Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 1: Puzzles and Mysteries Can you always believe what you see? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. group 6. really 11. won’t 16. doesn’t 21. 26. it’ll 29. mustn’t hadn’t 27. who’ll 30. we’d 2. remember 7. front 12. wouldn’t 17. wasn’t 22. 28. might’ve aren’t 3. early 8. horse 13. there’s 18. shouldn’t 23. they’re 4. idea 9. done 14. we’re 19. couldn’t 24. when’s 5. turn 10. living 15. you’re 20. where’s 25. haven’t Vocabulary – Words to Understand appeared – If something appeared, it was seen; it came in sight. bustling – Bustling means to be noisily busy and in a hurry. crumbled – If something crumbled, it fell to pieces. It decayed. escape – To escape means to get out and away; to get free. magician – A magician is a person who entertains by art of skill of creating illusions, especially a sleight of hand. monument – A monument is something set up to honor a person or an event. A monument may be a building, pillar, arch, statue, tomb, or stone.

vanished – If something vanished, it disappeared suddenly.

Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 1: Puzzles and Mysteries Can you always believe what you see? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. group 6. really 11. won’t 16. doesn’t 21. 26. it’ll 29. mustn’t hadn’t 27. who’ll 30. we’d 2. remember 7. front 12. wouldn’t 17. wasn’t 22. 28. might’ve aren’t 3. early 8. horse 13. there’s 18. shouldn’t 23. they’re 4. idea 9. done 14. we’re 19. couldn’t 24. when’s 5. turn 10. living 15. you’re 20. where’s 25. haven’t Vocabulary – Words to Understand appeared – If something appeared, it was seen; it came in sight. bustling – Bustling means to be noisily busy and in a hurry. crumbled – If something crumbled, it fell to pieces. It decayed. escape – To escape means to get out and away; to get free. magician – A magician is a person who entertains by art of skill of creating illusions, especially a sleight of hand. monument – A monument is something set up to honor a person or an event. A monument may be a building, pillar, arch, statue, tomb, or stone.

vanished – If something vanished, it disappeared suddenly.

Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 2: “Escantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon” What can explain animal behavior? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. strong 6. eat 11. eleven 16. tangle 21. spiral 26. strengthen 29. cubicle 2. built 7. true 12. frighten 17. mumble 22. 27. knuckle 30. three- national dimensional 3. perhaps 8. half 13. citizen 18. natural 23. 28. individual several 4. probably 9. become 14. threaten 19. diagonal 24. animal 5. nothing 10. lived 15. single 20. oval 25. marble Vocabulary – Words to Understand aquarium – An aquarium is a building used for showing collections of live fish, water animals, and water plants. dolphins – Dolphins are sea mammals related to the whale but smaller. Dolphins have beaklike snouts and remarkable intelligence. enchanted – If you are enchanted, you are greatly delighted; charmed. flexible – If something is flexible, it can be bent easily; it is not stiff and can bend without breaking. glimpses – Glimpses are short, quick views or looks. pulses – Pulses are regular, measured beats. surface – The surface is the top of the ground or soil or a body of water or other liquid.

Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 2: “Escantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon” What can explain animal behavior? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. strong 6. eat 11. eleven 16. tangle 21. spiral 26. strengthen 29. cubicle 2. built 7. true 12. frighten 17. mumble 22. 27. knuckle 30. three- national dimensional 3. perhaps 8. half 13. citizen 18. natural 23. 28. individual several 4. probably 9. become 14. threaten 19. diagonal 24. animal 5. nothing 10. lived 15. single 20. oval 25. marble Vocabulary – Words to Understand aquarium – An aquarium is a building used for showing collections of live fish, water animals, and water plants. dolphins – Dolphins are sea mammals related to the whale but smaller. Dolphins have beaklike snouts and remarkable intelligence. enchanted – If you are enchanted, you are greatly delighted; charmed. flexible – If something is flexible, it can be bent easily; it is not stiff and can bend without breaking. glimpses – Glimpses are short, quick views or looks. pulses – Pulses are regular, measured beats. surface – The surface is the top of the ground or soil or a body of water or other liquid. Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 3: “The King in the Kitchen” How can a mistake turn into a success? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. complete 6. short 16. regular 21. hangar 26. character 29. spectacular 2. town 7. move 12. popular 17. clever 22. shelter 27. singular 30. binocular 3. kept 8. start 13. center 18. supper 23. cellar 28. receiver 4. area 9. river 14. calendar 19. pitcher 24. caterpillar 5. United States 10. before 15. similar 20. filter 25. theater Vocabulary – Words to Understand duke – A duke is a nobleman of the highest title, ranking just below a prince. dungeon – A dungeon is a dark underground room or cell to hold prisoners. furiously – If something is happening furiously, it is happening with unrestrained energy, speed, etc. genius – A genius is a person having very great natural power of mind. majesty – Majesty is a title used in speaking to or of a king, queen, emperor, empress, etc. noble – A noble is a person who belongs to a high social class because of their birth, rank, or title. peasant – A peasant is a farmer of the working class in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. porridge – Porridge is food made of oatmeal or other grain boiled in water or milk until it thickens.

Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 3: “The King in the Kitchen” How can a mistake turn into a success? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. complete 6. short 16. regular 21. hangar 26. character 29. spectacular 2. town 7. move 12. popular 17. clever 22. shelter 27. singular 30. binocular 3. kept 8. start 13. center 18. supper 23. cellar 28. receiver 4. area 9. river 14. calendar 19. pitcher 24. caterpillar 5. United States 10. before 15. similar 20. filter 25. theater Vocabulary – Words to Understand duke – A duke is a nobleman of the highest title, ranking just below a prince. dungeon – A dungeon is a dark underground room or cell to hold prisoners. furiously – If something is happening furiously, it is happening with unrestrained energy, speed, etc. genius – A genius is a person having very great natural power of mind. majesty – Majesty is a title used in speaking to or of a king, queen, emperor, empress, etc. noble – A noble is a person who belongs to a high social class because of their birth, rank, or title. peasant – A peasant is a farmer of the working class in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. porridge – Porridge is food made of oatmeal or other grain boiled in water or milk until it thickens. Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 4: “Seeker of Knowledge” How can knowing another language create understanding? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. city 6. black 11.village 16. bridge 21. 26. expedition 29. frequent excellent 27. aquarium 30. advantage 2. money 7. face 12. except 17. knowledge 22. 28. inquire exercise 3. order 8. door 13. explain 18. question 23. quart 4. ground 9. table 14. quick 19. equal 24. liquid 5. close 10. inside 15. charge 20. excited 25. expert Vocabulary – Words to Understand ancient – If something is ancient it belongs to a time that has long passed. link – A link is something that joins or connects, as a loop of a chain does. scholars – Scholars are learned people. They are people who have a lot of knowledge. seeker – A seeker is one who tries to find something. A person who searches for something is a seeker. temple – A temple is a building used for the service of worship of God or gods. translate – If you translate something, you change from one language to another. triumph – To triumph is to have victory or success. uncover – To uncover something is to make it known; to reveal or expose it.

Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 4: “Seeker of Knowledge” How can knowing another language create understanding? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. city 6. black 11.village 16. bridge 21. 26. expedition 29. frequent excellent 27. aquarium 30. advantage 2. money 7. face 12. except 17. knowledge 22. 28. inquire exercise 3. order 8. door 13. explain 18. question 23. quart 4. ground 9. table 14. quick 19. equal 24. liquid 5. close 10. inside 15. charge 20. excited 25. expert Vocabulary – Words to Understand ancient – If something is ancient it belongs to a time that has long passed. link – A link is something that joins or connects, as a loop of a chain does. scholars – Scholars are learned people. They are people who have a lot of knowledge. seeker – A seeker is one who tries to find something. A person who searches for something is a seeker. temple – A temple is a building used for the service of worship of God or gods. translate – If you translate something, you change from one language to another. triumph – To triumph is to have victory or success. uncover – To uncover something is to make it known; to reveal or expose it.

Grade 4 Unit 4/Week 5: “Encyclopedia Brown/Case of the Slippery Salamander” How can attention to detail help solve a problem? Spelling Words Challenge Spelling Words 1. surface 6. shown 11. uncertain 16. discount 21. inability 26. disintegrate 29. 2. class 7. mean 12. incomplete 17. indirect 22.disapprove unappetizing 3. stand 8. certain 13. discontinue 18. disrespect 23. unsolved 27. disillusioned 30. intolerant 4. talk 9. stood 14. unaware 19. unimportant 24. disobey 28. unconscious 5. piece 10. anything 15. disorder 20. unlisted 25. unsuspecting Vocabulary – Words to Understand amphibians – Amphibians are cold-blooded animals with backbones and moist, scaleless skin. Their young usually have gills and live in water until they develop lungs for living on land. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are examples of amphibians.

crime – A crime is a violation of the law. Criminals do crimes when they break the law. exhibit – To exhibit something is to display it, especially in a public place. A person could see an art exhibit in an art museum or gallery, for example. lizards– Lizards are reptiles with long bodies and tails, movable eyelids, and usually four legs. Some lizards have no legs and look much like snakes.

reference – A reference is a source of information or help. A dictionary or encyclopedia would be an example of a reference. reptiles – Reptiles are cold-blooded animals with backbones and lungs, usually covered with horny plates or scales. Crocodiles , tortoises , snakes , and lizards are reptiles. salamanders – Salamanders are animals shaped like lizards but are related to frogs and toads. Salamanders have moist smooth skin and live in water or in damp places. stumped – If you are stumped about something, you are puzzled.