Planning Committee s2

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Planning Committee s2


APPLICATION NO: 04/03071/F WARD RC RECEIVED: 14/01/05 : APPLICANT: Reigate Heath Golf Club AGENT: Gerry Lytle Associates Ltd. LOCATION: GOLF CLUB HOUSE, FLANCHFORD ROAD, REIGATE DESCRIPTION First floor pitched roof extension to rear for new kitchen. New glazed : seating area to front with balcony over. DRAWING NUMBERS: 1034/001, 002, 003 Rev A, 004 Rev B and 005


At the meeting on 16 March 2005, the Committee resolved to defer making a decision to seek the deletion of the conservatory from the application.

The applicant has noted this request and the conservatory no longer forms part of the application. The drawing numbers and the description has been amended in accordance with this change and the submission of amended drawings. The wording of proposed conditions 6 and 7, originally included in the addendum on 16 March, have been revised following discussion with the Club and are now considered to be more consistent with conditions imposed on similar developments within the Green Belt.


Planning permission is GRANTED subject to the conditions in the attached amended report.

D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0af1e6c849dfba91bd1fb01c4cd0f1af.doc COVERING REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING ON 16 MARCH 2005


APPLICATION NO: 04/03071/F WARD RC RECEIVED: 14/01/05 : APPLICANT: Reigate Heath Golf Club AGENT: Gerry Lytle Associates Ltd. LOCATION: GOLF CLUB HOUSE, FLANCHFORD ROAD, REIGATE DESCRIPTION First floor pitched roof extension to rear for new kitchen. New glazed : seating area to front with balcony over. Glazed ground floor lounge extension to northwest elevation DRAWING NUMBERS: 1034/001-005


At the meeting on 23rd February 2005, the Committee resolved to defer making a decision until a site inspection. This took place on 12th March 2005.

A copy of the previous report is appended for reference with the addendum and further comments incorporated in italics. Due to the deferral of the application the period for consultation with English Nature and English Heritage has now expired and a revised recommendation appears below. English Nature has submitted their representations and these are been included in the report in italics. Conditions 6 and 7, relating to a bat survey and measures to prevent pollution during construction, have been added to the report in the light of this additional response. Any further representations, including those from English Heritage will be reported to the meeting.

The amended report also incorporates further advice in the light of the comments made by the Reigate Heath Management Steering Group and the Reigate Society, as previously reported in the addendum and reiterated at a recent meeting of the Steering Group that I attended. I have also considered the Reigate Heath Management Plan, originally drawn up in 1993 and revised in 1999. This sets out the Council’s objectives for the management of land within Reigate Heath, drawn up in consultation with affected landowners and interest groups. In my view the application would not prejudice the implementation of any of the Management Plan’s objectives.


Planning permission is GRANTED subject to the conditions in the attached amended report.



APPLICATION NO: 04/03071/F WARD RC RECEIVED: 14/01/05 : APPLICANT: Reigate Heath Golf Club AGENT: Gerry Lytle Associates Ltd. LOCATION: GOLF CLUB HOUSE, FLANCHFORD ROAD, REIGATE DESCRIPTION First floor pitched roof extension to rear for new kitchen. New glazed : seating area to front with balcony over. Glazed ground floor lounge extension to northwest elevation. DRAWING NUMBERS: 1034/001-005


National planning guidance and Development Plan policies allow for essential facilities for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation, provided that they are genuinely required for those uses, and do not conflict with the purposes of including land in the Green Belt. Local Plan policies also encourage the improvement of sporting facilities.

The proposal is considered to satisfy the requirements of these policies, and would be an appropriate form of development in the Green Belt. It would improve ancillary facilities for the golf club. The extension is well designed and in scale with the existing clubhouse. It would respect the setting of the adjacent listed buildings and be appropriate for the prominent location and in views from the surrounding countryside.


Planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions.

D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0af1e6c849dfba91bd1fb01c4cd0f1af.doc Consultations:

Highway Authority: no objections.

SCC Countryside Officer: no comments received to date.

Conservation Officer: Suggested conditions

SCC Archaeology: no objections

Surrey Archaeological Society: Object due to prominence of site, size of extension and its impact on the setting of a listed building, lack of parking.

English Nature: Request conditions relating to the protection of bats and the protection of grassland and heathland within the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and request that there is no encroachment onto the SSSI by construction vehicles and ancillary equipment.

