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Mandeville Junior High School

Gayle G. Sloan Superintendent

Mary Ann Cucchiara Principal


 For schools in School Improvement, and for schools with CSRP models, I hereby certify that this plan was developed with the assistance of a District Assistance Team in collaboration with the School Improvement Team and/or School Support Team, as applicable.  I hereby certify that this plan was designed to improve student achievement, with input from all stakeholders.  I assure that the school level personnel, including subgroup representatives responsible for implementation of this plan, have collaborated in the writing of the plan.  I hereby certify that this plan has all of the following components as required in Bulletin 741:  A statement of the school's beliefs, vision, and mission  A comprehensive needs assessment, which includes the following quantitative and qualitative data:  Student academic performances on standardized achievement tests (both CRT, NRT) and performance/authentic assessment disaggregated by grade vs. content vs. exceptionality  Demographic indicators of the community and school to include socioeconomic factors  School human and material resource summary, to include teacher demographic indicators and capital outlay factors  Interviews with stakeholders: principals, teachers, students, parents  Student and teacher focus groups  Questionnaires with stakeholders (principals, teachers, students, parents) measuring conceptual domains outlined in school effectiveness/reform research  Classroom observations  Measurable objectives and benchmarks  Effective scientifically-based methods and strategies  Parental and community involvement activities  Professional development component aligned with assessed needs  External technical support and assistance  Evaluation strategies  Coordination of resources and analysis of school budget (possible redirection of funds)  Action plan with timelines and specific activities

 I further certify that the information contained in this assurance is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

______Superintendent's signature Principal's signature

______District Assistance Team Leader Chair, School Improvement Team


______District Assistance Team Members


The following faculty members have reviewed the School Improvement Plan and have discussed their part in implementing it.


St. Tammany Parish School Board 3 of 30 SY 2004-2005 BELIEFS STATEMENT It is our belief that cooperation must occur among the students, parents, faculty, administration, and community. We believe that each student has the right to receive an education in a climate conducive to learning. We believe that each student has the right to receive an education in a safe and orderly learning environment. Furthermore, we believe that the school community and the home must share responsibility in providing an environment for educational growth so that all students will have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential.

VISION STATEMENT We envision a school atmosphere in which every child every day can enjoy success and a feeling of self- worth.

MISSION STATEMENT Mandeville Jr. High strives to provide a well-rounded, nurturing environment in which our students will have the opportunity to achieve to their fullest potential.

St. Tammany Parish School Board 4 of 30 SY 2004-2005 SCHOOL DEMOGRAPHICS/CHARACTERISTICS Total # # Certified # Expected Vacancies # in LA Principal Internship/Induction A Program for SY 03-04 D Principal M Vice Principal 2 2 0 YES School Title I Total % in % Change Non-Title I Schoolwide Targeted Asst. School from 2003 T HIGHLY QUALIFIED** General Special General Special General Special General Special Gener Special E Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed al Ed Ed A # Highly Qualified Core Academic C Teachers (Subtotal) 11 6 ------39.2 46.1 -9 +26 H NOT HIGHLY QUALIFIED General Special General Special General Special General Special Gener Special Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed al Ed E Ed R Non-Standard 0 4 ------0 30.7 ----- S *** (TAT) (OFAT) (TEP) (EP) +10 * Core Academic Teachers 17 3 ------60.7 23.07 +9 - 36.3 Subtotal Not Highly Qualified 17 7 ------60.7 53.77 +9 - 6. 2 3 TOTAL TEACHERS (Highly Qualified 28 13 ------and Not Highly Qualified) 100% 100% P HIGHLY QUALIFIED** General Special General Special General Special General Special Gener Special Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed al Ed A Ed R # Highly Qualified Paras 2 9 ------100 64 +5 +7 A 0

St. Tammany Parish School Board 5 of 30 SY 2004-2005 S NOT HIGHLY QUALIFIED General Special General Special General Special General Special Gener Special Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed al Ed Ed # Not Highly Qualified Paras 0 5 ------0 35.7 -50 -5 Total Paraprofessionals 2 14 ------100 100 * Teachers include all teaching in core academic courses (English/Reading/Language Arts; Math; Science; Civics/Government; Economics; Arts; History; Geography) ** Highly Qualified: Has met all requirements as specified by the LA Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s definition of “Highly Qualified” under NCLB adopted June 19, 2003. *** Temporary Authority to Teach (TAT); Out-of-Field Authorization to Teach (OFAT); Temporary Employment Permit (TEP); Emergency Permit (EP)

School Support Number of Related Service and Support Personnel and Areas (i.e., Speech Pathologist, Social Worker): Speech Path-1, Psychologist-1, MHP-1, Social Worker-1, Nurse-1, Asst. Tech.-1, APE-2, OT-1, School Improvement Team Members/Position:, Mary Ann Cucchiara, Prin.; Laura Carson, AP; Janet Manint, RHT; Kathy Glaser, Counselor; Candyce Watsey, Teacher; Martha Fontenot, Teacher; James Waguespack, Teacher; Jackie Sandoz, Teacher; Ann Stocker, Teacher; Jamy Lambert, Teacher; Linda Greene, Teacher; Janice Evans, Teacher; Monica Pierce, Teacher.

District Assistance Team Leader and Contact # Distinguished Educator and Contact # (if applicable): (if applicable): Judy Carollo, Lee Barrios Parish Homeless Liaison: (Contact Parish Title I Supervisor to Parish Homeless Liaison’s Contact #: Terri Meyer, Cov. Ed. get further information) Terri Meyer Center

Learning-Intensive Networking Communities for Success (LINCS) Information (if applicable) Regional LINCS Coordinator: Content Leader(s): Content Area of Focus for School:

High Schools That Work (HSTW) Site Coordinator and Making Middle Grades Work (MMGW) Site Coordinator and Contact #: Contact #: Leadership Team Members/Position at the School: Teacher Leaders: Trish Picone, teacher; Martha Fontenot, teacher; Rhonda Simeon, teacher.

