesworth as Deputy Mayor. This was seconded by Cllr Evitt and agreed.
7.32 MEETING CLOSED – FOR PUBLIC SESSION POLICE REPORT - None received MID –SUFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Cllr Flatman said he had nothing additional to report since the Annual Town Meeting. He did however urge everyone to support the activities planned during the 490th memorial dedication weekend. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – No issues raised
4) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS a) The minutes of the council meeting held on Wednesday 20th of April was proposed by Cllr Ford seconded by Cllr Gould and agreed. The minutes were then duly signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
7.39 MEETING CLOSED - For the County Councillor’s Report
SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL – Cllr McGregor reported on the time line for the introduction of the 20 mile zone. He said that the formal consultation will be held in June/July and tenders sent out in September and if there are not any objections the implementation may commence as early as December 2016. Guy McGregor suggested a working party be set up to consider the introduction of the 20 mile zone. He also updated Cllrs that the cause of the flooding on Victoria Hill is being pursued and should be resolved shortly. Town councillors raised questions about the county council’s response to the Eye airfield development as there were contradictory statements about the roads and infrastructure requirements. Cllr McGregor said he would address the issues raised with officers and arrange for a revised response to be sent to Mid-Suffolk before the 8th of June
5) CLERKS REPORT The clerk gave a brief update on actions from the last meeting. (Appendix 1 to the minutes). It was agreed that the clerk would not do a direct mail out about the public satisfaction survey as this would affect the results.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………. Mayor …………………………………………………………………… Clerk Date ……………………………………………………………………….
Page 216 MINUTES OF EYE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Wednesday, 18th of May 2016 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Eye Town Hall
Cllr Evitt congratulated the outgoing Mayor on her excellent year as Mayor before moving onto discuss the planning applications. Date No of Location Details Deadline for Received Application response 21.4.2016 1697/16 21 Millfield, Erection of a single storey rear extension including a 19.5.2016 wraparound to the side elevation Cllr Evitt reported that this property was on the edge of the estate near the proposed development and is a small increase in the dwelling size so the planning committee had no reasons to object. 5.5.2016 1562/16 Mulberry Variation of Condition 4 of planning permission 2679/09. 24.5.2016 Bush To increase pupil numbers from 58 to 78. Replace Nursery, swimming pool building roof with metal sheeting Cllrs were pleased to see that a local business was thriving, however they did have some concerns about the increased traffic in this narrow cul-de-sac. In particular they were worried that vehicles coming out of the junction could cause a problem as the visibility splay is not good because of its situation near the bend. They urged Mid- Suffolk and the Suffolk County Council to assess the risks and take measures to improve visibility. 9.5.2016 2018/16 9 Victoria Erection of first floor side extension above existing 30.5.2016 Hill single storey extension. The planning Committee noted that the house is set back from the road and so no reason to object 10.5.2016 2049/16 29 Lowgate Multiple tree works 31.5.2016 380.00 Street Cllr Evitt reported that this detached house opposite Orchard Close had a lot of overgrown trees and a lot of work remedial work needs carrying out, Again Cllrs had no objections to this application
Cllr Evitt proposed that the Town Council raised no objections to applications 1697/16, 1562/16, 2018/16, and 2049/16. This was seconded by Gould and agreed. 7) DETERMINATIONS NOTED No of App. Location. Details Determination 0984/16 3 Castleton Way, Erection of two storey front & side Planning permission granted 21.4.2016 extensions 0686/16 6 Broad Street Insertion of two new staircases -, Eye Listed building consent granted IP23 7AF 5.5.2016 2375/16 21 Millfield Erection of single storey extension Planning permission granted 18.5.2016 1169/16 27 Magdalen Street Erection of 2 storey rear extension Planning permission granted 18.5.2016 1538/16 2 Progress Way Internal mezzanine Planning permission granted 12.5.2016
8) FINANCE a) Financial statement – current bank balances were noted. b) The clerk pointed out additional accounts payable Cllr Evitt then proposed the accounts payable. This was seconded Cooper and agreed. 9) ENVIRONMENT a) The Environment Committee was held on the 17th of May at the allotments and the minutes have not yet been produced. Cllr Cooper gave a verbal report stating 8 warning letters and 3 well done letters will go out to allotment holders after the allotment inspection. It was agreed at the meeting to commission Eye Gardens to clear one allotment. After a recent bout of vandalism at the skate park the Mayor is planning a graffiti project in summer to cover up all the spray painting. Cllr Cooper also explained that Cllr Byles, Berry and Robins are working on a specification to commission a structural engineer to look at church
Signed ………………………………………………………………………. Mayor …………………………………………………………………… Clerk Date ……………………………………………………………………….
