Central House of Artists
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APRIL 26, FRIDAY Theatrical Club (Hall 23, 3 rd floor)
11.00 – 12.00 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
12.00 – 13.00 “Journey into the world of music”, an interactive program of string quartet “Geleos” for children from 3 years. Organizer: Children's Center Tapuz Young Moscow team String Quartet “GELEOS” invites children and adults to go on a musical journey. After all, music is magic, and it allows to travel easily to different countries and worlds. The quartet musicians will not only perform great music, but also talk about musical instruments, genres and composers. Young students become active participants in the concert; there will be games, contests and surprises for them. And at the end of the program everyone will be able to try to extract the sound from the violin, viola and cello!
13.00 – 14.00 “As a parrot learned to make friends”. Musical show of the Theatre for children from 1 to 4 years and their parents. Summer, sunny story about a parrot who could not make friends, and Elephant, Ostrich and Butterfly taught him. The play tells the kids that even the most-most dissimilar characters can play together, that make friends is better than fight. We will be in Africa, learning to eat like elephants, hide heads in the sand like ostriches and even fly like a butterfly! Each child will get a small toy-character, which he can take home with them. The play is with the live music. Organizer: Project “Doing it with Mum”
14.00 – 15.00 “Jonathan the Seagull. Part One”. A one-man show of the Academic Cardboard Theater on the play of Richard Bach’s “Seagull Jonathan Livingston”. Author and Artist - Mikhail Belov, Minister of Culture of “Kartonia” (“Cardboard”). For children from 5 years. Running time 20 minutes.
15.00 – 16.00 “Clown Sapiens is back”. One-man show in the genre of circus, physical theater, puppetry, mime and jazz. Relieves your stress, puts clever ideas in your head, helps the soul to become kinder and more. Age of homo sapiens does not matter. Organizer: Russian Centre of mime and Theater marquees “Kocha and Company”, winner of the circus and theater festivals in the United States, Switzerland and Russia. Organizer of the festival-laboratory “13 clowns in search of meaning”.
16.00 – 17.30 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
17.30 - 18.30 Performance “Hubba hubba, ding ding, don’t forget the wedding ring”. Of love for little children (from 4 years). Theatre SNARK We decided to tell our little ones about the Most Important. And what could be more important than Love, and what is harder to narrate than the story about it? With the actors we remembered as we fell in love in the very early age, even in kindergarten, what we feared most, what we were most ashamed of, what fatal mistakes in love we made. We will be glad if our future audience - fathers, mothers and children send us their memories and, who knows, probably we will include them in the show. In any case, the authors of the most interesting stories will get tickets to the show! Maybe, after this conversation-game it will be easier for children to understand all these intricacies, incomprehensible even to us adults ... Running time: 40 minutes. Director: Yuri Alesin Artist: Yevgeny Bondarenko Cast: Maria Markova, Vasil Dranko-Maisyuk.
Start Up Workshops (Hall 22, 3 rd floor)
11.00 – 12.00 Teremok. Interactive story by own hands, for parents with babies from 0 to 6 years. Organizer: Mama's Lab.
12.00 – 13.00 Lessons for children with Hans the hare. Organizer: Goethe Institute
13.00 – 14.00 Improvisation on “Byzantine mosaic”: birds and flowers of ancient Byzantium. Classes from art studio “Dada” (Podolsk).
14.00 – 15.00 Workshop: Learning to navigate on the mechanical clock. Presenter: E.V. Ryleeva. For children from 6 years. Puzzles, the game “Show without naming”: mechanical clocks, electronic clocks, hourglasses, sundials; how mechanical clock works, work in 2 teams with the floor-model of the mechanical clock. Organizer: “Obrouch” magazine
15.00 – 16.00 “Chest of fun”. Active games based on Russian folk traditions. Organizer: Center for Children and Parents “Rozhdestvo”.
16.00 – 17.30 “Boy Motl goes to school”. Theatrical workshop on calligraphy. Organizer: Children's Center “Here and there”.
17.30 – 18.30 "How to contemplate the pictures?" Workshop for children and their parents. Organizer: Children's Center “Here and there”.
Parents’ Club (Hall 27)
10.30 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00 Training matrix game “Modern approaches to professional competence development of women on maternity leave”. Presenter: Divnenko Olga, Ph.D., head of the association of family business in Russia. Organizer: Project “Jobs for Moms”
13.00 – 14.00 Sonatal-pedagogy. Prenatal education. Presenter: Lazarev M.L., Head of department of pre- and perinatal health at the Scientific Center of Children Health under the Russian Academy of Medical Science, founder of prenatal pedagogy in Russia. Organizer: Project “Jobs for Moms”.