Federal/State Instructional Programs and/or Initiatives (Place a check in the status area for each program implemented at your school) Program List: (Include during and after school Currently Using Proposed Program Deleted Program programs)

21st Century Community Learning Centers Big Buddy St. Tammany Parish School Board 6 of 30 SY 2004-2005 Career to Work DARE YES Early Reading First HIPPY INTECH YES INTECH 2 Science YES INTECH Social Studies YES K-3 Reading/Math Initiative La GEAR-UP

Federal/State Instructional Programs and/or Initiatives (Place a check in the status area for each program implemented at your school) Program List: (Include during and after school programs) Currently Proposed Program Deleted Program Using LaSIP YES LEAD TECH Learning Intensive Networking Communities for Success (LINCS) LINCS/High Schools That Work (HSTW) LINCS/Making Middle Grades Work (MMGW) Louisiana Virtual School Making Middle Grades Work SAGE School Tech School to Work School wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support YES The Louisiana Literacy Corps The Multisensory Structured Language Program YES The Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) YES Other: List the Supplemental Educational Services provided for your students (Title I schools, if applicable):

List the Distance Learning (i.e., web-based, satellite, etc.) courses provided for your students:

School Policies Policies Yes No Discipline Policy X St. Tammany Parish School Board 7 of 30 SY 2004-2005 Security Procedures (Metal detectors, etc.) X Safe and Drug-Free Prevention Activities X Student Code of Conduct X Crisis Management (Emergency/evacuation plan) X

School Partnerships: (Place the name of each partner in the space provided.) University: Technical Institute: Feeder School(s): Tchefuncte Middle School, Lake Harbor Middle School Community: Mandeville Police Department, City of Mandeville Business/Industry: Coca Cola, Legends, Winn Dixie, Kiwanis, Sav-A-Center, Lee Marketing Associates, American All-Stars, Tiffany Sports Center, Franco’s, Kumon, Pogo, Hero’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, McDonalds Private Grants: Other:

Student Information List the number of students in each area: Total at # of grade 4 Students w/ Gifted and 504 Option III LEP Homeless Migrant School and above Disabilities Talented 700 700 108 151 16 0 9 0 0 Number of Households Served by School: Subgroups by Ethnicity American Indian Asian/Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White 6 13 45 15 621 Poverty Profile # of Free/Reduced Lunch Students: Percent of Free/Reduced Lunch Students: 98 14%

Strengths and challenges were rank-ordered by evaluating the magnitude of the evidence in conjunction with its association with student achievement. Exogenous factors were eliminated from these results; however, they were included during the analytical phase as a contextual reference.

STRENGTHS DATA SOURCE St. Tammany Parish School Board 8 of 30 SY 2004-2005 1.Experienced, caring teachers, staff, and administrators and PTA records and input; faculty input; Team Documentation; Parental Involvement Administrative feedback 2.Student Achievement Test Scores, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, Math Competition, Fairs, etc. 3.Professional, qualified, capable, experienced teachers Teaching Learning Snapshots; administrative input

SUPPORTING EVIDENCE DATA SOURCE Strength 1.PTA membership records, Parent/Team contact PTA records; Teacher participation in extracurricular activities. documentation, Teachers provide extra educational services to students (e.g. after school tutoring) PTA/School outreach programs (Backpack Awareness) Strength 2.Average GPA is 3.0; ITBS and LEAP Test Scores ITBS (NRT) Achievement test scores is 73%tile composite for data retreat information 9/23/04 school; LEAP performance data received August 2004 78% proficient on LEAP ELA; 2003-2004 Accountability Results October 2004 83% proficient on LEAP Math; School Performance Score. 121.3 SPS, sub groups nearing standard Strength 3. Results from TL Snapshots; years of teaching Summary of Results provided at Data Retreat (Sept 23, 2004) experience, graduate degrees, multi-certified, etc. Teacher folder information and observations

CHALLENGES DATA SOURCE 1. MJH will strive to improve the application of higher order Data Retreat, Standardized test results from Spring/Summer, 2003 thinking skills and problem solving skills in reading with an & 2004 emphasis on Standard 6 “Respond to Literature.” 2. In problem solving investigations, MJHS will strengthen the Data Retreat, Standardized test results from Spring/Summer, 2003 study and application of “Algebra” standard. & 2004 3. MJH will strive to improve the application of higher order Data Retreat, Standardized test results from Spring/Summer, 2003 thinking skills and problem solving skills in the Science Standards & 2004 of “Physical Science and Environmental Science.

SUPPORTING EVIDENCE DATA SOURCE (1)1.Results recorded in Student Performance Data Binder from Student Performance Data Analysis provided by J.P. Beaudoin’s St. Tammany Parish School Data Retreat in September =Reading office & Data Records from District Test Coordinator, Sam Proficiency- 54% of WS achieved Content Standard #6. Jenkins; 2.Achievement levels for ELA-53% Basic, 23% Mastery, 1% Data Retreat 9/23/04 Advanced Standardized test results from Spring/Summer, 2004 (2)1.Results recorded in Student Performance Data Binder from Student Performance Data Analysis provided by J.P. Beaudoin’s St. Tammany Parish School Data Retreat in September =Math office & Data Records from District Test Coordinator, Sam Proficiency- 59% of WS achieved Content Standard Algebra. Jenkins;

St. Tammany Parish School Board 9 of 30 SY 2004-2005 2.Achievement levels for Math-- 68% Basic, 9% Mastery, 5% Data Retreat 9/23/04 Advanced) Standardized test results from Spring/Summer, 2004 (3)1.Results recorded in Student Performance Data Binder from Student Performance Data Analysis provided by J.P. Beaudoin’s St. Tammany Parish School Data Retreat in September =Science office & Data Records from District Test Coordinator, Sam Proficiency- 60% of WS achieved Content Standard Science and Jenkins; the Environment and 66% of WS achieved content Standard Data Retreat 9/23/04 Physical Science. Standardized test results from Spring/Summer, 2004 2.Achievement levels for Science-- 41% Basic, 35% Mastery, 2% Advanced)

St. Tammany Parish School Board 10 of 30 SY 2004-2005 GOAL 1i: School SPS 2004 121.3 School GT 2005: 123.3 To improve student proficiency in applying reasoning and problem-solving skills to reading and responding to text across academic areas. OBJECTIVESii: SCIENTIFICALLY BASED RESEARCH 1. [ LA Accountability] To increase, by no less than 5%, the percentage of student scoring Mastery STRATEGY or higher as measured by the English-language arts component of the standards-based assessment (24.0% in 2004 to 29.0% in 2005) 2. [ NCLB Accountability] To increase by no less than 5% the percentage of students scoring HOTS Stimulates higher order thinking at the proficient on the English-language arts component of the standards-based assessment (77.0% in appropriate grade levels 2004 to 82.0% in 2005) – Whole School Targeted Subgroups Black: 36.4% to 47.4% White: 80.7% to 90.7% ED: 37.8% to 47.4% SWD: 26.5% to 47.4%

