California State University, Bakersfield s5

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California State University, Bakersfield s5

Required Materials: Required Materials: Required Texts: andEmail WebAddress 3:00 Phone: Instructor Course Goals: Course EnglishCSUB Department policies for allEnglish 100 classes. necessary. The policies class are givenbelow alphabetically. Policies are which presented areboxes in modesare assigned,theand fundamentals of grammar, usage, punctuation, and reviewed spelling are as to helpstudents develop effective college-level writing skills. Frequent short papers a in variety of essay Description: Course English 80in 90.or Prerequisite: assignment assignment writing in-class one least at on higher or C- a earn must students 100, English in C- a for eligible be To advance To to English 110, students must gradeearn a of C- higher or in English100. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. details/evidence; the recognize differences among thesis statements,topic sentences/main ideas, supportingand readwriteand literally, interpretively,and analytically critically;or 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. begin to begin recognize how a choices affectwriter’s and informthe text; syntax;and a recognize writer’s and tone how itinformsa text’s statements; includes this diction analyzing understand how thethesis statement, topic sentences, supportingand details worktogether; : Highlighters,pens pencils, & whiteout & InternetAccess Stapler& staples Drive Flash Binderwithloose leaf andpaper or dividers dividednotebook with pockets An American Englishcollegiate dictionary and thesaurus Genius Burro My Writing Lab Flachmann, Kim,Michaeland Flachmann. Troyka, Quitman,Lynn Douglasand Hesse. and aand C- average on allother course assignments. River,NJ:Pearson Education, Inc., 2010. River, N.J.: Education, Pearson Inc., 2008. 661-654-3069(office) Drennan Dale A total English Placement Test score between 142 and 150 OR a grade of C- or higher or C- of grade a OR 150 and 142 between score Test Placement English total A Atthe end of ten weeks, students English 100in should be ableto do the following: : :

[email protected] English100 studyinvolves a rhetorical of patterns critical as thinking strategies English 100 – Fall 4 (CRN 80332) English 2010 by Victor by Villaseñor Thursday9:30- 11:50– Computer–Lab WSL 005


Critical ThinkingWritingand

The The ProseReader. Quick Access Quick OfficeHours: Office : FT 204-F

Compact. y apitet o y email by or appointment by 1:30- Wednesday and Monday 8 th ed. Upper Saddle Upper Upper Saddle

Page1 IF YOU MUST MISS CLASS, FOLLOW THESE THREE MISSTHREE CLASS, STEPS: FOLLOW THESEMUST IF YOU discuss will more this class.) in in result a reduction class on your participation grade alsomay and affect your final essay grades. (We aware thatdue to nature, their in-class activities can day,turning assignments in on time, being or of unaware changes to theschedule. Youshould be also Also, note please that absent being notdoes excuse you from knowing materialthe class covered that control your asand such are notvalid for reasons missingclass. appointmentsworkor schedules that conflict withschool schedules registeringor for classes circumstances,such as a family or,emergency obviously,more giving birth. Incidents such doctor as Absences Many students are trying to get into composition courses. As a result, this course is subject to the to three missedhavetheterm ifyou the secondof theofweek end droppedby from class administratively subject is course this result, you have to a right the have I list, waiting As a has and full is class the If drops. instructor-initiated on policy courses. composition into get to trying are students Many Policy Drop Instructor-Initiated load.your full a class toward must who holders, visa J-1 and F-1 for and recipients financialaid important for especially is plan This class. another need you if choice back-up a have and add to day last the of aware be should you result, a As you’re section attending,no students can the add. of out drops one no If desire. so you if class the in opening an for wait to welcome alist does waiting onBeing On waiting a list, eligible you are for a theplace in class PolicyList Waiting classes should attend class regularly and punctually. A student who has more than two absences two than more has who student A not should to expect receive a passing grade. punctually. and regularly class attend should composition English classes in students effort, sustained regular, requires writing in skills mastering Because Policy Attendance beautomatically droppedfrom this course ifyou have not attended. will you that assume not should you However, me. contacted not have and sessions class consecutive 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6.

carry a full load to receive their financial aid. aid. financial their receive to load full a carry 2. 2. ifyou turn in theworkyou while are there. 1. ifyou come to every and class and revise edit their writing own usingstandard, edited American English. plagiarism; recognize handbook; usea incorporatequotation, summary, and paraphrase, usingin-text documentation; synthesize ideasfrom various sources; bias recognize in readings; writeessays thatare logically organized,well developed, coherent, mechanicallyand sound; summarizethe main supporting points containedin an orarticle essay on a particular topic; : : An excused absence is when you absolutely must class miss because of unavoidable not mean you are guaranteed a place in the class. It simply means youare simply Itmeans theclass. in guaranteeda are place mean you not Being on a waiting list does not count as count not does list waiting a on Being be made up. Excessive absences, then, will are within