14.00 - 15.00 Full-value professional and family life during the maternity leave. Subtleties that you did not guess. Presenter: a leading obstetrician-gynecologist at hospital № 72, mother of many children Shorina Svetlana. Organizer: Project “Jobs for Moms”
15.00 – 16.00 “It is not that hard”, ceramics studio in Nikitskaya presents master class “Small plastique” for adults and children from 4 years. Manufacturing of decorative items. Instructor: Elena Skvortsova, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists. Organizer: Children's Center Tapuz
16.00 – 17.00 “This toxic world. Vipers, wolf berries, karakurt ... Not all the living organisms on the planet are friendly to a man, including a small one, who investigates the world with hands and mouth. Which toxicity might be waiting for a child in the country, in a walking tours, on the sea resort or even in native walls, in the most usual and very home medicine cabinet”. Presenter: Alexey Vodovozov, medical toxicologist, editor of the scientific journal “Russian pharmacies”, winner of the competition of scientific blogging in 2012. Organizer: portal “Letidor”.
17.30 – 18.30 What Russian kindergartens are missing – the results of the research (based on the project “Social Navigator” RIA Novosti).
Quarter of Professions (Hall 25)
11.30-13.00. Section 1. Visiting Hospitals and Police station of Masterslavl (5 +)
Big travel of porridge in the body. Examine the way of harmful and useful products in the body on professional dummy.
We catch the culprit by the nose. Make up the photo fit of a suspect, study physiognomic features, learn to be attentive and remember details.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles; write out fines for lack of smiles and reprimand.
13.30-15.00. Section 2. The Police station of Masterslavl: detectives needed (5 +)
Clinical examination at the City Hospital of Masterslavl. Courageous and responsible guys, who want to work in the police, are examined in the hospital and receive the necessary medical certificates.
Investigation leading experts. City policemen conduct master classes for young recruits. Children learn to carry out investigation, work with the evidence and collect fingerprints.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles. Patrolling the streets and learn to comply the rule of law.
15.00-16.30. Section 3. Introduction to the profession of dentist and competition “The most attentive policeman” (5 +)
We protect the teeth. In dental office we are learning to keep teeth healthy.
Criminal is known by the ears. At the Police station we collect clues and analyze distinctive features of the criminal. Competition for the collection of marks.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles. Patrolling the streets and learn to comply the rule of law.
17.00-18.30. Section 4. Opening of the Nurse School and the Study of fingerprints (5 +)
School of nurses. Bathe and diaper babies in the neonatal
What did these items tell? Learn to explore the mysteries of objects by marks left on them.
Patrolling on wheels. Top police officers are involved in the parade on gyrocycles. School of Children’s Publishers (Hall 16)
11.00 – 12.00 Merry Adventures of Karandash and Samodelkin with children's writer Valentin Postnikov.
12.00 – 13.00 Press Conference of Start Up Festival
13.00 – 14.00 “Games and reading”, master class for parents and children over 5 years on reading and other gaming activities. Organizer: “Samokat” Publishers and scientific-practical seminar “Children's books read by adults” MGPU. Presenters - teachers and psychologists Eugeniy Katz and Yekaterina Asonova.
14.00 – 15.00 Master class series “Mary Poppins is back!” involving psychologist of TV project “Nanny to the rescue”. Organizer: Read Media Publishing
15.00 – 16.00 Workshop on the book by Jeff Kinney “Diary of a wimp”. Organizer: Read Media Publishing.
16.00 - 17.30 Children's holiday-presentation of the book “Slippers”. ArtLebedev Studio. A poetic tale in which the author, Anastasia Kovalenkova, will create together with children a large map-adventure of Sasha in a book country. In the action involved a prototype of the hero “Slippers” - a trained dachshund Osip.
17.30 – 18.30
Professional Forum (Hall 19) – Day business seminar “How to start: open a kindergarten or a children's club”. Admission by special invitation only.
10.00 – 10.30 Registration and informal communication, introductory part.
10.30 – 11.30 Legal forms and legal perspectives. Presenter: Agzamov Azat Rayafovich. How to start up a children's center? What the law says about it? What forms and options for the registration of the enterprise? Who and what for is responsible when organizing the enterprise? What can and what cannot be in a kindergarten or a children’s center, and what’s the difference between them? Azat Agzamov, one of the best experts in the country in organization of educational institutions, will answer these and all other questions. The seminar will also be of interest to the managers of the existing kindergartens, as it will be built on the materials of just released new version of the Law on Education.
11.30 – 12.30 Kinds and types of programs. Varied forms of pre-school education. Presenter: Tatyana Valerievna Volkova. Nowadays various forms of organization of kindergartens are allowed in Russia: non-state, family, home, groups of temporary stay, and many others. The objective of this workshop is to understand what is the actual difference between them, and which one is preferable in your case. The seminar will not only cover and comment on the provisions of the law, but will talk about specific examples of the implementation of laws. You will talk with the directors of the existing kindergartens.