St. Tammany Parish School Board 11 of 30 SY 2004-2005 ACTION PLANiii EXPECTED IMPACTiv 1 FUNDING ACTIVITIESv PERSONSvi TARGETvii SOURCESviii IMPLEMENTATION AND RESPONSIBLE AUDIENCE and 2 OBJECT CODEix EFFECTIVENESSx TIMELINE 3 COST (Benchmarks) 1 2 3 Students will be able to HOTS/DRI (Students) –During Mrs. Carson All ELA students Gen [Implementation] The use higher order thinking specific academic classes, (Assist. Fund assistant principal will strategies in context, students will engage in Principal) Implementation: observe and monitor apply reasoning skills to discussions of subject related Each nine classroom activities on a life experience, evaluate text to develop literal and ELA weeks quarterly basis. They will points of view, and inferential skills necessary to Instructional 10/18, 12/21, monitor weekly lesson plans distinguish fact from generalize to unique situations. staff 3/11, 5/25 of English and Reading opinion / probability, (What if? Why? Cause and teachers (using a checklist) determine cause and Effect, Intent, Whole class and Mrs. Lambert Weekly lesson and provide feedback to the effect, generate inquiry, small group discussions, ELA Dept Head plan review teachers. and make connections rubrics. with real-life situations Key components can be found Effectiveness: (Effectiveness) Grade-level across texts. on the Standards and GLE’s teachers will meet to share ELA-6M1:ELA-6-M3 noted in Expected Impact. 10/18, 12/21, and review selected students GLE’S6-8 3/11, 5/25 responses on pre-designed, grade-appropriate constructed responses problem solving activities each 9 weeks to plan for future instruction.

St. Tammany Parish School Board 12 of 30 SY 2004-2005 See Above ST(Red and Blue Students)- Mrs. Carson IMPLEMENTATION LEA (Implementation) The ELA-6M1:ELA-6-M3 During in school tutoring (Assist. Intervention P Int assistant principal will review GLE’S6-8 (Intervention) and classroom Principal) Red/Blue LEAP tutoring progress on a weekly (LEAP elective) students will pull out and basis and provide feedback to engage in HOTS activities that LEAP LEAP elective tutors. The AP will review a will clarify and support the Intervention and students sample of lesson plans of literal and inferential skills, Acceleration Weekly Oct 1, LEAP teachers using a apply reasoning skills, apply Teachers and 2004-March 10, checklist on a weekly basis problem solving skills, and Tutors 2005 and will provide feedback to apply skills necessary to Acceleration the LEAP teachers. RHT will generalize information to Mrs. Manint, Green students review tutoring progress on a unique and life situations. RHT Weekly weekly basis. (Soaring Scores, LEAP 21 11/43/3 LEA (Effectiveness) LEAP tutors Coach, LEAP Tutoring Manual, P Acl and the assistant principal will computer lab, webquests, Brain EFFECTIVENE review student performance Child, ) SS on LEAP materials every INT=WEEKLY week in planning for future instruction. The RHT and ACL 11/18, 1/6, Acceleration tutors will meet 2/3, 3/3 every three weeks to discuss student performance and to plan for future instruction

St. Tammany Parish School Board 13 of 30 SY 2004-2005 Teachers will stimulate HOTS/DRI (Teachers) Using Mrs. Cucchiara ALL ELA Gen [Implementation] Using the and encourage the use student performance data, (Principal) STUDENTS eral Teaching/Learning of higher order thinking observation, and targeted Fund Snapshots, the administrators strategies in context, content standards teachers will Mrs. Carson Implementation: will observe all English and apply reasoning skills to develop lesson plans and (Assit. Principal) Each nine Reading teachers, along with life experience, evaluate implement instruction that will weeks selected tutors during each 9- points of view, and stimulate HOTS through the Mrs. Lambert 10/18, 12/21, week period with emphasis distinguish fact from use of a variety of methods, ELA Dept Head 3/11, 5/25 on item #4 of the TLS opinion / probability, such as, HOTS flip charts, determine cause and multi-leveled questions, “what Effectiveness: (Effectiveness) Grade-level effect, generate inquiry, if” questions and constructed teachers will meet to share and make connections response problem solving 10/18, 12/21, and review selected students with real-life situations activities. Assessment of 3/11, 5/25 responses on pre-designed, across texts. ELA- student achievement will be grade-appropriate 6M1:ELA-6-M3 through the use of rubrics, constructed responses GLE’S6-8 checklists, and observation. problem solving activities Student motivation and each 9 weeks to plan for engagement will be future instruction. implemented by activities that will encourage student participation, such as, HOTS flip chart activities.

Professional HOTS (PD) –(PD) –All Mrs. Cucchiara Selected ELA Gen [Implementation] development (PD) for teachers will participate in Staff (Principal) grade-level eral Administrators will require teachers will be focused Development activities that teachers Fund teachers to keep a record of the use of higher order reinforce the content Mrs. Carson PD activities during each thinking strategies in standards, help develop (Assist. IMPLEMENTATION semester and to turn in context, apply reasoning instructional strategies, aid in Principal 11/29, 2/28 proper documentation. skills to life experience, assessing student progress, and attendance evaluate points of view, and help engage and motivate Mrs. Manint throughout the [Effectiveness] and distinguish fact from students. With an emphasis on (RHT) year. (1)The administrators will opinion / probability, SIM, Thought Maps, GLE’S, review teacher PD determine cause and UbD Mrs. Picone, participation each quarter and effect, generate inquiry, Mrs. Dempre, Effectiveness (2)will review professional and make connections Mrs. Greene (1)10/14, 12/20, development records with with real-life situations Teacher 3/10, 5/25 teacher leaders on a monthly across texts. ELA- Leaders basis to plan future staff 6M1:ELA-6-M3 (2)9/30, 10/29, development. GLE’S6-8 11/30, 12/20, 1/28, 2/28, 3/24, 4/29, 5/26

