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Coordinating school (project coordinator) - partner 1
Full name of school (in your national LICEUL TEORETIC GHEORGHE ASACHI language): Street name and number: BUCURESTI 64 Postal code: 2012 Town/City: CHISINAU Country: MD Telephone (school) (country code / +373 22 34 60; (+373 22) 22 75 88; fax: (+373 22) number): 22 24 98, Fax (country code / number): +373 fax: (22) 22 24 98, E-Mail: e-mail [email protected] School website: www.asachi.md, Full name of headmaster: Boris Volosatii School type: Secondary School Age range of students in school: from 10 to 18
Name contact teacher/project co-ordinator
First name: GRIU Last name: NATALIA Position / School subjects: ROMANIAN LANGUAGE (private) Phone: +373 22 74 38 26 Mobile phone: +373 69329501 Fax: +373 Email: [email protected]
Partner school 1
ZAKLADNA SKOLA PAVLA Full name of school (in your national language): MARCELYHO Street name and number: DRIENOVA 16 Postal code: 82103 Town/City: BRATISLAVA Country: SK Telephone (school) (country code / number): +42 243631774 Fax (country code / number): +42 1243631774 E-Mail: [email protected] School website: - Full name of headmaster: GABRIEL KALNA School type: Secondary School Age range of students in school: from 12 to 15
Name contact teacher/project co-ordinator KALNA First name: Last name: GABRIEL Position / School subjects: Headmaster (private) Phone: +42 +421 243631774 Mobile phone: +42 - Fax: +42 421 243631774 Email: [email protected]
Project idea:
There are a lot of notions, definitions and traditions concerning volunteering in all Member States of the EU, but there is a common understanding that the term "volunteering" refers to all forms of voluntary activity, whether formal or informal. It is undertaken of a person's own free-will, choice and motivation, and is without concern for financial gain. The Motivation is the kay-word in our project - Snow White and 7 volunteers, because the school is not the only place where students receive information, but also the most important place for socialization of youth. It is the place where friendships are made and lost, the place where individuals learn to communicate in an efficient way, to compete with others, who working in a team or being in a permanent competition with others. Starting from the ACES- theme “Building bridges in societies - volunteer in your communities”, the overall aim of our project is to discover new ways of volunteering inside the school community based on each school´s needs. As like in the fairytale about a Snow White and her 7 dwarfs, where every dwarf represents one character, in our project we will discuss and name and play our 7 volunteers according to their voluntary abilities. 7 ACES-moths - every month a new task, a new mascot-dwarf or two of them will be in charge and they will try to find the best way to help the school community or local area with their voluntary jobs, to make the bridges in societies. We will involve students in different activities as the charity, ecology (real work in a real garden), but also in artistic, creative activities, because they expresed the desire to draw, to model (they will model the tale heros, the 7 volunteers), also we will visite the local orphan asylum at Christmas and we intend to make common picture for our exibition. We will take the tale fairy leit-motive, that the reason why we will participate in The fairy tell mirror – a Childrens theatre managed by the students. We discovered but in the both institutions they are a tradition, an experience for the theatre art, we will use this competence of our the voluntary activities. Also we will visite an famous plastic Moldavian artist Gleb Sainciuc, we will have an round table, but also we will participate in a volunteer activities, we will help the artist with his wonderful, but big garden. So, our specific focus will be the multidisciplinary perspective, we will mixe the work and the pleasure, the real simple activities and the art, esthetic skills – all during interesting teamwork voluntary activities. In this project we will continue our ACES-tradition of debate on the Karl Popper format and on the American Parliamentary format as we believe they stimulate critical thinking and facilitate the permanent information and coherent arguments because these debates are fundamental in a democratic society and are a necessary step to transform students into responsible citizens, conscious of the reality of interpersonal relations and beyond. In our project we will focus on: -promoting the social and individual values (voluntary, respect, solidarity, cooperation, fairness, tolerance, honestity, honor, responsability, citizenship etc) to avoid the formation of incorrect representation of the differences between ethnicities, races, cultures, genders, religions, social classes , professional groups, etc.. - developing students skills to communicate , to cooperate and to interact with people belonging to different cultures, to recognize diversity in their different forms. - devoloping students voluntary experience to help them understand the need of it and that not everything must be done for money - practising teamwork, cooperation and/or competition - using active, creative, artistic methods, which can help to develop the ability of the students communication, the expression of critical spirit, tolerance, open to the recognition of values, lifestyle of the other cultures by experiencing cultural diversity. - motivating and encouraging students in establishing contacts and exchanging experience with the foreign partners throughout the discovery of the language , life and their culture in the real context of the host country; - encouraging the European dimension of education by sharing teaching experiences with the other partners colleagues ( during the project) as well as after the project is finished; - improving the quality of the educational process using multidisciplinarity as methods for some of the chosen subjects; - developing ICT competences both for teachers and students by making a web site for the project that includes some products of the pupils, information about partner schools At the end of each play, we will evaluate the progress and success of the volunteers. They will discuss all role- plays in the debates and then they will find which voluntary is needed the most.
