Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association

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Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association

Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association Board of Directors Meeting October 1, 2013 3775 E. Lone Cactus Drive Phoenix, AZ 85050 MEETING MINUTES October 1, 2013

Directors Greg Abrams, President Jim Merickel, Vice- President Ryan Anderson - Secretary Bruce Kosaveach - Treasurer Jim Karras - Director

Others Present Kevin Hearty, AAM, LLC Matt Murphy, AAM, LLC Kim Rinehart, Community Manager, Fireside at Desert Ridge Donna Davis, Lifestyle Director, Fireside at Desert Ridge

Call to Order Greg Abrams called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.

Introductions  Greg Abrams introduced new Board members. The Board is currently made up of four residents along with one Pulte representative, Jim Karras.  Developer update: Jim Karras reported only four homes are left to sell with a total of 914 homes in the Community. The last home expected to sell will be lot 1 where the trailer is located. This will be expected to close in March/April time period.  Anticipated election will be the first quarter of 2014.

Financial Review  A Financial Review of the Community was given by Matt Murphy summarizing the Association’s year-to-date financial performance for 2013. The Community is in a very strong financial position with no cash flow issues.  Kim Rinehart reviewed the income statement; currently the total Fireside Budget is $172,175 under plan. Page 2

Management Update A Management update was given by Kim Rinehart, Community Manager, Fireside at Desert Ridge.  Student Parking – Petitions were signed for “No Parking” signs along the road in Copper View by Pinnacle High School. This has greatly improved the parking issues.  Landscape – 2,300 plants were planted; 370 tons of granite was put down along the main roads (Deer Valley, 40th Street and Mayo.  Lights were added by walkway to Crimson Point and by the Scarlett Ridge Pedestrian gates.  Painting Project – almost complete; next project will be the painting of monument signs.  Parking Policy – It has been a transition period to educate residents and identify cars but it is moving forward and has been very positive.

Lifestyle Update A Lifestyle update was provided by the Lifestyle Director, Donna Davis.  Donna Davis reviewed all the upcoming events in October.  Also discussed were all the classes offered.

Transisition Committee  Master Association met with the Transition committee to see how the two Associations can move forward. The Committee is still working through issues to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Benefitted Parcel Committee  Bruce Kosaveach is chairing this new committee and explained the role of the parcels. He is looking for a few volunteers to join the committee to discuss future needs/concerns of the benefitted parcels including Scarlet Ridge, Sierra Peak and Ember Courts.

New Business  Plant replacements for Sierra Peak – A motion was made by Ryan Anderson to approve the plant replacements for Sierra Peak. This motion was seconded by Bruce Kosaveach and carried unanimously.  Holiday Lights – A motion was made by Ryan Anderson to have Somer Lights install Holiday lighting for the Community Center, Gates, and Monuments. The motion was seconded by Bruce Kosaveach and carried unanimously.  Hands in Motion Spa – A motion was made by Ryan Anderson to approve of a 90 day Contract with Hands in Motion Massage Therapy to perform services for the residents at our Community. The motion was seconded by Jim Merickel and carried unanimously. Page 3

Old Business Ryan Anderson made a motion to approve of the future meeting dates listed below. Jim Karras seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.

Homeowner’s Open Forum Summary  Steve Carter – would like to have no fee for family guests, age restrictions lowered to 7 or 9 year olds for use of fitness center, and more places opened up around the pool to eat. He also would like to see a sidewalk or raised platform placed in the wash.  Bob Mayo – would like to see lights along the pathway trail behind Sunset Canyon.  Talia Offord – asked a question as to the latest update on the 51 connection. Kim Rinehart gave her a website to look at for the latest updates.  Connie Swanson – was concerned that the music during events was disturbingly loud  John Tsarsis – would like to know the type of enhancements we plan to do over the next year. Kim Rinehart listed the items the Board is reviewing. He would also like to have seen artificial turf rather than gravel by the windows leading out of the fitness center.  Ron Bookholder – before heating the large pool, he would like to see an email going out to the residents to see if it would be worth the costs based on the anticipated usage.  Kevin Jost – was looking for more clarification on details of events and consistency in times and details posted on website as well as other communications.  Thomas Jamiolkowski – suggested that it would be more cost effective to clean the carpets in the gym with a recommended company that can take out tough stains and make the carpet look new, than in replacing the entire flooring.

Adjournment The Meeting was adjourned by Board President, Greg Abrams at 7:35p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by, Rita Marranca Recording Secretary On Behalf of the Board of Directors for Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association

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