12.30 – 13.30 Working with parents. Presenter: Virginie Durand How to organize the work with parents so that they become not only your clients, but also the colleagues in your hard work? Where is the line between the professional care of their problems and personal involvement? How to find the right approach so that parents are happy with their choice. How to win the respect and trust – all that reveals the founder and CEO of an international network (also successfully developing in Russia) of «PtitCREF» Kindergarten
13.30 – 14.00 Coffee break
14.00 – 15.00 Taxation and Finance. Presenter: Pavel Yurievich Gamolsky Taxation of non-profit organizations – not an easy task even for an experienced accountant. Pavel Yurievich Gamolsky, heading the professional club NCOs for many years, can help you to compare the tax rates, choose the best way of taxation, not to get lost in the sources of financing and expenditure items. Also, we'll discuss the remuneration of labour and the contributions according to the latest changes in the Russian legislation.
15.00 – 16.00 The various forms of funding a kindergarten. Presenter: Dmitry Tyutterin As you know, the money is never enough. And when it comes to one’s own business – there is no money at all. Most kindergarten directors in such cases raise a pay or reduce the quality of services. Meanwhile, there is a lot of opportunities to earn money just close at hand. Fundraising, crowdfunding, normative per capita funding, compensations to parents, tax deductions, corporate finance, maternity capital, targeted funding, compensation of costs. All this and more are the possibilities available for additional financing of the children's center. That’s what we will talk about.
16.00 – 17.00 Sales and marketing. Victoria Krasilschikova, editor in chief of KidsReview “Sales” and “Marketing” - how to use these terrible words for the benefit of your organization? At the workshop we will examine what is the typical promotion of the specific services in the market, pay attention to the use of all the main elements of a complex product (services) promotion, and mark the new trends and innovations in standard areas: sales promotion, direct marketing, advertising and public relations. We will discuss how the marketing concept in the planning of preschool organization will provide you with ample opportunities to realize the most daring ideas.
17.00 – 18.00 Questions and discussion
Theatrical Club (Hall 23, 3 rd floor)
11.00 – 12.00 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
12.00 – 13.00 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
13.00 – 14.00 “The Snow Queen”. Play-game of paper on the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen. “Studio T”. This is the story of how Gerda saved her brother, Kai, from the Snow Queen. Kai tried to paint scenery from paper to better understand all that has happened: the palace, where Gerda mistook him for the Prince; then the Prince and the Princess gave her a coach, as robbers kidnapped Gerda, and how the brave girl managed to get to the ice palace. Both children and parents become part of the action, helping to recreate the events of this exciting and dangerous journey. They give voice to the wind, scream like robbers, make snow, shine a flashlight - participating in the overall game, they tell a story and create a play with Kai. For children of 5-9 years One-person performance of Alexei Shashilov. Director: Maya Krasnopolskaya. Artist: Rosa Gimatdinova The play is intended for the audiences of 50. The age limit - 5 +.
14.00 – 15.00 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
15.00 – 16.00 Performance “Crictor” by the book of Tomi Ungerer. Organizer: Funny Bell House
This is a funny story about a brave and beautiful boa named Crictor told by an American writer and artist Tomi Ungerer. What can be found in a parcel from distant countries? How to catch a thief? How to become a real brave spirit? Your children will learn this and will ne able to help the heroes of the new performance at the children's theater of Funny Bell House.
In the center of Moscow settled a boa ... Do not be afraid - this is an educated boa! Meet Tomi Ungerer - artist and writer, born in France. Citizen of the world and a fighter for civil rights, prize- winner of Hans Christian Andersen award, who was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor. Tomi Ungerer is the author and illustrator of seventy mischievous and educational children's books. He knows - to reveal the identity of the child, you need to strike his fancy. “Crictor” by Tomi Ungerer is over 60 years already. This entertaining story is a huge success for many generations of children and their parents. Crictor is a boa, who plays with the children, learns letters and performs exploits! One bold explorer of Africa gave the boa to his mother as birthday present. “Crictor” has become a real gift for us, inspiring the creative group of Funny Bell House to set up a performance for children of 3 - 7 years!
You will be involved in funny adventures with Crictor, feel the atmosphere of a small French town, warm comfort of Provence in the sets and costumes, live musical accompaniment, play of the French accordion and direct involvement of your children in the play! But most importantly - it's Crictor himself! Smart, brave, funny and such nice by touch - a boa! Welcome children with their parents! Funny Bell House
16.00 – 17.30 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
17.30 – 18.30 “Romeo and Juliet”. Organizer: Home theater
Romantic play “Romeo and Juliet” in a touching paper-theater genre. In our adapted for children version, this greatest love story looks extremely charming, light and touching, and will not bore anyone! First, children make paper dolls and paint Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio and other heroes of Shakespeare's play, then make masks, put on cloaks and learn to dance the real medieval dance “Pavane”. After that, everyone gets a role, and everybody joins the fascinating rehearsal, after which the children themselves play a wonderful show!
Decoration of the play “Romeo and Juliet” is made in the style of a medieval mobile puppet theater. This is a large paper roll, which the kids unroll, telling the story of Romeo and Juliet. (The text is written on the back of each doll, so the kids don’t have to learn it!) The action takes place under the beautiful music of Nino Rotta, Tchaikovsky, Bizet and Mahler. This show will not leave anyone indifferent! The number of participants is from 2 to 20 people, age - from 5 to 12 years.
