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Templeton Fire Department
Concurrent With Agency Specific Requirements Revised 09/2010
Task Book Assigned to: Individual’s Name: Agency:
______(Printed) Issue Date ______(Signature) Due Date ______
Version 1 9/28/2010 Templeton Fire Department Company Officer Task Book
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POSITION TASK BOOK SCOPE A Position Task Book (PTB) shall be completed by any member of the Templeton Fire Department (TFD) who is training for a position or rank requiring the completion of specific tasks and training under supervision. Higher position workbooks may be initiated at any time after the member has met the prerequisites for the position.
This PTB was amended to maintain compliance with the adopted procedures and guidelines taken from the San Luis Obispo County Fire Chief’s COMPANY OFFICER (All Risk) Position Task Book.
PURPOSE The PTB is a written record of the minimum required training and experience necessary to achieve a specific position or rank. Each task book will assist you by serving as a road map to guide you through the specific skills you must perform and the training you must complete in order to be certified for each position. Completion of the entire task book will ensure that you have been evaluated in the critical tasks necessary to safely and adequately function in that position.
DEFINITIONS Completion: Successful accomplishment of all requisite skills and knowledge. Conduct: Lead and direct the major elements of the activity. Demonstrate: Perform the manipulative skills and physical actions necessary for the task. Evaluator: A person currently qualified in that position or at least one level above the position being evaluated. Participate: Actively perform an essential portion of the activity.
PREREQUISITE CERTIFICATIONS AND EDUCATION Prior to receiving the next higher level of PTB, the candidate must meet all of the certification and educational requirements in the Prerequisite Certifications and Education section of the PTB. This requirement is designed to ensure that the candidate has the necessary foundation to perform the skills within the PTB and to ensure that upon completion and certification in that position, the candidate is qualified to assume the rank that he/she is “qualified” for under the PTB system. If one or more of the prerequisite requirements can be demonstrated to have been unattainable (course not offered, course number or title changed, etc.) or if the candidate has other training or certifications which would closely parallel the requirements of the PTB, the Fire Chief may authorize a candidate to proceed with a given PTB and/or to achieve that training/certification at a later date not to exceed one year from the issuance of the PTB. No additional workbooks will
9/28/2010 3 Templeton Fire Department Company Officer Task Book be issued without the candidate having first completed the educational requirements of the previous PTB.
INITIATING A WORKBOOK To initiate a workbook and begin training to qualify for a specific position, follow these steps: 1. Meet with the Training Officer to determine that you meet the prerequisites for the PTB being requested and that you are eligible to begin a PTB. 2. Submit a request through the chain of command to the Training Officer for the PTB you wish to obtain. 3. Obtain a blank workbook for that position from the Training Officer and have them enter the issue date, due date and sign and print his/her name on the front cover.
SIGNING OFF SKILLS AND TRAINING When you demonstrate proficiency for a specified task, your evaluator may sign off that task by entering the date of completion under Date Completed and initialing under Evaluator. For any skill being evaluated, candidates are encouraged to demonstrate proficiency multiple times to exhibit depth of training and competency of that skill. Your evaluator must be qualified at or above the level of the position being evaluated.
SIMULATED AND ACTUAL WORK EXPERIENCE Skills portions of the PTB may be signed off by an evaluator using realistic training, if no actual work experience has been made available to the candidate. For example: If a Firefighter has not been able to gain real life experience by fighting a car fire, the supervisor may sign off the skill by using realistic training and documenting multiple dates on which the task was performed.
DRIVER OPERATOR QUALIFICATION All driver operators must complete the Education and Skills portion of the Company Officer PTB within 1 year. The time for completion may be extended upon approval of the Fire Chief or his/her designee. An evaluator may sign off tasks completed in their presence and under their supervision. Completion of certain District-approved courses may qualify for completion of specific tasks, and the firefighter may be required to demonstrate only a portion of the material in order to assure that they have obtained the necessary skills.
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COMPLETING THE POSITION TASK BOOK AND BECOMING QUALIFIED When a member has completed all the requirements in the PTB, qualified officers and instructors have signed them off, and your supervisor has signed and dated the “Verification of Completed Workbook” form, the candidate shall schedule a time with the Training Officer for review. The Training Officer shall review the book for completeness and accuracy and may “quiz” the member in reference to specific skills signed off as complete in the PTB If the PTB is complete and the Training Officer is satisfied with the candidate’s proficiency in the individual skills, the Training Officer shall sign it and award the member written documentation that the member is qualified for that position. The original PTB will be placed in the firefighters Fire Department’s training file. Date and type of qualification will be entered into the member's personnel file.
DEPTH OF TRAINING The basis of documenting training in a PTB is to record the real training and education that the candidate has mastered. Therefore the candidate should attempt to have the evaluator(s) document each time that skill has been performed, to demonstrate depth of training and competency of that skill.
TIME FRAME FOR COMPLETION The Driver Operator PTB shall be completed within nine months of issuance.
RETESTING AND RETRAINING When, in the opinion of a supervisor or the Training Officer, a member does not demonstrate proficiency in one or more skills signed off in the PTB, the member may be required to retrain and retest on the related tasks. At the discretion of the Fire Chief, the member will be subject to corrective action until completion of any training requirements or tasks.