Reigate Society: Object due to the scale and form of the proposal in the context of the grade II* listed windmill and granaries. The extension, by reason of its scale and prominent location, which can be seen from the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, would also be disproportionate and contrary to the Green Belt, Area of Great Landscape Value, wildlife and recreational policies that apply. It was substantially extended in the 1960's and more recently there has been a profile sheet metal shed erected of somewhat industrial and inappropriate design. The existing car parking also detracts from the character of the locality and the building. An environmental impact study should have been provided under the terms of Policy Pc1. The Society considers that a ‘Master Plan’ would cover these proposals and issues.

Reigate Heath Management Steering Group: Object due to the visual impact on Reigate Heath, which has not been considered; increased pressure on the car parking in the area; question the accuracy of the plans; no information on site, setting, materials, usage, lighting, services; no environmental assessment; no consideration to location within Area of Great Landscape Value, Green Belt, Site of Special Scientific Interest, common land and listed buildings; there is a fear that the extension will dominate the existing clubhouse rather than complement it; the scheme should be considered as part of a development plan for the overall area (including the provision of the green keepers facilities); concern that the extension would encourage more formal use with associated need for extra lighting outside; the historic location of this proposed development has been allowed to become degraded over the years and this would add to the degradation of the area.


Neighbours were notified by a letter dated 18/01/05 and a site notice was posted on 18/01/05. No representations have been received.

1.0 Site and Surroundings

1.1 The application site forms part of Reigate Heath Golf Club, which is a nine-hole course situated within the Metropolitan Green Belt, Area of Great Landscape Value and Site of High Archaeological Potential. The clubhouse is sited in a prominent position to the north-west of Flanchford Road, approximately 92 metres from the highway.

1.2 The area surrounding the clubhouse, but not including it, is also designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0af1e6c849dfba91bd1fb01c4cd0f1af.doc 1.2 The clubhouse currently provides ancillary facilities for the golf course comprising shower and changing facilities, a dining room, kitchen and bar. In addition to the clubhouse there are a small group of outbuildings, including several statutory listed buildings, the nearest being the windmill (now used as a church) and a granary, and a car parking area. Two cottages lie to the south-east of the clubhouse

2.0 Relevant History

2.1 Relevant planning history is as follows:

87/08950/F Single storey rear extension to provide Granted 28/09/87 enlarged toilet and shower facilities

87/90707/F Single storey rear extension to provide Granted 07/03/88 enlarged toilet and shower facilities

3.0 Current Proposal

3.1 This is a full application for a first-floor extension to the rear of the clubhouse to form a new kitchen and office, single-storey extensions to the front of the clubhouse to enlarge two lounge areas and provide a balcony over, and a single-storey side extension to provide a conservatory extension the main lounge bar. This rear extension would be over existing flat roofed single storey areas and the conservatory would stand on an existing paved area. Internal alterations to existing floorspace would create a larger function room, and a committee room. Some ancillary residential accommodation would be lost in these changes.

3.2 Further details of the development are as follows:

Site area 0.437 hectares Existing use Golf clubhouse Existing gross floorspace 428 square metres Proposed gross floorspace 534 square metres Parking spaces 50 spaces Parking standard 30 spaces

4.0 Policy Context

4.1 Local Plan Designation

Metropolitan Green Belt Area of Great Landscape Value Site of High Archaeological Potential Adjacent to listed buildings Adjacent to SSSI and Local Nature Reserve

The land within the bold line around the Golf Club house shown in red is excluded from the SSSI. This line actually coincides with the SSSI exclusion boundary along its northern, eastern and south eastern length. There is also more land excluded from the SSSI to the south west of the red bold line.

