International Migration, Australia: a Bibliography

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International Migration, Australia: a Bibliography

International Migration, Australia: a Bibliography

Books Baldassar. L. 2001. Visits Home: Migration Experiences between Italy and Melbourne. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.396 pp.

Betts, K. 1999. The Great Divide: Immigration Politics in Australia. Sydney: Duffy and Snellgrove, pp. 424.

Burnley, I. H. 2001. The Impact of Immigration in Australia: A Demographic Approach. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 388 pp.

Coughlan, J. and D. McNamara (eds.) 1997. Asians in Australia: Patterns of Migration and Settlement. Melbourne: Macmillan. 338 pp.

Jupp, J., ed. 1988. The Australian People: an encyclopedia of the nation, its people and their origins. North Ryde, NSW: Angus and Robertson.

Jupp, J. 2002. From White Australia to Woomera: The Story of Australian Immigration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 242 pp.

Journal articles Abbasi-Shavazi, M.J. and P. McDonald. 2000. Fertility and multiculturalism: immigrant fertility in Australia, 1977-1991. The International Migration Review 34(1): 215-242.

Abbasi-Shavazi, M. and McDonald , P. 2002. "A comparison of fertility patterns of European immigrants in Australia with those in the countries of origin", Genus, 58(1): 53-76.

Betts, K. 1996. Explaining Australian immigration. Journal of the Australian Population Association 13(2): 195-229.

Betts, K. 2000. Immigration: public opinion and opinions about opinion, People and Place, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 60-67

Betts, K. 2001. Boatpeople and public opinion in Australia, People and Place, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 34-48

Betts, K. 2002. Immigration and public opinion: understanding the shift, People and Place, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 24-37

Betts, K. 2002. Boat people and the 2001 election, People and Place, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 36-54

Betts, K. 2003. Birthplace origins of Australia’s immigrants, People and Place, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 37-42 Betts, K. 2003. Immigration policy under the Howard Government, Australian Journal of Social Issues, vol. 38 no. 2, pp. 169-192

Betts, K. 2005. Cosmopolitans and patriots: Australia's cultural divide and attitudes to immigration. People and Place 13 (2): 29-40.

Betts, K. 2005. Migrants' attitudes to immigration in Australia: 1990 to 2004. People and Place 13 (2): 29-40.

Birrell, R. 1985. Immigration and social planning. Journal of the Australian Population Association 2(1): 31-43.

Birrell, R. 1987. The demographic implications in the changes in family reunion regulations. Journal of the Australian Population Association 4(2): 151-156.

Birrell, B.2002. Birthplace: the new political divide, People and Place, vol. 10, no. 4, pp 38-46

Birrell, B. 2003. Immigration policy and the Australian labour market, Economic Papers, vol. 22 no. 1, pp. 36-45

Birrell, B. 2004. Managing international population movement: is the nation state obsolete? People and Place 12 (2): 53-63.

Birrell, B., and Healy E, 2003. Metropolis divided: the political dynamic of spatial inequality and migrant settlement in Sydney, People and Place, vol. 11, no. 2.

Birrell, R. and A. Seitz. 1986. The Myth of Ethnic Inequality in Australian Education. Journal of the Australian Population Association 3(1): 52-74.

Castles, S., Iredale, R. and E. Vasta. 1994. Australian immigration between globalisation and recession. The International Migration Review 28(2): 370.

Chapman, B.J. and R. Iredale. 1993. Immigrant qualifications: Recognition and relative wage outcomes. The International Migration Review 27(2): 359.

Chapman. B. and Cobb-Clark, D. 1999. The relationship between immigration and the short-term employment prospects of unemployed residents, The Economic Record, Vol 75 (231); 358-368.

Cobb-Clark, D. 2000. Do selection criteria make a difference? Visa category and the labour force status of immigrants to Australia, The Economic Record, Vol. 76 (232), pp.15 - 31.

Cobb-Clark, D. 2003. Public policy and the labor market adjustment of new immigrants to Australia, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 16(4), pp. 655-681 Cobb-Clark, D and M Connelly, 1997. The worldwide market for skilled migrants: can Australia compete? International Migration Review, 31(3), pp.130-153.

Cobb-Clark, D., Antecol, H. and Trejo, S., 2003. Immigration policy and the skills of immigrants to Australia, Canada, and the United States, Journal of Human Resources, 38(1), pp. 192 - 218.

Evans, MDR and T. Lukic. 1998. The impact of resources and family-level cultural practices on immigrant women’s workforce participation. Gender Issues 16(4): 52-83.

Freeman, G.P. and B. Birrell. 2001. Divergent paths of immigration politics in the United States and Australia. Population and Development Review 27(3): 525-551.

Giorgas, D. and F.L. Jones. 2002. Intermarriage patterns and social cohesion among first, second and later generation Australians. Journal of Population Research 19(1): 47-64.

Haines, R. and R. Shlomowitz. 1991. Ninteenth Century Government-Assisted and Total Immigration for the United Kingdom to Australia: Annual Estimates by Colony. Journal of the Australian Population Association 8(1): 62.