LOSS OF QUALIFICATION When a previously qualified member repeatedly fails to demonstrate proficiency in one or more of the skills in the PTB the member’s qualification may be revoked. The Fire Chief may require the member to re-qualify on all tasks in that section of the PTB.
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PREREQUISITE CERTIFICATION AND EDUCATION The following requirements must be met prior to obtaining the COMPANY OFFICER PTB Each of these requirements must be documented in the member’s personnel file. Completion of TFD DRIVER/OPERATOR PTB COMPANY OFFICER TASK BOOK:
Date Evaluator Education TASKS Completed EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS I-300 Intermediate ICS S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior S-215 Urban / Wildland Interface or SFM Command 1C
Apply the SLO CountySkills radio TASKS plan to identify command and Date Evaluator tactical frequencies Completed COMMUNICATIONS What are PL Tones DemonstrateDescribe the differencesthe use of department between Simplex handheld and and Duplex mobile radios. UHF and VHF SAFETYDemonstrate countywide radio practices and procedures Demonstrate knowledgethe use of the of SLOthe SLO County County approved radio planPAS (Personnel Accountability System) Explain differences in command and tactical frequencies Describe the Standardized Evacuation Signal (as identified in the ICS 420 FOG) Describe the use of “Emergency Traffic” (as identified in the ICS 420 FOG) Describe the SLO County “Two-In Two” Out Policy Describe what signs to recognize in regards to building collapse Describe safety concerns dealing with each of these hazards: 1. Fires (all types) 2. Traffic Accidents 3. Hazmat 4. EMS 5. Rope Rescue 6. Confined Space 7. Water Related Incident IFSTA FIRE DEPARTMENT COMPANY OFFICER
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Read chapters 5 (Leadership as a Group Influence) and 6 (Elements of Supervision and Management) (IFSTA Company Officer) Complete chapter quizzes minimum 80% NOTE: SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF SFM COMMAND 1A AND 1B IS COURSE EQUIVALENT. FIRE FIGHTING STRATEGY AND TACTICS Engine Company Operation: 1. Demonstrate ability to lead crew members on the fire ground 2. Explain safety concerns Truck Company Operations 1. Participate in an operation with a truck company 2. Explain considerations for truck company request or deployment 3. What are the needs of an incoming truck? 4. List safety and risk concerns Explain “Risk Analysis” Explain when an Incident Action Plan is needed and what it should contain List the various building construction types 1. What are some concerns? Structure Fires Explain size-up considerations Explain RECEOS and REVAS Outline objectives and tactics Explain Offensive vs Defensive List resource needs List risk and safety concerns Vegetation Fire Explain size-up considerations Outline objectives and tactics Explain Direct vs Indirect attack List resource needs List risk and safety concerns
Vehicle Fires Explain size-up considerations Outline objectives and tactics List resource needs Explain risk and safety concerns WUI Structure Protection Explain size-up considerations
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Outline objectives and tactics List safety and risk concerns Demonstrate ability to provide size-up and condition reports for a variety of incident types Demonstrate ability to use maps, preplans, ICS 420 FOG and DOT guide NOTE: SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF SFM COMMAND 1A AND 1B OR CDF INCIDENT MANAGEMENT 1 ARE COURSE EQUIVALENTS RAPID INTERVENTION CREW Explain tactics Explain required equipment needs 3. Demonstrate manipulative skills NOTE: SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF 24 HOUR SFM RIC TRAINING IS COURSE EQUIVALENT FIRE SCENE PRESERVATION Demonstrate knowledge of Fire Scene Preservation Concerns NOTE: SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OG SFM INVESTIGATION 1A IS COURSE EQUIVALENT
VENTILATION Describe hazards and safety concerns Demonstrate tools and equipment Demonstrate how and when the following types of ventilation would be used: Natural Positive Pressure Hydraulic Vertical Horizontal Explain Backdraft signs and list tactics FIRE BEHAVIOR (DEMONSTRATE KNOWLEDGE) Review Fire Behavior Flashover, Time / Temperature Curve Participate in Live Fire Training or Proctored Incident NOTE: FIRE CONTROL III IS COURSE EQUIVALENT EMERGENCY INCIDENT ACTIVITIES Date Evaluator These tasks Must be Performed on an incident, hot drill or Completed in a incident management situation. Communicate with dispatch and other units Locate incident on map or preplan Note incident type, weather, location and structure type
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Provide appropriate size-up or obtain briefing from command Request additional resources as needed Utilize Personnel Accountability System Understand and implement Incident Action Plan Assign tasks to Engine Companies Monitor subordinate work performance Adapt to changes in situation Anticipate and forecast needs and potential for incident Document activities Explain the Demobilization process Participate in key decision making process Establish Incident Command Provide Leadership and Supervision
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I verify that all tasks have been performed and are complete with signatures.
I also verify that
has performed as a trainee and should be considered for qualification in the position of COMPANY OFFICER
I certify that
has met all requirements and that qualification for this position has been issued.
Version 1 9/28/2010