D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0af1e6c849dfba91bd1fb01c4cd0f1af.doc 4.2 Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994

Setting and maintenance of the Green Belt Co1 Recreation – Design and Layout Re2 Golf Courses Re9 Area of Great Landscape Value Pc1 Setting of the listed building Pc9 Sites of High Archaeological Potential Pc8 Movement Mo7

4.3 Surrey Structure Plan 2004

The Location of Development LO4 Leisure and Recreation facilities DN13

4.4 Local Plan First Alteration (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000

Setting and maintenance of the Green Belt Co1 Movement Mo7

4.5 Other Material Considerations

Planning Policy Guidance Notes PPG2, PPG17 Supplementary Planning Guidance Surrey Design Local Distinctiveness A Parking Strategy for Surrey Parking Standards for Development Golf Facilities in Surrey 1992 Other Human Rights Act 1998

5.0 Principal Issues

5.1 The main issues to consider are:  Impact on Green Belt, SSSI and landscape  Impact on setting of listed buildings  Neighbour amenity  Access and parking

Impact on the Green Belt, SSSI and Landscape

5.2 The golf course is situated within the Metropolitan Green Belt and Area of Great Landscape Value. PPG2 (Green Belts) states that development within the Green Belt is inappropriate unless it is for a limited range of uses, including ‘essential facilities for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation, for cemeteries, and for other uses of land which preserve the openness of the Green Belt and which do not conflict with the purposes of including land in it.’ The guidance note continues by advising that essential facilities should be genuinely required for the uses of land, which preserve the openness of the Green Belt. PPG17 (Sport and Recreation) states that, ‘in very special circumstances, such (outdoor) sport may require the construction of small ancillary buildings, unobtrusive spectator accommodation, or other essential facilities’. The national advice summarised above is supported by Structure Plan policy DN14 and Local Plan policies Co1 and Re9.

D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0af1e6c849dfba91bd1fb01c4cd0f1af.doc 5.3 Further guidance on what may reasonably be expected in the way of ancillary facilities at golf courses is set out in County Council supplementary planning guidance ‘Guidelines for the development of New Golf Facilities in Surrey 1992. This guidance advises that provision of a clubhouse is regarded as a normal ancillary requirement to a golf course, and that such clubhouses typically include changing facilities, a bar, kitchen and dining room. The guidelines go on to advise that the maximum levels of clubhouse floorspace should not exceed 1670 square metres for a private members golf club.

5.4 The supporting statement submitted with the planning application states that there are inadequacies at the clubhouse, mainly relating to the kitchen/preparation area and the staff rest area. This current situation is considered unacceptable by the Council’s Environmental Health Department and, as such, steps need to be taken to improve the facilities. The golf club also considers that it needs to upgrade its facilities to match those offered by similar golf courses in the area.

5.5 The proposed development would extend the existing clubhouse to a floorspace of 534 square metres, an increase of approximately 100 square metres from that of the existing clubhouse. This would be well within the guidelines issued by Surrey County Council, even taking account of the fact that the course is of nine rather than eighteen holes. The facilities shown to be provided are all ancillary to the operation of the golf club and are considered to be genuinely required within the terms of PPG2 and supplementary planning guidance.

5.6 The extensions are all to the existing clubhouse. The have been well designed and are in scale with the existing building. The development would be located in relatively close proximity to existing outbuildings, which would partially obscure it from some views and, as a result, would help to alleviate any impact on the openness of the Green Belt, or the landscape qualities of Reigate Heath.

5.7 It has been pointed out that the extended building would be visible from public viewpoints, including Colley Hill within the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Many developments, including most of Reigate, are visible from the AONB and the relevant issue is whether this visibility would be harmful. The nearest part of the AONB is 1.2 km away, immediately to the north of the Reading-Tonbridge railway line. I do not believe the extension would be particularly visible from there. Colley Hill is approximately 2 km away from the Club House and whilst the elevated position of viewpoints on Colley Hill may increase visibility of the extensions, the distance would minimise any perceived impact. The extensions would be more visible from the surrounding Reigate Heath although they would mainly be viewed against the existing building. The removal of the existing flat roofed rear extension from sight is to be welcomed.

5.8 Comments have been made about car parking at the clubhouse and utility buildings located to the rear and the Reigate Society and the Reigate Heath management Steering Group have suggested that a master plan should be drawn up to address the surrounding land and buildings. Both organisations have also suggested that an Environmental Impact Assessment should have been undertaken. Whilst a master plan may be a laudable aim, the current proposal does not justify one and the absence of any such plan is not a reason to defer or refuse permission. The same holds true for an EIA, which is not required by law and would be wholly inappropriate for the scale and nature of development proposed. The application contains no proposals that would affect car parking or involve other buildings.