Start Up Workshops (Hall 22, 3 rd floor)
11.00 – 12.00 Master class for children from 3 years. “Rainbow and the sun in my hands”. Create masterpieces by hands: making jewelry, quilling, sand pictures. Carried out by experts of the kindergarten “Louchik/Sunray”.
12.00 – 13.00 Master class for children from 3 years. “Rainbow and the sun in my hands”. Create masterpieces by hands: making jewelry, quilling, sand pictures. Carried out by experts of the kindergarten “Louchik/Sunray”.
13.00 – 14.00 Master class for kids “School of the young actors”. Interactive fabulous theatrical game in which children will find themselves in the magical world and become actors and travellers, move to the underwater world and outer space and help Maryushka to find mysterious prizes. Organizer: Kindergarten “Louchik/Sunray”
14.00 – 15.00
15.00 – 16.00 “140 suns”. The kids will get acquainted with the way the sun is depicted in different cultures and the ways of painting - from ancient Egypt to Van Gogh, and then they will try themselves to depict the sun, but not the way they used to. Master class is conducted by Yelizaveta Lavinskaya, artistic director of the Workshop “Small children and great art”.
16.00 – 17.30 Playing out of nothing. Asking the question “What do you need to have an interesting game, the best adventure?” you can get very different answers. Someone tells you that he/she needs a computer or a games device, someone names new popular toys, and someone (though this person is hard to find today) says “almost nothing” - and will be right! After all, for the most exciting, the most unpredictable game you need just your imagination and very little else. Rather, the most ordinary things - for example, something that has been long in your pocket - sticks, buttons, small stones, ribbons, strings, and other trifles. On our master class, we will tell and show you how to use these small things, and make EVERYTHING, that is the whole world of game, out of NOTHING. Studio of creative play in the club's workshop. Presenter: Expert of the Center of Toys and Games MGPPU Alexandra Romanova
17.30 – 18.30 “Meet the senses!” Art therapy, workshop. Organizer: Children's Center “Here and there”.
Parents’ Club (Hall 27)
11.00 – 12.00 Round table “Modern technology and children's reading”. Are the modern technologies the enemy of reading for children or are they an additional resource that allows to create a real educational virtual world about books? Why does a modern child have to read? What do we do, if the methods that were used to “train” reading in the previous generation, are not working now? We will try to get the answers to these questions from the variety of specialists: child psychologists, librarians, authors, writers, and, of course, from the parents who have their own experience. Presenter of the event - chief editor of “Buknik” and “Buknik Jr.”, writer and cultural researcher - Sergei Kouznetsov. Organizer: “InformResurs” with the support of the “Buknik Jr.” project
12.00 – 13.00 Practical master class “Doing it with mom”. A program developed at the children's center “Louchik/Sunray”. The purpose of the program – full development of children from 1.5 years. We will show the basic techniques of fine motor skills, sense of rhythm and the development of thinking in children of this age. The developed program is aimed at joint activity between an adult and a child. As a result, a child may acquire knowledge in home environment
13.00 – 14.00 Workshop for parents “Soon to school. Is my child ready?” Presenter: Yana Borisovna Yemgahova, speech therapist at the kindergarten “Louchik/Sunray”. At the workshop parents will learn not only the accepted criteria and standards, but also be able to independently assess the school readiness of their child.
14.00 – 15.00 Master class in clay animation from multi-studio “Palma” at JCC in Nikitskaya. 6 + Organizer: Children's Center Tapuz
Animation training in children's animation studio “Palma” at JCC in Nikitskaya is a big range of work, diverse in form and content. We make cartoons by hand in frame-by-frame photography, processing them on the computer. When creating animation we learn to work in team, master the tools, techniques of artwork, as well as gain first experience of the professional cartoonist. Beginners learn the materials: clay, paints, crayons, pastels, colored paper, different available materials (wire, buttons, pins, etc.) They are learning to use a brush, a pencil, cutting tools. Senior group encounters more complex problems. Head of children's ctudio “Palma” - Anna STOROZHEVA, artist and teacher, member of the Moscow Union of Journalists. Teaching experience – over 20 years. In children's animation more than 10 years. Children's studio of Anna Storozheva counts 9 prizes of the President of Russia in the support of talented young people in cinematography, the Grand Prix, the diplomas of international children's and youth city festivals. Anna Borisovna loves children and her profession, devoting it all her spare time. She is proud that some of her students decided to dedicate their lives with the film industry. At the JCC in Nikitsyay she is teaching from the day of its foundation.
