NESACS Board of Directors Meeting

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NESACS Board of Directors Meeting

NESACS Board of Directors Meeting Harvard University Faculty Club Harvard University, Cambridge, MA February 8, 2007

Members in Attendance: M. Burgess, M. Chen, M. Chorghade, D. Cunningham, M. Hoffman, Jin Ji, D. Lewis, R. Lichter, J. Piper, D. Rickter, L. Shao, J. D. Smith, M. Strem and V. Walworth.

The meeting was called to order at 4:25 PM with M. Chorghade in the Chair.

The January 2007 meeting minutes were approved.

Chair’s report: M. Chorghade  Much of the time from mid-January to early February has been spent in providing inputs for the 2006 annual report and exploring needs / vacancies for our committees.  Plans are now complete for the Life Sciences Symposium scheduled for March 30, 2007. A distinguished cast of speakers including Robert Grubbs, Steven Ley, Eric Jacobsen, and Bill Greenlee has now been assembled for the daylong meeting at the Cambridge Royal Sonesta Hotel. Plans are being made for a vendor show and the response from pharmaceutical companies in the area has been extremely enthusiastic.  I will attend a meeting in Washington DC on the 16th February to explore ACS collaboration with the Indian Chemical Society and the hosting of ACS Prospectives conferences in India

Chair-Elect/Program Chair's Report: M. Schwartz (written) 1. Programming. a. The January meeting went smoothly, with about 55 people attending. b. February meeting is tonight. c. The March meeting will be on March 8th at UMass Boston. Mike Wasielewski (2006 National Norris Award winner) is the speaker. There will be a Career Services presentation before the board meeting. d. The April meeting is the Esselen Award. It will be on April 12th at the Harvard Faculty Club. e. The May meeting is Education Night. It will be on May 10th at Northeastern University (Raytheon Amphitheater). Speaker TBA. Please note that the board meeting will begin a half hour early (4PM) to ensure that it is over in time for the reception, etc. (The reception will be at 5:15 PM and dinner will be at 6PM.) f. There will be a long-range planning meeting sometime in mid-July; board members and other interested parties should let me know vacation schedules ASAP so that I can schedule it. g. September is expected to be joint with the Med Chem. group. h. Plans are in train to have a joint meeting, possibly in October, with BRIC (Boston Regional Inorganic Chemists group). i. The November meeting will be the Norris Award Banquet. I believe that it will be at the Harvard Faculty Club.

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j. And December is expected to be joint with the Med Chem. group also. That's the year! 2. I attended the ACS Leaders Conference in Baltimore, January 26-28. It was very informative. I have made contacts with our neighboring sections and there is talk of using the ACS Speaker Service to identify a speaker that more than one of our sections is interested in (for instance, there is a speaker who talks on Colonial Chemistry - that could be extremely interesting). It seems that it might be easier to get a speaker to come up this way if s/he would be doing more than one talk. Vermont and Maine are both interested in this particular one also.

Secretary: M. Singer  No Report

Treasurer: J. Piper  The treasurer’s report and budget for 2007 were presented and accepted by voice vote and acclamation.

Archivist: M. Simon  No Report.  Need to replace Mike was discussed

Trustees: M. Strem  No Report

Councilors:  No Report

Reports From Standing Committees

Local Arrangements: M. Burgess.  Everything is in place tonight. 28 people are expected for dinner.

Board of Publications: Vivian Walworth  The appointment of David Cunningham was proposed by Vivian and approved by the Board.  V. Walworth will be the 2007 Chair.

Nucleus Editor: M. Filosa  No Report

Constitution and Bylaws: C. Costello  No Report

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Membership Committee - M Chen (written)  68 "Welcome New Member" letters were sent on January 4, 2007, there were 36 new members plus 32 transfers to our section.  I have just received 140 new member's address labels from Karen Piper. They will be invited for the March Local Section Meeting.