St. Tammany Parish School Board 14 of 30 SY 2004-2005 Parent & Community HOTS (PI) –Parents will be Parents [Implementation] The Outreach activities will given the opportunity -through Mrs. Cucchiara Students administration will maintain a assist in the monitoring the PTA Newsletter- to review (Principal) Teachers log of parent feedback and of at home self-directed information and provide Community involvement, review PTA use of higher order feedback through parent Mrs. Carson minutes and PTA thinking strategies in conferences, classroom (Assist. Implementation Newsletters, and log context, apply reasoning assignments, etc. in order to Principal : community outreach based skills to life experience, help assess the use of higher Each nine activities. These records will evaluate points of view, order thinking strategies in Mrs. Lambert weeks be reviewed each nine weeks and distinguish fact from classroom activities and in at ELA Dept. Head 10/18, 12/21, as it pertains to HOTS opinion / probability, home family activities. 3/11, 5/25 determine cause and Periodic invitations to ELA [Effectiveness] effect, generate inquiry, Community Outreach activities Instructional Effectiveness Using the parent/community and make connections such as the “Community Staff Each nine outreach log the with real-life situations Outreach Breakfast” will bring weeks administration will review across texts. ELA- professionals and other human throughout parent and community 6M1:ELA-6-M3 resources into the school. school term outreach feedback and GLE’S6-8 10/18, 12/21, discuss this information with 3/11, 5/25 ELA teachers for future instructional planning.

Technology (Tech) HOT/TII (Tech) –Using (LEAP Accel All “ Green” Gen [Implementation] The LEAP Technology (Tech) targeted GLE’s, students will teachers) LEAP eral Acceleration Coordinator will Acceleration students be introduced to technology Mrs. Kelly Acceleration Fund observe student production will participate in and computer activities that Mrs. Watsey students and participation and will problem solving activities stimulate and enhance higher Mrs. Dempre utilize a checklist to assess and investigations and in order thinking skills. These will Mrs. Manint IMPLEMENTATION student achievement every activities that develop include: Concept maps, Mrs. Carollo Every three three weeks during LEAP higher order thinking WebQuests, Problem Solving weeks from Acceleration. strategies, apply Games, Writing Lab) ACL 11/18, 1/6, reasoning skills to life 2/3, 3/3 experience, evaluate [Effectiveness] points of view, and Mrs. Manint EFFECTIVENE Using the LEAP Accel distinguish fact from (RHT) SS checklist of student opinion, probability, help ACL 11/18, 1/6, production, the LEAP determine cause and 2/3, 3/3 Acceleration Coordinator will effect, generate inquiry, review and observe student and make connections success with emphasis on with real-life situations HOTS and Technology across texts and media. Integrated Instruction (TII) ELA-6M1:ELA-6-M3 and discuss results with GLE’S6-8 LEAP Acceleration teachers for future lesson planning.

St. Tammany Parish School Board 15 of 30 SY 2004-2005 School Climate School-wide Positive Behavior School All School Implementation: Each student will be Support Program (under Improvement personnel. On a monthly basis, ensured a learning development by the parish). Team/ SWPBS Implementation Administrative staff will environment conducive Our school has formed a team leader. Opening Week review disciple reports and to reaching their fullest SWPBSP committee consisting of school interventions using a potential achievement of administration, teachers, and Administration 8/13/04 school created review through positive effective parents. An in-service by some Effectiveness rubric for evidence of discipline and classroom of the committee members Guidance Interim and SWPBS. management focused on introducing Counselor report card procedures. teachers to TOT (Teens on intervals Effectiveness: Classroom rules are Time) and EXCEL ((EXCEL SBLC (monthly) Monthly attendance and provided to each student lent attendance and 9/30, 10/29, weekly tardy reports will be and parent. Focus is punctuality). Pro-active 11/30, 12/20, used to monitor targeted placed on attendance behavioral support will be used 1/28, 3/24, 4/29, discipline indicators. and punctuality. throughout the school. 5/26 Adherence to classroom Reinforcement of positive and school rules is behaviors will be an ongoing emphasized. process.

The Mandeville Learning Administrative participation in M. Cucchiara Administrative Implementation: Community will support Annual Administrator’s Retreat Principal Staff Members of the learning the commitment the St. as a Learning Community. communities will attend all Tammany Parish School Laura Carson Administrative scheduled activities so that System has made to Administrator, SIP chair, AP Team the school is represented constantly improve and Guidance Counselor and Administrative 99% of all scheduled reach greater student teacher leaders will attend Janet Manint Retreat 7/28/04 activities. achievement. Our DATA Retreat. RHT focus will be to review Kathy Glaser Data Retreat Effectiveness: student performance Principal will attend monthly Candyce 9/25/04 SIP will address those data, implement GLE’s Principals’ meeting with the Watsey aspects outlined in the and UbD in lesson Superintendent and other Martha Fontenot Learning Expected Impact. Principal planning, collaborate on central office staff to discuss Data Retreat Community will respond to 98% of good teaching practices, those aspects outlined in the Team 9/1, 10/6, 11/3, threads on Blackboard. prepare for the “Expected Impact” column. 12/1, 1/5, 2/2, Threads will focus on Guaranteed Curriculum, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4 GLE’s, UbD and and challenge our Principals will participate in performance assessments. students to go from principals learning community “Good to Great.” We will (utilizing Blackboard) support and implement the district’s Strategic Plan entitled “Reaching Ne Heights.”

St. Tammany Parish School Board 16 of 30 SY 2004-2005 Reducing the SWD will be exposed to a Administration All regular and Implementation: 100% of performance Gap. SWD variety of strategies to help special all iep’s will be in All teachers and address student reading Mrs Dempre, education staff compliance with IDEA on a paraprofessionals deficits. The program will be Mrs. Fontenot teaching ELA semester basis. providing SWD aligned in scope and sequence Special Ed. (English/Readin 85% of all lesson planning instruction will utilize to the needs of the SWD and Dept.Heads g) will address HOTS strategies and the ELA standards with accommodation and contextual learning to emphasis on selected GLE’s. Regular IMPLEMENTATION modification in the regular improve SWD ability to Special and regular education Education Semester and special ed. classrooms. read and respond to teachers will coordinate lesson teachers review of IEP’s 25% of all targeted special literature. and unit planning to address and SIM training ed. teachers will attend SIM Emphasis will be placed the needs of the SWD in non- Paraprofessiona by administrator training. on ELA-1-M1:M5. GLE’s special settings. Some needs ls Weekly review # 1:5 will be met through of lesson plans Effectiveness: modifications and by administrator 75% of all targeted SWD will accommodations. Methods receive a grade of “C” or and strategies will include DRI, EFFECTIVENESS above on nine weeks DI, CL, HOTS. The SIM 10/18, 12/21, grades in either English strategies Word Identification, 3/11, 5/25 and/or Reading . Paraphrasing, and Visual Observation of SIM trained Imagery will be utilized. special ed. teachers will Professional Development reveal weekly use of SIM opportunities will be made strategies. available to teachers.