Page1 you are in the classroom. If your wife is expecting a baby or you have an ill relative and are expecting a expecting are and relative ill an have you or baby a expecting is wife your If classroom. the in are you devices Electronic classmates, fellow seeand me ifoutside obligations affect will your arrivingto class on time. Tardies: Behavior: Class keepPlease mind in thatthis information is ______the spacesUse below to gain contact information in just case you do miss class. o il ae nopruiyt erVco Vlaeo, uhro of author Villaseñor, Victor hear to November 9, 2010 7:00 at p.m. the in IcardoCSUB Center.If you attend, you receive will extra credit. opportunity an have will You Journalsare atdue the ofend the quarter. carefully maintainedjournalsshow which evidence of thoughtfully exploring prompts ideas.and Writer’s class.given in letter No grades be will assigned to any part of the notebook.Points will be given for record impressions your of, and responses to, your reading. Specificprompts to help you do this be will devotedto silently reading (SSR):Journal Reading and Sustained Silent Writer’s gender heritage, beliefs, your Homework: Participation & Class not scholar, a and student a as efforts your identification,or any other similar consideration. reflect will course this in grade your Furthermore, material. course irrelevant or misleading and inaccuracy, prejudice, from free Freedom Academic callany minute, please see me. (3) (2) (1) part part of class your participation homeworkand grade. Quizzes may notmay or beannounced. interact,the youmore have will to write about. Quizzes,SSR, yourand Writer’sJournal are all own opinions, ideas,and examples,the yougainmore will fromthe class. Also, the more you fundamentally on based discussions andclass peer work.The more you participate yourwith interestedyou. in informationThis is someone his shared heror contact information with you that theisperson romantically unlessyou have theperson’s permission. Also, please don’t assumethatjust because Arriving late and leaving early are distracting and disruptive. Please be considerate of your of considerate be Please disruptive. and distracting are early leaving and late Arriving contact contact as me assoon possible; Name day.(See below.) contact a forarrange someone to drop off your assignments, or them to e-mail me; finallyand : Out of respect for everyone in class, please turn off all electronic devices while devices electronic all off turn please class, in everyone for respect of Out : : As a student at CSUB, you have the right to expect a quality education which is which education quality a expect to right the have you CSUB, at student a As : fellowclassmate Burro Genius Burro COURSECURRICULUM/ASSIGNMENTS . . ______Phone# We will Wewill SSR follow awith quick Journal entry in you will which AlthoughI periodically will be lecturing, class this is (not the instructor) to find out what you class in missed that extremely solely for academic purposes.

confidential The first fifteen minutes of class be will —you ur Genius Burro

may ______

not give it outto anyone E-mail Address pa n Tuesday, on speak ,

Page1 will require will a firstdraft, peer revision, and a draft. final Drafts peerand revisions be will factored into the Essays: to write threesummaries of the essays thatwe read. collect them it’speriodically, important so you do every homework assignment. You also will be required Homework/Summaries: Assignments Late final your on reduction letter-grade a to essay grade. up in result can so do to Failure assignment. essay each with requested material other any and drafts, prewriting, all in turn Please font. all-italicized or all-bold, caps, Quick Roman New 12 Times of size in font typed and double-spaced be and margins inch one have should assignments All Assignments: Web-site. will I give you informationmore inon this class. RUSH First-Year Roadrunner the on posted be will essays their and 9th, November on visit Villaseñor’s an enter opportunity to the have will you addition, In and mechanics.and whetherargue notor toand what extent that is valid.stance You be will evaluated for content,grammar, minutesto respond to short a prompt whereby youbriefly will summarizethe author’s stance thenand write must both in-classessays even ifyou pass the first time. Forthe in-class essay,youhave will 90 be will given two opportunities to doso. Your grades the for in-classessays two be will averaged. You In-Class Essays: importantvery thatyou turn essays in onthe due date. essay grade. The writingprompt be will given you to least at weekone before thefirst draft is due. It is paper to this online program, you can access a color-coded report with details about your use of use the on register your to need will you, about use To guide. a as details only site this use should you with properly, cited not report is that paraphrasing color-coded with problems detect not a does site this access Because paper. your yourcan in sources submit you you program, after hours online two this Approximately to plagiarism. paper avoid you help to tool a is outlined as on theuniversity website: plagiarism for CSUB by established sanctions disciplinary and academic the to subject is course This Honesty PolicyAcademic Access for details. Any assignment of more than one page must be stapled. stapled. be must page one than more of assignment Any details. for Access Becauseof itsnature, in-classwork notmay be made up. however,be aware that essay grades reduced are by letterone for each day theyare late. whenyou arrive for or class, be itwill considered late. I accept always late essay assignments; quickly.”itoutreally mayask“print you and if theinstructor. Youare required to write a minimum two of out-of-class essays.Each essay of essays these Be sure to label and save all your work on your work your flash drive! labeland allon save sure to your Be . When necessary, use MLA to document all quoted and paraphrased materials. Refer to Refer materials. paraphrased and quoted all document to MLA use necessary, When . In In to order pass English you100 must earn aon C- least at You :

