Table of Contents s489

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Table of Contents s489



A...... District Authority Home Rule Form, Home Rule Resolution ABE...... District Goals and Objectives (See BK) AC...... School District Grade Levels AD...... District Attendance Areas (See AG) ADA...... School Census AE...... School Year Virtual Schools AEA...... School Calendar (See IKD) AEB...... Extended School Year (See JBD, JBE, JCDA and JDD) Extended School Year Extended Learning Opportunities for Students AF...... School Day AG...... Closing School Buildings (See AD) A Di st ri ct Aut hori ty A

The gover nance of t he di st r ict shall be vest ed in the boar d.

Ho me Rule

The boar d shal l have aut hor i t y t o conduct di st ri ct busi ness wi t hout speci fi c st at ut or y del egat i on. The boar d ma y t ransact all school di st r i ct busi ness and adopt pol i ci es t he boar d deems appr opr i at e t o per f or m it s const it ut i onal dut y to mai nt ai n, devel op and oper at e local publi c school s.


Mr. President, I move the adoption of the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 487, Dickinson

County, Kansas, has determined that the exercise of powers granted by the legislature is of benefit to the board and local patrons; and

WHEREAS, Kansas law authorizes the board to transact all school district business; and

WHEREAS, the board intends to adopt policies that the board deems appropriate to perform its constitutional duty to maintain, develop and operate local public schools; and

WHEREAS, the board acknowledges that the power granted by law shall not be construed to relieve the board from any obligations to comply with state law; and

WHEREAS, the board acknowledges that the powers granted by law and this resolution shall not be construed to relieve any other unit of government of its duties and responsibilities prescribed by law; and

WHEREAS, the board acknowledges that the powers granted by law do not create any responsibility on the part of the district to assume the duties or responsibilities that are required of another unit of government;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Unified School

District No. 487, Dickinson County, Kansas, that the board shall exercise the power granted by law and by this resolution.

ADOPTED by the Board of Education of Unified School District 487, Dickinson County,

Kansas, the _____ day of ______, 20___. ABE Di st ri ct G oal s and Obj ect i ves ( See BK) ABE

The boar d ma y annual l y est abli sh and revi ew l ong- range goal s and obj ect i ves t o gui de di st r ict operat i ons. All di st r i ct personnel shal l di r ect t hei r eff or t s towar d achi evi ng di str i ct goal s and obj ect i ves. The super i ntendent shal l gi ve the boar d per i odi c r epor t s on pr ogr ess made towar ds achi evi ng di str i ct goal s.

The boar d shal l part i ci pate i n l ong- r ange pl anni ng thr ough an annual meet i ng wit h t he super i nt endent and desi gnat ed st aff t o revi ew pr ogress on t he i mpl ement at i on of boar d pri or it i es, ini ti ati ves, and l ong- r ange pl ans. The boar d al so shal l consi der and act upon obj ect i ves and maj or acti vit i es pr oposed b y t he superi nt endent to achi eve dist ri ct goals.

The super i nt endent shal l devel op necessar y pr ocedur es t o i mpl e me nt thi s poli c y.

Appr oved: 10/ 09 AC School Dist ri ct G rade Level s AC

The di str i ct wi ll be or gani zed on a pl an.

{I nsert gr ade spans: ex: K- 5, 6- 8, 9- 12}

Appr oved: 10/ 09 AD Di st ri ct At t endance Areas ( See AG) AD

The boar d shal l r eview school att endance areas ( as needed) and make changes as w arr anted.

The super int endent shal l , annual ly, or as needed, prepar e a w ri tt en r eport f or the board concer ning changes recomm ended for school at tendance areas for t he next school year and t he reasons f or t he r ecomm endat i ons. The boar d shal l consider the r ecom m endat ions f oll owi ng r eceipt of t he r eport . The r ecom mended changes shal l be m ade avail able to distr i ct pat r ons. T he boar d m ay schedul e a publi c heari ng to seek input on t he pr oposed changes.