Page 217 MINUTES OF EYE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Wednesday, 18th of May 2016 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Eye Town Hall
wall. After receiving two quotes for the tree works at the cemetery and churchyard the Environment Committee decided on Treefellas at a cost of £1350.
10) STRATEGIC PLANNING a) Cllr Gould reported on the meeting held prior to Council with Nick Ward a senior planning officer from Mid-Suffolk District Council. The Town Council wrote at the beginning of March to Mid Suffolk raising a number of queries and received a reply on the 12 th of May which failed to answer many of the questions posed. The meeting with Nick Ward was called to see if any answers would be forthcoming at a face to face meeting. At the meeting councillors learned that Mid- Suffolk are preparing to consider the design brief and the outline planning application on the 8 th of June. Mr Ward also explained that it is now proposed to move the care home closer to the existing housing in Langton Grove and reduce the height to two storeys. Mr Ward stated that there is an ongoing debate about the financially viability of the site between Mid-Suffolk and the developer. Eye Town Councillors stressed that affordable housing is important to the town and were concerned that density and affordable housing could be affected by the financial viability if Mid-Suffolk do not robustly challenge the developer’s arguments. The Town Council will have the opportunity to take part in a site visit on the 25th of May with the ward member. Councillors again stressed that because of the lack of status of the Eye airfield planning position statement and framework the Town is left in a very vulnerable position. b) Cllr Berry reported that Giles Piercy has been appointed as a consultant. Giles will be undertaking his research in the town during June and July. The Mayor has published a letter in the Eye Magazine urging people to get involved. 11) EVENTS a) Cllr M Ford reported that the beacon lighting was a very successful event to celebrate the Queen’s birthday and she thanked Cllr Smith for his work on lighting the beacon. She asked Cllrs to support the next two events in the calendar which are the memorial weekend and the Mayor’s parade. 12) TOWN HALL USER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE a) Cllr Berry proposed the purchase of ‘Hall Hire’ software for administering the Town Hall bookings at a cost of £180 per annum. This was seconded by Cooper agreed. b) Cllr Berry gave a report on the Town Hall Improvement Group Working Group and explained that they are working on a large bid for the full renovation of the hall. Cllr Berry thanked Alistair Govan and Andrew Brown for the work they have done in producing a film which shows what works are required at the Town Hall. Members of the group are also working on raising small pockets of money to improve facilities. Liz Govan and Cllr Byles have written applications to improve the lighting and replace the chairs. 13) CORRESPONDENCE – Cllrs discussed the idea suggested by Palgrave Parish Council of an interparish working group, based on common interests. Cllrs welcomed the idea as long as the group was informal and not over engineered. 14) URGENT MATTERS AND MATTERS FOR INFORMATION 15) GOVERNANCE a) Cllr N Ford explained the arrangement for a replacement councillor. The vacancy will be advertised in the July magazine and the position filled at the July meeting. b) Cllr Cooper proposed delegating the arrangements for the insurance premium for 2016/2017 to the clerk, Cllr Berry and Cllr Evitt. This was seconded by Cllr Berry and agreed. c) Cllr N Ford proposed the closure of the meeting pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission at meetings) Act 1960 to the press and public. The closure is being considered in order to discuss confidential matters relating to the salary of the Town Clerk. This was seconded by Cllr Cooper and agreed. Cllr N Ford advised Councillors that the Clerk would be attending a job interview the following day. Councillors expressed dismay at this news. It is understood that due to changing family commitments the Clerk is looking to increase her salary.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………. Mayor …………………………………………………………………… Clerk Date ……………………………………………………………………….
