Division of Public Health – Business Associates of Internal Business Associate Summary: 4/14/03

DPH Internal BA Function DPH/DHHS External External Support Agency Support Agency Support State Center Health Statistics Provide DMA with data DPH IT aggregation and analysis (MOU between DPH/DMA). Women’s & Children’s Health – Medicaid prior approval for Office of None None Children & Youth Branch – DMA for mobility devices Controller – Specialized Services Unit (Children’s (MOU between DPH/DMA Purchase of Care Special Health Services) DMA that includes OC function). DIRM and DPH IT Administrative, Local, Community Provides technical assistance DIRM and DPH None None Support Section – Medicaid & liaison to local health IT Reimbursement & Liaison departments regarding Medicaid issues (included in MOUs between DPH and LHDs).

Provides Medicaid cost analysis for DMA (MOU between DPH/DMA). Administrative, Local, Community Provides billing services DIRM and DPH ITS None Support Section – HSIS Business consultation to local health IT Liaison departments, state public health laboratory, DECs) and liaison with DIRM. (included in MOUs between DPH and LHDs). Administrative, Local, Community Provides data processing ITS convenience ITS (per SW Telecommunications vendor (e.g., Support Section – Information services to DPH HCCs and contractors, who HIPAA, telephones, routers) Technology internal BAs. are part of DPH incidental access, Computer hardware maintenance workforce. no MOU vendor per extended warranty. needed). DIRM Need to determine need for BAA or categorize as incidental access similar to ITS services provided.

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Prescription Drug Assistance Program Program marketing, payment PNNC (program is not a “covered entity”) provided via contract with WebMD PNNC. Claims processing Although not a covered entity and provided to PNNC via not a BA of either firm, DPH has contract between PNNC and signed BAA at their request to avoid WebMD disruption of services. Women’s & Children’s Health – Lead agency for NC Health ValueOptions, Inc., provides Children & Youth Branch – Choice for Children (special utilization review and pre- Specialized Services Unit (Children’s needs component). MOU in certifications under contract to Special Health Services) place between DMA/DPH DPH. Status of “covered entity” for Health Choice and BA relationship being determined.

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