Nominating Committee: P. Mabrouk  Still need one more person to serve on the committee. The following candidates have been proposed: o Chair-Elect Joe Billo (BC) o Secretary Michael Singer (Sigma Aldrich) o Councilor Tom Gilbert (Northeastern) o Richards Medal Committee Dagmar Ringe (Brandeis), Dan Nocera (MIT), Barry Karger (Northeastern), Peter Jacobi (Dartmouth)

Professional Relations / Career Services Committee: M. Chorghade  I will attend a meeting of the ACS National Career Services and Professional Development Committee in Dallas, Texas on February 9-11

Reports From Special Committees

Report of the Esselen Award Committee: R. Langer (written)  The committee has chosen Dr. Michael A. Marletta to be the recipient of the 2007 Esselen Award. Dr. Marletta currently holds the Aldo DeBenedictus Chair in Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley and is Chair of the Department of Chemistry. Dr. Marletta is widely known for his contributions to nitric oxide biochemistry. His pioneering work provided the required information for the isolation and characterization of NO synthase, a complex redox protein whose structural features he elucidated, demonstrating that the synthase contained a cytochrome P-450 type heme component. Dr. Marletta has spoken in numerous public forums and appeared on Horizon, the BBC equivalent of Nova, in a program called “A Vital Poison.”  The award will be presented at Harvard on April 12, the normal Section meeting day. Dr. Marletta's award lecture is entitled “Nitric Oxide in Biology: From Discovery to Therapeutics."

NCW Report: Christine Jaworek-Lopes (written)  Members of the NCW committee met with 3 representatives of the MOS to discuss the following:  Debriefing of NCW 2006 event;  Planning for the NCW kick-off event on October 21, 2007; o Dr. Bassam Shakhashiri will do one or two shows o To celebrate 20 years of NCW – will have hands-on activities/demos related to different yearly themes

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o slideshow showing pictures of section events over the last 20 years  Planning for students visiting the MOS on October 22, 2007. o Dr. Bassam Shakhashiri will be a key-note speaker o Looking to invite 10-12 local scientists from different arenas (forensics, art conservation, academia, pharmaceutical research, etc) to showcase the theme “The Many Faces of Chemistry” o Students will “interview” these different scientists  Special contest for students participating in this event

Brauner Committee: D. Lewis  No Report

Corporate Fundraising: D. Phillips  Need to get the committee re-staffed.  Want to update the contact list for the general appeal.  Looking to update the fundraising booklet and will make a budget request for printing expenses.

Corporate Fundraising: A. Tapper  A ski trip nighttime event is being planned for February 28th.  The NESACS golf tournament will be held during the National ACS meeting and will be jointly sponsored with the WCC.

Project Seed: P. Mabrouk  No Report

Special Meetings: Meeting with ACS Scholars 2007: R. Lichter In continuing efforts to build connections with the ACS Scholars in the NESACS area, the Section invited the 31 current Scholars to a lunch on 8 February 2007 in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT, where the largest single number of Scholars are enrolled. Also invited were their mentors, representatives of SA chapters, YCC officers, one Scholar alumna, and a few others. The centerpiece of the lunch was the opportunity to meet and speak with that evening's meeting speaker, Ms. Jeannette Brown. The larger purpose was to allow the Scholars to meet each other, and to encourage them to think about ways for the Section to help them achieve their academic and career goals. Ultimately, because of classroom conflicts--some at the last minute--only a small number of Scholars were able to attend. Those present were Scholars Fanny Frausto (MIT) and Beatriz Brando (Harvard); alumna Shanadeen Begay (BU); NESACS YCC Chair Laila Dafik; and YCC member Deniz Yuksel. Ms. Dafik and Ms. Yuksel are grad students at Tufts University. The other three Scholars who had planned to attend did send emails stating that unexpected class conflicts had arisen. NESACS members included Mukund Chorghade, Mort Hoffman, Robert Lichter, Dorothy Phillips, and the evening speaker, Jeannette Brown. A lively