15.00 – 16.00 Theatre in English. Master class “To play means to be” from the children's theater studio “The Globe” at JCC in Nikitskaya. For children over 6 years. Instructor: Martin Cooke (native speaker, UK) The master class will be held in English in free form and consist of dramatic games in improvisation and imagination, which help to learn English easily. Various theater techniques will be used - from classic commedia dell'arte techniques to the most avant-garde. Martin Cooke is a British theater director, poet, performansist, worked for BBC Radio 5 live, as well as on BBC TV with his troupe 'Rough as Guts' in 'theatrumentary' style. Starred in several Russian films and voiced many films, put “Slight pain” by Harold Pinter at Teatr.doc. He is currently an advisor of The English Chamber Theatre in Russia and teaches at the Jewish Cultural Center in Nikitskaya (English through art course for adults / JCC junior drama club “The Globe”)
16.00 – 17.30 Presentation of the project Learning Center LEGO Education. Рассказ о концепции, зарубежном опыте, о том, что нужно, чтобы стать частью этого проекта.
17.30 – 18.30 “Outstanding people in children industry”: Grigory Oster. Organizer: Children’s Center Tapuz
Quarter of Professions (Hall 25)
11.30-13.00. Section 1. Visiting Hospitals and Police station of Masterslavl (5 +)
Big travel of porridge in the body. Examine the way of harmful and useful products in the body on professional dummy.
We catch the culprit by the nose. Make up the photo fit of a suspect, study physiognomic features, learn to be attentive and remember details.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles; write out fines for lack of smiles and reprimand.
13.30-15.00. Section 2. The Police station of Masterslavl: detectives needed (5 +)
Clinical examination at the City Hospital of Masterslavl. Courageous and responsible guys, who want to work in the police, are examined in the hospital and receive the necessary medical certificates.
Investigation leading experts. City policemen conduct master classes for young recruits. Children learn to carry out investigation, work with the evidence and collect fingerprints.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles. Patrolling the streets and learn to comply the rule of law.
15.00-16.30. Section 3. Introduction to the profession of dentist and competition “The most attentive policeman” (5 +)
We protect the teeth. In dental office we are learning to keep teeth healthy.
Criminal is known by the ears. At the Police station we collect clues and analyze distinctive features of the criminal. Competition for the collection of marks.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles. Patrolling the streets and learn to comply the rule of law.
17.00-18.30. Section 4. Opening of the Nurse School and the Study of fingerprints (5 +)
School of nurses. Bathe and diaper babies in the neonatal
What did these items tell? Learn to explore the mysteries of objects by marks left on them.
Patrolling on wheels. Top police officers are involved in the parade on gyrocycles.
School of Children’s Publishers (Hall 16)
11.00 – 12.00 Theme of the lesson: “How to become the most popular blogger in your apartment”. Organizer: “Pink Giraffe” Publisher The children are only able to download ringtones and chat in vkontakte. “Pocket Scientist” and bloggers of “Pink Giraffe” publishers give a master class with children and parents, to tell and show them how to find the most interesting and exciting videos, photos and stories, that will help to win the inviolable authority in the eyes of children and in the meantime to educate them effectively.
12.00 – 13.00 Theme of the lesson: “A colorful book without paint with own hands”. Organizer: “Compass Guide” Publishers and writer Svetlana Proudovskaya Do you know how a book looked 4000 years ago? Do you want, comfortably staying at home, make clay tables, papyrus scroll, birchbark documents or paper accordion? And make your own paper with flowers or dill?
13.00 – 14.00 Theme of the lesson: “Anthropology for children”. Organizer: “Samokat” Publishers and scientific-practical seminar “Children's books read by adults” MGPU. How to deal with an educational series of Rotraut Suzanne Berner “Town”, a lesson for parents, teachers and children. Presenter - Asonova Yekaterina.
14.00 – 15.00 Theme of the lesson: “Magic Journey to Somewhere”. Organizer: “Nastya and Nikita” and Vera Tsaplina, children's author and teacher of the project “School of the Fairy Tale” The School of the Fairy Tale develops fantasy, trains imagination and creates the most real fairy-tales. We invite both children and their parents. Parents in our school play a role of a Very Important Companions of a fabulous teacher. As a result, each student will go home with his/her own tale, and parents will learn the secrets of the most exciting development of oral and written language of the child.
15.00 – 16.00 Theme of the lesson: “Magic Journey to Somewhere”. Organizer: “Nastya and Nikita” and Vera Tsaplina, children's author and teacher of the project “School of the Fairy Tale” The School of the Fairy Tale develops fantasy, trains imagination and creates the most real fairy-tales. We invite both children and their parents. Parents in our school play a role of a Very Important Companions of a fabulous teacher. As a result, each student will go home with his/her own tale, and parents will learn the secrets of the most exciting development of oral and written language of the child.
16.00 – 17.30 Theme of the lesson: “Master Class: What is a Book Award” (Olga Mäeots, Vera Timenchik)
17.30 – 18.30 Theme of the lesson: “Master Class: What is a Book Award” (Olga Mäeots Vera Timenchik)
Professional Forum (Hall 19)
11.00 – 12.00 A quality metropolitan education by the example of the Jewish school. Speaker: Yasinskaya Julia Sergeyevna, Director of school № 1621, a professional philologist, linguist, teacher of English. Winner of the contest “Teacher of the Year in Moscow 2005”, winner of the “Teacher of the third millennium – 2008”, the owner of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education, and public award - the Order “For the benefit of the Fatherland”.
