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Location: Telephone Time/Date: 1:30 p.m. to 3:25 p.m.; September 26, 2007 Members Present: Art Andrew, Bret Baker, Ross Carlson, Chairperson Dick Davis, Greg Helmer, Marti Ikehara, Steve Martin, Steve Sarsfield, – 8 total (7 = quorum) Members Absent: Director Yehuda Bock, Giana Cardoza, John Orcutt, Cathy Constable, Frank Webb – 5 total Others Present: Executive Manager John Canas, Recorder Larry Fenske, Coordinator Maria Turingan Meeting Leader: Chairperson Dick Davis Agenda: See attached.
1. Welcome: a. Davis called roll to ensure a quorum was present (see listing of participants above). b. The minutes of August 22, 2007, Executive Committee (EC) meeting were discussed and corrected. The minutes indicated 14 EC members (10 participants and four absent); whereas, the Bylaws specify 13 members. After some discussions, it was determined that Orcutt is the Chancellor’s designee and Constable has replaced Robert Parker as the IGPP Director (department head). Marye Anne Fox, the UCSD Chancellor, should not be listed. Carlson will correct and redistributed the minutes for approval by e-mail.
2. Director’s Report: No report; Bock is recovering from surgery.
3. Financial Report: Turingan stated the financial reports through August 31, 2007, are completed; however, Canas has requested several revisions in the reports. She is now in the process of making the requested revisions. She ensured the meeting participants that financial reports will be available for the Coordinating Council meeting in October. Turingan reported that Gilbert Mitchell, a NGS manager, would be available to meet with the EC during their October meeting.
4. Executive Manager’s Report: a. Towill’s Proposal (Central Coast Height Modernization (HM) Project) – Canas stated, as a result of negotiations with Towill, Inc., the current cost for this project is $377,435, $20,010 less than Towill’s initial proposal of $397,445. The per station cost (160 stations) is $2,287, which is $714 less that the Northern San Joaquin Valley HM project. Tomorrow, Canas and others will meet with Towill representatives to review UCSD contract provisions. Also tomorrow (after the contract meeting), the Pocket GPS Manager (PGM) training will occur for selected Towill’s employees. The meetings will be held at UCSD facilities in La Jolla. b. Yehuda’s Recovery – Canas will meet with Bock at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow. If Bock is well enough, he will discuss various CSRC issues with him at that time. He does not know if Bock will be well enough to attend the fall Coordinating Council meeting. He plans to distribute an e-mail on Bock’s recovery after his meeting with Bock. c. NOAA Grant Award, FY07/08 – Canas stated NOAA has granted CSRC $960,000 for FY07/08. d. National HM Program – The next meeting for the partners of the National HM Program will occur in October, but the date has not been set. At prior meetings, the HM partners reached a consensus that EC Meeting Notes (9/26/07) Page 1 of 5 they wished to retain their individual HM efforts. The focus of the next meeting will be to meet with Admiral Lautenbacher (the Admiral for NOAA) and brief him on the needs of the individual HM partners. Ultimately, the strategy is that the Admiral would provide testimony at a Congressional hearing regarding the national HM needs and funding requirements. The Congressional hearing has not been established to date. e. National Gravity Survey Plan – Canas briefed the EC on NGS’s proposed effort for a comprehensive National Gravity Survey Plan. The estimated cost for the Plan is $40 million and it would require five to eight years to complete. Precise gravity measurements would be determined on a 10-kilometer grid (spacing). Although the Plan is unfunded to date, NGS currently is developing manuals and performing tests. This initial work should be completed in about one year. Canas stated that the National Gravity Survey Plan is related to, but separate from, the National HM Program. Helmer asked if the Kathleen Ritzman (a UCSD advocate) was involved and said that CSRC must ensure Congress is aware of California’s needs. Canas responded that she is involved. Canas added that NGS is seeking partners to perform gravity measurements in selected problems areas. Helmer suggested that this work should be a considered for inclusion in next year’s CSRC Work Plan. f. Work Plan – Canas encouraged the EC participants to begin work soon on the FY08/09 Work Plan. Davis stated he plans to include this item on the agenda for the face-to-face meeting in October.