St. Tammany Parish School Board 17 of 30 SY 2004-2005 STRATEGY PLANNING WORKSHEET GOAL 2: In problem-solving investigations, students will demonstrate an understanding of School SPS 2004: 121.3 School GT 2005: 123.3 concepts and processes that allow them to analyze, represent, and describe relationships among variable quantities and to apply algebraic methods to real-world situations. OBJECTIVES: SCIENTIFICALLY BASED RESEARCH STRATEGY: 1. (LA Accountability) To increase, by no less than 5%, the percentage of students scoring Mastery or higher as measured by the Math component of the standards based assessment (WS 14.9% in 2004 to CL Instruction focused on Contextual Learning 25% in 2005) HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills 2. (NCLB Accountability) To increase by no less than 5% the percentage of students scoring proficient on the math component of the standards-based assessment (WS 82.0% in 2004 to 87.5% in 2005)

Targeted Subgroups Black: 45.5% to 55.5% White: 85.7% to 95.7% ED: 59.5% to 69.5% SWD: 40.8% to 50.8% ACTION PLAN Procedures for 1 Funding Sources Evaluating Expected Impact Persons Target Audience 2 Object Code Implementation and Activities (Observable Change) Responsible and Timeline 3 Cost Effectiveness of Each Activity 1 2 3 Students will engage in CL and HOTS Mrs. Carson All students General (Implementation) The HOTS and CL problem (Students) On a weekly Assist. Principal) Fund assistant principal will solving activities and basis during specific Implementation observe and monitor investigations to academic classes Math Instructional Observations by classroom activities demonstrate an students will engage in staff 10/15, 12/21, quarterly and monitor understanding of the problem solving 3/11, 5/25 weekly lesson plans of concepts, processes, activities that develop Mr. Nichols Plans checked Math teachers (using a and real life and improve the Math Dept. head weekly checklist) and provide applications of Algebra understanding of Effectiveness: feedback to the teachers. and the connection to Algebraic variables, Dept. Mtg. – other Math strands. expressions, equations, 10/18, 12/21, (Effectiveness) Dept. Strands A-1-M:A-5-M and inequalities that 3/11, 5/25 teachers will meet to GLE’S 12-19, 29 symbolically represent share and review selected and explain real-world students responses on situations and the pre-designed, grade- relationship to other appropriate constructed Math strands responses problem (Calculators, graphing, solving activities each 9

St. Tammany Parish School Board 18 of 30 SY 2004-2005 tables, equations, logic weeks to plan for future puzzles, bell-ringers, instruction. and verbally describe algebraic relationships through constructed response activities, etc.) Teachers will stimulate CL, HOTS (Teachers)- Mrs. Cucchiara All students General (Implementation) The and encourage HOTS Using student (Principal) Fund assistant principal will AND CL problem performance data and Implementation observe Math CL solving activities and observation, teachers Mrs. Carson Observations/ classroom activities each investigations to will develop lesson plans (Assist. Principal) Lesson Plans & semester and monitor demonstrate an that Reports by 10/15, weekly lesson plans of understanding of the 1.Address targeted Math instructional 12/21, 3/11, 5/25 Math teachers (using a concepts, processes, content standards that staff checklist) for inclusion of and real life are noted in Expected Plans checked CL activities and provide applications of Algebra Impact. Mr. Nichols weekly feedback to the teachers. and the connection to 2.Employ instruction Math Dept. head other Math strands. focused on problem Effectiveness: (Effectiveness) Grade- Strands A-1-M:A-5-M solving and application Gr. Level – level teachers will meet to GLE’S 12-19, (CL) of Algebraic 10/18, 12/21, share and review selected 29Strands A-1-M:A-5- understanding. 3/11, 5/25 students responses on M 3.Assess student pre-designed, grade- GLE’S 12-19, 29 learning in order to appropriate constructed implement activities that responses problem will improve problem solving activities each 9 solving and weeks to plan for future understanding of instruction. Algebra. 4. Demonstrate the connection of algebra and other Math strands to real-life situations to engage and motivate students. (Problem solving activities, constructed response, real-life applications)

Professional (PD) –All teachers will Mrs. Cucchiara Selected grade- General [Implementation] development (PD) for participate in Staff (Principal) level Math Fund Administrators will require teachers will be Development activities teachers teachers to keep a record focused on using CL that reinforce the Mrs. Carson of PD activities during problem solving content standards, help (Assist. Principal IMPLEMENTATI each semester and to turn

St. Tammany Parish School Board 19 of 30 SY 2004-2005 activities and develop instructional ON in proper documentation. investigations to strategies, aid in Mrs. Manint 11/29, 2/28 demonstrate an assessing student (RHT) and attendance [Effectiveness] understanding of the progress, and help throughout the (1) The administrators will concepts, processes, engage and motivate Mr. Nichols year. review teacher PD and real life students. With an Math Dept participation each quarter applications of Algebra emphasis on Graphing and (2) will review and the connection to calculators, ELMO, and [Implementation] Effectiveness professional development other Math strands. GLE’S, UbD Administrators will (1) 10/14, 12/20, records with teacher Strands A-1-M:A-5-M locate and provide 3/10, 5/25 leaders on a monthly GLE’S 12-19, teachers with the (2) 9/30, 10/29, basis to plan future staff opportunity to 11/30, 12/20, development. attend PD activities 1/28, 2/28, 3/24, during the school 4/29, 5/26 term and require teachers to turn in proper documentation.

[Effectiveness] The administrators will use GSMU to track teacher PD participation each month and will observe and review professional development records.