Horn, R.V. 1993. The validity of Australian ancestry data. Journal of the Australian Population Association 10(2): 119-126.

Hugo, G. 1996. Environmental concerns and international migration. The International Migration Review, 30(1).

Iredale, R and G. Hugo. 1995. Australia’s population and the global links. International Migration Review 29(3).

Iredale, R. 2000. Migration policies for the highly skilled in the Asia-Pacific region. International Migration Review 34(3): 882-907.

Iredale, R. 1997. The impact on school education in New South Wales, Australia. International Migration Review 31(3): 655-669.

Kee, P.K., J. Shu, T. Dang and S.E. Khoo, 1994. People movements between Australia and Asian-Pacific nations: trends, issues and prospects, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 3 (2-3): 311-338.

Khoo, S-E. 1991.Consistency in ancestry reporting between parents and children in the 1986 Census. Journal of the Australian Population Association, 8 (2): 129-139.

Khoo, S-E. 1994. Correlates of welfare dependency among immigrants in Australia, International Migration Review, 28 (1): 68-92. Khoo, S-E. 1995. Language maintenance amongst the second generation, People and Place, 3 (4): 9-12.

Khoo, S-E. and Z. Zhao. 2001. A decomposition of immigrant divorce rates in Australia. Journal of Population Research 18(1): 68-77.

Khoo, S-E. 2002. The context of spouse migration to Australia, International Migration, 39 (1): 111-132.

Khoo, S-E. 2002. Immigration issues in Australia, in G.A. Carmichael with A. Dharmalingam (eds.), Populations of New Zealand and Australia at the Millennium. A joint special issue of the Journal of Population Research and the New Zealand Population Review. Canberra and Wellington: Australian Population Association and Population Association of New Zealand, pp. 67-78.

Khoo,S-E. 2003. Sponsorship of relatives for migration and immigrant settlement intention, International Migration 41(5): 177-200.

Khoo, S.E. 2004. Intermarriage in Australia: patterns by ancestry, gender and generation, People and Place 12 (2): 35-44.

Khoo, S-E. and B. Birrell. 2002. The progress of young people of migrant origin in Australia, People and Place, 10 (2): 30-44.

Khoo, S-E., Kee P-K, T. Dang and J. Shu, 1994. Asian immigrant settlement and adjustment in Australia, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 3 (2-3): 339-372.

Khoo, S-E. and P. McDonald, 2002. Adjusting for change of status in international migration: demographic implications, International Migration, 40 (4): 103-123.

Khoo, S-E., Voigt-Graf, C., Hugo, G. and McDonald, P. 2003. Temporary skilled migration to Australia: the 457 visa sub-class, People and Place, 11(4): 27-40.

Kliewer, E. 1991. Immigrant suicide in Australia, Canada, England and Wales and the United States. Journal of the Australian Population Association 8(2): 111-128.

McDonald, P. S.E. Khoo and R. Kippen, 2003, Alternative net migration estimates for Australia: exploding the myth of a rapid increase in numbers, People and Place, 11(3): 23-36.

McDonald, P. and J. Temple, 2003. International migration and the growth of households in Sydney, People and Place, 11(4): 63-74.

McDonald, P. and Kippen, R. 2002. The impact of long-term visitor migration on projections of Australia’s population, International Migration, 40(4): 125-152. Millbank. A. 2004. World's worst or world's best practice" European reactions to Australia's refugee policy. People and Place 12 (4): 28-37.

Ongley, P. and D. Pearson. 1995. Post-1945 International Migration: New Zealand, Australia and Canada compared. The International Migration Review 29(3): 765.

Osborne, D. 2004. Analysing traveller movement patterns: stated intentions and subsequent behaviour. People and Place 12 (4): 38-41.

Pope, D. 1985. The Trans-Tasman Connection: Facts and Implications of Australia-New Zealand Migration. Journal of the Australian Population Association 2(1): 55-67.

Price, C. 1984. International Migration to and from Australia. Journal of the Australian Population Association 1(Autumn): 9-17.

Price, C.A. 1998. Post-War Immigration: 1947-98. Journal of the Australian Population Association 15(2): 115-129.

Rizvi, A. 2004. Designing and delivering visas. People and Place 12 (2): 45-52.

Rowland, D.T. 1986. Immigration and Ageing. Journal of the Australian Population Association 3(1): 18-26.

Shu J. and L. Hawthorne. 1995. Asian female students in Australia: Temporary movements and student migration. Journal of the Australian Population Association 12(2): 113-130.

Whiteford, P. 1991. Are Immigrants over-represented in the Australian social security system? Journal of the Australian Population Association 8(2): 93-110. Young, C. 1992. Pitfalls in comparing immigrants with the Australian-born population with particular reference to socio-economic status. Journal of the Australian Population Association 9(1): 25-52.