12.00 – 13.00 “What is inclusive education?”. Inclusive education suggests that children with special needs are taught together with ordinary children, or, as experts say, with “normal” children. It is clear why it is important for children with special needs. But how does this affect the normal children? Does it affect their intellectual development? Because it is environment that either motivates or hinders the cognitive activity of the child. This complex subject will be covered by the Director of the center of curative education and differentiated instruction “Our Home”, psychologist Elena Tsyrulnikova.
13.00 – 14.00 “Integrative cooperation of teachers, children with limited health and parents in the correctional Elementary School - Kindergarten of form V, number 1708”. Parent training of remedial work techniques with children from 2 months to 2 years. Ways to work with parents raising a child with severe speech disorders. Non-traditional forms of leisure activities with parents and children
14.00 – 15.00 Round table “Problematic points of the new Law on Education” in cooperation with the Ministry of Education
15.00 – 16.00 Public discussion of the new program for Additional Education
16.00 – 17.30 Theoretical pedagogy in practice: the presentation of the educational system at Montessori school “Apollo” (Leiden, the Netherlands) – a personal approach to teaching, the development of the student with the active cooperation of the parents on the example of the First Leiden School association. Speakers: Peter Johannes and Anna Maria Antonia van Schaik.
17.30 – 18.30 Panel discussion “Modern trends in preschool education”. - Specificity of preschool educational standards in different countries (the Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Russia - brief 2-minutes lectures). Discussion - Bilingual schools and kindergartens - Basics of private educational institutions: Russian-speaking preschools and schools outside of the Russian Federation
Panelists: 1. Johannes Peter, the Netherlands. Author of the lecture: Theoretical pedagogy in practice: the presentation of the educational system at Montessori school “Apollo” (Leiden, the Netherlands) – a personal approach to teaching, the development of the student with the active cooperation of the parents on the example of the First Leiden School association. 2. Anthonia Anna Maria van Schaik, the Netherlands 3. Natalia Baraban, the director of the Pushkin school (the Netherlands) 4. Yulia Elsner, the referent of the project “Schools: Partners for the Future”, Goethe Institute. Can tell us about pre-school educational standards in Germany. 5. Irina Isayeva (Head of the Interregional Montessori Association in Russia) - can tell us about the specifics of pre-school education in Asia (India, Singapore, etc.) 6. Yekaterina Lvovna Koudryavtseva, researcher at the Institute of Foreign Languages and Media Technology at the University of Greifswald (Germany) 7. Tatyana Valerievna Volkova, methodist at South-West Office of Education, Department of Education of the city of Moscow (RF). 8. Hentchel Thomas, chairman of the Association of IKaRuS “Intercultural Communication and the Russian language”, Karlsruhe (Germany) 9. Dmitry Tyutterin, curator of Start Up Festival, director of kindergarten network “Seven Dwarves”, the editor-in-chief of the “Preschool” magazine (Russia) 10. Experts from Denmark (names subject to change). Accreditation: [email protected]
Theatrical Club (Hall 23, 3 rd floor)
11.00 – 12.00 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
12.00 – 13.00 Children's musical play “Cat House”. Director Ivan Pachin. Creative Association 9. A funny interactive show based on the story of Samuel Marshak for adults and children aged over 5 years. Running time: 55 minutes Dear guests, neighbors, friends, and all, all, all those who are over 5 years old!
I am pleased to invite you to a reception in honor of my return from abroad, which will be held at my house at Marshak street, 1, Cat House. The evening entertainments include cotillion and polka, songs, orchestra performances, tasting geraniums, sitting on chairs, many extravagant and pleasant surprises. Please dress smartly, according to the latest fashion trends! Evening promises to be short, but very intense. I'm waiting for you impatiently. Your aunt cat. Meow-meow.
13.00 – 14.00 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
14.00 – 15.00 “Grape berry”, Cossack drama with a happy ending. Organizer: Theatre “Doushegrei” A story about love and loyalty, pride and arrogance, of bravery and recklessness. Based on the Don Cossack tales. Running time - 40 minutes, the age limit - 5 +. The play is made in the genre of folk theater. Dolls are sewn from old patterns. During the play you can hear the Cossack lyrical, travelling, dance songs and a variety of folk instruments.
Moscow folk puppet theater “Doushegrei” was founded in 1997. The performances are based on fairy tales and folklore of various regions of Russia and other countries. Each performance is aimed at immersing the viewer in the atmosphere of a traditional folk life. In theatrical performance one hears authentic songs and tunes of folk instruments. Puppets and glove puppets play within puppet show box or on a stage. Usually the performance is preceded by a brief story about the rites and traditions that will be shown in the play. The play is usually followed by the game program (traditional folk games and dances), as well as by master classes on various kinds of arts and crafts (molding, filament and patchwork dolls, decorative painting, etc.). Theater “Doushegrei” is a participant and award-winner of the annual festival of Vertep theaters, of the festival “Moscow vacation”, of festival of puppet and Vertep theaters in Moscow, Kolomna, Vladimir, participant of the spiritual culture festival “Transfiguration” in Rostov Veliky.