Yourassignments are due on the date indicatedon the syllabus or indicated by Please do not come to class with your work on a memory device on class your worka memory with not come do to Please Occasionally you be will assigned reading questions for homework. I will essay contest essay You should yourhave handwork in . Winners will be announced during announced be will Winners . Please avoid all- avoid Please

Page1 following15 topics that studentswork on outside of at class their convenience: Required Workshops Writing TutoringIndividual, Drop-InRecommended: requirement. assistance.Your instructor may withholdyour essay untilgrade after you completedhave this paper your into one of CSUBthe main tutoring centers(OASIS, STAAR,CAMP)and for individual receive referral a formany with your of papers, you are required within weekone to take the form and writing, your which in case youreceive will a Tutor FormReferral with your graded essay.If you Yourinstructor alsomay require that you completeindividual, drop-in tutoring certain for aspects of your to paper your of copy a in hand also must instructor. you instructor; your to paper your submitted have you mean not does to paper a Submitting Note: After your profile is created, you canlog and onto use the site. up set to information following the need will user your profile: You site. the use may that others any and class this for specifically profile” “user a create to need then will you done, is this Once password. a up set and site Semicolons,Colons, Dashes,and Parentheses Apostrophes Commas MisplacedDangling or Modifiers PronounAgreement Subject-VerbAgreement Run-OnSentences Fragments Parts of Speech,Phrases, Clausesand Developing Organizingand a Paragraph Essay Organization Statement Thesis Prewriting the master below 15topics through the Recall Applyand sections. must You topics. 15 your towards count not will pre-diagnostic the through mastered topics that Note master (2) and Grammar) Basic sectionsfor ofeach the following MyWritingLab topics. and Grammar (Sentence Applyand Recall both80%highertheor on of topic,score youearn must a a master To the quarter. of diagnostics end the by topics 15 of total post a for week, per topics assigned below the of half a and one and approximately pre- the (1) must you take credit, full receive To grade. 100 English overall your of 10% worth is requirement This class. 100 English your with conjunction in topics MyWritingLab 15 completing for responsible are You : A MyWritingLab online workshop is required for this course. The workshop consists of the of consists workshop The course. this for required is workshop online MyWritingLab A :

ClassEnrollment Password:roadrunner ClassID––3476106

Page1 Foradditional information on MyWritingLab, viewthe power pointsat the following sites: Web the follow directionsfrom there. and class,” different a “join on click site, the to login to need will you Instead, profile. user and new a create register to need not do you class, previous a in site the to registered already have you If this. do and site to number identification course and the code MyWritingLab your need to will you and register profile, user your you create help to class of week second or first your during scheduled be will time A identificationnumber: need Youwill an access code, which is packaged your with may grades suffer. theend the of quarter to complete allfifteen topics, you will notreceive creditfull and essay your approximately and one half topicsa per week, for total a of 15topics. This meansthatif youuntilwait workshop,you can work on topics these outside of class at convenience, your long as so you master be Youwill held responsible these for newevery skills week your in writing. Since this is an online Confused Easily Words Parallelism which also which uses MyWritingLab, while enrolledin English80 to avoid any confusion. Note “unlocked” for you. Note: : Please : let instructor your if know enrolled you are Humanities/Behavioral in Sciences 277, Homework, Journal,Homework, Participationand Writer’sWorkshop: MyWritingLab OneDocumented Essay (synthesis pages) - 4-6 OneEssay pages)(2-3 Two Two If you If exhaust topic beforea mastering let it, instructor your know, heand or itshe have will