D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0af1e6c849dfba91bd1fb01c4cd0f1af.doc Impact on the Setting of Listed Buildings

5.9 There are several statutory listed buildings in close proximity to the clubhouse, the nearest being a restored windmill and a pair of granaries. The design of the proposed first floor element would an improvement to that of an existing flat roofed single-storey extension, and to that extent would enhance the setting of the listed buildings. The single-storey additions to the front and side of the clubhouse would have little or no impact on the setting of the listed buildings, which lie towards the rear of the site. Conditions can be imposed retaining control over external materials to be used to ensure that the completed development is sympathetic to its surroundings.

5.10 By reason of their limited size and location, I do not believe that the front or side extensions would have any impact upon the setting of the listed buildings. The first floor rear extension would not bring the clubhouse any closer to the listed windmill or the granaries and in the immediate vicinity this would be apparent, as would the undoubted improvement on the existing flat roofed single storey extension. In more distant views the granaries are of limited prominence but the rear extension would reduce the perceived separation between the clubhouse and the listed windmill. However, the windmill is part of a group of buildings and separation is not, of itself, essential to preserve the setting of a listed building and in my view the setting of the windmill would not be harmed by the proposal. Other buildings within the group, including the other listed building, Mill Cottage, are less prominent or more distant and therefore less likely to be affected.

Neighbour Amenity

5.11 All neighbouring properties would be a sufficient distance for there to be no appreciable impact in terms of overshadowing, overbearing or overlooking.

Access and Parking

5.12 No increase is proposed in the parking provision for the club. However, as the size of the golf course at nine holes would not change, it is considered that there is no need to seek additional capacity. It should be noted that the current parking provision is already higher than the current parking guidelines for golf courses.


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. (a) All external joinery including cornicing and balustrading shall be of white painted timber with windows with side hung casements in each opening, or in the case of the new terrace and conservatory vertically sliding sashes with glass glazed roof, all with glazing bars of traditional profile. All later window alterations shall be replaced with windows of the original multi paned painted timber pattern before the extension is occupied. (b) All elevations, including existing, not tilehung shall be roughcast to match existing before the extension is occupied. (c) The roof and tilehanging shall be of handmade sandfaced wealden plain clay tiles with bonnet tiles to hips. (d) The tile hanging shall be of handmade sandfaced wealden decorative clay tiles of pattern to match existing.

D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0af1e6c849dfba91bd1fb01c4cd0f1af.doc (e) All rainwater goods shall be of painted cast metal. This condition must be carried out to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. Any variation must be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences. Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with the detailed design of the proposal in accordance with Pc1 and Re2 of the Borough Local Plan.

3. Before the development hereby committed is commenced within the area of archaeological interest, as defined on the attached plan, the developer shall obtain the Local Planning Authority’s written approval of a scheme of archaeological investigation for the site and the applicants, or their agents or successors in title, shall secure the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with the approved scheme of investigation. Reason: To ensure that any archaeological material is recorded and safeguarded in accordance with policy Pc8 of the Borough Local Plan.

4. Before the development hereby permitted is commenced, detailed specialist surveys shall be carried out to ascertain the presence of bats, a species protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) on the whole site, and the results, together with suggested appropriate protection measures, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. Reason: To comply with the requirements of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).

5. Before the development hereby permitted is commenced, the installation of special water-retaining bunding, with sand to absorb any spillage, should be constructed around relevent parts of the site. Such details should be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To protect the Site of Special Scientific Interest from any construction debris that could harm the grassland and heathland vegetation in the vicinity in accordance with policy Pc2 of the Borough Local Plan.

6. Other than events associated with golf being played at the course, and functions organised for the benefit of the membership and their guests, the clubhouse shall not be used for functions attended by more than 20 people on more than 12 occasions per calendar year. Reason: In the interests of the amenities of adjacent residential properties in accordance with policies Co1, Pc1 and Pc2 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994.

7. Prior to the extensions being brought into use, details of the storage of golf-related equipment and waste bins on the Club’s land outside existing buildings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the surrounding land in accordance with Policies Pc1 and Pc2 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994.

REASON FOR PERMISSION The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan policies LO6, DN14, Co1, Re2, Re9 and Pc1, and material considerations, including third party

D:\Docs\2018-04-29\0af1e6c849dfba91bd1fb01c4cd0f1af.doc representations. It has been concluded that the development is in accordance with the development plan and there are no material considerations that justify refusal in the public interest.


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