5. Work Plan/Budget: Andrew did not have a formal report regarding the Work Plan, but the topic generated considerable discussion. The EC recognizes that the FY07/08 Work Plan includes three HM projects – Central Coast HM project ($225,000), Northern San Joaquin Valley HM orthometric adjustment ($107,000), and data integration efforts ($93,000). CSRC is moving ahead on the Central Coast project (see Executive Manager’s Report, above). The task order has been drafted for the San Joaquin orthometric adjustment; however, this adjustment cannot be performed until Bock completes the horizontal/ellipsoid height adjustment. When Canas meets with Bock tomorrow, we will check on the status of this adjustment. The data integration budget item provides funds to enter older projects into PGM, such as the Northern California HM project. Canas expressed concerns regarding the funds available for the Central Coast project and the amount of “carry over” funds available. Turingan will prepare these figures for Canas. Turingan advised the EC that funds were also available in the FY07/08 Work Plan for a Geodetic Land Surveyor. Fenske stated that he has been an advocate of this need to ensure the various HM projects are completed in a timely manner. The Surveyor also would be available to answer geodetic (technical) questions and to assist Bock in general. However, the need might be less in the near future because CSRC now has (or soon will have) professional land surveying firms under contract to perform this type of work. In addition, the large HM projects will “wind down” after the Central Coast project is completed. Ikehara and others suggested that it might be beneficial to prepare a duty statement. However, the EC did not take additional action. Turingan provided an explanation of the UCSD overhead charges, which are 54.5 percent for CSRC’s current grant process. The overhead charge is applied to all direct costs (contractors, consultants, supplies, etc.), but not to equipment expenditures. For FY07/08, the approximate overhead charge, for the $960,000 grant, is $334,000. This provides about $626,000 for actual expenditures (work). Turingan and others explained that NGS insisted that CSRC could not use the JIMO (Joint Institute of Marine Observations) funding process for the NOAA grant. The JIMO process has a considerable lower overhead charge.
6. Contracts/Projects Status Reports:
EC Meeting Notes (9/26/07) Page 2 of 5 a. Northern San Joaquin Valley HM Project – UCSD staff will perform the horizontal/ellipsoid height adjustment for this project. The orthometric adjustment will be preformed by a “on call” contractor. Canas reported that the Task Order for the adjustment effort has been prepared. A question was raised regarding the status of PGM effort for about 30 stations that Caltrans requested to be included in the adjustment. The stations were surveyed by Caltrans during the observations for this HM project. It was reported previously that this PGM work was completed, but the effort now appears to be incomplete. Ikehara will check with UCSD staff and Caltrans personnel and report to the EC. When Canas visits Bock tomorrow, he will ask for an update on the status of the task order and UCSD’s adjustment effort, if appropriate. b. PGM Staffing – Turingan reported that a person has been hired to provide PGM support. c. Central Coast HM Project – See previous discussions under the Executive Manager’s Report, above. Canas will discuss the approval to move ahead on this project with Bock tomorrow, if appropriate. Ikehara stated that she would be supplying Towill with additional reconnaissance notes and photographs for the project. This will complete CSRC’s reconnaissance effort for the project. d. Northern California HM Project – Davis reported that this older, large HM project, consisting of 775 plus stations, is included in NGS’s recent NAD83(NSRS2007) national adjustment. The HM survey was essentially performed by Caltrans. The orthometric adjustment remains to be completed. CSRC will provide oversight for the adjustment effort; however, the actual work will be performed by Mike Potterfield, a CSRC geodetic consultant. Helmer is the project manager for this effort. Caltrans is providing the funds for the adjustment through a contract with CSRC. Davis stated that the work has been delayed by contracting issues, but these are now resolved. Turingan added that she is ready to execute a contract with Potterfield as soon as she obtains Bock’s approval for the contract. e. Southern California NAVD88/GPS-Derived Orthometric Heights Study: Helmer suggested that the results of this work should be published on the CSRC website. The EC discussed this issue last month and decided, at that time, to post an announcement on CSRC’s website that interim data for this project are available. Requests for such data are to be directed to Helmer. The rationale for this decision was that the final report has not been issued. Cecelia Whitaker, a CSRC consultant, has essentially completed the final report; however, the EC members have not seen the final report to date. Helmer said he would send the report to the EC members when it is completed.
