Chapter 10 section 2 The Spanish American War

Name ______

1) When ______unsuccessfully rebelled against Spanish rule in the late 19th century, ______sympathy went out to the ______people.

2) When Spain abolished slavery in Cuba:

3) Cuba was a colony of

4) Cuba is _____ miles from Key West, Florida.

5) Anti-Spain sentiment in Cuba soon erupted into a ______war for Cuba’s ______.

6) This revolt was led by ______. He was a Cuban ______who was exiled in ______.

7. What was Marti’s plan to get America involved?

8. What was “Cuba Libre” compared to?

9. Spain’s response was to send ______. Who came to be known as ______.

10. What did Weyler do to crush the rebellion?

11. What did William Randolph Heart and Joseph Pulitzer do?

12. What was the famous quote made by Hearst?

13. What was the name of the Letter published in the New York Journal?

Who wrote the letter?

What did the letter state? 14. Early in ______, President ______ordered the ______to Cuba.

15. Why was the Maine sent to the Havana harbor?

16. What happened to the Maine?

17. What did Hearst and Pulitzer do?

18. What was the famous rallying cry for U.S. intervention in Cuba?

19. Even though Spain agreed to almost everything the American’s wanted. On ______, McKinley asked Congress for the authority to ______. After a week the U.S. ______.

20. Where did the first battle take place?

21. Who was Emilo Aguinaldo?

22. Who was George Dewey?

What did Dewey’s victory allow?

23. By ______, Spain had surrendered the Philippines to the ______.

25. The U.S. then set up a ______of Cuba.

26. How did the U.S. respond to the war?

What were some of the problems we faced?

27. Who were the Rough Riders?

28. Where did the most famous battle occur?

29. Why is the attack on San Juan Hill remembered?

30. Next the U.S. invaded: 31. The United States and ______signed a ______or a cease-fire agreement, on ______, ending the war.

32. What did Secretary, of State, John Hay, call this war?


33. What decided at the Paris Peace Treaty?




Debate Over the Treaty (pg. 350-351) 34. How did President McKinley defend our action of annexing the Philippines?

What was wrong with his defense?

35. What was the question raised about U.S. annexation and the Declaration of Independence? Chapter 10 sections 3 and 4 notes Name ______

Section 3 Acquiring New Lands 1) Puerto Rico:

Foraker Act:

Insular Cases:

2) Cuba:

Teller Amendment:

Platt Amendment: 1. 2. 3. 4.


3) Philippines:

Designated Zones:

After the war:

4) China:

Open Door Policy (John Hay):

Boxer Rebellion:

Three deeply held American beliefs relating to the Open Door policy:

5) U.S. Territorial Gains: Section 4: America as a World Power

Name______Grade ______1. What were the causes of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905? Why did the Japanese decide on mediation? What prestigious award did Teddy Roosevelt win as a result?

2. List the provisions of the Treaty of Portsmouth.

3. Why did the U. S. want a canal through the Isthmus of Panama?

4. Explain the 2 steps that were taken for the U. S. to acquire and gain control of the land necessary to build the Panama Canal?

5. What was the intent of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?

6. What was its impact on the role of the U. S. in the Western Hemisphere?

7. How were the "Big Stick" and "Dollar" Diplomacies alike?

8. Why did the U. S. intervene in Nicaragua in the early 20th century?

9. Why did President Wilson refuse to recognize General Victoriano Huerta's government?

10. What did Pancho Villa do to anger the U.S.? How did this almost cause war between the U.S. and Mexico?