You Need to Be Able to Analyze And/Or Compare Two Works of Art

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You Need to Be Able to Analyze And/Or Compare Two Works of Art

AP/Honors Art History Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet

Period Artists Major Works of Art Terms to Know Renaissance Baroque Peter Paul Rubens David Vanitas Judith Leyster Ecstasy of St. Theresa Camera obscura Rembrandt van Rijn Las Meninas Tenebrism Jan Vermeer Self Portraits Grand Manner Caravaggio Vanitas paintings Diego Velazquez Allegory of Art Bernini Rococo Antoine Watteau Louis XIV Enlightenment Jean Honore Fragonard Pilgrimmage to Cythera Genre painting Thomas Gainsborough The Swing Salon Benjamin West Breakfast Scene academy William Hogarth Death of General Wolfe Neoclassicism Jacque-Louis David Oath of the Horatii The Grand Tour Death of Marat Romanticism Jean-August-Dominique Ingres Pauline Borghese as Venus Henry Fusilli Grand Odalisque Francisco Goya The Nightmare Theodore Gericault The Third of May Eugene Delacroix Saturn Devouring One of His Joseph Mallord Wiliam Turner Children Albert Bierstadt Raft of the Medusa Tiger Hunt The Slave Ship Realism Gustave Courbet The Stone Breakers Jean-Francois Millet Burial at Ornans Honore Daumier The Gleaners Edouard Manet Third Class Carriage Winslow Homer Luncheon on the Grass Thomas Eakins Olympia John Singer Sargent The Gross Clinic Veteran in a New Field

Pre-Raphaelites John Everett Millais Ophelia Early Photography Nadar Horse Galloping Daguerreotype Timothy O’Sullivan Calotype AP/Honors Art History Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet

Eadweard Muybridge Wet Plate Photography Impressionism Claude Monet Impression: Sunrise Japonisme Edouard Manet Rouen Cathedral Edgar Degas Claude Monet in his Studio Boat Pierre-August Renoir La Moulin de la Galette Mary Cassatt The Rehearsal The Bath Post Impressionism Henri Toulouse-Lautrec At the Moulin Rouge Georges Seurat Sunday on La Grande Jatte Vincent Van Gogh Night Café Paul Gauguin Starry Night Paul Cezanne Where Do We Come From? August Rodin What are We? Where Are We Going? Monte Sainte-Victoire Symbolism Henri Rousseau Sleeping Gypsy Edvard Munch The Scream Gustav Klimt The Kiss 19th C. Sculpture Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux Ugolino and His Sons Auguste Rodin Art Nouveau/Architecture Victor Horta Tassel House, Brussels Jugendstil Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel Eiffel Tower Moderismo Louis Sullivan Carson Pirie Building, Chicago Floreale Fauvism Henri Matisse Woman with the Hat Avant-garde AP/Honors Art History Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet

German Expressionism Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Masks Die Brücke Emil Nolde Improvisation 28 Der Blaue Reiter Vassily Kandinsky Fate of the Animals Franz Marc Woman with Dead Child Käthe Kollwitz Nude Self-portrait Egon Schiele

Primitivism Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles d’Avignon Cubism Pablo Picasso The Portugese collage Georges Braque Still Life with Chair Caning Robert Delaunay Homage to Bleriot Guernica Three Musicians Purism Fernand Leger The CIty Futurism Giacomo Balla Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash dynamism Umberto Boccioni Unique Forms of Continuity in Gino Severini Space Armored Train Dadaism Marcel Duchamp The Fountain Ready-mades Kurt Schwitters The Bride Stripped Bare by her Photomontage Hannah Höch Bachelors, Even (The Large assemblage Glass) Merz, 19 Suprematism Constructivism Vladimir Tatlin Monument to the Third International AP/Honors Art History Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet

American Art Man Ray Nude Descending a Staircase Matronage Aaron Douglas Cadeau Charles Demuth New York Night Georgia O’Keeffe The Steerage Alfred Stieglitz (Photography) Robie House Frank Lloyd Write (Architecture) My Egypt Marcel Duchamp Precisionism Charles Demuth Art Deco William van Alen Chrysler Building Surrealism Giorgio de Chirico The Song of Love Biomorphic surrealism Salvador Dali Two Children are Threatened by a Naturalistic surrealism Max Ernst Nightengale automatism Rene Magritte Persistence of Memory Meret Oppenheim The Treachery (or Perfidy) of Joan Miro Images Paul Klee Object Painting The Twittering Machine De Stijl (The Style) Piet Mondrian Composition with Red, Blue and neoplasticism Yellow Broadway Boogie Woogie Early 20th Century Sculpture Constantin Brancusi Bird in Space Early 20th Century Architecture Walter Gropius Shop Block Bauhaus Le Corbusier Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Mexican Art Diego Rivera Ancient Mexico Frieda Kahlo The Two Fridas Early 20th Century Photography Dorothea Lange Migrant Mother Documentary photography Margaret Bourke White AP/Honors Art History Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet

Early 20th Century Sculpture and Alexander Calder Lobster Trap and Fish Tail Mobile Architecture Frank Lloyd Wright Fallingwater stabile Social Realism Edward Hopper Nighthawks Midwest Realism Aaron Douglas Noah’s Ark Jacob Lawrence Slavery Through Grant Wood Reconstruction Thomas Hart Benton American Gothic

Post War Expressionism Alberto Giacometti Man Pointing Clement Greenberg Arshile Gorky Garden in a Sochi Gestural abstraction Jackson Pollock Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Action painting Willem de Kooning Mist) Chromatic abstraction Mark Rothko Woman I Color Field Painting Helen Frankenthaler Number 14 The Bay Op Art Bridget Riley Fission Abstraction in Sculpture Tony Smith Die David Smith Cubi XII Donald Judd Untitled Louise Nevelson Tropical Garden II AP/Honors Art History Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet

Pop Art Jasper Johns Three Flags Combines Robert Rauschenberg Canyon Encaustic Roy Lichtenstein What is Pop Art? Benday dots Andy Warhol Green Coca-Cola Bottles Claus Oldenberg Lipstick (Ascending) on Cater- Richard Hamilton pillar Tracks Marilyn Diptych Just What It Is That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, So Appealing? Superrealism Chuck Close Self-portrait Feminist Art Judy Chicago The Dinner Party Cindy Sherman Untitled Film Still #35 Site Specific Architecture Robert Smithson Spiral Jetty Performance Art Jean Tinguely Homage to New York Conceptual Art Joseph Kosuth One and Three Chairs Social Art Barbara Kruger Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side Robert Maplethorpe of My Face) Faith Ringgold Self Portrait Who’s Afraid of Aunt Jemima? Graffitti Art Jean-Michel Basquiat Horn Players Keith Haring Tuttomondo Political Art Willie Bester Homage to Steve Biko David Hammons A Book from the Sky Xu Bing Public Enemy Contemporary Architecture Frank Gehry Guggenheim, Bilbao, Spain Deconstructivism Ieoh Ming Pei Glass Pyramid, Louvre Contemporary Site-Specific Maya Lin Vietnam War Memorial Architecture Christo and Jean Claude Surrounded Islands Andy Goldsworthy Cracked Rock Spiral New Media Jenny Holzer Untitled (selections from Truisms, truism Inflamatory Essays, The Living Series, The Survival Series, Under a Rock, Laments, and Child Text) AP/Honors Art History Mid-Term Exam Review Sheet

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