Page 218 MINUTES OF EYE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD10 ON May 2016 (Accounts 2016/2017) Eye Town Council Wednesday, 18th of May 2016 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Eye Town Hall
Bank Reconciliation at 10/05/2016 Finance and Governance are looking at ways to address this Cash in Hand 01/04/2016 situation, given budget restraints, which is mutually beneficially to the Clerk and the Council. The Clerk’s annual review takes place in June. In the meantime it was agreed that Finance and Governance will undertake a review of the Clerks role and responsibilities, to compare with 92,360.15 similar parishes and to look at remuneration in context with ADD the rest of the county and using NALC guidance. d) Receipts 01/04/2016 - 10/05/2016 d) 42,657.25 Cllr Simon Hooton formally resigned as a Councillor. He advised 135,017.40 SUBTRACT that he wishes to pursue
Payments 01/04/2016 - 10/05/2016 7,263.37 other interests. Cllr Flatman thanked Cllr Hooton for all his hard work over the years and said
A Cash in Hand 10/05/2016 127,754.03 (per Cash Book) he would be sadly missed by Cash in hand per Bank Statements the council.
Cash 31/03/2016 0.00 Barclays Current Account 31/03/2016 52,108.08 Barclays Business Account 31/03/2016 48,958.16 National savings investment 01/01/2016 30,224.30 MEETING CLOSED ATaccount 8.54pm.
131,290.54 Less unpresented cheques As attached 3,536.51
127,754.03 Plus unpresented receipts As attached 0.00
B Adjusted Bank Balance 127,754.03
A = B Checks out OK
Signed ………………………………………………………………………. Mayor …………………………………………………………………… Clerk Date ……………………………………………………………………….
Page 219 MINUTES OF EYE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON th Wednesday, 18 of May 2016 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, Eye20 Town April 2016Hall18 May(Accounts 2016 (Accounts 2016/2017) 2016/2017) Eye Town Council PAYMENTS LIST Voucher Code Date Minute Bank Cheque No Description Supplier VAT Type Net VAT Total 29 Town Clerks Salary 18/05/2016 1994 7c Barclays Current 105967 PAYE HMRC E 99.40 0.00 99.40 30 Caretaker wages 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105967 PAYE HMRC E 101.86 0.00 101.86 31 National Insurance 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105967 National insurance HMRC E 89.05 0.00 89.05 32 SalaryContributions of public toilet 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105967 PAYE HMRC E 33.80 0.00 33.80 33 Streetcleaner Cleaner and cover 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105968 Wages Street Carer E 464.67 0.00 464.67 34 Salary of public toilet 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105969 Wages Toilet Carer 2 E 64.80 0.00 64.80 35 Towncleaner Clerks Salary 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105970 Wages Town Clerk E 1,225.64 0.00 1,225.64 36 Salary of public toilet 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105971 Wages Toilet Carer E 391.00 0.00 391.00 37 Caretakercleaner wages 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105972 Wages Town Hall Caretaker E 548.10 0.00 548.10 38 Admin Other SALC 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105973 Affiliation Suffolk Association of E 729.82 0.00 729.82 39 MaintenanceAffliation Street 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105974 Repairs to bus shelter GoLocal West Councils E 150.00 0.00 150.00 40 StorageFurniture of and Valuables signs 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105975 storage Manor storage E 123.69 0.00 123.69 41 Office costs 18/05/2016 19947c BarclaysAccount Current 105976 Postage and printer ink Town Clerk E 49.12 0.00 49.12 42 Eyepostage,stationery,copyi Partnership 18/05/2016 2002 9a BarclaysAccount Current 105977 Consultant fees Giles Piercy S 4,000.00 800.00 4,800.00 43 Gas 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105978 Town Hall Gas CNG L 90.89 4.54 95.43 44 Broadband 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current Direct Broadband Zen S 42.00 8.40 50.40 45 Phone 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current Direct Phone 02 S 18.06 3.61 21.67 46 Grass and hedge cutting 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105979 Cemetery Contract Robert Fiebelkorn Z 380.00 0.00 380.00 47 Fire extinguishers safety 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105980 Fire Service Fire Extinguisher Man S 50.94 10.19 61.13 48 Insurancecheck 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105981 Insurance WPS Insurance Brokers Z 3,931.78 0.00 3,931.78 49 Annual Town Meeting 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105976 Civic Award Frames Town Clerk Z 6.00 0.00 6.00 50 Equipment 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105976 Sugar Bowls Town Clerk E 9.50 0.00 