15.00 – 16.00 Cartoons from the Big Cartoon Animation Festival
16.00 – 17.30 The play “The Little Mermaid”. Theatre of sand animation Creative Center 7bioz. “The Little Mermaid” is a favorite from childhood, but quite improbably told tale. We hear the voices of the actors, telling us amazing stories of favorite fairy tales, they are accompanied by the music, filling us with a sense of ease and carrying away into the mysterious world of fairy tales, and at the same time, unfolding before our eyes the incredible sand paintings that appear and disappear as if by magic, by the slight movement of the hands of the artist. All this is taking us through the world of the tale, forcing us to see, hear and feel all of the amazing events that happen to its characters. This magical performance will surely touch every heart.
17.30 – 18.30 The play “Yegory the Brave”. Educated Bear. Puppet show based on Russian folk tales and spiritual poetry of Saint George. Yegory of Russia is honored as a Pastor of wild animals; it is believed that wolves and bears are obedient to his will. And the folk songs say that Yegory baptized wild wolves, birds and various natural elements, and then saved the Russian land from the invasion of a huge snake, having tamed her fierce temper. Now only few people know what wonderful legends of the Holy Yegory were common in our villages. Even less is known how these songs sounded. Performance is shown in a puppet show booth, storytellers light candles, play instruments (psaltery, tambourine, hurdy-gurdy, flute). Director S.Merinov, art director - Sima Pronkina. Running time - 1 hour. For adults and children over 5 years
Start Up Workshops (Hall 22, 3 rd floor)
11.00 – 12.00 A fascinating walk to a museum with your child
12.00 – 13.00 Master class in sand-drawing from the Creative Center 7bioz.
13.00 – 14.00 Master class “Profession – Architect”. Organizer: “Buns do not grow on trees”. Children under the guidance of a professional architect build the city of their dreams: create models of houses, bridges, towers and palaces. Of the created models will grow a real big city!
14.00 – 15.00 Master class “Profession – Architect”. Organizer: “Buns do not grow on trees”.
15.00 – 16.00 Master class “Profession – Architect”. Organizer: “Buns do not grow on trees”.
16.00 – 17.30 “Artists as children and the children as artists”. Master Class. Organizer: Children's Center “Here and There”
17.30 – 18.30 “Art-code. Contemporary art for contemporary children”. Master Class. Organizer: Children's Center “Here and There”
Parents’ Club (Hall 27)
11.00 - 12.00 “How to organize children's parties to make the dreams come true”. Organizer: Educational Centre “Ladoushki”
12.00 – 13.00 “The benefits of studying abroad”. Organizer: International Education Club
13.00 – 14.00 Seminar “The kindergarten, school, new friends – the way your parenting style affects the adaptability of the child” Presenter - Yury Kondratyev, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Unic. Organizer - the “Unic Mama” program
14.00 – 15.00 Within “Science through the game” approach: the project “Art-land”. Workshop for parents and children over 3 years. Organizer: Children's Center Tapuz Art area is a place for active, thoughtful, and, of course, artistic individuals. Here, everyone is interested in everything. All that is converted to an image, all you want to see and show to the others. You are the main character and the masterpiece in this amazing place.
15.00 – 16.00 Within “Science through the game” approach: the project “Art through the eyes of children”. Workshop for parents and children over 2 years old. Organizer: Children's Center Tapuz Here, kids can create their first works of art, looking at reproductions of great masters. The children will get the first preference in painting and graphics - for each child will choose the piece of art he likes best of all, and then, from a variety of materials will choose the right one to create his masterpiece. This workshop provides an opportunity not only to be creative but also to improve color perception, broaden one’s horizons, to develop creative thinking, attention and imagination.
16.00 – 17.30 The project “Experiment, observation, and entertainment” within “Science through the game” approach. Experiments, magic tricks, laboratory experiments for parents and children over 4 years. Organizer: Children's Center Tapuz We'll reveal the secrets of water, air, light, motion, chemical reactions and physical phenomena. Experiments that can be performed easily at home, will help to understand the basics of science and master the secrets of nature. 17.30 – 18.30 Within “Science through the game” approach: the project “Intellectual Literature”. Workshop for parents and children over 3 years. Organizer: Children's Center Tapuz How to make literature close to the child, understandable and interesting, to develop a child's ability to see and read between the lines, grab attention by the written word? Within the workshop - the rhetorical techniques, playing with text and exercises for the development of the “sense of language” and literary taste.
Quarter of Professions (Hall 25)
11.30-13.00. Section 1. Visiting Hospitals and Police station of Masterslavl (5 +)
Big travel of porridge in the body. Examine the way of harmful and useful products in the body on professional dummy.
We catch the culprit by the nose. Make up the photo fit of a suspect, study physiognomic features, learn to be attentive and remember details.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles; write out fines for lack of smiles and reprimand.
