AAAI (1988). Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium: Computer Game Playing . AAAI Press

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AAAI (1988). Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium: Computer Game Playing . AAAI Press


Updated till Vol. 29. No. 2 (including ACG8, ACG9, Games in AI Research, ACG10 t/m p. 18) Version: 06 April 2018

AAAI (1988). Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium: Computer Game Playing. AAAI Press.

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Web references We are not aware of publications on Tigers and Goats. Searching the web for Tigers and Goats, or Bagha Chal in various spellings, leads to some web sites that describe the game, e.g., - - - - - - karlonline: - saunalahti: - Structured Query Language is the standard query language of relational databases (Oracle, Informix, Sybase, SQL-Server). There are thousands of sites devoted to SQL including - Portable Game Notation. See ( for the PGN specification. - For the Bristol theme definition and the seminal article about it see: - Tim Krabbé has written his own review of CQL (see item 242 in his chess diary: - The Scid library by Shane Hudson is part of a free chess database. See: - Emil Vlasák,

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