Tic Tac Toe Menu

Unit/Theme: The Hobbit

1) There are many parallels 2) Construct a 3-D model 3) Make up your own between The Hobbit and of Bilbo’s hobbit hole, Bilbo Baggins adventure Christianity. Research and Elrond’s homely house, or emulating Tolkien’s style. create a detailed chart that the Lonely Mountain. Your chapter must be identifies and explains at least Carefully read the typed, titled, in MLA 8 of these parallels. It must be descriptions to present an format, and a minimum of typed and in complete accurate model then write 500 words. Your chapter sentences. 2-3 paragraphs explaining must include an adventure Use MLA parenthetical your choices. Paragraphs or encounter with a citations and create an MLA should be typed. creature you have created Works Cited page. (No Shoe Box Models) but fits in Tolkien’s legendarium. 4) Take a scene from the book 5 a) Create a website (with 6) Compose music for and create a Reader’s Theater at least 4 pages) for readers one of the songs Tolkien script to be performed in class of The Hobbit. Possibilities included in The Hobbit. (5-8 minutes). See include graphics, The tune must be OF http://www.aaronshep.com/rt/Tips.ht information about YOUR OWN ml characters/themes/motifs, CREATION. You may for interesting tips and slideshows, etc. Your sing a cappella, play an guidelines. website and all text must instrument, or sing and be original! play. Your performance Scripts should be typed and OR may be videoed in delivered to every character. 5b) Create a computer- advance or performed live generated animation (3-5 minutes). Musical presenting a summary of skill will be heavily the novel, a teaching graded. Write an lesson, or acting of a scene explanation of your (3-5 minutes). choice of tempo, key, instruments, etc. 7) Create a color poster to 8) Choose 1 character from 9) Create a board game advertise the book (Use NO The Hobbit and write a 2-3 based on The Hobbit. You elements from the movie.). minute speech from this will design a box to This poster would hang in a character’s perspective. contain the game, a poster bookstore and entice people to Dress like the character size game board, read the novel. It must be at and deliver the speech to pieces/cards, etc. Write a least ½ size poster board but no the class. You may use detailed rulebook or game more than a full poster board. notecards but rehearse to instructions. The game Fill the entire poster; artwork the point you only glance should be one we can will be graded heavily. Write down periodically. play in class. an explanation of your choices in composition, color, etc. Directions: Choose activities in a tic-tac-toe design. When you have chosen the activities in a row–horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, write your choices in the spaces below. I choose activities ______, ______, and ______.

Write these choices on a sheet of notebook paper and give them to me before you leave class.

Rubrics will be posted on the 9 Gifted page of my website.