13.30-15.00. Section 2. The Police station of Masterslavl: detectives needed (5 +)
Clinical examination at the City Hospital of Masterslavl. Courageous and responsible guys, who want to work in the police, are examined in the hospital and receive the necessary medical certificates.
Investigation leading experts. City policemen conduct master classes for young recruits. Children learn to carry out investigation, work with the evidence and collect fingerprints.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles. Patrolling the streets and learn to comply the rule of law.
15.00-16.30. Section 3. Introduction to the profession of dentist and competition “The most attentive policeman” (5 +)
We protect the teeth. In dental office we are learning to keep teeth healthy.
Criminal is known by the ears. At the Police station we collect clues and analyze distinctive features of the criminal. Competition for the collection of marks.
Patrolling on wheels. Keep order in the streets on gyrocycles. Patrolling the streets and learn to comply the rule of law.
17.00-18.30. Section 4. Opening of the Nurse School and the Study of fingerprints (5 +)
School of nurses. Bathe and diaper babies in the neonatal
What did these items tell? Learn to explore the mysteries of objects by marks left on them.
Patrolling on wheels. Top police officers are involved in the parade on gyrocycles.
School of Children’s Publishers (Hall 16)
11.00 – 12.00 Theme of the lesson: “A colorful book without paint with own hands”. Organizer: “Compass Guide” Publishers and writer Svetlana Proudovskaya Do you know how a book looked 4000 years ago? Do you want, comfortably staying at home, make clay tables, papyrus scroll, birchbark documents or paper accordion? And make your own paper with flowers or dill?
12.00 – 13.00 Theme of the lesson: “Workshop on the series of Oscar Brenifier’s books”. Organizer: Clever Publishers “Kids talk”, “Philosophy in 3D” and “Let's talk”.
13.00 – 14.00 Theme of the lesson: “How to become the most popular blogger in your apartment”. Organizer: “Pink Giraffe” Publisher The children are only able to download ringtones and chat in vkontakte. “Pocket Scientist” and bloggers of “Pink Giraffe” publishers give a master class with children and parents, to tell and show them how to find the most interesting and exciting videos, photos and stories, that will help to win the inviolable authority in the eyes of children and in the meantime to educate them effectively.
14.00 – 15.00 Theme of the lesson: “Encyclopedia of mysterious creatures”. Organizer: ”Nastya and Nikita” and Vera Tsaplina, children's author and teacher of the project “School of the Fairy Tale”
15.00 - 16.00 Theme of the lesson: “Encyclopedia of mysterious creatures”. Organizer: ”Nastya and Nikita” and Vera Tsaplina, children's author and teacher of the project “School of the Fairy Tale”
16.00 – 17.30 Theme of the lesson: “Master Class: What is a Book Award” (Olga Mäeots, Vera Timenchik)
17.30 – 18.30 Theme of the lesson: "Master Class: What is a Book Award" (Olga Mäeots, Vera Timenchik)
Professional Forum (Hall 19) – Day Conference «The University of Life for Moms».
10.30 – 11.30 Source of strength for tired moms (How a mother learns to care about herself). Presenter: Svetlana Goncharova, “1+5 Steps to Order with Children” (Ukraine).
11.30 – 12.30 Easy life with a baby (5 steps to order with children). Presenter: Svetlana Goncharova, “1+5 Steps to Order with Children” (Ukraine).
12.30 – 13.30 How to teach your child to be organized (Time Management for children). Presenter: Svetlana Goncharova, “1+5 Steps to Order with Children” (Ukraine).
13.30 – 14.00 Coffee break
14.00 – 15.00 Have time with the kids! A systematic approach to time-organization. Presenter: Aliona Moroz, the author and director of Internet projects “Have time with the kids!” and Mamalancer.ru, editor in chief of the magazine for parents “Have time with the kids!”, trainer and consultant on time management and personal effectiveness, MBA
15.00 – 16.00 What is your calling? Presenter: Irina Stoyanovskaya, professional trainer and coach for the transformation of life and finding a vocation, an assistant at the Erickson Coaching International, MBA, certified professional coach of the International Academy “Maximum” and the Erickson Coaching International.
16.00 – 17.00 Distance work for moms. New income and career opportunities. Presenter: Aliona Moroz, the author and director of Mamalancer.ru, the exchange of distance work for moms; editor in chief of “Mamalanser.ru - work during the maternity leave and the Internet”, the magazine for moms-freelancers; the organizer of a business incubator to facilitate the development of Internet projects created by mothers, MBA
17.00 – 18.00 Questions and discussion
Attention! It is a temporary variant of the program. Please, follow the information on our web site. Comments and suggestions send to Organizers, we are happy to consider all requests.
Organizer: Central House of Artists 10, Krymsky val str., Moscow Office 165, internal phone 151 Contact: Yelena Lopatina, Tel.: +7 (495) 657-9922, ext.129 E-mail: [email protected] www.startupfair.ru