Book chapters Birrell, B. 2003. The management of immigration: patterns of reform. In S_E. Khoo and P. McDonald, (eds.)The Transformation of Australia’s Population 1970-2030, Sydney: UNSW Press, pp. 129-157

Chapman, B and Withers. G. 2001. Human resources development: education and immigration. In John Nieuwenhuysen, J., Mead, M. and Lloyd, P. (eds), Reshaping Australia's Economy: Growth with Equity and Sustainability. Cambridge University Press, Sydney, pp. 242.267. Khoo, S-E. 2003.“A greater diversity of origins. In S.E. Khoo and P. McDonald (eds). The Transformation of Australia’s Population, 1970-2030. Sydney: University of NSW Press, Chapter 7, pp. 158-184.

Khoo, S-E. 2003. Marrying and migrating to Australia: Asian migrants in intracultural and intercultural marriages. Asian MetaCentre Research Paper Series No.8, Chapter 2, pp. 22-38. Singapore: Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis.

McDonald, P. and Kippen, R. 2001. The impact of immigration on the ageing of Australia’s population, in Siddique, M. (ed.), International Migration into the 21st Century, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 153-177.

Government and other publications Alvarado, J. and Creedy, J. 1997. Migration, Population Ageing and Social Expenditure in Australia. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.

Australia Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (MacKellar, M.J.R.). 1978. Australia’s Immigration Policy. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

Australian Population and Immigration Council. 1977. Immigration policies and Australia’s population: a green paper. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

Birrell, R. and National Population Council Migration Committee. 1990. Immigration and housing in the major cities. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

Birrell, R., 1990. The Chains That Bind: Family Reunion Migration to Australia in the 1980s, AGPS, pp 1-57.

Birrell, B, and J. Jupp, 2000. Welfare Recipient Patterns among Migrants. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs.

Birrell, B. and S.E. Khoo, 1995. The Second Generation in Australia: Educational and Occupational Characteristics. Statistical Report No. 14. Canberra: AGPS for the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research. 18 pp.

Birrell. B., I. R. Dobson, V. Rapson, and T. Fred Smith, 2001. Skilled Labour; Gains and Losses. Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, 68 pp.

Birrell. B., I. R. Dobson, V. Rapson, and T. Fred Smith, 2004. Skilled Movement in the New Century: Outcomes for Australia. Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, 103 pp.

Colic-Peisker, V. and F. Tilbury. 2007. Refugees and Employment: The Effect of Visible Difference on Discrimination: Final Report. Perth: Centre for Social & Community Research, Murdoch University. 244 pp. Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, 2004. Population Flows: Immigration Aspects. 2002-03 edition, Canberra.

Hugo, G. 1999. Regional development through immigration? The reality behind the rhetoric. Research Paper 9, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, Parliamentary Library

Hugo, G. 2004. Australia's most recent immigrants. Australian Census Analytic Program, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.

Hugo, G., D. Rudd and K. Harris, 2004. Australia's diaspora: its size, nature and policy implications. CEDA Information Paper No.80, Melbourne.

Khoo, S-E. S. Cook and J. Young. 1994. Immigrant Families: A Statistical Profile. Statistical Report No. 12. Canberra: AGPS for the Bureau of Immigration and Population Research, 44pp.

Khoo, S-E., P. McDonald, D. Giorgas and B. Birrell, 2002. Second Generation Australians. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs. 148 pp

Khoo, S-E. and C.A. Price, 1996. Understanding Australia’s Ethnic Composition. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, 27 pp.

Khoo, S-E. and J. Shu, 1996. Immigrant Family Formation Patterns in Australia. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, 62 pp.

S.E. Khoo and P. McDonald, 2000. Category Jumping: Trends, Demographic Impact and Measurement Issues. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs and Australian Bureau of Statistics, 53pp.

S.E. Khoo, 2000. 1996 Census Community Profile: The Malaysia-Born. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, 44 pp.

S.E. Khoo, 2000. 1996 Census Community Profile: The Philippines-Born. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, 44 pp.

S.E. Khoo and D. Lucas. 2004. Australians' Ancestries 2001. Australian Census Analytic Program Catalogue No. 2054.0. Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Kippen, R. and P. McDonald, 2004. "Can increased immigration be a substitute for low fertility?" People and Place, 12 (3): 18-27.

Lowe, J.. 1990. The Australian Maori Population (Maori ki Ahitereria): a demographic analysis based on 1986 Australian and New Zealand Census Data. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Planning Council. McDonald, P. and Kippen, R. 1999. The impact of immigration on the ageing of Australia’s population, DIMA Discussion Paper. Canberra: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs.

Penny, J. and S.E. Khoo, 1996. Intermarriage: A Study of Migration and Integration. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service for Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research, 225 pp.

Price, C. A. 1975. Australia immigration: a review of the demographic effects of post- war immigration on the Australian population. National Population Inquiry Research Report No. 2. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

Richardson, S. et al. 2004. A comparison of Australia's and Canada's immigration policies and labour market outcomes. Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra.

Tonkin, S. 1993. Initial location decisions of immigrants: results from the longitudinal survey of immigrants to Australia (LSIA) pilot. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

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