9.50 51 Lock maintenance and 18/05/2016 19947c BarclaysAccount Current 105976 keys Town Clerk E 38.00 0.00 38.00 52 Pettykey replacements cash, Misc 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105976 Donation box Town Clerk E 2.00 0.00 2.00 53 General Reactive 18/05/2016 1914 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105982 Wall hooks Cllr Berry E 12.50 0.00 12.50 54 GrassMaintenance and hedge cutting 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105983 Pocket park grass cut Hammond Garden Z 82.77 0.00 82.77 55 Hanging baskets 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105984 Hanging Baskets EyeServices Gardens Z 345.00 0.00 345.00 56 Equipment 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105985 kitchen equipment ESPO S 35.15 7.04 42.19 57 Equipment 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105986 Microwave ESPO S 57.00 11.40 68.40 58 Admin Other SALC 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105987 Data Protection Information Z 35.00 0.00 35.00 59 Electric,Affliation Water & 18/05/2016 1994 7c BarclaysAccount Current 105988 ElectricityRegistration SouthernCommissioner Electric L 145.36 7.26 152.62 Sewerage Account Total 13,352.90 852.44 14,205.34
Signed ………………………………………………………………………. Mayor …………………………………………………………………… Clerk Date ……………………………………………………………………….
1 of 1 Page 221 MINUTES OF EYE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON th Wednesday, 18 of May 2016 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber,20 April Eye 2016 Town (Accounts Hall 2016/2017)
Summary This is a report of follow-up to resolutions made at Full Town Council. This is a Standing Item on agenda to update members on progress. Ongoing items will be brought back to Council when a new decision is required or when a fuller update is needed. Actions Minute Resolution Progress Reference Progress from February Minutes 1988 7d Kitchen equipment The equipment is in the hall and ready for usage. purchases up to £150. Progress from March Minutes 1994 8b Mobile street sign The contract has been signed and sent off. The fittings costs are being contract met by the County Council. We are just waiting for a start date from the County Council 1994 9b Public satisfaction survey We have had quite a poor response to the public satisfaction survey. With only 12 completed responses so far. Early next week the clerk will do another press release and direct email everyone in my email box asking them to complete and return to the Council by the end of May. 1995 12a Caretaker vacancy Stephen started at the beginning of May and he has done a great job in cleaning the hall from top to bottom and is very popular with hirers. Progress from April Minutes 2001 7c Approval of Annual The clerk has completed the paper work for the BDO which she will Return share with Finance and Governance before sending off. 2002 8b Structural survey of Cllr Byles and Cllr Berry have prepared the paperwork and the clerk churchyard wall will be seeking three quotes for the work. 2002 8c Addition to war memorial The clerk will get quotes for this work for the environment committee to consider at their July meeting. 2002a Appointment of The clerk has a signed letter of engagement for Giles Piercy. consultant Further Information from Clerk The revised quote for the insurance has come in at £ 3,931.78 a lot more than we expected. We added to our insurance the war memorial, the Kerrison memorial for £50,000 each, the pocket park play equipment coverage of £5000, the skate park equipment £10,000, the Churchyard wall for £50,000 and the increase across the board of our heritage assets. The clerk tried to renegotiate however the majority of the premium increase is due our income changing from £85,765 to £145,000 which is 69% increase which is one of the main policy premium rating factors along with the liabilities attached to the skate park and playground and more than likely is attributed to at least 75% of the overall increase. The Mayor has agreed a number of small grants to local organisations from the Mayors fund and would like councillors to note the following payments £50 to the Elderflower Club, £50 to the Eye Opportunity Group and £93.99 to the Monday evening footballers organised by Jon Pooley for sports equipment We have had a very busy period at the council with changes in staffing, the end of the financial year, the annual town meeting and preparations for the annual meeting so the quality council has been on the back burner. The clerk will pick this up in June/July and make sure all the extra information requested is supplied.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………. Mayor …………………………………………………………………… Clerk Date ……………………………………………………………………….
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