Team: Psychometric Analysis Team Number: 16 Date: January 31, 2001, 12:30 PM Place: Meeting Room of Davie Hall Attendees: Chris Schenck (DIR), Benjamin Chen (ADMIN), Ian Yuan (PROD), Eric Karlsson (QA).

12:30 PM – Professor Thissen says saw webpage and it seems like we know what the idea behind this project is. He goes or IRT that is Item Response Theory. He draws graphs and shows a multiplication of 2 of them. He goes over a way to get a good approximation of the curves using rectangles to estimate. 12:43 PM - Says one normally gets a list of curves but in this program we got a lost of numbers. Goes over DblList. Talks about constructors and overloading the +, *, /, and more. Says the 2 + and 2 * are different. Says sum function is the integral assuming that the normalization is done correctly, that is the width of the rectangles are correct. 12:51PM – Goes over Objects. Curve is in items which is in test(itemsets) items have traceslines(parameters are taken) and I think he said curves had population distribution. Goes over ItemStuff.h. Variable I represents the Items. Dr. Thissen says they didn’t work by standard programming rules. Says it shortens the program. 1:08 PM – goes over Colums. A means for A of a test. 3.04b. The 3 stand for something like algebra. The 04 is a section of algebra and the b is a section of that. ColItemColr function opens a file counts the number of lines and then closes it. Another routine is called that opens and does stuff. That’s in vod ReadCol in IRTl.cp. It takes the assumption that lines don’t go over 256 chars.