7. Coordinating Council: The fall Coordinating Council meeting is scheduled for October 18 at La Jolla. On August 30, Turingan sent an e-mail to the CSRC general mailing list announcing the meeting and providing related details. The EC discussed who should be invited to the meeting other than the those included on the general mailing list, specifically which HM partners should be invited. The consensus was that all HM partners should be invited. Canas advised that the e-mails regarding the recent National HM Program meeting in Denver provide a good listing of HM partners. Canas reported that Du Smith, a NGS geodesist, would be attending the Coordinating Council meeting. Davis requested the EC members to submit agenda ideas to him. Ikehara reported that Dale Pursell, a NGS geodesist, is retiring very soon, although he might work part time as a consultant for NGS. Since the origin of CSRC, Pursell has willingly assisted CSRC and he has been an exemplary partner of CSRC. Throughout the years, he has attended various CSRC meetings and workshops. Ikehara suggested that CSRC consider sending Pursell a thank you and best wishes note. The EC participants concurred. Davis will work with Turingan on sending the note. Carlson, currently a one-person Membership Committee, reported that he had sent an e-mail to the current Coordinating Council members and requested responses to two questions: Do you wish to continue to participate as a Coordinating Council member? Do you have any suggestions for potential Coordinating Council candidates? EC Meeting Notes (9/26/07) Page 3 of 5 Carlson intends to raise the Council membership issue at the Coordinating Council meeting in October. He advised the EC members that his one-person Committee might need assistance in identifying and recruiting new Council members.
8. Executive Committee: Davis announced that he would like the next EC meeting (a face-to-face meeting on October 17 in La Jolla) to focus on three or four key issues. Some of the goals that Davis hopes to achieve: Meet each other (the EC has several new members). Discuss CSRC’s future plans (i.e., five years in the future). Discuss succession plans for CSRC. Canas suggest that it might be useful to invite Orcutt and/or Constable to address this issue at the meeting. Determine the need for State funds and how to attain such funds. Davis requested that the EC members suggest additional agenda items. Davis will incorporate the suggestions into an agenda. He will distribute an agenda prior to the meeting. The group decided to begin the meeting at 10:00 a.m. to permit members from northern California to obtain morning flights and avoid an additional night in a motel. It was noted that flight delays and San Diego traffic might prevent some members from meeting this start time.
9. Education & Outreach: The Channel Islands Regional GIS (CIRGIS) Collaborative and Ventura College are conducting a GIS Day at Ventura College on November 16, 2007. CSRC has received an invitation from the Collaborative to provide a booth or presentation at this event. After a brief discussion, Cecilia Whitaker, a CSRC consultant, was suggested as a logical speaker for this event. Canas will contact Whitaker. To expand CSRC’s outreach effort, it was also suggested that Whitaker might provide the same presentation to the Northern California GPS Users Group.
10. New Business: Several topics were discussed. a. Baker suggested that it would be helpful if the supporting documents for the agenda were listed in the agenda; i.e., the documents that the participants should review to prepare for the meeting. Ikehara stated that possibly CSRC should establish an “ftp” site for the use of EC members and for posting various documents. b. Ikehara reported that Gilbert Mitchell, a NGS manager, is no longer her direct supervisor as the result of a recent reorganization. Her direct supervisor is now Ronnie Taylor, who was previously a NGS State Geodetic Advisor for Florida. c. Turingan requested that the EC members advise her of any CSRC outreach efforts that they are involved in with external organizations. This information is needed for reports to NGS and others.
11. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. The next EC meeting will be in La Jolla on October 17, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
Respectively submitted by: Larry Fenske, Recorder
Assisted by and concurred by: Ross Carlson, CSRC Secretary
EC Meeting Notes (9/26/07) Page 4 of 5 CSRC Executive Committee Teleconference September 26, 2007 Agenda
Conference Line: 1-866-236-3449 Pass Code: 9833218 (followed by the pound key (#))
1:30 Welcome All Roll Call (to determine quorum) Review Agenda Review and Approve August 22, 2007 EC Meeting Notes
Director’s Report Bock
Financial Report Turingan Financial report through August 31, 2007
Executive Manager’s Report Canas Contract Status o Towill’s Central Coast Proposal NOAA Grant Award to CSRC for FY 07/08 National Height Modernization Program Yehuda Bock’s Recovery Other Items
Work Plan/Budget All Review
Contracts/Projects Status Reports Northern San Joaquin Valley Height Modernization Canas/Ikehara Central Coast Height Modernization Ikehara/Canas Northern California Height Modernization (Caltrans) Helmer/Davis
Coordinating Council Fall Coordinating Council Meeting (October 18, 2007 @ La Jolla) All o Invitations Membership Carlson
Executive Committee Face-to-Face Meeting (October 17, 2007 @ La Jolla) Davis Other Items
Education & Outreach Ventura College Canas
New Business All Other Topics
EC Meeting Notes (9/26/07) Page 5 of 5