PHS 398 (Rev. 06/09), Continuation Page
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CFAR Progress Report Template: Appendix
P30 NONCOMPETING CONTINUATION (Type 5) APPLICATIONS Supplemental Guidance for Applicants using RPPR
USING THE APPENDIX TEMPLATE TO PREPARE YOUR APPLICATION: Save an electronic copy of this template under a different file name Enter your data and information in the areas indicated (black font areas) Edit the header to include the RPPR-assigned Component number for the Appendix Remove all instructions to the preparer (text in red font) Remove this face page Save as a single pdf document* Upload the pdf in section G.1 of the RPPR application
*WHAT TO DO IF A SINGLE APPENDIX DOCUMENT IS TOO LARGE TO UPLOAD Save an electronic copy of this template under two different file names Enter your data and information in the areas indicated (black font areas) o Appendices A-C o Appendices D Edit headers to include the same RPPR-assigned Component number for each Appendix o Component XXXX (Appendix: A-C) o Component XXXX (Appendix: D) Insert an adapted Table of Contents in front of each document o each TOC should include information and page numbers specific to that document Convert to pdfs and upload them in section G.1 of the RPPR application
Revised 10/29/15 Component XXXX (Appendix) APPENDICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix: A A.1: [XXXX] FRB “Allow” tab projects supported by the CFAR...... 2 A.2: Other NIH-funded projects supported by the CFAR...... B B.1: External Advisory Board report...... B.2: Internal Advisory Board report...... C C.1: All Core B activities...... C.2: New Awards: Abstracts and progress reports...... C.3: Active Projects: Progress reports...... C.4: Newly Completed Projects: Summary reports......
D D.1: Core [X] ([Name]) Utilization Table and Other Significant Activities...... D.2: Core [X] ([Name]) Utilization Table and Other Significant Activities...... Note: Each Science Core should appear in its own appendix subsection.
2 Component XXXX (Appendix) The purpose of Appendix A.1 is to document the support (consultation, equipment or space, materials, services, training, and/or other) that the CFAR Cores (B-Z) provided to each project appearing on the most current FRB. This appendix should include one row for each row appearing on the FRB Excel sheet. See Appendix A.1 guidance for “Categories” legend and definitions, Core support legend and definitions, more information, and an example completed table. APPENDIX A.1 [FISCAL YEAR] FRB “Allow” Tab Projects Supported by the CFAR CORES THAT PROVIDED SUPPORT: PI Name Roles* Categories Grant Title C E/S M S T O
* CD=Core Director, CU=Core User [add a legend item for all other abbreviations specific to your CFAR] Component XXXX (Appendix) APPENDIX A.2 The purpose of this appendix is to document the services (consultation, equipment, space, materials, services, training, and/or other) that the CFAR Cores (B, C, D, E, F, etc) provided to NIH-funded projects that did NOT appear on the most current FRB. Information reported in Appendix A.1 and A.2 should not overlap. Do not include NIH-funded projects not supported by any CFAR Core. Do not include any projects not funded by the CFAR Developmental Core or NIH.
See Appendix A.2 guidance for “Categories” legend and definitions, Core support legend and definitions, more information, and an example completed table
Other NIH-funded Projects Supported by the CFAR CORES THAT PROVIDED SUPPORT: PI Name Roles* Categories Grant Title C E/S M S T O
* CD=Core Director, CU=Core User [add a legend item for all other abbreviations specific to your CFAR] Appendix B.1 The purpose of this appendix is to describe the findings of your most recent External Scientific Advisory Committee meeting, if one has been held since the last progress report was submitted. If no meeting of the External Scientific Advisory Committee was held in the current reporting period say so here. Do not include meeting agendas
[Date of meeting]: Members in Attendance: • •
5 Appendix B.2 The purpose of this appendix is to describe the outcome of any major meetings of internal CFAR committees that were established specifically to provide scientific review and advice to the CFAR. For example, your Internal Advisory Board Do not include reports from committees internal to an individual Core If no internal advisory board meetings were held in the current reporting period. Say so here. Do not include meeting agendas or any materials provided as part of the meeting
[Name of Committee] [Date of meeting] Members in Attendance: • •
6 Appendix C.1 – All Core B Activities See Appendix C.1 guidance for more information and example filled out tables.
INTERNAL FUNDING APPLICATIONS AND AWARDS The table below should list projects that have not been included in a previous progress report. INTERNAL AWARDS: NEWLY FUNDED PI(s) Category Mentor Date Awarded Mechanism Title Clinical and/or Regulatory Int’l Clearance Permission Type(s) Required? (Y/N) and Expiration Date
The table below should list applications, received since the last progress report was submitted, that were not funded and describe what actions were subsequently taken. INTERNAL APPLICATIONS: NOT FUNDED Applicant Date Applied Mechanism Title Outcome
The table below should list projects that have been included in a previous progress report and are still active. INTERNAL AWARDS: ACTIVE PI(s) Category Title Clinical and/or Regulatory Int’l Clearance Permission Type(s) Required? and Expiration Date (Y/N)
The table below should list projects that finished their funded activities after the last progress report was submitted. INTERNAL AWARDS: NEWLY COMPLETED PI(s) C Completed Mechanism Title Clinical and/or Regulatory a Int’l Clearance Permission Type(s) Required? (Y/N) and Expiration Date
ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENT APPLICATIONS AND AWARDS The table below should list administrative supplements that have not been included in a previous progress report. 7 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENTS: NEWLY FUNDED PD(s) Category Mentor Awarded Institute Title Clinical and/or Regulatory Int’l Clearance Permission Type(s) Required? (Y/N) and Expiration Date
The table below should list administrative supplement applications that were not funded and describe what actions were subsequently taken. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENT APPLICATIONS: NOT FUNDED Applicant Category Applied Title Outcome
The table below should list projects that have been included in a previous progress report and are still active. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENTS: ACTIVE PI(s) C Completed Title Clinical and/or Regulatory a Int’l Clearance Permission Type(s) Required? (Y/N) and Expiration Date
The table below should list projects that finished their funded activities after the last progress report was submitted. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENTS: NEWLY COMPLETED PI(s) Category Institute Title Clinical and/or Int’l Regulatory Clearance Permission Required? (Y/N) Type(s) and Expiration Date
OTHER CORE B ACTIVITIES The purpose of this subsection is to summarize any other significant activities that Core B engaged in since the last report. The table or tables used to report the information may be formatted in any way that will help you summarize those Core B activities that provided the most value added. Refer to guidance for examples.