Parent & Community CL (PI) –Through the Mrs. Cucchiara Parents [Implementation] The Outreach activities will PTA newsletter, parents (Principal) Students administration will focus on teacher will be given the Teachers maintain a log of parent produced and student opportunity to review Mrs. Carson Community feedback and self-directed CL information and provide (Assist. Principal involvement, review PTA problem solving feedback through parent Implementation : minutes and PTA activities and conferences, classroom Each nine weeks Newsletters, and log investigations to assignments, etc. in 10/18, 12/21, community outreach demonstrate an order to help assess the 3/11, 5/25 based activities. These understanding of the use of variables, records will be reviewed concepts, processes, expressions, equations, Effectiveness each nine weeks as it and real life and inequalities that Each nine weeks pertains to Contextual

St. Tammany Parish School Board 20 of 30 SY 2004-2005 applications of Algebra symbolically represent throughout school Learning and the connection to and explain real-world term other Math strands. situations and help give 10/18, 12/21, [Effectiveness] Strands A-1-M:A-5-M “meaningfulness” to 3/11, 5/25 Using the GLE’S 12-19, 29 classroom activities parent/community . outreach log the Periodic invitations to administration will review Community Outreach parent and community activities such as the outreach feedback and “Community Outreach discuss this information Breakfast” will bring with Math teachers for professionals and other future instructional human resources into planning. the school. Technology (Tech) CL (Tech) –Students will Mrs. Cucchiara All Students GF [Implementation] During teachers and students participate in technology (Principal) the three T/LS intervals, will participate in CL based activities that Implementation administrators will assess problem solving emphasize variables, Mrs. Carson 10/18, 2/21, 3/11 the integration of activities and expressions, equations, (Assist. Principal technology in the investigations to and inequalities that Effectiveness classroom (item 4) and demonstrate an symbolically represent Mr. Nichols 10/18, 2/21, 3/11, report of results will be understanding of the and explain real-world Math Dept Head 5/25 discussed at department concepts, processes, situations. meetings. and real life to all strands of Math. All Instructional applications of Algebra (Graphing calculators, Staff [Effectiveness] and the connection to Computer activities, Department meetings will other Math strands. calculator activities, field share and review sample Strands A-1-M:A-5-M work activities, etc.) lessons taught utilizing GLE’S 12-19, 29 technology to promote algebra each grading period to review emphasis on Technology Integrated Instruction (TII) School School-wide Positive School All School Implementation: Climate=Discipline Behavior Support Improvement personnel. Administrative staff will Each student will be Program (under Team/ SWPBS review disciple reports ensured a learning development by the team leader. Opening week of and interventions using environment conducive parish). Our school has orientation. a school created review to reaching their fullest formed a SWPBSP Administration 8/04/04 rubric for evidence of potential achievement committee consisting of SWPBS. through positive administration, teachers, Guidance Interim and report effective discipline and and parents. An Counselor card intervals Effectiveness: classroom inservice by some of the (monthly) Monthly attendance and management committee members SBLC 9/30, 10/29, tardy reports will be

St. Tammany Parish School Board 21 of 30 SY 2004-2005 procedures. focused on introducing 11/30, 12/20, used to monitor targeted Classroom rules are teachers to TOT (Teens 1/28, 3/24, 4/29, discipline indicators. provided to each on Time) and EXCEL 5/26 student and parent. ((EXCEL lent Focus is placed on attendance and attendance and punctuality). Pro-active punctuality. behavioral support will Adherence to be used throughout the classroom and school school. Reinforcement rules is emphasized. of positive behaviors will be an ongoing process. The Mandeville Administrative M. Cucchiara Administrative Implementation: Learning Community participation in Annual Principal Staff Members of the learning will support the Administrator’s Retreat communities will attend commitment the St. as a Learning Laura Carson Administrative all scheduled activities Tammany Parish Community. AP Team so that the school is School System has Administrative represented 99% of all made to constantly Administrator, SIP chair, Janet Manint RHT Retreat 7/28/04 scheduled activities. improve and reach Guidance Counselor Kathy Glaser greater student and teacher leaders will Candyce Watsey Data Retreat Effectiveness: achievement. Our attend DATA Retreat. Martha Fontenot 9/25/04 SIP will address those focus will be to review Data Retreat Team aspects outlined in the student performance Principal will attend Learning Expected Impact. data, implement GLE’s monthly Principals’ Community Principal will respond to and UbD in lesson meeting with the 9/1, 10/6, 11/3, 98% of threads on planning, collaborate Superintendent and 12/1, 1/5, 2/2, Blackboard. Threads will on good teaching other central office staff 3/2, 4/6, 5/4 focus on GLE’s, UbD practices, prepare for to discuss those aspects and performance the Guaranteed outlined in the assessments. Curriculum, and “Expected Impact” challenge our students column. to go from “Good to Great.” We will Principals will participate support and implement in principals learning the district’s Strategic community (utilizing Plan entitled Blackboard) “Reaching New Heights.” Reducing the SWD will be exposed to Administration All regular and Implementation: 100% performance Gap. a variety of strategies to special education of all iep’s will be in SWD help address student Mrs. Dempre and staff teaching compliance with IDEA All teachers and reading deficits. The Mrs. Math on a semester basis. paraprofessionals will program will be aligned Fontenot(SIMS) 85% of all lesson engage in providing in scope and sequence Special Ed. Dept. IMPLEMENTATI planning will address

St. Tammany Parish School Board 22 of 30 SY 2004-2005 SWD instruction that to the needs of the SWD Heads ON accommodation and will encourage HOTS and the ELA standards, Semester review modification in the strategies and Math standards and Regular Education of IEP’s and SIM regular and special ed. contextual learning Math problem solving teachers of SWD training by classrooms. 25% of all (CL). skills with emphasis on administrator targeted special ed. Students will engage in selected GLE’s. Special Paraprofessionals Weekly review of teachers will attend SIM activities that improve and regular education lesson plans by training. ability to read and teachers will coordinate Mrs. Manint, RHT administrator respond to literature lesson and unit planning Effectiveness: across the curriculum. to address the needs of EFFECTIVENES 75% of all targeted SWD and will engage in the SWD in non-special S will receive a grade of problem solving settings. Some needs 10/18, 12/21, “C” or above on nine activities and will be met through 3/11, 5/25 weeks grades in Math . investigations that will modifications and Observation of SIM help them read and accommodations. trained special ed. respond to Math word Methods and strategies teachers will reveal problems that will include CL, HOTS. weekly use of SIM demonstrate an And the SIM strategy of strategies. understanding of the word identification. concepts, processes, Math Rubrics will be and real life used .to aid and guide applications of Algebra students in identifying Strands A-1-M:A-5-M expectations in Math GLE’S 12-19, 29 classrooms. Emphasis will be Professional placed on ELA-1- Development M1:M5. GLE’s # 1:5 opportunities will be and Strands A-1-M:A- made available to 5-M teachers. GLE’S 12-19, 29