Appr oved: 10/ 09 ADA School Census ADA

The boar d ma y dir ect the super i ntendent to conduct a census of the f oll owi ng:

 The number of pot enti al student s l ivi ng i n the di st r i ct under the age of 5

ye ar s;

 The nu mber of potent ial student s and pat r ons r esi di ng i n the dist ri ct

bet ween t he ages of 5 and 21;

 The nu mber bet ween the ages of 17 and 21.

The census shall al so obt ai n inf or mat i on r el at ed to t he pl anni ng of t ransport ati on ser vi ces and ot her inf or mat i on t he super i nt endent consi der s necessar y.

Appr oved: 10/ 09 AE School Year AE

The boar d shal l pr ovi de a school yea r consi st i ng of not less t han:

( 1) The mi ni mu m number of st at ut or i l y r equi r ed school da ys f or st udent s

K- 12, consi sti ng of not l ess t han 2 1/ 2 hour s f or ki nder gart en st udent s

and 6 hour s f or st udent s i n gr ades 1- 12; or

( 2) The mi ni mu m number of st at ut or i l y r equi r ed school hours f or st udents

i n gr ades K- 12.

Vi r t ual School s

I f the boar d sponsor s a vi rt ual school , it shal l co mpl y wit h all curr ent r egul ati ons of the Kansas St at e Depar t ment of Educat i on, the school di st ri ct and appli cable st at e l aws.

Appr oved: 10/ 09 AEA School Calendar ( See I KD) AEA

The boar d shal l est abli sh a calendar f or each school year . On or bef or e

{Mar ch 1/_____} of each year, t he superi nt endent shal l present a r ecom m ended school cal endar f or t he next school year . D ist ri ct cust oms, com muni t y int erest, l egal holi days, st af f r ecom m endat ions and ot her r elevant m att ers shall be consider ed. A copy of the curr ent cal endar shall be on f il e i n t he cl er k’ s of fi ce.

Appr oved: 10/ 09 AE B Ext ended School Year (See JB D, JBE, JC DA and JDD ) AEB

Ext ended S chool Year

The boar d may extend t he regul ar academi c year . The super int endent shall be responsibl e for pr epari ng a plan and pr esent ing it to the boar d. The board m ay extend the regul ar l y scheduled academ ic year because of t he f oll owi ng types of ci rcum st ances w hich ar e st ated by way of i ll ust r ati on and not by way of li mi tat ion: adverse weat her condi ti ons, buil di ng m ai nt enance pr oblem s, personnel pr oblem s, publi c healt h r easons, or budget ary probl ems.

Ext ended Learni ng Oppor tuni ti es f or St udent s

The boar d may r equir e extended l ear ni ng oppor tuni ti es for st udents not m eet ing mi nim um academi c requi rem ents as def ined by the boar d. S tudent s m ay be assi gned t o extended academi c sessi ons incl uding, but not li mi ted to:

 befor e- or aft er- school ;  Sat urday school ; or  summ er sessi ons.

Regul ati ons necessary to govern ext ended academ ic sessi ons shal l be r ecom mended by t he super int endent for boar d appr oval. Tr uancy l aws, suspensi on and expul sion pol i ci es and l aw , and al l appr opri ate por ti ons of t he student behavi or code shal l appl y dur ing extended academi c sessi ons.

Appr oved: 10/ 09 AF School Day AF

The boar d shal l est abli sh the ti me of begi nni ng and endi ng the school da y and ot her t i me schedul es.

Appr oved: 10/ 09 AG Cl osi ng School Buil di ngs ( See AD ) AG

Upon request of t he boar d, the super i nt endent shal l pr esent t o the boar d pl ans f or ef f ici ent use of all school at tendance center s. The boar d reser ves t he r i ght to cl ose school buil di ngs as pr ovi ded f or in cur r ent law.

Appr oved: 10/ 09

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