In-Class Essays pages)(2-3 Summaries(1/2 to page) 1 How to get aroundMWL for to English100How get How to switch classes in in MWL in classes to How switch CourseID#-Professor515789W How to register to for Howregister MWL GRADEDISTRIBUTION 20% Quick Access Quick 10% 10% 30% 10% 20% (10 20%(10 each) text theand following course


Please notePlease that classes Tuesday meet in 104 CB and Texts: Exam Final Lastday of classes SOCI week Veteran’s Day- Campus closed Villaseñor Victor visits CSUB Lastday to drop classes (with “W” Lastday to add classes Important Dates: 16Sept 14Sept The The ProseReader

Syllabus Review Review and Quiz Syllabus registrationMyWritingLab importantpoints. Bring printedsyllabus to class. HW: Introduction to onlinesyllabus- Diagnosticessay Introduction to Thinking,the Course- Reading, and Writing ReadchapterPR introductions: schedule. HW: readingBegin Burro PlanGenius. on 50 reading pages a week. See reading ReadingProcess, annotating, summarizing         PurchaseProse Reader withMyWritingLab code Cause/Effect pp.398-402 Definitionpp. 354-358 Comparison/Contrastpp. 299-302 Division/Classificationpp. 245-248 ProcessAnalysis pp.188-191 Examplepp. 141-144 Narration pp.91-94 Descriptionpp. 31-34 (PR) Quick Access Quick ( English 100-4 Course Schedule*100-4 Course English recorded on transcript) your QA) and Week 1 Week Thursday classes meet WSL in 5. BurroGenius(BG ) ) November 8-12November 11 November October 1 20 Sept . Read (PR). pp. 1-30. Highlight November 23 November November 9 November November 19November 11:00a.m.-1:30p.m.

Page1 Sept 30Sept 28Sept 23Sept 21Sept 7 Oct 5 Oct

33. HW: HW: Completesummary #1 Example Essay dueExample HW: HW: and Revise Edit Exampleessays. draft Rough workshop- exercisespeer revision ComparisonContrast essays SSR-Journal entry #3- process analysis Draft Due. Essay First Example HW: Completefirst draft of Example Essay and bring printedcopy class. to Write ExampleEssay first draft. statement Thesis review. ReadComparison Contrast pp.PR 299-311. HW: topic Choose of Example essay. Write possible 2 thesis statements. Exampleessays and Exampleessay assignment WritingProcess, writing academic essays SSR-Journal entry #2- Description Summarywriting workshop DiscussTan Staples.and SSR Staples,“ABrother’s Murder,” pp.PR 180-185. HW: ExamplePR pp. 141-151; AmyTan, Tongue” “Mother pp. 171-179;and Brent DiagnosticReview Writing Assignment/Common errors/ Writing Process Audience,Purpose, Persuasive and writing Rhetoricalmodes Academicand Writing SSR- HW: HW: Completesummary #2. Read PR Argument pp.446-461. Write summary Paraphrasing DiscussOuchi. ReadWilliam Ouchi, “Japanese Americanand Workers: Two Mind,casts of PR pp.326-  BurroGenius Argument pp.446-450 Summary #1due Summary

#2. . . Journalentry #1- Week 3 Week 2 Week Week 5 Week 4 Week

Page1 Oct 26 Oct 21 Oct 19 Oct America”pp. 506-513. pp.500- 14 Oct America”pp. 506-513. pp.500- 12 Oct 4 Nov 2 Nov 28 Oct

SSR – SSR Journal entry #4- #2due Summary HW: Synthesis Choose essay topic. Write working thesis statement and outline. Choose #2 Argument In Class Essay HW: two Choose possibleSynthesis essay topics Discusssynthesisessay assignment Evaluatingsources and websites SSR-Journal entry #6 HW: Read/ScanMLA Documentation Handbook in QA pp.378-410. WritingDocumented Essay InReview Essay class #1 HW: ReadDocumentedPR Essay pp.545-559. Works Cited DiscussScott and Raynor Journal SSR entry 5 # HW: Scott Michael “AmericaTake Must Stronger Measures Halt to Illegal Immigration” #1- (Common Essay) In Class Essay HW: Scott Michael “AmericaTake Must Stronger Measures Halt to Illegal Immigration” In Classessay strategies Argument essays HW: firstHW: Write draftof Synthesis essay. Schedulemandatory one-on-one conferences- See officehours or an appointment. make firstBegin draft of essay Synthesis HW: Complete sample Works Cited page Create a Works Cited sample page. Documentation MLA SSR-Journal entry #7 outline.statement, and essayworking thesis topic, Synthesis Submit sources. and 505 Raynor, Richard Immigration “Illegal Does Not Threaten and 505 Raynor, Richard Immigration “Illegal Does Not Threaten Week 6 Week Week 8 Week 7 Week