St. Tammany Parish School Board 23 of 30 SY 2004-2005 GOAL 3: To improve student proficiency in understanding the characteristics and School SPS 2004: 121.3 School GT 200: 123.3 interrelationships of matter and energy in the physical world and to understand the relationship of Science and the environment. OBJECTIVES: SCIENTIFICALLY BASED RESEARCH STRATEGY: 1. (LA Accountability) To increase, by no less than 5%, the percentage of students scoring Mastery or higher as measured by the Science component of the standards-based assessment CL Instruction focused on Contextual Learning (37% in 2004 to 42.0% in 2005). HOTS DRI 2. (NCLB Accountability) To increase by no less than 5% the DI percentage of students scoring proficient on the Science component of the standards-based assessment (WS 78.0% in 2004 to 83.0% in 2005)

Targeted Subgroups Black: 38% to 48.0% White: 81% to 91% ED: 57.7% to 67.7% SWD: 34.0% to 44.0%

ACTION PLAN Procedures for 1 Funding Sources Evaluating Target Expected Impact 2 Object Code Implementation and Activities Persons Responsible Audience and (Observable Change) 3 Cost Effectiveness of Each Timeline Activity 1 2 3 Students will engage in CL (Students)During Mrs. Carson All students General (Implementation) The CL so as to specific academic Assist. Principal) Fund assistant principal will demonstrate the classes students will Implementation observe and monitor connection of Physical engage in activities that Ann Stocker Observations & classroom activities each Science to the other develop and improve Science Dept Head Reports by semester and monitor Science standards and problem solving, and 10/15, 12/21, weekly lesson plans of to real-life situations. demonstrate the Science Instructional 3/11, 5/25 Science teachers (using a understanding of staff checklist) and provide Physical Science and its Plans checked feedback to the teachers. Standard=Physical connection to the other weekly Science Science standards and (Effectiveness) Dept. Benchmarks PS-M-A1- to real-life situations. Effectiveness: teachers will meet to PS-M-A9(GLE1-3) (Hands-on activities, Dept. Mtg – share and review selected GLE’S 1-7 (8th gr); SE- logic puzzles, bell- 10/18, 12/21, students responses on M-A1: SE-M-A10 (GLE ringers, constructed 3/11, 5/25 pre-designed, grade- 35-43) response activities, etc.) appropriate constructed responses problem solving activities each 9

St. Tammany Parish School Board 24 of 30 SY 2004-2005 weeks to plan for future instruction. Teachers will stimulate CL (Teachers)-Using Mrs. Cucchiara All students General (Implementation) The and encourage CL, student performance (Principal) Fund assistant principal will HOTS, and problem data and observation, Implementation observe and monitor solving skills teachers will develop Mrs. Carson Observations, classroom activities each associated with lesson plans, review (Assist. Principal) Lesson Plans & semester and monitor Physical Science to targeted content Reports by weekly lesson plans of that of the other standards(1), employ Science instructional 10/15, 12/21, Science teachers (using a Science standards and instruction(2), and staff 3/11, 5/25 checklist) and provide to real-life situations. assess student learning feedback to the teachers. Strands PS-M-A1-PS- in order to implement Mrs. Stocker Plans checked M-A9(GLE1-3) activities that will Science Dept head weekly (Effectiveness) Grade- GLE’S 1-7 (8th gr); SE- improve problem level teachers will meet to M-A1: SE-M-A10 (GLE solving, and Effectiveness: share and review selected 35-43) encourage(4) knowledge students responses on of Physical Science and Gr. Level Mtg– pre-designed, grade- Environmental Science 10/18, 12/21, appropriate constructed and their connections to 3/11, 5/25 responses problem the other Science solving activities each 9 standards and to real-life weeks to plan for future situations. (Problem instruction. solving activities, constructed response, real-life applications, Career Science Lab) 1.Content standard- 2.Instruction 3.Assessment 4.Motivation and Engagement

Professional (PD) –All teachers will Mrs. Cucchiara Selected grade- General [Implementation] development (PD) for attend Staff (Principal) level Science Fund Administrators will require teachers will be Development activities teachers teachers to keep a record focused on using CL that reinforce the Mrs. Carson of PD activities during and problem solving content standards, help (Assist. Principal IMPLEMENTATIO each semester and to turn activities and develop instructional N in proper documentation. investigations to strategies, aid in Mrs. Manint 11/29, 2/28 demonstrate an assessing student (RHT) and attendance [Effectiveness] understanding of the progress, and help throughout the (1)The administrators will concepts, processes, engage and motivate Mrs. Stocker year. review teacher PD and real life students. as they Science dept Head participation each quarter applications of Physical become available. and (2)will review Effectiveness St. Tammany Parish School Board 25 of 30 SY 2004-2005 Science and (Graphing calculators, (1)10/14, 12/20, professional development environmental Science ELMO, InTech, Science 3/10, 5/25 records with teacher and their connections InTech, Science (2)9/30, 10/29, leaders on a monthly to other Science workshops) 11/30, 12/20, basis to plan future staff strands. 1/28, 2/28, development. 3/24, 4/29, 5/26 Strands PS-M-A1-PS- M-A9(GLE1-3) GLE’S 1-7 (8th gr); SE- M-A1: SE-M-A10 (GLE 35-43)

Parent and Community CL (PI) –Through the Mrs. Cucchiara Parents, GF [Implementation] The Outreach activities will PTA newsletter, parents (Principal) students, administration will assist in monitoring will be given the teachers maintain a log of parent teacher and self- opportunity to review Mrs. Carson feedback and review directed CL associated information and provide (Assist. Principal Implementation records each nine weeks with Physical Science feedback through parent and as it pertains to and connectivity to the conferences, classroom Effectiveness Contextual Learning, other Science assignments, etc. in 10/18, 2/21, Physical Science and standards and to real- order to help assess the 3/11, 5/25 other Science concepts. life situations. use of variables, PS-M-A1-PS-M- expressions, equations, [Effectiveness] A9(GLE1-3) and inequalities that Using the parent log the GLE’S 1-7 (8th gr); SE- symbolically represent administration will review M-A1: SE-M-A10 (GLE and explain real-world parent feedback to 35-43) situations. ascertain emphasis on to all strands of Math . item 4 of the TLS and on Contextual Learning during each nine weeks.