4 of 12 NESACS Board of Directors Meeting Harvard University Faculty Club Harvard University, Cambridge, MA February 8, 2007 discussion ensued, in which both the YCC and the Scholars were encouraged to think about programming for meetings or about other activities that would appeal to their constituencies. The Scholars who were present are going to keep in touch with each other to develop ideas for strengthening linkages among their cohort. Ms. Frausto is interested in starting a SA chapter at MIT. I will stay in touch with them. Several Scholars were at the evening presentation: Beatriz Brando (Harvard, Chemistry), Shirley Lemus Hufstedler (Harvard, Biochemistry), Geneva Trotter (Harvard, Materials Engineering), and James Watts (Harvard, Molecular and Cellular Biology), as well as alumna Shanadeen Begay. Brando and Watts are freshmen, Trotter a sophomore, and Lemus Hufstedler a senior. None of them had known each other, even though Brando and Watts discovered they were taking the same course. The turnout, although small, is encouraging nonetheless, because we’ve at least identified a few from whom we can start to build some connections. These students are all highly articulate and engaged. They represent a long-term resource that can strengthen the Section.

Speaker’s Bureau: Jin Ji  For the last month the Speakers Bureau has been concentrating on promotion and getting its name out. Bureau’s chair Jin Ji published an article in Nucleus January issue about a Science week event that the Speakers Bureau participated in November 2006. Jin Ji is also working closely with one of the bureau members, Pietro Perrone, to update the bureau’s webpage, making it more informative.

Awards Nominations: Doris Lewis and Ruth Tanner  We propose the following as the Northeastern Section nominees:  For The ACS Division of Chemical Education Northeast Region Award for Excellence in High School Teaching: Steve Lantos Coordinating the nomination: Ruth Tanner, Chair, NESACS Chemical Education Committee  For The Northeast Regional Award for Excellence in Volunteer Services: Christine Jaworek-Lopes Coordinating the nomination, Doris Lewis, Chair, Phyllis A. Brauner Memorial Lecture Committee

Old Business:  None

New Business: There was some preliminary discussion about restructuring of some committees, eliminating some committees, which have outlived their original purpose etc. Doris Lewis has provided the following information:

Section 1. The Standing Committees of the Northeastern Section shall be: the Board of Publications, the Program Committee, the Budget Committee, the Membership Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Public Relations Committee, the Committee on Chemistry Education, the Professional Relations

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Committee, the Awards Committee, the Local Arrangements Committee, and the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. The chairs and members of these committees, except as hereinafter provided, shall be appointed by the Chair of the Northeastern Section during the month of January; these appointments shall be subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The Standing Committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee, shall be responsible to the Board of Directors. The Chair of the Northeastern Section shall be a voting member, ex officio, of all Standing Committees, except for the Nominating Committee.

So it appears that Public Service is not a standing committee, and we can do with it, as we would like. I notice that on the annual report form that we must fill out, they ask if we have a government relations committee and will evaluate us on that basis. Since that is the current function of our committee, I suggest it retain its name. It should be moved on the agenda list to the appropriate place. The Public Service Committee, I have realized upon reflection, is the committee with which Phyllis Brauner brought Bassam to Boston, a function we now fulfill with the Brauner Committee and the National Chemistry Week Committee. Thanks to Phyllis, we were ahead of our time in public service; presenting activities to the public before National Chemistry Week (and, before that, National Chemistry Day) were ever thought of. If we should no longer be carrying that committee name, it would not be because we no longer perform that function, but rather have institutionalized it. Assuming the constitutional amendments now being reviewed by the national C&B pass, the Brauner Committee will become a standing committee and we will have come full circle. We will eliminate committees such as Health and Safety. The Brauner Committee and Public Service will be merged

Meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mukund Chorghade NESACS Chair. Acting Secretary

Michael Singer Secretary NESACS

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Notes to the 2007 Budget Proposal 02/08/07 Expense accounts for which budget requests were received are shown. The "From Account" column shows the income accounts which fund the "Offset" expense budget amounts. In the places where there are two numbers, the breakdown is shown below. The budget is in deficit by $15,929 to be made up from cash on hand on December 31.