Page1 * 1:30p.m. Final Exam 11:00a.m.- 23 Nov 18 Nov 16 Nov 11 Nov 9 Nov This form is due on November 11.form dueNovember is on This summaryof chapter.each thenotes the in notes class sectionof your binder.Give each a chapter title writeand a 1-2 sentence discussiongroup to the analyze novel,so you should take notes duringthe discussion sessions.Include is saying.Place “!s” in the margin places thatbeside shock surpriseor you. you will workawith reading place?s the marginin beside theplaces that you do not understand, whereor you doubt what the author topics, these highlighting so information make will writingthe journal entries much easier. In addition, respond a in situationsimilar in or circumstances. those Most your of journal entries will berelatedto development,plot, themes, setting (bothtimeand place), literaryand devices.Think about how you would Youneed to read about 50 pages week. As you read, highlight important information related to character English100-4 Name______Page,copies of allrough drafts,copies of outside sources, highlightedand annotated. Final ** mustpapers includethe following mustand be submitted a in folder: Final Draft, Cited Works This syllabus is provisional and subjectto change; fact, in it likely most change. will

due.essay Draft #2 Synthesis Review SynthesisReview essay withOasis Center tutor. ReadWriting Arguments QA pp.84-86. EX Do 5-1 pp. 86-87. HW: ReadRhetorical Strategies Paragraphs in QA pp.50-64. Ex Do 3-6 pp.65-66. HW:Complete #2Draft Synthesis essay workshop Revision SSR Complete My WritingLab.My Complete First draft dueof Synthesis essay First Veteran’s Day: No Class Veteran’s Day: No Homework assignments, MWL summary due. MWL Homework assignments, due. Synthesis essay Final copy Completepeer reviewworksheet for #2.Draft Attend “An Evening With Victor at Villaseñor” 7:00 inpm the Icardo Center -Journal entry #8 Reading ScheduleReading Burro Burro Genius FinalExam Week 10Week Week 9: Week **

Page1 ______book. Record thoughts your about this story. Discusstwo thingsyou likeand two thingsyou dislike about this ______of Villaseñor Victor and talk. his Have Villaseñor autograph your book. Attendthe November 9 evening presentation by Victor Villaseñor.Take notes. Describe impressions your 100-4 Name______10Extra Credit ______Sept 27-OctSept 1 Sept20-24 Sept13-17 Oct25-29 Oct18-22 Oct11-15 Nov 1-5 Nov Oct 4-8 Oct Week ( ( Seeend book) of Bonus 3-12 Pages 20,21, Afterward Pgs.289-320 Pgs.144-193 Pgs.100-144 Pgs.194-248 Pg.249-288 13,14,15,16 Pgs.49-99 Pgs.1-48 Chapters 17,18,19 10,11,12 Preface 4,5,6,7 1,2,3 8,9 DateCompleted DateJournal Entry Completed English

Page1 ______thefollowing MyWritingLab topics of each for sections Apply and Recall the both on higher or 80% of score a earn must you topic, a master approximately master (2) and Grammar) and one half ofa the below assignedtopics per week, a for total of 15 topics by the end Basic of the quarter. To and Grammar (Sentence diagnostics post and pre- the class. 100 English take (1) must you credit, full receive To your grade. 100 English overall your of 10% worth is requirement with This conjunction in topics MyWritingLab 15 completing for responsible are You Name______10Extra pointsCredit for participation grade. Week 2 1 EssayOrganization Thesisstatements . Prewriting Lesson MyWritingLab Schedule DateCompleted Mastery Score Mastery English 100-4

Page1 ______recordPlease your comments about how this program helped you your improve writing skills. assignment. ______You earnedhave ______(10) for this ______9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Developing Developing Organizingand Partsof Speech, Phrases, Dashes,and Parentheses Subject-VerbAgreement Easily Easily ConfusedWords Misplacedor Dangling Semicolons,Colons, PronounAgreement Run-OnSentences Apostrophes and Clausesand a Paragraph a Parallelism Fragments Modifiers Commas


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