Technology (Tech) for CL (Tech) –Students will Mrs. Cucchiara All Students GF [Implementation] The teachers and students participate in technology (Principal) administrators will conduct will reinforce CL based activities that TLS to assess the associated with emphasize the use of Mrs. Carson integration of technology Physical Science and Physical Science and its (Assist. Principal in the classroom. report connectivity to the connections to other of results will be other Science Science standards and discussed at department standards and to real- to real-life situations Mrs. Kelly meetings. life situations. (Career Science lab Computer Lab PS-M-A1-PS-M- activities, calculator [Effectiveness] A9(GLE1-3) activities, field work Mrs. Stocker Department meetings will GLE’S 1-7 (8th gr); SE- activities, etc.) Science Dept Head share and review sample M-A1: SE-M-A10 (GLE lessons taught utilizing

St. Tammany Parish School Board 26 of 30 SY 2004-2005 35-43) All Instructional Staff technology to promote algebra each grading period to review emphasis on Technology Integrated Instruction (TII)

School School-wide Positive School Improvement All School Implementation: Climate=Discipline Behavior Support Team/ SWPBS team personnel. Administrative staff will Each student will be Program (under leader. review disciple reports ensured a learning development by the Opening week and interventions using environment conducive parish). Our school has Administration of orientation. a school created review to reaching their fullest formed a SWPBSP 8/04/04 rubric for evidence of potential achievement committee consisting of Guidance Counselor SWPBS. through positive administration, teachers, Interim and effective discipline and and parents. An in- SBLC report card Effectiveness: classroom service by some of the intervals Monthly attendance and management committee members (monthly) tardy reports will be procedures. focused on introducing 9/30, 10/29, used to monitor targeted Classroom rules are teachers to TOT (Teens 11/30, 12/20, discipline indicators. provided to each on Time) and EXCEL 1/28, 3/24, student and parent. ((EXCEL lent 4/29, 5/26 Focus is placed on attendance and attendance and punctuality). Pro-active punctuality. behavioral support will Adherence to be used throughout the classroom and school school. Reinforcement rules is emphasized. of positive behaviors will be an ongoing process. The Mandeville Administrative M. Cucchiara Administrative Implementation: Learning Community participation in Annual Principal Staff Members of the learning will support the Administrator’s Retreat communities will attend commitment the St. as a Learning Laura Carson Administrative all scheduled activities Tammany Parish Community. AP Team so that the school is School System has Administrative represented 99% of all made to constantly Administrator, SIP chair, Janet Manint RHT Retreat 7/28/04 scheduled activities. improve and reach Guidance Counselor Kathy Glaser greater student and teacher leaders will Candyce Watsey Data Retreat Effectiveness: achievement. Our attend DATA Retreat. Martha Fontenot 9/25/04 SIP will address those focus will be to review Data Retreat Team aspects outlined in the student performance Principal will attend Learning Expected Impact. data, implement GLE’s monthly Principals’ Community Principal will respond to and UbD in lesson meeting with the 9/1, 10/6, 11/3, 98% of threads on planning, collaborate Superintendent and 12/1, 1/5, 2/2, Blackboard. Threads will on good teaching other central office staff 3/2, 4/6, 5/4 focus on GLE’s, UbD

St. Tammany Parish School Board 27 of 30 SY 2004-2005 practices, prepare for to discuss those aspects and performance the Guaranteed outlined in the assessments. Curriculum, and “Expected Impact” challenge our students column. to go from “Good to Great.” We will Principals will participate support and implement in principals learning the district’s Strategic community (utilizing Plan entitled Blackboard) “Reaching New Heights.”

Reducing the SWD will be exposed to Administration SWD Implementation: 100% performance Gap. a variety of strategies to of all iep’s will be in SWD help address student Mrs. Dempre and All regular and compliance with IDEA. All teachers and reading deficits. The Mrs. Fontenot(SIMS) special 85% of all lesson paraprofessionals program will be aligned Special Ed. Dept. education staff planning will address providing SWD in scope and sequence Heads teaching ELA or accommodation and instruction that will to the needs of the SWD Math modification in the encourage HOTS and the ELA standards Regular Education regular and special ed. strategies in context with emphasis on teachers of SWD Interim and classrooms. 25% of all (CL). selected GLE’s. Special Report Card targeted special ed. Students will engage in and regular education Paraprofessionals intervals teachers will attend SIM activities that improve teachers will coordinate throughout the training. ability to respond to lesson and unit planning Mrs. Manint, RHT school term Physical Science and to address the needs of Effectiveness: the connectivity to the the SWD in non-special Mrs. Simeon 10/15, 12/21, 3/ 75% of all targeted SWD other Science settings. Some needs SpEd Science 11, 5/25 will receive a grade of standards and to real- will be met through teacher “C” or above in either life situations. modifications and English and/or Reading. PS-M-A1-PS-M- accommodations. Science performance A9(GLE1-3) Methods and strategies will reflect improved GLE’S 1-7 (8th gr); SE- will include DRI, DI, CL, skills in Reading and M-A1: SE-M-A10 (GLE HOTS. The SIMS Responding to Science 35-43) strategies will be text. Emphasis will be utilized. ELA-1-M1:M5. Observation of SIM placed on ELA-1- GLE’s # 1:5 trained special ed. M1:M5. GLE’s # 1:5 teachers will reveal Furthermore, Reading weekly use of SIM and Responding to strategies. Physical Science text and to the texts of other Science standards will be implemented in some

St. Tammany Parish School Board 28 of 30 SY 2004-2005 settings. PS-M-A1-PS-M- A9(GLE1-3) GLE’S 1-7 (8th gr); SE- M-A1: SE-M-A10 (GLE 35-43) Professional Development opportunities will be made available to teachers.

St. Tammany Parish School Board 29 of 30 SY 2004-2005 i ii iii iv. v. vi vii. viii. ix x

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