90 Day Summary

Job Seeker Name: Randy Norton

Employer: Matsushita

Job Title: Material Handler

Start Date: July 26, 2005 Hourly Wage: $8.50

Days/Hours Worked Per Week: 40

Benefits: Medical; paid sick/vacation

Long Term Services and Supports: Randy has a hard time knowing when to take breaks and lunch on his own. Eddie and Pete will call to Randy when it is time for breaks and lunch and he goes when they go.

I check in with Randy, his co-workers, the manager and his parents every other week. Due to Randy’s limited verbal communication I make sure to ask others, who see him on a regular basis, how things are going at work as well.

Monthly Summary of Work Site: Randy is working independently on the job. He has natural supports put into place to assist as needed and I check in every other week. Due to the customized nature of his job, the tasks fit his skills & work style. His lack of verbal communication has not been a long term issue, though is part of why I check in regularly in person.

Other Important Information to Know: NA

Schedule for Follow-Up: I will follow up, in person, every other week with Randy, his co-workers, the manager & his parents.

SE Provider Name: Lori Barrett Employment Specialist Signature:

Date: October 27, 2005 Revised June 2010 OVR