Do not attach flyers or RFA announcements Activity
8 9 Appendix C.2 –New Awards The purpose of this appendix is to succinctly describe each newly-funded project reported in Appendix C.1. Follow the required format provided below. Group internal award abstracts by mechanism if your Developmental Core has more than one type of funding mechanism. See Appendix C.2 guidance for more information and examples. C.2.1: NIH Administrative Supplements If no new Admin Supplements were received state that here and erase report format below PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: N/A Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Regulatory Permissions Required: [Choices: None, IRB, IACUC, NIH] Date Report Received:
Progress Report:
10 C.2.2: [Name of Internal Mechanism #1] If no new awards were distributed state that here and erase report format below PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: N/A Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Regulatory Permissions Required: [Choices: None, IRB, IACUC, NIH] Date Report Received:
Progress Report:
11 Erase this page if your CFAR does not have more than one internal funding mechanism C.2.3: [Name of Internal Mechanism #2] If no new awards were distributed state that here and erase report format below PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: N/A Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Regulatory Permissions Required: [Choices: None, IRB, IACUC, NIH] Date Report Received:
Progress Report:
12 13 Appendix C.3 – Active Awards The purpose of this appendix is to provide a succinct update on progress made by active projects (including those operating under no cost extensions) reported in Appendix C.1. Follow the required format provided below. Group internal award abstracts by mechanism if your Developmental Core has more than one type of funding mechanism. See Appendix C.3 guidance for more information and examples.
C.3.1: Active NIH Administrative Supplements If there are no active Admin Supplements state that here and erase report format below PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: N/A Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX OR two line verson below if project had No Cost Extension Original: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX NCE: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Date Report Received:
Progress Report:
14 C.3.2: [Name of Internal Mechanism #1] If there are no active projects state that here and erase report format below PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: N/A Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX OR two line verson below if project had No Cost Extension Original: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX NCE: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Date Report Received:
Progress Report:
15 Erase this page if your CFAR does not have more than one internal funding mechanism C.3.3: [Name of Internal Mechanism #2] If there are no active projects state that here and erase report format below
PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: N/A Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX OR two line verson below if project had No Cost Extension Original: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX NCE: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Date Report Received:
Progress Report:
16 Appendix C.4 – Newly Completed Projects The purpose of Appendix C.4 is to provide a summary report for projects that have completed funded activities since submission of the last progress report. See Appendix C.4 guidance for instructions and examples
C.4.1: Newly Completed NIH Administrative Supplements If no Admin Supplements completed activities in current reporting period state that here and erase report format below
PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: [Date] Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX OR two line verson below if project had No Cost Extension Original: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX NCE: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Regulatory Permissions Required: [Choices: None, IRB, IACUC, NIH] Date report received:
Summary Report:
Future Plans:
Value Added by the CFAR:
17 C.4.2: [Name of Internal Mechanism #1] If no internally funded projects completed activities in current reporting period state that here and erase report format below
PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: [Date] Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX OR two line verson below if project had No Cost Extension Original: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX NCE: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Regulatory Permissions Required: [Choices: None, IRB, IACUC, NIH] Date report received:
Summary Report:
Future Plans:
Value Added by the CFAR:
18 Erase this page if your CFAR does not have more than one internal funding mechanism C.4.3: [Name of Internal Mechanism #2] If no projects completed activities in current reporting period state that here and erase report format below
PI Name, Degree Project Title Funded Activities Completed: [Date] Award: $ Mechanism: Mentor(s): Project Period: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX OR two line verson below if project had No Cost Extension Original: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX NCE: XX/XX/XX – XX/XX/XX Regulatory Permissions Required: [Choices: None, IRB, IACUC, NIH] Date report received:
Summary Report:
Future Plans:
Value Added by the CFAR:
19 Appendix D.[X] – Core [X], [Name] The purpose of this appendix is to describe the support provided for CFAR0- and NIH-funded projects and any other key activities of the Core.
Provide information in two tables: 1) Support for Funded Projects; 2) Other Significant Activities. The time spent (“% Use”) supporting all funded projects and other significant activities should cumulatively equal 100%
See guidance for Appendix D for more instructions and example filled out tables
Core [X] Utilization Table: Support for Funded Projects Investigator Category “Core B” or NIH Title of Project Core Services Provided (location) Grant Number % Use Collaborator (location)
The purpose of the table above is to describe support for Developmental Core-funded and NIH-funded projects. List Developmental Core-funded projects first, followed by NIH Administrative Supplements, followed by NIH-funded projects Put the name of first time core users in italicized font Put the grant number of projects appearing on the most recent FRB in bold face font Do not list projects funded by any other source than NIH or Core B in this table.
Core [X]: Other Significant Activities Type Activity % Use
The purpose of the table above is to describe other activities that took significant amounts of Core time or provided significant value added. Format table as needed to present the information as succinctly and quantitatively as possible