Expected project outcomes/products: Which concrete products will your project produce? A logo of the project Facebook page of the project A DVD with the play of the fairy tales T-shirts with the logo A calendar with the photos The project book / a project e-book The plasticine models of tale hero.
Project implementation:
For a better implementation and a realization of the project idea we need to establish a good way of communication. We will do it on the internet, through the website for the project, so that the children can easily be in contact all the time and share their ideas on the topics established for the debates and on the debate itself. The site will be provided with all necessary things that a web page needs in order to ensure and ease communication: a photo gallery, a forum, a chat room. All partners will have access to communication through the site in order to exchange ideas and debate on the subjects, we will be able to hold video conferences and on line debates. There will be uploaded materials made by pupils on topic, interviews, articles, photo exhibition. The methods used throughout the project are: communication, interviewing, theatre, debating, realising materials, exchanging photos etc .The project will ensure not only an increased interest in English but also improve their debating skills.
Activity plan: Who Who leads When? What and how? Where? participates? implementations? Getting to know each other – forming a group on Facebook where we can be in touch with the on-going activities, using Skype for conference talks, sending Power Point Septembre each presentations on our schools, all classes Coordinators 2011 partner students, teachers. *Forming a group of students that will be responsible for communication among the schools. *Organize the on-line contest for the best Logo Project. Octobre *Making the photo gallery – each all classes Coordinators 2011 Wonderful ideas in simple partner things! The students will vote for the best commented foto. *Making interviews among children:” “ The volunteering a way of a solidarity! ” Writing the article on the webpage. *Hai, Asachi! - voluntaree activities to participate to digging in the garden of a old artist man. *Meeting in Bratislava. *Preparing presentations and brochures about volonteering work and volonteers in our local comunities and schools. Exchanging information with partner schools ( learning cyrcles ) and preparing a general presentation about volonteering in our countries. Final presentation should be the same made in English and each native tongue ( Slovakian, Romanian.) * Do we need Novembre voluntariate in society? –debate Bratislava all classes Mr. Gabriel Kalna 2011 on the K.P. american format in Bratislava. * The fairy tell mirror – Childrens theatre, part I The participants will play divers roles of famous tales or classic textes like The Snow White and the 7 dwarfs by Grimm Brothers, Le petit prince by A. de Saint-Exupery , Cuore by Edmondo de Amicis, etc) and expres/discuss the life-lesson that they learned.. *Work-shop Magic hero - modeling of plasticine tale figurine. The open-handed activities Christmas. * Each school will visit the local orphan asylum. During the visit they willl -Show Decembre the artistic program prepared each all classes Coordinators 2011 on The fairy tell mirror – partner Childrens theatre. -Made in cooperation with the host- children common picture on the Christmas theme. January Organizing „Peer +“ - In each all classes Coordinators 2012 cooperatin with the teachers partner good students help the weak students ( with homework and studying ). A group of students at each partner school can have a task to exchange information on what they study, homework they write, projects they work on. They can also exchange materials (digital exercises, written homework, esseys, presentations, displays of art and craft works...). Meeting in Chisinau. *Debate on the American Parliamentary format on the motion - Motiviatian or Obligation in the voluntaring activities|? *Visit the famous painter Glebus Sainciuc February and his home exhibition. *The Chisinau all classes Ms. Griu Natalia 2012 fairy tell mirror – Childrens theatre, part II proposed as an spectacle for the special guests, the old ex-teachers of the lyceum. *Work-shop create the Project book SNOW WHITE and 7 VOLUNTEERS. *Evaluation of the project. Organizing a survay on: what our studens know and think about volonteering now, after the project and how many are willing to take part in activities organized at school which involve voloniteering; if there are better resultes in studing ( less number of bad marks ); each March 2012 all classes Coordinators if there is a better working partner atmsphere at schools; what the students involved in the project think of their work and the benefits they gained (if any). Sharing the results of the survay and writing a report on the project. * A video conference(thanking and saying goodbye ) Participants: teachers / Total Partner school Female Male Students number Partner 1 Teachers 8 6 2 Students 50 25 25 Partner 2 Teachers 8 4 4 Students 50 25 25 Partner 3 Teachers 0 0 0 Students 0 0 0 Total all teachers 16 10 6 Total all students 100 50 50
Students´ age range: from 12 to 15
How many INDIRECT participants do you expect to reach with the activities in your project: 50
Who are the partners / organisatios? / How will they get involved? / What role will they have? The Orphan municipal asylum, we will have an charity activities in common. Gleb Sainciuc, plastic artist, 91 years old.
Involvement of additional groups:
Parents of the involved students – hosting of visiting students, financial aid for the travel (if necessary).
Which school subjects is your project associated with?
The activities are linked to the curriculum content to the literature,Civic education as the main interest of the project, implemented though the extracurricular activity of the debate, English as the language of the project, Informatics, ICT, Phys
Does your project foresee any extracurricular activities? If yes, which ones?