14 Contributions. This is all corporate giving to the Section. $15,000 is for line 87. 15 Other Program Income. Consists of the offsetting income from Education and YCC activities as noted in expense categories offset by account 15. 21-29 Trustees. Approval of the budget constitutes the approval to transfer the budgeted amounts from the Trust Funds for expenditures as indicated in the expense items. In addition, the National Norris Award will cost about $9,000. 52 Treasurer. $3,800 is for the CPA audits required by Massachusetts and $800 for Treasurer's expenses. 54 Consists of $3500 for a web consultant and $500 for general expenses for the site. 55 Nucleus Budget Request. (Lines 54 and 55 combined)

EXPENSE: Three 16 page issues 13134.00 Four 20 page issues 20180.00 One 24 page issue 5527.00 One 28 page issue 5979.00 National Meeting issue 13038.00 Ballots 2099.00 Ad Manager 12000.00 Business Manager, Piper Ent. 2100.00 Office & Committee expense 1400.00 Website, line 54 4000.00 79457.00 INCOME: Advertising 48000.00 Publications Trust 6000.00 Norris Award Fund (In line 67 budget) 5000.00 General Funds (55) 18457.00 79457.00 58 A new line for fundraising, primarily golf expenses. 60 Education. The Budget request was for $17,175 including $500 for May meeting expenses, $1500 for Undergraduate Day offset by $800 income, $1725 for the Student Research Conf., $1000 for Student Affiliates, $1250 for travel grants for undergraduates, $5200 for Connections to Chemistry partially offset by $2160 of registration fees, $1000 for ACS Scholars, and $5000 for the German Exchange Program. The $5000 was moved to line 87. 17,63 Continuing Education. The $1000 in these lines may be any offsetting amounts. CE has requested that we not assume any profit. 64 Dinner and AV costs 66 Hill Award. The budget funds dinners for guests at the local award plus $1000 for the NOBCChE Hill lectureship. 69 Norris Richards Research Scholars. This budget request includes 4 scholarships at $2750 plus $500 for each of the four institutions and $700 for expenses. The Norris Trust funds two of the awards. 70 Project SEED. The ACS matches student stipends, but the amount here is only the Section's share. 71 Not a medal year.

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72 Includes hourly contracted secretarial services to Piper Enterprises (2006 total was $600). 76 Trustees. Includes $500 for secretarial services by Piper Enterprises. 77 Chair-elect. Travel and registration to leadership meetings. 78 National Chem Week. $2000 is budgeted from the Brauner Trust for an honorarium. 31,79 Summer Programs. As for continuing education, income should offset expenses but ticket prices should be increased to generate a profit. 80 ACS Scholarships. Fourth year of a 4 yr pledge of $2500/yr as voted in 2004. 82 Travel Grants. National pays slightly less than 75% of costs up to a specified maximum. 83 Adm. Secretary to be increased from $29 to $30hr. 86 Younger Chemists. The request includes $3500 for the April Research Conf., $6000 for a career fair, offset by $5000 of income, $300 for a Career Symposium, $8000 for German Exchange, and $1120 for other events. The $8000 was moved to line 87. 87 Jung Chemiker. $13,000 was requested, plus $8000 for YCC and $5000 for Education Committee expenses.

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Northeastern Section American Chemical Society

Save the Date!

NESACS Evening Ski Trip to Nashoba Valley Wednesday, February 28 th , 2007 (Hope for Snow!!!)

Night Skiing, Snow Boarding, and Tubing Followed by Apres Ski ALL are welcome: chemists, significant others, children, and friends!

Group Rates Aduilt Tickets $28 Child Tickets $24 Lessons $25 Ski Rental $22 Snowboard Rental $22 Life / Lesson / Rental $50

Bus transportation will be arranged from the Boston area – cost may depend upon the number of people using the bus.

If you are interested in the event, please contact Marilou Cashman at [email protected] by February 21 so that we have an idea of the number of people attending and those who need transportation.

Nashoba web site:

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