Yes, the project is based on the extracurricular activity of debate and we will cooperate with corresponding nongovernmental organisations in our countries We will go carolling in the city and we will make appeal to the local newspapers and the city council to help us give treats to the carollers as it is accustomed. If yes, which ones? (if no, type “none”) Firstly, the debate by itself is presented by the students, so they will have to be involved directly. We will certainly help with the preparation of the topics and with understanding the debate, but, as we plan to have international teams, the students will still have to communicate a lot among them in order get to know their team mates. In order to coordinate the whole project. Student’s will participate at all project activities starting with the realisation of the web site for the project, they will produce materials, conduct interviews, write articles, chat, make photos and other materials that will be uploaded in order for both partners to have direct access to them. When we set out the activity plan we questioned our students on what they would like to find out about the partner school and they are now very enthusiastic about this project as they have a lot of questions concerning everyday life, school life, history, and culture that they would like to ask our partners. de debate Also, we will plan the hosting of the visitors and the free time activities together with the students, as they will be directly involved in these activities afterwards
Brief describtion of the background
Coordinating school: Ou device is AN EDUCATION FOR THE III MILlENIUM! Theoretical Lyceum Gh. Asachi is a big institution- 2000 students, it is a school with old traditions 147 years. The students who attend them are good prepared, they speak well english, russian and french, they have the experience of work in different project. In classes we have a number of 25-35 students. We have a primary school, the gymnasium and the lyceum. They are a lot of extracurricular activities in the institution- Theatre Albina, The Debate CLUB, The Cultural Centre, Sportiv dans club”Triumf”, Ansamblul etnofolcloric ”Doiniţele”, Vocal Group”Clasa vedetelor”, Art Cercle ”Paleta veselă”, The Olimpic Club etc Our pupils are successful in inter-school, national and international competitions and regularly win prizes for their performance in physique, sports, literature, language and mathematics.
Partner school 1: We can make you successful...that´s our motto. Pavol Marcely School is a state primary and secondary school focusing primarily on the development of our pupils' knowledge of the natural environment, IT and languages. Our school is located in the city centre. There is a large sports and recreation area surrounding the school where pupils can play volleyball or football. There is also a small lake situated beside the school buildings. Pupils have opportunities to follow courses in several languages, as well as in information technology and computing skills. English is taught as the main second language, and language teaching is broadened to include German for pupils over 11 years of age. Many of our pupils are successful in inter-school competitions and regularly win prizes for their performance in music, sports, literature, language and mathematics. The school has participated in many projects, including the Healthy Schools project on lifestyle, the water- related Blue Schools project, and the Green Schools project, which focused on recycling and waste streams. The school also carries out a number of projects within the local community. We have a few students with learning difficulties and disabilities but every year there are more and more of them. Now it's about 7%. We have about 5% of students from a different backgrounds than Slovak, and they are from Hungarian, Czech, Former Russian and Pakistani backgrounds. Boys form about 51% of the intake. Our role in the project is as coordinating school, to lead the application and coordinate the other participants.
Intercultural Dialogue; Educational Innovation; Cooperation; Participation & Equal Opportunities The general aims of the aces programme are intercultural dialogue & educational innovation We will make visits in each country, see the schools, have an educational experience. Also our activities are various - debeite, work-shope, exhibition, charity activities, theatre -this is an premise of the intercutural dialogue. The methods used throughout the project are: communication, interviewing, theatre, debating, realising materials, exchanging photos and this is are interactive way of learning that build the critical thinking .
How does the project ensure the active involvement of the students in the planning and implementation of the project:
The students participated to the elaboration of our agenda-activities, a lot of ideas are proposed by them. They will take an active part, because for each activities we will delegate the chief-student.
How does your project ensure the continuous communication and joint work of the partner schools?
We have a good tradition to continue our teamwork. This year we intend to invite in project the ex-partners in 2009 for Moldova and 2010 ex-partners for Slovacia - The lyceum from Baicoi,Romania. Our students will become friends 100% and we intend to make an Agreement between the school.
How does your project ensure that students who need more support to participate have the opportunity to?
The project has already a tradition in the both institutions and a lot of people are involved, including the administration, the representatives of the Parents Association that ensure the equal participation of all students that want to take part to Aces activities.
How do you intend to evaluate the progress of the project and its final results?
The progress of the project will be evaluated in meetings held once a year, among teachers of all partner schools. They will express their evaluation on the carried out activities and obtained products, in order to plan the following stages of the project. The participation of the pupils will be evaluated in the different stages from, their research, products and their interest in the project. The impact will be evaluated by testing improvement in knowledge, creative capabilities and thinking, language and also the ability to co-operate with other pupils and adults. In each partner school we will hold public debates with the judges from corresponding national debate associations. They will expertly judge and evaluate our progress. As the debates will be public, we expect the response and comments from the public as well. We also expect the students attending the workshops to present their opinions about the success and the impact of the workshops. We will try to increase the impact of our project through out informing the community about local and regional role of this partnership, through school exhibitions and other events organized in school and in the local communities, and through the brochure and the DVD containing the debates and the workshops. We will evaluate the progress on line and live project meetings, periodical updates of website, reports, surveys, interviews, direct observations during project meetings.